def register(): details = request.get_json() resultproxy = db.session.execute('SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = :1', {'1': details['username']}) response = format_resp(resultproxy) if (len(response) == 1): return jsonify("Username Taken"), 401 resultproxy = db.session.execute('SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = :1', {'1': details['email']}) response = format_resp(resultproxy) if (len(response) == 1): return jsonify("Email Already Registered to Account"), 401 hash_pw = pw.hash(details['password']) resultproxy = db.session.execute( 'INSERT INTO users (username,hash,email) VALUES (:1, :2, :3) RETURNING username, id', { '1': details['username'], '2': hash_pw, '3': details['email'] }) response = format_resp(resultproxy) db.session.execute( 'INSERT INTO balance (user_id,balance) VALUES (:1, 10000)', {'1': response[0]['id']}) db.session.commit() resp = {'username': response[0]['username'], 'status': 200} return jsonify(resp)
def portfolio(): user_id = get_jwt_identity() username = db.session.execute('SELECT username FROM users WHERE id = :1', {'1': user_id}) username_val = format_resp(username) balance = db.session.execute( 'SELECT balance FROM balance WHERE user_id = :1', {'1': user_id}) balance_val = format_resp(balance) balance_round = round(balance_val[0]['balance'], 2) equity = db.session.execute( 'SELECT user_id, SUM(position) AS sum FROM portfolio GROUP BY user_id HAVING user_id = :1', {'1': user_id}) equity_val = format_resp(equity) if len(equity_val) > 0: equity_round = round(equity_val[0]['sum'], 2) stocks = db.session.execute( 'SELECT * FROM portfolio WHERE user_id = :1 ORDER BY name', {'1': user_id}) stock_list = format_resp(stocks) else: equity_round = 0 stock_list = [] portfolio = { 'cash': balance_round, 'equity': equity_round, 'portfolio': stock_list, 'username': username_val[0]['username'] } return jsonify(portfolio), 200
def register(): check = check_token() if check['error'] == True: return jsonify(check['message']), check['status'] details = request.get_json() if 'username' not in details or type(details['username']) != str: return jsonify({ 'error': 'Key \'username\' Not Present in Request Body or of Invalid Type (str expected)' }), 400 uid = check['uid'] try: result_proxy = db.session.execute( 'INSERT INTO users (uid, username) VALUES (:1, :2) RETURNING username', { '1': uid, '2': details['username'] }) response = format_resp(result_proxy) db.session.commit() except sqlalchemy.exc.SQLAlchemyError: return jsonify({'error': 'Error Writing to Database'}), 500 return jsonify(f"Welcome, {response[0]['username']}")
def compare_auth(): user_id = get_jwt_identity() total_breakdown = db.session.execute( 'WITH sum AS (SELECT user_id, SUM(position) AS stock FROM portfolio GROUP BY 1) SELECT, users.username, balance.balance, sum.stock FROM users INNER JOIN balance ON = balance.user_id INNER JOIN sum ON = sum.user_id WHERE != :1', {'1': user_id}) total_breakdown = format_resp(total_breakdown) for user in total_breakdown: portfolio_total = user['balance'] + user['stock'] user['balance'] = user['balance'] / portfolio_total user['stock'] = user['stock'] / portfolio_total stock_breakdown = db.session.execute( 'SELECT user_id, ticker, name, exchange, position FROM portfolio WHERE user_id != :1;', {'1': user_id}) stock_breakdown = format_resp(stock_breakdown) stock_grouped = {} for stock in stock_breakdown: if stock['user_id'] in stock_grouped: stock_grouped[stock['user_id']].append(stock) else: stock_grouped[stock['user_id']] = [stock] for user_id in stock_grouped: user_list = stock_grouped[user_id] stock_total = 0 for stock in user_list: stock_total += stock['position'] for stock in user_list: stock['position'] = stock['position'] / stock_total auth_compare = [] for user in total_breakdown: total_object = {'stock': user['stock'], 'balance': user['balance']} compare_object = { 'id': user['id'], 'username': user['username'], 'total_breakdown': total_object, 'stock_breakdown': stock_grouped[user['id']] } auth_compare.append(compare_object) return jsonify(auth_compare)
def test(): decoded_token = auth.verify_id_token( "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjIzNzA1ZmNmY2NjMTg4Njg2ZjhhZjkyYWJiZjAxYzRmMjZiZDVlODMiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL3NlY3VyZXRva2VuLmdvb2dsZS5jb20vdGVzdC01YjA0ZSIsImF1ZCI6InRlc3QtNWIwNGUiLCJhdXRoX3RpbWUiOjE2MDI2ODA3MDAsInVzZXJfaWQiOiJENFBlNFh3SHAwWm1Tc283ZWs0amN1NWZuWUgyIiwic3ViIjoiRDRQZTRYd0hwMFptU3NvN2VrNGpjdTVmbllIMiIsImlhdCI6MTYwMjY4MDcwOCwiZXhwIjoxNjAyNjg0MzA4LCJlbWFpbCI6InVzZXIxQHRlc3QuY29tIiwiZW1haWxfdmVyaWZpZWQiOmZhbHNlLCJmaXJlYmFzZSI6eyJpZGVudGl0aWVzIjp7ImVtYWlsIjpbInVzZXIxQHRlc3QuY29tIl19LCJzaWduX2luX3Byb3ZpZGVyIjoicGFzc3dvcmQifX0.nKnsEa8QEOGq2vlkMPa3k-NRWUeUpoBl4gqXYDKNOrId8EDqwU_a-mvOwIxoR-wVmGyEeUCpbx7TQEm8jzJxERNiOPiyCeEvcrcdR_ofeSQffj2DQVl8okLkVf5ff9yJ8OrRTszSKRl3CLeoSR9gBBfIhWoZiJPXKga1W-GorbTyv7qFMjDzgCejVbge7z0axaD9teNtOMd1aq-bGIYO7njJCHVfUd0xiCj9mYwEo5ckUtlOFti5L-AcRxAgIuIByUFiPtQuF24TGralRRlIsgAylfqVrDu-hAB2aBWKtL7IV7Et4Wjgfc6CDyxDwYuR7RLhDKHuCh3wO-EGBmKBYQ" ) uid = decoded_token['uid'] resultproxy = db.session.execute( 'SELECT username FROM users WHERE uid = :1', {'1': uid}) response = format_resp(resultproxy) return jsonify(response[0])
def login(): details = request.get_json() resultproxy = db.session.execute('SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = :1', {'1': details['username']}) response = format_resp(resultproxy) if len(response) == 0: return jsonify('User Does Not Exist'), 401 else: if (pw.verify(details['password'], response[0]['hash'])): token = create_access_token(identity=response[0]["id"], expires_delta=False) check_ticker = {} result_proxy = db.session.execute( 'SELECT id, ticker FROM portfolio WHERE user_id= :1', {'1': response[0]["id"]}) stocks = format_resp(result_proxy) req_token = os.getenv("TOKEN") for stock in stocks: if (stock['ticker'] in check_ticker): db.session.execute( 'UPDATE portfolio SET price = :1 WHERE id = :2', { '1': check_ticker[stock['ticker']] + 1, '2': stock['id'] }) db.session.commit() else: response = requests.get( f"{stock['ticker']}/quote?token={req_token}" ) response_dict = response.json() new_price = response_dict['latestPrice'] db.session.execute( 'UPDATE portfolio SET price = :1 WHERE id = :2', { '1': new_price, '2': stock['id'] }) db.session.commit() check_ticker[stock['ticker']] = new_price return jsonify(token=token), 200 else: return jsonify("Password Incorrect"), 401
def breakdown(): check = check_token() if check['error'] == True: return jsonify(check['message']), check['status'] uid = check['uid'] try: month = int(request.args.get('month')) year = int(request.args.get('year')) if float(request.args.get('month')).is_integer() == False or float( request.args.get('year')).is_integer() == False: raise ValueError if month not in range(1, 13) or year not in range( 1960, + 1) or (year == and month not in range(1, + 1)): return jsonify({ 'error': 'Key(s) \'month\' or \'year\' Outside of Acceptable Range' }), 400 except (TypeError, ValueError): return jsonify({ 'error': 'Key(s) \'month\' or \'year\' Not Present in Query String or of Invalid Type (int expected)' }), 400 result_proxy = db.session.execute( 'SELECT id, budget, description, category, cost, day FROM history WHERE user_uid = :1 AND month = :2 AND year = :3', { '1': uid, '2': month, '3': year }) response = format_resp(result_proxy) if len(response) == 0: return jsonify({ 'error': f"No Entries Corresponding to Time Period {month}/{year}" }), 500 grouped_history = {} for entry in response: if entry['category'] in grouped_history: grouped_history[entry['category']] += entry['cost'] else: grouped_history[entry['category']] = entry['cost'] return jsonify(grouped_history)
def user(): check = check_token() if check['error'] == True: return jsonify(check['message']), check['status'] uid = check['uid'] result_proxy = db.session.execute( 'SELECT username, budget FROM users WHERE uid = :1', {'1': uid}) response = format_resp(result_proxy) if len(response) == 0: return jsonify({'error': 'User Not Found'}), 404 return jsonify(response[0])
def compare_unauth(): result_proxy = db.session.execute( 'WITH sum AS (SELECT user_id, SUM(position) AS stock FROM portfolio GROUP BY 1) SELECT users.username, balance.balance, sum.stock FROM users INNER JOIN balance ON = balance.user_id INNER JOIN sum ON = sum.user_id' ) response = format_resp(result_proxy) ratio_list = [] for user in response: balance_ratio = user['balance'] / (user['balance'] + user['stock']) stock_ratio = user['stock'] / (user['balance'] + user['stock']) user_dict = { 'username': user['username'], 'balance': balance_ratio, 'stock': stock_ratio } ratio_list.append(user_dict) return jsonify(ratio_list)
def delete(): check = check_token() if check['error'] == True: return jsonify(check['message']), check['status'] uid = check['uid'] try: db.session.execute('DELETE FROM history WHERE user_uid = :1', {'1': uid}) result_proxy = db.session.execute( 'DELETE FROM users WHERE uid = :1 RETURNING username', {'1': uid}) db.session.commit() response = format_resp(result_proxy) username = response[0]['username'] except (sqlalchemy.exc.SQLAlchemyError, IndexError): return jsonify({'error': 'Error Writing to Database'}), 500 return jsonify(f"{username} Permanently Deleted")
def reset(): check = check_token() if check['error'] == True: return jsonify(check['message']), check['status'] uid = check['uid'] try: db.session.execute('DELETE FROM history WHERE user_uid = :1', {'1': uid}) result_proxy = db.session.execute( 'UPDATE users SET budget = null WHERE uid = :1 RETURNING username', {'1': uid}) db.session.commit() response = format_resp(result_proxy) except sqlalchemy.exc.SQLAlchemyError: return jsonify({'error': 'Error Writing to Database'}), 500 return jsonify(f"{response[0]['username']} Account Succesfully Reset")
def budget(): check = check_token() if check['error'] == True: return jsonify(check['message']), check['status'] details = request.get_json() try: budget = float(details['budget']) if budget <= 0: raise ValueError except (TypeError, ValueError, KeyError): return jsonify({ 'error': 'Key \'budget\' Not Present in Request Body or of Invalid Type (float expected)' }), 400 uid = check['uid'] try: result_proxy = db.session.execute( 'UPDATE users SET budget = :1 WHERE uid = :2 RETURNING budget', { '1': budget, '2': uid }) db.session.execute( 'UPDATE history SET budget = :1 WHERE user_uid = :2 AND month = :3 AND year = :4', { '1': budget, '2': uid, '3':, '4': }) response = format_resp(result_proxy) db.session.commit() except sqlalchemy.exc.SQLAlchemyError: return jsonify({'error': 'Error Writing to Database'}), 500 return jsonify( f"Budget for {}/{} updated to £{format(budget,'.2f')}" )
def spend(): check = check_token() if check['error'] == True: return jsonify(check['message']), check['status'] details = request.get_json() try: budget = float(details['budget']) description = details['description'] category = details['category'] cost = float(details['cost']) day = int(details['day']) month = int(details['month']) year = int(details['year']) if budget <= 0 or cost <= 0: raise ValueError if float(details['day']).is_integer() == False or float( details['month']).is_integer() == False or float( details['year']).is_integer() == False: raise ValueError if day not in range(1, 32) or month not in range( 1, 13) or year > raise ValueError elif year == and month not in range( 1, + 1): raise ValueError if type(description) != str or type(category) != str: raise TypeError except (TypeError, ValueError, KeyError): return jsonify({ 'error': 'Requried Key(s) Missing in Request Body or of Invalid Type' }), 400 uid = check['uid'] try: result_proxy = db.session.execute( 'INSERT INTO history (user_uid, budget, description, category, cost, day, month, year) VALUES (:1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8) RETURNING description', { '1': uid, '2': budget, '3': description, '4': category, '5': cost, '6': day, '7': month, '8': year }) response = format_resp(result_proxy) db.session.commit() except sqlalchemy.exc.SQLAlchemyError: return jsonify({'error': 'Error Writing to Database'}), 500 return jsonify( f"Expenditure '{response[0]['description']}' added to history")
def history(): user_id = get_jwt_identity() result_proxy = db.session.execute( 'SELECT * FROM history WHERE user_id = :1', {'1': user_id}) response = format_resp(result_proxy) return jsonify(response)