Exemple #1
 def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
     if not self.slug:
         self.slug = slugify(self.name)
     if not self.latlng:
         if self.zip and self.country:
             location = self.geo_address
             self.latlng = get_lat_lng(location)
             location = "+".join(filter(None, (self.address1, self.address2, self.city, self.state, self.country)))
             self.latlng = get_lat_lng(location)
     super(Winery, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
Exemple #2
 def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
     if not self.slug:
         self.slug = slugify(self.name)
     if not self.latlng:
         if self.zip and self.country:
             location = self.geo_address
             self.latlng = get_lat_lng(location)
             location = '+'.join(filter(None, (self.address1, self.address2, self.city, self.state, self.country)))
             self.latlng = get_lat_lng(location)
     super(Winery, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
Exemple #3
 def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
     if not self.latlng:
         if self.zipcode and self.country:
             location = self.geo_address
             self.latlng = get_lat_lng(location)
             location = '+'.join(
                     (self.address, self.city, self.state, self.country)))
             self.latlng = get_lat_lng(location)
     super(Location, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
Exemple #4
def infoWindow():
    lat_lng = helpers.get_lat_lng()
    # Returns a tuple containing lat and lng as two 6 decimal floats
    lat = lat_lng[0]
    lng = lat_lng[1]
    # FInding the specific row in DbStaticInfo relating to the lat and lng provided
    static_row = DbStaticInfo.query.filter(DbStaticInfo.lat == lat).filter(
        DbStaticInfo.lng == lng).all()
    static_info = helpers.get_static_data(static_row)
    # Ordering the Dynamic Info to get the past weeks occupancy
    limited_rows = DbDynamicInfo.query.filter(
        DbDynamicInfo.number == static_info['number'][0]).order_by(
    address = static_info['address']
    bikestands = static_info['bikestands']
    available_bikes = limited_rows[0].available_bikes
    # Selecting all available bikes and times for past week.
    station_history = list(map(lambda x: x.available_bikes, limited_rows))
    # Times are returned as hrs and minutes.

    time = list(map(lambda x: x.last_update.strftime("%H:%M"), limited_rows))
    results = json.dumps({
        "address": address,
        "bikestands": bikestands,
        "available_bikes": available_bikes,
        "station_history": station_history,
        "time": time
    return results
Exemple #5
def prediction_day():
    # Getting a days result from a bike station
    # Get date and time
    result = helpers.get_date_time()
    # aDDING 2 to make python .weekday method match with mysql's weekdays
    # Monday in mysql is 2 and 0 in python
    weekday = (result[1] + 1) % 7 + 1
    lat_lng = helpers.get_lat_lng()
    # Returns a tuple containing lat and lng as two 6 decimal floats
    lat = lat_lng[0]
    lng = lat_lng[1]
    # Finding the specific row in DbStaticInfo relating to the lat and lng provided
    static_row = DbStaticInfo.query.filter(DbStaticInfo.lat == lat).filter(
        DbStaticInfo.lng == lng).all()
    static_info = helpers.get_static_data(static_row)
    address = static_info['address']
    # Getting the previous weeks result
    limited_rows = DbDynamicInfo.query.filter(
        DbDynamicInfo.number == static_info['number'][0]).filter(
            DbDynamicInfo.weekday == weekday).order_by(desc(
    day_results = list(map(lambda x: x.available_bikes, limited_rows))
    time = list(map(lambda x: x.last_update.strftime("%H:%M"), limited_rows))
    results = json.dumps({
        "address": address,
        "day_results": day_results,
        "time": time,
        'day': weekday
    return results
Exemple #6
def homepage():
    """This view function takes you to the dateMeet homepage
    - anon users: no messages
    -logged in: 50 most recent posts by users if a city has not been entered. 

    if g.user:
        recent_location = Location.query.filter(
            Location.user_id == g.user.id).order_by(
        if recent_location:
            session[CURR_LOCATION] = recent_location.id
            g.location = recent_location
        if g.location:
            return redirect('/users/datelocations')

        form = UserLocationForm()

        if form.validate_on_submit():

            name = form.name.data
            address = form.address.data
            lat_lng_addy = get_lat_lng(GEOCODE_API_KEY, address)

            if lat_lng_addy["latitude"] == 0 and lat_lng_addy["longitude"] == 0:
                flash("The address you've entered is not a valid address",
                return render_template('home.html', form=form)

            location = Location(name=name,


            session[CURR_LOCATION] = location.id

            return redirect('/users/datelocations')

        return render_template('home.html', form=form)

        return render_template('home-anon.html')
Exemple #7
    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # Parse address into components if necessary:
        if not all([
                self.address_number, self.street_name,
                self.street_name_post_type, self.place_name, self.state_name,
            # Remove some characters we don't want included:
            address_string = self.address_string
            for char in '.,':
                address_string = address_string.replace(char, '')

            # Parse address:
            parsed_address = usaddress.parse(address_string)
            # Turn this into a dictionary for convenience:
            parsed_address = {value: key for key, value in parsed_address}

            # TODO: there's a more pythonic way to do the following...
            if 'AddressNumber' in parsed_address:
                self.address_number = parsed_address['AddressNumber']
            if 'StreetName' in parsed_address:
                self.street_name = parsed_address['StreetName']
            if 'StreetNamePostType' in parsed_address:
                self.street_name_post_type = parsed_address[
            if 'PlaceName' in parsed_address:
                self.place_name = parsed_address['PlaceName']
            if 'StateName' in parsed_address:
                self.state_name = parsed_address['StateName']
            if 'ZipCode' in parsed_address:
                self.zip_code = parsed_address['ZipCode']

        # Geocode if necessary:
        if not self.latitude or not self.longitude:
            lat_long = get_lat_lng(self.address_string)
            self.latitude = lat_long.split(',')[0]
            self.longitude = lat_long.split(',')[1]

        # Get legislators if necessary:
        # I have the "pyopenstates" package installed, but it doesn't appear to work correctly:
        #   pyopenstates.locate_legislators('36.191402','86.73449959999999')
        #   []
        # Instead, make a request like so:
        #   https://openstates.org/api/v1/legislators/geo/?lat=36.191402&long=-86.73449959999999
        #   Header: X-API-KEY=settings.OPENSTATES_API_KEY
        # Next up: figure out how to store legislator info
        super(CachedAddress, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
Exemple #8
def edit_location():
    """This view function is used to edit the user's location."""

    if not g.user:
        flash("Access Unauthorized", "danger")
        return redirect("/")

    if g.user and not g.location:
        flash("Please enter location", "danger")
        return redirect("/")

    location = g.location
    form = EditUserLocationForm(obj=location)

    if form.validate_on_submit():

        name = form.name.data
        address = form.address.data
        lat_lng_addy = get_lat_lng(GEOCODE_API_KEY, address)

        if lat_lng_addy["latitude"] == 0 and lat_lng_addy["longitude"] == 0:
            flash("The address you've entered is not a valid address",
            return render_template('users/edit_location.html', form=form)

        location.name = name,
        location.address = lat_lng_addy["full_address"]
        location.long = lat_lng_addy["longitude"]
        location.lat = lat_lng_addy["latitude"]
        location.city = lat_lng_addy["city"]
        location.state = lat_lng_addy["state"]

        return redirect('/users/datelocations')

    return render_template('users/edit_location.html', form=form)
Exemple #9
 def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
     if not self.latitude and not self.longitude:
         location = '+'.join(filter(None, (self.address, self.city, self.state)))
         self.latitude, self.longitude, self.formatted_address = get_lat_lng(location)
     super(Incident, self).save(*args, **kwargs)