Exemple #1
def convert(pdf_filename):
    wd = '/tmp'
    number_of_pages = "identify -ping -format %n\n \"{input_file}\"".format(
    number_of_pages = cmd_line_to_args(number_of_pages)
    number = int(
    for i in range(number):
        cmds = [
            "convert -density 300 -crop 158x132+029+142 -quality 00 \"{input_file}[{i}]\" A{i}.png",
            "convert -density 300 -crop 217x117+190+170 -quality 00 \"{input_file}[{i}]\" B{i}.png",
            "convert -density 400 -crop 150x110+420+41  -quality 00 \"{input_file}[{i}]\" C{i}.png",
            "convert +append +repage A{i}.png B{i}.png C{i}.png ABC{i}.png",
            "convert ABC{i}.png -background white -gravity center -extent 566x165 out{i}.png",
        for cmd in cmds:
            cmd = cmd.format(input_file=pdf_filename, i=i)
            cmd = cmd_line_to_args(cmd)
                subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=wd)
            except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
                raise NameError('Could not convert the PDF file: ' + str(e))
    in_files = ' '.join('out{0}.png'.format(i) for i in range(number))
    cmd = "convert {in_files} out.pdf".format(in_files=in_files)
    cmd = cmd_line_to_args(cmd)
    subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=wd)
    return os.path.join(wd, 'out.pdf')
def convert(pdf_filename):
    wd = '/tmp'
    number_of_pages = "identify -ping -format %n\n \"{input_file}\"".format(input_file=pdf_filename)
    number_of_pages = cmd_line_to_args(number_of_pages)
    number = int(subprocess.check_output(number_of_pages, cwd=wd).decode('ascii').split('\n')[0])
    for i in range(number):
        cmds = [
          "convert -density 300 -crop 158x132+029+142 -quality 00 \"{input_file}[{i}]\" A{i}.png",
          "convert -density 300 -crop 217x117+190+170 -quality 00 \"{input_file}[{i}]\" B{i}.png",
          "convert -density 400 -crop 150x110+420+41  -quality 00 \"{input_file}[{i}]\" C{i}.png",
          "convert +append +repage A{i}.png B{i}.png C{i}.png ABC{i}.png",
          "convert ABC{i}.png -background white -gravity center -extent 566x165 out{i}.png",
        for cmd in cmds:
            cmd = cmd.format(input_file=pdf_filename, i=i)
            cmd = cmd_line_to_args(cmd)
                subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=wd)
            except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
                raise NameError('Could not convert the PDF file: ' + str(e))
    in_files = ' '.join('out{0}.png'.format(i) for i in range(number))
    cmd = "convert {in_files} out.pdf".format(in_files=in_files)
    cmd = cmd_line_to_args(cmd)
    subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=wd)
    return os.path.join(wd, 'out.pdf')
Exemple #3
def convert(filename):
    wd = '/tmp'
    cmds = []
    input_file = filename
    if filename.endswith('.pdf'):
        cmds += ['pdfimages -all "{pdf_file}" /tmp/pdfimages']
        input_file = '/tmp/pdfimages-000.png'
    elif filename.endswith('.gif') or filename.endswith('.png'):
        raise NotImplementedError()
    cmds += [
        'convert -rotate 90 -crop 600x300+100+0 "{input_file}" a.png',
        'convert -rotate 90 -crop 600x350+280+358 "{input_file}" b.png',
        'convert -rotate 90 -crop 600x350+0+722 "{input_file}" c.png',
        'convert -rotate 90 -crop 600x346+25+1124 "{input_file}" d.png',
        'convert -rotate 90 -crop 850x350+175+1450 "{input_file}" e.png',
        'convert -append -gravity Center -background white +repage a.png b.png ab.png',
        'convert -append -gravity Center -background white +repage c.png d.png cd.png',
        'convert +append -gravity Center -background white +repage ab.png cd.png e.png output.png',
        'convert -density 300 -set units PixelsPerInch output.png output.pdf',
    for cmd in cmds:
        cmd = cmd.format(input_file=input_file, pdf_file=filename)
        cmd = cmd_line_to_args(cmd)
            logger.debug('running the following command: ' + ' '.join(cmd))
            subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=wd)
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
            raise NameError('Could not convert the PDF file: ' + str(e))
    return os.path.join(wd, 'output.pdf')
Exemple #4
def convert(filename):
    wd = '/tmp'
    cmds = []
    input_file = filename
    if filename.endswith('.pdf'):
        cmds += ['pdfimages -all "{pdf_file}" /tmp/pdfimages']
        input_file = '/tmp/pdfimages-000.png'
    elif filename.endswith('.gif') or filename.endswith('.png'):
        raise NotImplementedError()
    cmds += [
        'convert -crop 588x150+1148+56 "{input_file}" a.png',
        'convert -crop 609x696+1000+200 "{input_file}" b.png',
        'convert -crop 676x480+110+66  "{input_file}" c.png',
        'convert -crop 198x210+290+648 "{input_file}" d.png',
        'convert -crop 676x20+530+906  -rotate 90 "{input_file}" e.png',
        'convert -crop 800x220+530+930 "{input_file}" f.png',
        'convert +append -gravity Center -background white +repage d.png a.png da.png',
        'convert -append -gravity Center -background white +repage da.png c.png dac.png',
        'convert +append -gravity Center -background white +repage dac.png b.png e.png f.png output.png',
        'convert -density 300 -set units PixelsPerInch output.png output.pdf',
    for cmd in cmds:
        cmd = cmd.format(input_file=input_file, pdf_file=filename)
        cmd = cmd_line_to_args(cmd)
            logger.debug('running the following command: ' + ' '.join(cmd))
            subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=wd)
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
            raise NameError('Could not convert the PDF file: ' + str(e))
    return os.path.join(wd, 'output.pdf')
def convert(filename):
    wd = '/tmp'
    cmds = []
    input_file = filename
    if filename.endswith('.pdf'):
        cmds += ['pdfimages -all "{pdf_file}" /tmp/pdfimages']
        input_file = '/tmp/pdfimages-000.png'
    elif filename.endswith('.gif') or filename.endswith('.png'):
        raise NotImplementedError()
    cmds += [
      'convert -rotate 90 -crop 600x300+100+0 "{input_file}" a.png',
      'convert -rotate 90 -crop 600x350+280+358 "{input_file}" b.png',
      'convert -rotate 90 -crop 600x350+0+722 "{input_file}" c.png',
      'convert -rotate 90 -crop 600x346+25+1124 "{input_file}" d.png',
      'convert -rotate 90 -crop 850x350+175+1450 "{input_file}" e.png',
      'convert -append -gravity Center -background white +repage a.png b.png ab.png',
      'convert -append -gravity Center -background white +repage c.png d.png cd.png',
      'convert +append -gravity Center -background white +repage ab.png cd.png e.png output.png',
      'convert -density 300 -set units PixelsPerInch output.png output.pdf',
    for cmd in cmds:
        cmd = cmd.format(input_file=input_file, pdf_file=filename)
        cmd = cmd_line_to_args(cmd)
            logger.debug('running the following command: ' + ' '.join(cmd))
            subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=wd)
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
            raise NameError('Could not convert the PDF file: ' + str(e))
    return os.path.join(wd, 'output.pdf')
def convert(filename):
    wd = '/tmp'
    cmds = []
    input_file = filename
    if filename.endswith('.pdf'):
        cmds += ['pdfimages -all "{pdf_file}" /tmp/pdfimages']
        input_file = '/tmp/pdfimages-000.png'
    elif filename.endswith('.gif') or filename.endswith('.png'):
        raise NotImplementedError()
    cmds += [
      'convert -crop 588x150+1148+56 "{input_file}" a.png',
      'convert -crop 609x696+1000+200 "{input_file}" b.png',
      'convert -crop 676x480+110+66  "{input_file}" c.png',
      'convert -crop 198x210+290+648 "{input_file}" d.png',
      'convert -crop 676x20+530+906  -rotate 90 "{input_file}" e.png',
      'convert -crop 800x220+530+930 "{input_file}" f.png',
      'convert +append -gravity Center -background white +repage d.png a.png da.png',
      'convert -append -gravity Center -background white +repage da.png c.png dac.png',
      'convert +append -gravity Center -background white +repage dac.png b.png e.png f.png output.png',
      'convert -density 300 -set units PixelsPerInch output.png output.pdf',
    for cmd in cmds:
        cmd = cmd.format(input_file=input_file, pdf_file=filename)
        cmd = cmd_line_to_args(cmd)
            logger.debug('running the following command: ' + ' '.join(cmd))
            subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=wd)
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
            raise NameError('Could not convert the PDF file: ' + str(e))
    return os.path.join(wd, 'output.pdf')
Exemple #7
def render(pdf_filename, wd='/tmp', density = 72):

    ret = {'success': False, 'pages': [], 'pdf': pdf_filename}

    # get info on pages
    cmd = 'gm identify -verbose -density {density} "{pdf}"'
    cmd = cmd.format(pdf=pdf_filename, density=density)
    args = cmd_line_to_args(cmd)
        info_text = subprocess.check_output(args, cwd=wd).decode('utf-8')
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
        logger.error("Running the command '{}' failed with the return code {}.".format(cmd, e.returncode))
        return ret
    size_matcher = re.compile(r'\s*Geometry:\s+(?P<size>(\d+(\.\d*)?)x(\d+(\.\d*)?))')
    page_sizes = [match[0].split('x') for match in size_matcher.findall(info_text)]
    page_sizes = [(float(size[0]), float(size[1])) for size in page_sizes] # parse floats
    page_sizes = [(size[0] / density * 25.4, size[1] / density * 25.4) for size in page_sizes] # dots to mm
    num_pages = len(page_sizes)

    # render pages
    cmd = """
    gm convert            \
       -verbose           \
       -density {density} \
       -quality 00        \
       -sharpen 0x1.0     \
       +adjoin            \
       "{pdf}"            \
    """.replace('\n', ' ')
    cmd = cmd.format(pdf=pdf_filename, density=density, outfile_tpl='single%03d.png')
    args = cmd_line_to_args(cmd)
        subprocess.check_call(args, cwd=wd)
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
        logger.error("Running the command '{}' failed with the return code {}.".format(' '.join(cmd), e.returncode))
        return ret
    for i in range(num_pages):
        img_file = os.path.join(wd, 'single{:03d}.png'.format(i))
        ret['pages'].append({'size': page_sizes[i], 'img_file': img_file})
    ret['success'] = True

    return ret
def convert(pdf_filename):
    wd = '/tmp'
    resolution = 300
    cmds = [
      'convert -rotate 90 -crop 1170x688+1658+160 -quality 00 -density 270 "{input_file}" A.png',
      'convert -rotate 90 -crop  810x115+1700+850 -quality 00 -density 270 "{input_file}" B.png',
      'convert -rotate 90 -crop 560x696+1815+1207 -quality 00 -density 250 "{input_file}" C.png',
      'composite -geometry +49+575 B.png A.png AB.png',
      'convert +append +repage AB.png C.png out.png',
      'convert -density 300 out.png out.pdf',
    for cmd in cmds:
        cmd = cmd.format(input_file=pdf_filename)
        cmd = cmd_line_to_args(cmd)
            subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=wd)
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
            raise NameError('Could not convert the PDF file: ' + str(e))
    return os.path.join(wd, 'out.pdf')
def convert(pdf_filename, variant='normal'):
    wd = '/tmp'
    resolution = 300
    if variant == 'normal':
        cmds = [
          'convert -crop 1130x586+1750+168 -quality 00 -density 270 "{input_file}" A.png',
          'convert -crop 1130x595+1750+751 -quality 00 -density 270 "{input_file}" B.png',
          'convert -crop 1046x667+1620+1244 -quality 00 -density 250 "{input_file}" C.png',
          'convert +append +repage A.png B.png C.png out.png',
          'convert -density 300 out.png out.pdf',
    elif variant == 'old':
        cmds = [
          'convert -rotate 90 -crop 1170x688+1658+160 -quality 00 -density 270 "{input_file}" A.png',
          'convert -rotate 90 -crop  810x115+1700+850 -quality 00 -density 270 "{input_file}" B.png',
          'convert -rotate 90 -crop 560x696+1815+1207 -quality 00 -density 250 "{input_file}" C.png',
          'composite -geometry +49+575 B.png A.png AB.png',
          'convert +append +repage AB.png C.png out.png',
          'convert -density 300 out.png out.pdf',
    elif variant == 'extended':
        cmds = [
          'convert -rotate 90 -crop 1270x634+1880+180  -quality 00 -density 300 "{input_file}" A.png',
          'convert -rotate 90 -crop 1270x650+1880+811  -quality 00 -density 300 "{input_file}" B.png',
          'convert -rotate 90 -crop 1240x696+1895+1550 -quality 00 -density 300 "{input_file}" C.png',
          'convert +append +repage A.png B.png AB.png',
          'convert +append +repage AB.png C.png out.png',
          'convert -density 300 out.png out.pdf',
        raise ValueError('unknown variant: ' + str(variant))
    for cmd in cmds:
        cmd = cmd.format(input_file=pdf_filename)
        cmd = cmd_line_to_args(cmd)
            subprocess.check_call(cmd, cwd=wd)
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
            raise NameError('Could not convert the PDF file: ' + str(e))
    return os.path.join(wd, 'out.pdf')