Exemple #1
def split_data_set(request):
    pk = request.data['id']
    file = get_object_or_404(File, id=pk)
    df = dataframe_from_file(file.file)
    response = {'training_set': {}, 'test_set': {}, 'error': False}
        training_set, test_set = train_test_split(df, test_size=0.2)
        response = {
            'training_set': format_to_json(pd.DataFrame(training_set)),
            'test_set': format_to_json(pd.DataFrame(test_set)),
            'error': False
    except Exception as e:
        response['error'] = str(e)
    return Response(response)
Exemple #2
def execute_query(request):
    pk = request.data['id']
    file = get_object_or_404(File, id=pk)
    query_string = request.data['query']
    df = dataframe_from_file(file.file)
    results = sqldf(query_string, locals())
    return Response(format_to_json(results))
Exemple #3
def filter_by_columns(request):
    pk = request.data['id']
    file = get_object_or_404(File, id=pk)
    columns = request.data['columns_names'].split(',')
    columns_list = []
    df = dataframe_from_file(file.file)
    if columns and columns[0]:
        for column in columns:
        df = df[columns_list]
    return Response(format_to_json(df))
Exemple #4
def transform(request):
    pk = request.data['id']
    column = request.data['column']
    convert_to = request.data['type']
    file = get_object_or_404(File, id=pk)
    df = dataframe_from_file(file.file)
        df = df.astype({column: convert_to}, errors='ignore')
    except Exception as e:
    return Response(format_to_json(df))
Exemple #5
def search_value(request):
    pk = request.data['id']
    file = get_object_or_404(File, id=pk)
    df = dataframe_from_file(file.file)
    value = request.data['value']
    data = ''
    if value in df.columns:
        data = df[[value]]
    elif value in df.index:
        data = df.loc[[value]]
        data = df[df.isin([value]).any(1)]
    return Response(format_to_json(data))
Exemple #6
def filter_by_columns_and_rows(request):
    pk = request.data['id']
    file = get_object_or_404(File, id=pk)
    df = dataframe_from_file(file.file)
    begin_line = int(
        request.data['beginLine']) if request.data['beginLine'] else ''
    end_line = int(request.data['endLine']) if request.data['endLine'] else ''
    begin_column = int(
        request.data['beginColumn']) if request.data['beginColumn'] else ''
    end_column = int(
        request.data['endColumn']) if request.data['endColumn'] else ''
    last_line = df.shape[0] + 1
    last_column = df.shape[1] + 1
    filtered_data = df
    if (begin_line != '' and
        (begin_line < 0 or begin_line >= last_line - 1)) or (
            end_line != '' and end_line > last_line) or (
                begin_column != '' and
                (begin_column < 0 or begin_column >= last_column - 1)) or (
                    end_column != '' and end_column > last_column):
        return HttpResponse(
            "Indices invalides (Index lignes ou colonnes en dehors de la plage autorisée)"
    if begin_line != '' and end_line != '' and begin_column != '' and end_column != '':
        filtered_data = df.iloc[begin_line:end_line, begin_column:end_column]
    elif begin_line == '' and end_line != '' and begin_column != '' and end_column != '':
        filtered_data = df.iloc[:end_line, begin_column:end_column]
    elif begin_line == '' and end_line == '' and begin_column != '' and end_column != '':
        filtered_data = df.iloc[:, begin_column:end_column]
    elif begin_line == '' and end_line == '' and begin_column == '' and end_column != '':
        filtered_data = df.iloc[:, :end_column]
    elif begin_line != '' and end_line == '' and begin_column == '' and end_column == '':
        filtered_data = df.iloc[begin_line:, :]
    elif begin_line != '' and end_line != '' and begin_column == '' and end_column == '':
        filtered_data = df.iloc[begin_line:end_line, :]
    elif begin_line != '' and end_line != '' and begin_column != '' and end_column == '':
        filtered_data = df.iloc[begin_line:end_line, begin_column:]
    elif begin_line != '' and end_line == '' and begin_column == '' and end_column != '':
        filtered_data = df.iloc[begin_line:, :end_column]
    elif begin_line != '' and end_line != '' and begin_column == '' and end_column != '':
        filtered_data = df.iloc[begin_line:end_line, :end_column]
    elif begin_line != '' and end_line == '' and begin_column != '' and end_column != '':
        filtered_data = df.iloc[begin_line:, begin_column:end_column]
    elif begin_line == '' and end_line != '' and begin_column != '' and end_column == '':
        filtered_data = df.iloc[:end_line, begin_column:]
    elif begin_line != '' and end_line == '' and begin_column != '' and end_column == '':
        filtered_data = df.iloc[begin_line:, begin_column:]
    elif begin_line == '' and end_line != '' and begin_column == '' and end_column != '':
        filtered_data = df.iloc[:end_line, :end_column]
    return HttpResponse(format_to_json(filtered_data))
Exemple #7
def upload(request):
    file = File(file=request.data['file'])
    name, ext = os.path.splitext(file.file.name)
    file.title = name
    df = dataframe_from_file(file.file)
    json_response = {'data': 'Extension non valide'}
    if len(df) != 0:
        json_data = format_to_json(df)
        columns = df.columns.values.tolist()
        json_response = {
            'name': name,
            'data': json_data,
            'path': file.file.url,
            'columnsNames': columns,
            'id': file.id,
            'size': df.size,
            'rows': df.shape[0],
            'columns': df.shape[1],
    return Response(json_response)
Exemple #8
def reset(request):
    pk = request.data['id']
    file = get_object_or_404(File, id=pk)
    df = dataframe_from_file(file.file)
    return Response(format_to_json(df))
Exemple #9
def describe(request):
    pk = request.data['id']
    file = get_object_or_404(File, id=pk)
    df = dataframe_from_file(file.file)
    json_object = format_to_json(df.describe().transpose())
    return Response(json_object)