def test_create_auto_test_suite(basic, test_client, logged_in, describe): course, assig_id, teacher, student = basic with describe('setup'), logged_in(teacher): test = helpers.create_auto_test(test_client, assig_id, 1, 0) rubric = test_client.req('put', f'/api/v1/assignments/{assig_id}/rubrics/', 200, data=helpers.get_simple_rubric()) set_id = test['sets'][0]['id'] url = f'/api/v1/auto_tests/{test["id"]}' with describe('students should not be able to create suite'), logged_in( student): test_client.req('patch', f'{url}/sets/{set_id}/suites/', 403) with describe('No suite should be created'), logged_in(teacher): test_client.req('get', url, 200, result=test) with describe('teachers should be able to create empty suites'), logged_in( teacher): test_client.req('patch', f'{url}/sets/{set_id}/suites/', 200, data={ 'steps': [], 'rubric_row_id': rubric[0]['id'], 'network_disabled': False, }) test_client.req( 'get', url, 200, { **test, 'sets': [{ **test['sets'][0], 'suites': [{ 'id': int, 'rubric_row': { **rubric[0], 'locked': 'auto_test' }, 'network_disabled': False, 'steps': [], # This is set in the 'command_time_limit': 3, }], }] }) with describe('rubric rows cannot be connected to two suites'), logged_in( teacher): test_client.req('patch', f'{url}/sets/{set_id}/suites/', 409, data={ 'steps': [], 'rubric_row_id': rubric[0]['id'], 'network_disabled': False, })
def test_get_runs_internal_api(test_client, describe, app, session, basic, logged_in): with describe('Get runs without password'): test_client.req('get', '/api/v-internal/auto_tests/', 400) with describe('Get runs when there are no runs'): test_client.req('get', '/api/v-internal/auto_tests/?get=tests_to_run', 204, headers={ 'CG-Internal-Api-Password': app.config['AUTO_TEST_PASSWORD'] }) with describe('setup'): run = m.AutoTestRun(started_date=None, auto_test=m.AutoTest()) session.add(run) course, assig_id, teacher, student = basic with logged_in(teacher): test = helpers.create_auto_test(test_client, assig_id) run = m.AutoTestRun(started_date=None, auto_test_id=test['id'], is_continuous_feedback_run=True) session.commit() with describe('With runs but with failing broker'): test_client.req('get', '/api/v-internal/auto_tests/?get=tests_to_run', 204, headers={ 'CG-Internal-Api-Password': app.config['AUTO_TEST_PASSWORD'] })
def make_assig(*args, **kwargs): hidden = kwargs.pop('has_hidden', False) with logged_in(admin_user): assig_id = create_assignment(*args, **kwargs)['id'] create_auto_test(test_client, assig_id, has_hidden_steps=hidden) assig = m.Assignment.query.get(assig_id) run = m.AutoTestRun(_job_id=uuid.uuid4(), auto_test=assig.auto_test, batch_run_done=False) session.add(run) session.commit() with logged_in(admin_user): sub_id = create_submission(test_client,['id'] assert is not None session.add( m.AutoTestResult(final_result=False, work_id=sub_id, session.commit() return assig
def test_delete_auto_test(basic, test_client, logged_in, describe): with describe('setup'): course, assig_id, teacher, student = basic with logged_in(teacher): test = helpers.create_auto_test(test_client, assig_id) url = f'/api/v1/auto_tests/{test["id"]}' with describe('Students cannot delete auto tests'): with logged_in(student): test_client.req('delete', url, 403) with logged_in(teacher): test_client.req('get', url, 200, result=test) with describe('Teachers can delete auto tests'), logged_in(teacher): test_client.req('delete', url, 204) test_client.req('get', url, 404)
def test_hidden_steps(describe, test_client, logged_in, session, basic): with describe('setup'): course, assig_id, teacher, student = basic with logged_in(teacher): test = helpers.create_auto_test(test_client, assig_id) for step in m.AutoTestStepBase.query: step.hidden = True session.commit() test_client.req('patch', f'/api/v1/assignments/{assig_id}', 200, data={'state': 'done'}) url = f'/api/v1/auto_tests/{test["id"]}' with describe('student cannot see hidden test'): with logged_in(student): step = { 'id': int, 'name': str, 'type': str, 'weight': float, 'hidden': True, 'data': { '?inputs?': list }, } test_client.req('get', url, 200, result={ '__allow_extra__': True, 'sets': [{ '__allow_extra__': True, 'suites': [{ '__allow_extra__': True, 'steps': [step] * 4 }], }], })
def test_view_auto_test(basic, test_client, logged_in, describe): with describe('setup'): course, assig_id, teacher, student = basic with logged_in(teacher): test = helpers.create_auto_test(test_client, assig_id) url = f'/api/v1/auto_tests/{test["id"]}' def update_state(state): with logged_in(teacher): test_client.req('patch', f'/api/v1/assignments/{assig_id}', 200, data={'state': state}) update_state('open') with describe('Students cannot see auto test before deadline'), logged_in( student): test_client.req('get', url, 403) test_client.req( 'get', f'/api/v1/assignments/{assig_id}', 200, result={ '__allow_extra__': True, # You are allowed to see the id. 'auto_test_id': test['id'], }) with describe('Students can se auto test after deadline'): update_state('done') with logged_in(student): test_client.req('get', url, 200, result=test) test_client.req('get', f'/api/v1/assignments/{assig_id}', 200, result={ '__allow_extra__': True, 'auto_test_id': test['id'], })
def test_create_auto_test_set(basic, test_client, logged_in, describe): with describe('setup'): course, assig_id, teacher, student = basic with logged_in(teacher): test = helpers.create_auto_test(test_client, assig_id, 0, 0) rubric = test_client.req( 'put', f'/api/v1/assignments/{assig_id}/rubrics/', 200, data=helpers.get_simple_rubric()) url = f'/api/v1/auto_tests/{test["id"]}' with describe('Students cannot create suites'), logged_in(student): test_client.req('post', f'{url}/sets/', 403) with describe('No set should be created'), logged_in(teacher): test_client.req('get', url, 200, result=test) with describe('Teacher can create sets'), logged_in(teacher): test_client.req('post', f'{url}/sets/', 200) with describe('Created sets should have correct default values'): test_client.req('get', url, 200, result={ **test, 'sets': [ *test['sets'], { 'id': int, 'suites': [], 'stop_points': 0 } ], })
def test_getting_fixture_no_permission(describe, basic, logged_in, test_client, session, app): with describe('setup'): course, assig_id, teacher, student = basic with logged_in(teacher): test = helpers.create_auto_test( test_client, assig_id, amount_sets=2, amount_suites=2, amount_fixtures=1, stop_points=[0.5, None], grade_calculation='partial', ) session.commit() fixture = m.AutoTestFixture.query.first() test_client.req( 'get', '/api/v-internal/auto_tests/{}/fixtures/{}'.format( fixture.auto_test_id,, 403, headers={'CG-Internal-Api-Password': app.config['AUTO_TEST_PASSWORD']})
def test_update_locked_rubric(session, basic, test_client, logged_in, describe, app): with describe('setup'): course, assig_id, teacher, student = basic rubric_data = helpers.get_simple_rubric() with logged_in(teacher): rubric = test_client.req( 'put', f'/api/v1/assignments/{assig_id}/rubrics/', 200, data=rubric_data) items = [ row.items[0].id for row in m.RubricRow.query.filter_by(assignment_id=assig_id) ] test_client.req('patch', f'/api/v1/assignments/{assig_id}', 200, data={'state': 'open'}) with logged_in(student): work = helpers.create_submission(test_client, assig_id) with describe('can update non locked rubric rows'): with logged_in(teacher): test_client.req('patch', f'/api/v1/submissions/{work["id"]}/rubricitems/', 204, data={'items': items}) with describe('cannot update locked rubric rows'): with logged_in(teacher): test_id = helpers.create_auto_test(test_client, assig_id, 0, 0, grade_calculation='full')['id'] set_id = test_client.req('post', f'/api/v1/auto_tests/{test_id}/sets/', 200)['id'] _, res = test_client.req( 'patch', f'/api/v1/auto_tests/{test_id}/sets/{set_id}/suites/', 200, data={ 'steps': [helpers.get_auto_test_io_step()], 'rubric_row_id': rubric[0]['id'], 'network_disabled': True, }, include_response=True, ) assert 'Warning' in res.headers # This does not fail as we post the same item test_client.req('patch', f'/api/v1/submissions/{work["id"]}/rubricitems/', 204, data={'items': items}) items = [ row.items[1].id for row in m.RubricRow.query.filter_by(assignment_id=assig_id) ] # This does not work as the item has changed test_client.req('patch', f'/api/v1/submissions/{work["id"]}/rubricitems/', 400, data={'items': items}) with describe('cannot delete locked rubric rows'), logged_in(teacher): res = test_client.req('put', f'/api/v1/assignments/{assig_id}/rubrics/', 400, data={'rows': []}) assert 'cannot delete a locked' in res['message'] with describe('cannot delete a rubric with locked rows'), logged_in( teacher): res = test_client.req( 'delete', f'/api/v1/assignments/{assig_id}/rubrics/', 409, ) assert 'cannot delete a rubric with locked' in res['message'] with describe('cannot delete items from locked rubric row after run' ), logged_in(teacher): print(rubric) rubric_data = {'rows': rubric} old_rubric_data = copy.deepcopy(rubric_data) rubric_data['rows'][0]['items'].pop() # Before should work rubric = test_client.req('put', f'/api/v1/assignments/{assig_id}/rubrics/', 200, data=rubric_data) with app.test_request_context('/non_existing', {}): assig = m.Assignment.query.get(assig_id) assig.auto_test.start_test_run() session.commit() err = test_client.req('put', f'/api/v1/assignments/{assig_id}/rubrics/', 400, data=old_rubric_data) assert 'No items can be added or deleted' in err['message']
def test_update_auto_test_set(basic, test_client, logged_in, describe): test = set_id = suite_url = suite = url = None def update_test(): with logged_in(teacher): nonlocal test, set_id, suite, suite_url, url old_test = test test = test_client.req('get', url, 200) assert test['id'] == old_test['id'] set_id = test['sets'][0]['id'] assert old_test['sets'][0]['id'] == set_id suite = test['sets'][0]['suites'][0] suite_url = f'{url}/sets/{set_id}/suites/' def update_suite(**new_data): test_client.req('patch', suite_url, new_data.pop('error', 200), data={ **suite, 'rubric_row_id': suite['rubric_row']['id'], **new_data, }) update_test() def update_set(**new_data): test_client.req('patch', f'{url}/sets/{set_id}', new_data.pop('error', 200), data={ **test['sets'][0], **new_data, }) update_test() with describe('setup'): course, assig_id, teacher, student = basic with logged_in(teacher): test = helpers.create_auto_test(test_client, assig_id) url = f'/api/v1/auto_tests/{test["id"]}' update_test() with describe('update stop points'), logged_in(teacher): update_set(stop_points=-1, error=400) update_set(stop_points=23, error=400) update_set(stop_points=0.5) assert test['sets'][0]['stop_points'] == 0.5 with describe('Set internet can be enabled and disabled'), logged_in( teacher): update_suite(network_disabled=False) assert suite['network_disabled'] is False update_suite(network_disabled=True) assert suite['network_disabled'] is True with describe('Remove steps'), logged_in(teacher): assert suite['steps'] update_suite(steps=[]) assert suite['steps'] == [] with describe('Add new step'), logged_in(teacher): update_suite(steps=[helpers.get_auto_test_run_program_step()]) assert suite['steps'][0]['type'] == 'run_program' assert isinstance(suite['steps'][0]['id'], int) with describe('Unknown step types result in a 404'), logged_in(teacher): old_steps = suite['steps'] update_suite( steps=[{ **helpers.get_auto_test_io_step(), 'type': 'UNKOWN' }], error=400, ) assert suite['steps'] == old_steps with describe('Cannot change the type of a step'), logged_in(teacher): old_steps = suite['steps'] update_suite(steps=[{**old_steps[0], 'type': 'io_test'}], error=404) assert suite['steps'] == old_steps with describe('Cannot set the time limit to < 1'), logged_in(teacher): update_suite(command_time_limit=2, error=200) assert suite['command_time_limit'] == 2 update_suite(command_time_limit=0.5, error=400) assert suite['command_time_limit'] == 2 update_suite(command_time_limit=-1, error=400) assert suite['command_time_limit'] == 2 update_suite(command_time_limit=20, error=200) assert suite['command_time_limit'] == 20 with describe('delete suite'), logged_in(teacher): test_client.req('delete', f'{suite_url}{suite["id"]}', 204) test_client.req('get', url, 200, result={ 'sets': [{ '__allow_extra__': True, 'suites': [] }], '__allow_extra__': True, }) with describe('delete set'), logged_in(teacher): test_client.req('delete', f'{url}/sets/{set_id}', 204) test_client.req('get', url, 200, result={ 'sets': [], '__allow_extra__': True })
def test_run_auto_test(monkeypatch_celery, monkeypatch_broker, basic, test_client, logged_in, describe, live_server, lxc_stub, monkeypatch, app, session, stub_function_class, assert_similar, monkeypatch_for_run): tmpdir = None with describe('setup'): course, assig_id, teacher, student1 = basic student2 = helpers.create_user_with_role(session, 'Student', [course]) with logged_in(teacher): test = helpers.create_auto_test( test_client, assig_id, amount_sets=2, amount_suites=2, amount_fixtures=1, stop_points=[0.5, None], grade_calculation='partial', ) test_client.req('patch', f'/api/v1/assignments/{assig_id}', 200, data={'state': 'open'}) url = f'/api/v1/auto_tests/{test["id"]}' _run_student = psef.auto_test._run_student monkeypatch.setattr(psef.auto_test, '_get_home_dir', stub_function_class(lambda: tmpdir)) def next_student(*args, **kwargs): nonlocal tmpdir with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir: tmpdir = tdir for inner in ['/student', '/fixtures']: shutil.copytree(upper_tmpdir + inner, tdir + inner) return _run_student(*args, **kwargs) monkeypatch.setattr(psef.auto_test, '_run_student', next_student) with logged_in(student1): work1 = helpers.create_submission(test_client, assig_id) with logged_in(teacher): test_client.req('patch', f'/api/v1/submissions/{work1["id"]}', 200, data={'grade': 5.0}) with logged_in(student2): prog = """ import sys if len(sys.argv) > 1: print("hello {}!".format(sys.argv[1])) else: print("hello stranger!") """ work2 = helpers.create_submission( test_client, assig_id, submission_data=(io.BytesIO(dedent(prog).encode()), '')) with describe( 'start_auto_test'), tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as upper_tmpdir: tmpdir = upper_tmpdir t = m.AutoTest.query.get(test['id']) with logged_in(teacher): test_client.req('post', f'{url}/runs/', 200, data={ 'continuous_feedback_run': False, }) session.commit() run = t.test_run live_server_url = live_server() psef.auto_test.start_polling(app.config, repeat=False) with logged_in(teacher, yield_token=True) as token: response = requests.get( f'{live_server_url}{url}/runs/{}', headers={'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}'}) response.raise_for_status() assert_similar( response.json(), { 'id':, 'created_at': str, 'state': 'done', 'results': [object, object], 'setup_stderr': str, 'setup_stdout': str, 'is_continuous': False, }) res1 = session.query( m.AutoTestResult).filter_by(work_id=work1['id']).one().id res2 = session.query( m.AutoTestResult).filter_by(work_id=work2['id']).one().id with logged_in(student1): # A student cannot see results before the assignment is done test_client.req('get', f'{url}/runs/{}/results/{res1}', 403) with logged_in(teacher): # A teacher can see the results before done test_client.req('get', f'{url}/runs/{}/results/{res1}', 200) test_client.req('patch', f'/api/v1/assignments/{assig_id}', 200, data={'state': 'done'}) with logged_in(student1): # A student cannot see the results of another student test_client.req('get', f'{url}/runs/{}/results/{res2}', 403) # You should be able too see your own results res = test_client.req('get', f'{url}/runs/{}/results/{res1}', 200, result={ 'id': int, 'points_achieved': 0, '__allow_extra__': True }) # There should be only two results as all other tests should be # skipped len(res['step_results']) == 2 test_client.req('get', f'/api/v1/submissions/{work1["id"]}', 200, result={ '__allow_extra__': True, 'grade': 5.0, 'grade_overridden': True, }) with logged_in(student2): # You should be able too see your own results res = test_client.req( 'get', f'{url}/runs/{}/results/{res2}', 200, result={ # The last two run programs should time out, so 2 * 3 + 2 * # (3 - 1) = 10 points achieved 'id': int, 'points_achieved': 10, 'step_results': list, '__allow_extra__': True, }) # Nothing should be skipped, so all steps added len(res['step_results']) == 4 * 2 * 2 test_client.req('get', f'/api/v1/submissions/{work2["id"]}', 200, result={ '__allow_extra__': True, 'grade': 10.0, }) # Now you should not be able to see step details anymore for step in m.AutoTestStepBase.query: step.hidden = True session.commit() old_step_results = res['step_results'] res = test_client.req('get', f'{url}/runs/{}/results/{res2}', 200) for step_res1, step_res2 in zip(res['step_results'], old_step_results): assert step_res1['id'] == step_res2['id'] assert step_res1['auto_test_step']['hidden'] assert not step_res2['auto_test_step']['hidden'] if step_res1['achieved_points']: assert step_res1['log'] != step_res2['log'] else: assert step_res1['log'] == {} with describe('delete result'): with logged_in(student1): test_client.req('delete', f'{url}/runs/{}', 403) with logged_in(teacher): test_client.req('delete', f'{url}/runs/{}', 204) test_client.req('get', f'{url}/runs/{}', 404) test_client.req('get', f'/api/v1/submissions/{work2["id"]}', 200, result={ '__allow_extra__': True, 'grade': None, })
def test_update_auto_test(basic, test_client, logged_in, describe, assert_similar, app): test = url = None def update_test(**new_data): nonlocal test, url res = rv = None if new_data: data = {} for key in list(new_data.keys()): if key.startswith('fixture') and key != 'fixtures': data[key] = new_data.pop(key) data['json'] = (io.BytesIO( json.dumps({ **test, **new_data, 'has_new_fixtures': bool(data) }).encode()), 'json') res, rv = test_client.req( 'patch', url, new_data.pop('error', 200), real_data=data, include_response=True, ) with logged_in(teacher): old_test = test test = test_client.req('get', url, 200) assert test['id'] == old_test['id'] return res, rv with describe('setup'): course, assig_id, teacher, student = basic with logged_in(teacher): # We need to make a submission, otherwise we cannot start tests helpers.create_submission(test_client, assig_id) test = helpers.create_auto_test(test_client, assig_id) url = f'/api/v1/auto_tests/{test["id"]}' update_test() with describe('students cannot update'), logged_in(student): update_test(error=403) with describe('update grade calculation'), logged_in(teacher): assert test['grade_calculation'] is None update_test(grade_calculation='not valid', error=404) assert test['grade_calculation'] is None update_test(grade_calculation='full') assert test['grade_calculation'] == 'full' update_test(grade_calculation='partial') with describe('update setup script'), logged_in(teacher): new_script = uuid.uuid4().hex update_test(setup_script=new_script) assert test['setup_script'] == new_script update_test(setup_script='') assert test['setup_script'] == '' with describe('run setup script'), logged_in(teacher): new_script = uuid.uuid4().hex update_test(run_setup_script=new_script) assert test['run_setup_script'] == new_script update_test(run_setup_script='') assert test['run_setup_script'] == '' with describe('add fixtures'), logged_in(teacher): update_test(fixture1=(io.BytesIO(b'hello'), 'file1')) fixture, = test['fixtures'] assert_similar(fixture, {'hidden': True, 'id': int, 'name': 'file1'}) res = test_client.get(f'{url}/fixtures/{fixture["id"]}') assert res.status_code == 200 assert res.get_data(as_text=True) == 'hello' with logged_in(student): # Fixture is hidden so student may not see it res = test_client.get(f'{url}/fixtures/{fixture["id"]}') assert res.status_code == 403 test_client.req('delete', f'{url}/fixtures/{fixture["id"]}/hide', 204) with logged_in(student): # Fixture is not hidden anymore so student may see it res = test_client.get(f'{url}/fixtures/{fixture["id"]}') assert res.status_code == 200 update_test(fixtures=[]) assert test['fixtures'] == [] with describe('upload same fixture twice'), logged_in(teacher): update_test(fixture1=(io.BytesIO(b'hello1'), 'file2')) _, rv = update_test(fixture1=(io.BytesIO(b'hello2'), 'file2')) assert 'Warning' in rv.headers assert 'were renamed' in rv.headers['Warning'] fixture1, fixture2 = test['fixtures'] assert_similar(test['fixtures'], [{ 'hidden': True, 'id': int, 'name': 'file2' }, { 'hidden': True, 'id': int, 'name': 'file2 (1)' }]) res = test_client.get(f'{url}/fixtures/{fixture1["id"]}') assert res.get_data(as_text=True) == 'hello1' res = test_client.get(f'{url}/fixtures/{fixture2["id"]}') assert res.get_data(as_text=True) == 'hello2' with describe('cannot update when there are runs'), logged_in(teacher): update_test(error=200) t = m.AutoTest.query.get(test['id']) with app.test_request_context('/'): t.start_test_run() update_test(error=409)
def test_start_auto_test_before_complete(basic, test_client, logged_in, describe, session, monkeypatch_celery, monkeypatch_broker): test = url = None def update_test(**new_data): nonlocal test, url res = rv = None if new_data: res, rv = test_client.req( 'patch', url, new_data.pop('error', 200), data=new_data, include_response=True, ) with logged_in(teacher): old_test = test test = test_client.req('get', url, 200) assert test['id'] == old_test['id'] return res, rv def start_run(error): return test_client.req('post', f'{url}/runs/', error) with describe('setup'): course, assig_id, teacher, student = basic with logged_in(teacher): test = helpers.create_auto_test( test_client, assig_id, amount_sets=2, amount_suites=2, grade_calculation=None, ) url = f'/api/v1/auto_tests/{test["id"]}' update_test() with describe('no grade calculator'), logged_in(teacher): err = start_run(409) assert 'no grade_calculation' in err['message'] update_test(grade_calculation='full') with describe('no submissions'), logged_in(teacher): err = start_run(409) assert 'there are no submissions' in err['message'] helpers.create_submission(test_client, assig_id) with describe('already has a run'), logged_in(teacher): start_run(200) err = start_run(409) assert 'which has runs' in err['message'] t = m.AutoTest.query.get(test['id']) t.runs = [] session.commit() with describe('weight of zero'), logged_in(teacher): suite = next(t.all_suites) for step in suite.steps: step.weight = 0 session.commit() err = start_run(409) assert 'has zero amount of points' in err['message'] suite.steps[0].weight = 1 session.commit() with describe('no steps in some suites'), logged_in(teacher): suite.steps = [] session.commit() err = start_run(409) assert 'has no steps in some suites' in err['message'] with describe('no suites'), logged_in(teacher): for s in t.sets: s.suites = [] session.commit() err = start_run(409) assert 'has no suites' in err['message'] with describe('no sets'), logged_in(teacher): t.sets = [] session.commit() err = start_run(409) assert 'has no sets' in err['message']
def test_continuous_feedback_auto_test(monkeypatch_celery, monkeypatch_broker, basic, test_client, logged_in, describe, live_server, lxc_stub, monkeypatch, app, session, stub_function_class, assert_similar, monkeypatch_for_run): tmpdir = None with describe('setup'): course, assig_id, teacher, student = basic with logged_in(teacher): test = helpers.create_auto_test( test_client, assig_id, amount_sets=2, amount_suites=2, amount_fixtures=1, stop_points=[0.5, None], grade_calculation='partial', ) test_client.req('patch', f'/api/v1/assignments/{assig_id}', 200, data={'state': 'open'}) url = f'/api/v1/auto_tests/{test["id"]}' live_server() with logged_in(student): prog = """ ls """ helpers.create_submission(test_client, assig_id, submission_data=(io.BytesIO( dedent(prog).encode()), '')) _run_student = psef.auto_test._run_student monkeypatch.setattr(psef.auto_test, '_get_home_dir', stub_function_class(lambda: tmpdir)) def next_student(*args, **kwargs): nonlocal tmpdir with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir: tmpdir = tdir for inner in ['/student', '/fixtures']: shutil.copytree(upper_tmpdir + inner, tdir + inner) return _run_student(*args, **kwargs) monkeypatch.setattr(psef.auto_test, '_run_student', next_student) with describe( 'start_auto_test'), tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as upper_tmpdir: tmpdir = upper_tmpdir t = m.AutoTest.query.get(test['id']) psef.auto_test.CODEGRADE_USER = getpass.getuser() session.commit() with logged_in(teacher): test_client.req('post', f'{url}/runs/', 200, data={ 'continuous_feedback_run': True, }) session.commit() run = t.continuous_feedback_run assert run is not None # Old submission should not be started directly assert session.query(m.AutoTestResult).all() == [] with logged_in(student): prog = """ import sys if len(sys.argv) > 1: print("hello {}!".format(sys.argv[1])) else: print("hello stranger!") """ work = helpers.create_submission( test_client, assig_id, submission_data=(io.BytesIO(dedent(prog).encode()), '')) assert len(session.query(m.AutoTestResult).all()) == 1 psef.auto_test.start_polling(app.config, repeat=False) res = session.query(m.AutoTestResult).one() with logged_in(student): # A student can see results before the assignment is done test_client.req('get', f'{url}/runs/{}/results/{}', 200, result={ 'state': 'passed', '__allow_extra__': True, }) with logged_in(teacher): # Make sure rubric is not filled in test_client.req('get', f'/api/v1/submissions/{work["id"]}', 200, result={ '__allow_extra__': True, 'grade': None, 'grade_overridden': False, }) with pytest.raises(psef.errors.APIException): t.start_continuous_feedback_run()