def test_obtain_access_token():
    config = test_config()
    dba = auth.Authenticator(config)
    req_token = dba.obtain_request_token()
    assert req_token and dba.oauth_request

    authorize_url = dba.build_authorize_url(req_token, callback="")
    assert "comback" in authorize_url, "Should have the return address in it."

    authorize_url = dba.build_authorize_url(req_token)
    login_and_authorize(authorize_url, config)

    access_token = dba.obtain_access_token(req_token, config['verifier'])

    assert access_token
    assert dba.oauth_request
    assert access_token.key != req_token.key
    return access_token, dba
from import *
from dropbox import client, rest, auth
from helpers import login_and_authorize
import os
import simplejson as json

config = auth.Authenticator.load_config("config/testing.ini")
dba = auth.Authenticator(config)
print "CONFIG", config

token = dba.obtain_request_token()
login_and_authorize(dba.build_authorize_url(token), config)
access_token = dba.obtain_access_token(token, config['verifier'])
db_client = client.DropboxClient(config['server'], config['content_server'], 80, dba, access_token)

RESOURCE_URL = 'http://' + config['server'] + '/0/oauth/echo'

def test_delete():
    db_client.file_delete("sandbox", "/tohere")
    return db_client

def test_put_file():
    for target in ["tests/file with spaces.txt",
                   "tests/dropbox_tests/", ]:
        f = open(target)
        resp = db_client.put_file("sandbox", "/", f)
        print "BODY: ", resp.body