def cut(): """ Handles the functionality of the cut page. It cuts the files into various segments depending on the specifications chosen by the user, and sends the text segments. Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually to the browser. """ fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager() if request.method == "GET": # "GET" request occurs when the page is first loaded. if 'cuttingoptions' not in session: session['cuttingoptions'] = constants.DEFAULT_CUT_OPTIONS previews = fileManager.getPreviewsOfActive() return render_template('cut.html', previews=previews, num_active_files=len(previews)) if 'preview' in request.form or 'apply' in request.form: # The 'Preview Cuts' or 'Apply Cuts' button is clicked on cut.html. session_functions.cacheCuttingOptions() savingChanges = True if 'apply' in request.form else False # Saving changes only if apply in request form previews = fileManager.cutFiles(savingChanges=savingChanges) if savingChanges: session_functions.saveFileManager(fileManager) return render_template('cut.html', previews=previews, num_active_files=len(previews)) if 'downloadchunks' in request.form: # The 'Download Segmented Files' button is clicked on cut.html # sends zipped files to downloads folder return fileManager.zipActiveFiles('')
def kmeans(): """ Handles the functionality on the kmeans page. It analyzes the various texts and displays the class label of the files. Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually to the browser. """ fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager() labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels() defaultK = int(len(labels)/2) if request.method == 'GET': # 'GET' request occurs when the page is first loaded session['kmeansdatagenerated'] = False return render_template('kmeans.html', labels=labels, silhouettescore='', kmeansIndex=[], fileNameStr='', fileNumber=len(labels), KValue=0, defaultK=defaultK) if request.method == "POST": # 'POST' request occur when html form is submitted (i.e. 'Get Graphs', 'Download...') session['kmeansdatagenerated'] = True kmeansIndex, silhouetteScore, fileNameStr, KValue = fileManager.generateKMeans() session_functions.saveFileManager(fileManager) return render_template('kmeans.html', labels=labels, silhouettescore=silhouetteScore, kmeansIndex=kmeansIndex, fileNameStr=fileNameStr, fileNumber=len(labels), KValue=KValue, defaultK=defaultK)
def csvgenerator(): """ Handles the functionality on the csvgenerator page. It analyzes the texts to produce and send various frequency matrices. Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually to the browser. """ fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager() if request.method == "GET": # "GET" request occurs when the page is first loaded. if 'csvoptions' not in session: session['csvoptions'] = constants.DEFAULT_CSV_OPTIONS labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels() return render_template('csvgenerator.html', labels=labels) if 'get-csv' in request.form: #The 'Generate and Download Matrix' button is clicked on csvgenerator.html. session_functions.cacheCSVOptions() savePath, fileExtension = fileManager.generateCSV() session_functions.saveFileManager(fileManager) return send_file(savePath, attachment_filename="frequency_matrix"+fileExtension, as_attachment=True)
def hierarchy(): """ Handles the functionality on the hierarchy page. It analyzes the various texts and displays a dendrogram. Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually to the browser. """ fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager() ineq = '≤'.decode('utf-8') if request.method == "GET": # "GET" request occurs when the page is first loaded. # if 'dendrogramoptions' not in session: # Default settings # session['dendrogramoptions'] = constants.DEFAULT_DENDRO_OPTIONS labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels() thresholdOps={} return render_template('hierarchy.html', labels=labels, thresholdOps=thresholdOps) if 'dendro_download' in request.form: # The 'Download Dendrogram' button is clicked on hierarchy.html. # sends pdf file to downloads folder. attachmentname = "den_"+request.form['title']+".pdf" if request.form['title'] != '' else 'dendrogram.pdf' return send_file(pathjoin(session_functions.session_folder(),constants.RESULTS_FOLDER+"dendrogram.pdf"), attachment_filename=attachmentname, as_attachment=True) if 'refreshThreshold' in request.form: pdfPageNumber, score, inconsistentMax, maxclustMax, distanceMax, distanceMin, monocritMax, monocritMin, threshold = fileManager.generateDendrogram() labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels() inconsistentOp="0 " + ineq + " t " + ineq + " " + str(inconsistentMax) maxclustOp= "2 " + ineq + " t " + ineq + " " + str(maxclustMax) distanceOp= str(distanceMin) + " " + ineq + " t " + ineq + " " + str(distanceMax) monocritOp= str(monocritMin) + " " + ineq + " t " + ineq + " " + str(monocritMax) thresholdOps= {"inconsistent": inconsistentOp,"maxclust":maxclustOp,"distance":distanceOp,"monocrit":monocritOp} return render_template('hierarchy.html', labels=labels, inconsistentMax=inconsistentMax, maxclustMax=maxclustMax, distanceMax=distanceMax, distanceMin=distanceMin, monocritMax=monocritMax, monocritMin=monocritMin, threshold=threshold, thresholdOps=thresholdOps, distanceList=distanceList) if 'getdendro' in request.form: #The 'Get Dendrogram' button is clicked on hierarchy.html. pdfPageNumber, score, inconsistentMax, maxclustMax, distanceMax, distanceMin, monocritMax, monocritMin, threshold = fileManager.generateDendrogram() session['dengenerated'] = True labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels() inconsistentOp="0 " + ineq + " t " + ineq + " " + str(inconsistentMax) maxclustOp= "2 " + ineq + " t " + " " + str(maxclustMax) distanceOp= str(distanceMin) + " " + ineq + " t " + ineq + " " + str(distanceMax) monocritOp= str(monocritMin) + " " + ineq + " t " + ineq + " " + str(monocritMax) thresholdOps= {"inconsistent": inconsistentOp,"maxclust":maxclustOp,"distance":distanceOp,"monocrit":monocritOp} session_functions.saveFileManager(fileManager) return render_template('hierarchy.html', labels=labels, pdfPageNumber=pdfPageNumber, score=score, inconsistentMax=inconsistentMax, maxclustMax=maxclustMax, distanceMax=distanceMax, distanceMin=distanceMin, monocritMax=monocritMax, monocritMin=monocritMin, threshold=threshold, thresholdOps=thresholdOps)
def kmeans(): """ Handles the functionality on the kmeans page. It analyzes the various texts and displays the class label of the files. Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually to the browser. """ fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager() labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels() defaultK = int(len(labels) / 2) if 'analyoption' not in session: session['analyoption'] = constants.DEFAULT_ANALIZE_OPTIONS if 'kmeanoption' not in session: session['kmeanoption'] = constants.DEFAULT_KMEAN_OPTIONS if request.method == 'GET': # 'GET' request occurs when the page is first loaded return render_template('kmeans.html', labels=labels, silhouettescore='', kmeansIndex=[], fileNameStr='', fileNumber=len(labels), KValue=0, defaultK=defaultK, colorChartStr='', kmeansdatagenerated=False) if request.method == "POST": # 'POST' request occur when html form is submitted (i.e. 'Get Graphs', 'Download...') if request.form['viz'] == 'PCA': kmeansIndex, silhouetteScore, fileNameStr, KValue, colorChartStr = utility.generateKMeansPCA(fileManager) session_functions.cacheAnalysisOption() session_functions.cacheKmeanOption() session_functions.saveFileManager(fileManager) return render_template('kmeans.html', labels=labels, silhouettescore=silhouetteScore, kmeansIndex=kmeansIndex, fileNameStr=fileNameStr, fileNumber=len(labels), KValue=KValue, defaultK=defaultK, colorChartStr=colorChartStr, kmeansdatagenerated=True) elif request.form['viz'] == 'Voronoi': kmeansIndex, silhouetteScore, fileNameStr, KValue, colorChartStr, finalPointsList, finalCentroidsList, textData, maxVal = utility.generateKMeansVoronoi(fileManager) session_functions.cacheAnalysisOption() session_functions.cacheKmeanOption() session_functions.saveFileManager(fileManager) return render_template('kmeans.html', labels=labels, silhouettescore=silhouetteScore, kmeansIndex=kmeansIndex, fileNameStr=fileNameStr, fileNumber=len(labels), KValue=KValue, defaultK=defaultK, colorChartStr=colorChartStr, finalPointsList=finalPointsList, finalCentroidsList=finalCentroidsList, textData=textData, maxVal=maxVal, kmeansdatagenerated=True)
def select(): """ Handles the functionality of the select page. Its primary role is to activate/deactivate specific files depending on the user's input. Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually to the browser. """ fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager() # Usual loading of the FileManager if request.method == "GET": activePreviews = fileManager.getPreviewsOfActive() inactivePreviews = fileManager.getPreviewsOfInactive() return render_template('select.html', activeFiles=activePreviews, inactiveFiles=inactivePreviews) if 'toggleFile' in request.headers: # Catch-all for any POST request. # On the select page, POSTs come from JavaScript AJAX XHRequests. fileID = int( fileManager.toggleFile(fileID) # Toggle the file from active to inactive or vice versa elif 'setLabel' in request.headers: newLabel = (request.headers['setLabel']).decode('utf-8') fileID = int( fileManager.files[fileID].label = newLabel elif 'disableAll' in request.headers: fileManager.disableAll() elif 'selectAll' in request.headers: fileManager.enableAll() elif 'applyClassLabel' in request.headers: fileManager.classifyActiveFiles() elif 'deleteActive' in request.headers: fileManager.deleteActiveFiles() session_functions.saveFileManager(fileManager) return '' # Return an empty string because you have to return something
def tokenizer(): """ Handles the functionality on the tokenize page. It analyzes the texts to produce and send various frequency matrices. Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually to the browser. """ fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager() if request.method == "GET": # "GET" request occurs when the page is first loaded. if 'csvoptions' not in session: session['csvoptions'] = constants.DEFAULT_CSV_OPTIONS labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels() return render_template('tokenizer.html', labels=labels) if 'gen-csv' in request.form: #The 'Generate and Visualize Matrix' button is clicked on tokenizer.html. DocTermSparseMatrix, countMatrix = fileManager.generateCSVMatrix(roundDecimal=True) countMatrix = zip(*countMatrix) dtm = [] for row in xrange(1,len(countMatrix)): dtm.append(list(countMatrix[row])) matrixTitle = list(countMatrix[0]) matrixTitle[0] = "Token" matrixTitle[0] = matrixTitle[0].encode("utf-8") labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels() session_functions.saveFileManager(fileManager) return render_template('tokenizer.html', labels=labels, matrixData=dtm, matrixTitle=matrixTitle, matrixExist=True) if 'get-csv' in request.form: #The 'Download Matrix' button is clicked on tokenizer.html. session_functions.cacheCSVOptions() savePath, fileExtension = fileManager.generateCSV() session_functions.saveFileManager(fileManager) return send_file(savePath, attachment_filename="frequency_matrix"+fileExtension, as_attachment=True)
def upload(): """ Handles the functionality of the upload page. It uploads files to be used in the current session. Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually to the browser. """ if request.method == "GET": return render_template('upload.html') if 'X_FILENAME' in request.headers: # X_FILENAME is the flag to signify a file upload # File upload through javascript fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager() fileName = request.headers['X_FILENAME'] # Grab the filename, which will be UTF-8 percent-encoded (e.g. '%E7' instead of python's '\xe7') if isinstance(fileName, unicode): # If the filename comes through as unicode fileName = fileName.encode('ascii') # Convert to an ascii string fileName = unquote(fileName).decode('utf-8') # Unquote using urllib's percent-encoding decoder (turns '%E7' into '\xe7'), then deocde it # detect (and apply) the encoding type of the file's contents # since chardet runs slow, initially detect (only) first 500 chars; # if that fails, chardet entire file for a fuller test try: encodingDetect = chardet.detect([:500]) # Detect the encoding from the first 500 characters encodingType = encodingDetect['encoding'] fileString = # Grab the file contents, which were encoded/decoded automatically into python's format except: encodingDetect = chardet.detect( # :( ... ok, detect the encoding from entire file encodingType = encodingDetect['encoding'] fileString = # Grab the file contents, which were encoded/decoded automatically into python's format fileManager.addFile(fileName, fileString) # Add the file to the FileManager session_functions.saveFileManager(fileManager) return 'success'
def scrub(): """ Handles the functionality of the scrub page. It scrubs the files depending on the specifications chosen by the user, with an option to download the scrubbed files. Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually to the browser. """ fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager() if request.method == "GET": # "GET" request occurs when the page is first loaded. if 'scrubbingoptions' not in session: session['scrubbingoptions'] = constants.DEFAULT_SCRUB_OPTIONS previews = fileManager.getPreviewsOfActive() tagsPresent, DOEPresent = fileManager.checkActivesTags() return render_template('scrub.html', previews=previews, haveTags=tagsPresent, haveDOE=DOEPresent) if 'preview' in request.form or 'apply' in request.form: #The 'Preview Scrubbing' or 'Apply Scrubbing' button is clicked on scrub.html. session_functions.cacheAlterationFiles() session_functions.cacheScrubOptions() # saves changes only if 'Apply Scrubbing' button is clicked savingChanges = True if 'apply' in request.form else False previews = fileManager.scrubFiles(savingChanges=savingChanges) tagsPresent, DOEPresent = fileManager.checkActivesTags() if savingChanges: session_functions.saveFileManager(fileManager) return render_template('scrub.html', previews=previews, haveTags=tagsPresent, haveDOE=DOEPresent) if 'download' in request.form: # The 'Download Scrubbed Files' button is clicked on scrub.html. # sends zipped files to downloads folder. return fileManager.zipActiveFiles('')
def tokenizer(): """ Handles the functionality on the tokenizer page. It analyzes the texts to produce and send various frequency matrices. Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually to the browser. """ fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager() if 'analyoption' not in session: session['analyoption'] = constants.DEFAULT_ANALIZE_OPTIONS if 'csvoptions' not in session: session['csvoptions'] = constants.DEFAULT_CSV_OPTIONS if request.method == "GET": # "GET" request occurs when the page is first loaded. labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels() return render_template('tokenizer.html', labels=labels, matrixExist=False) if 'gen-csv' in request.form: # The 'Generate and Visualize Matrix' button is clicked on tokenizer.html. session_functions.cacheAnalysisOption() session_functions.cacheCSVOptions() labels = fileManager.getActiveLabels() matrixTitle, tableStr = utility.generateTokenizeResults(fileManager) session_functions.saveFileManager(fileManager) return render_template('tokenizer.html', labels=labels, matrixTitle=matrixTitle, tableStr=tableStr, matrixExist=True) if 'get-csv' in request.form: # The 'Download Matrix' button is clicked on tokenizer.html. session_functions.cacheAnalysisOption() session_functions.cacheCSVOptions() savePath, fileExtension = utility.generateCSV(fileManager) session_functions.saveFileManager(fileManager) return send_file(savePath, attachment_filename="frequency_matrix" + fileExtension, as_attachment=True)
def upload(): """ Handles the functionality of the upload page. It uploads files to be used in the current session. Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually to the browser. """ if request.method == "GET": return render_template('upload.html', MAX_FILE_SIZE=constants.MAX_FILE_SIZE, MAX_FILE_SIZE_INT=constants.MAX_FILE_SIZE_INT, MAX_FILE_SIZE_UNITS=constants.MAX_FILE_SIZE_UNITS) if 'X_FILENAME' in request.headers: # X_FILENAME is the flag to signify a file upload # File upload through javascript fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager() # --- check file name --- fileName = request.headers[ 'X_FILENAME'] # Grab the filename, which will be UTF-8 percent-encoded (e.g. '%E7' instead of python's '\xe7') if isinstance(fileName, unicode): # If the filename comes through as unicode fileName = fileName.encode('ascii') # Convert to an ascii string fileName = unquote(fileName).decode( 'utf-8') # Unquote using urllib's percent-encoding decoder (turns '%E7' into '\xe7'), then deocde it # --- end check file name --- if fileName.endswith('.lexos'): fileManager.handleUploadWorkSpace() # update filemanager fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager() fileManager.updateWorkspace() else: fileManager.addUploadFile(, fileName) session_functions.saveFileManager(fileManager) return 'success'
def select(): """ Handles the functionality of the select page. Its primary role is to activate/deactivate specific files depending on the user's input. Note: Returns a response object (often a render_template call) to flask and eventually to the browser. """ fileManager = session_functions.loadFileManager() # Usual loading of the FileManager if request.method == "GET": rows = fileManager.getPreviewsOfAll() for row in rows: if row["state"] == True: row["state"] = "DTTT_selected selected" else: row["state"] = "" return render_template('select.html', rows=rows) if 'previewTest' in request.headers: fileID = int( fileLabel = fileManager.files[fileID].label filePreview = fileManager.files[fileID].getPreview() previewVals = {"id": fileID, "label": fileLabel, "previewText": filePreview} import json return json.dumps(previewVals) if 'toggleFile' in request.headers: # Catch-all for any POST request. # On the select page, POSTs come from JavaScript AJAX XHRequests. fileID = int( fileManager.toggleFile(fileID) # Toggle the file from active to inactive or vice versa elif 'setLabel' in request.headers: newName = (request.headers['setLabel']).decode('utf-8') fileID = int( fileManager.files[fileID].setName(newName) fileManager.files[fileID].label = newName elif 'setClass' in request.headers: newClassLabel = (request.headers['setClass']).decode('utf-8') fileID = int( fileManager.files[fileID].setClassLabel(newClassLabel) elif 'disableAll' in request.headers: fileManager.disableAll() elif 'selectAll' in request.headers: fileManager.enableAll() elif 'applyClassLabel' in request.headers: fileManager.classifyActiveFiles() elif 'deleteActive' in request.headers: fileManager.deleteActiveFiles() elif 'deleteRow' in request.headers: fileManager.deleteFiles(request.form.keys()) # delete the file in request.form session_functions.saveFileManager(fileManager) return '' # Return an empty string because you have to return something