Exemple #1
 def write_var(self, name):
     # writes to name (value to be written should already be on the stack)
     # tries write to locals first then globals
     # args are not writable because they're passed on the stack
     if name in self.locals.keys():
         offset = self.locals[name]
         return helpers.num(offset) + OPCODES.HEAP_WRITE
     elif name in self.globals.keys():
         offset = self.globals[name]
         return helpers.num(offset) + OPCODES.HEAP_WRITE
         raise TranslationError(
             "Cannot write to unknown variable {}".format(name))
Exemple #2
 def read_var(self, name):
     # return opcodes for retrieving value of variable "name"
     # tries to look in order: local variables, args, globals
     if name in self.locals.keys():
         offset = self.locals[name]
         return helpers.num(offset) + OPCODES.HEAP_READ
     elif name in self.globals.keys():
         # name is in local variable list, retrieve from heap
         offset = self.globals[name]
         return helpers.num(offset) + OPCODES.HEAP_READ
         raise TranslationError(
             "Cannot read from unknown variable {}".format(name))
def accept_settings():
    GlobalElements.Config["parity"] = GlobalElements.SettingsDialog.findChild(QComboBox, "comboBoxParity").currentText()
    GlobalElements.Config["port"] = GlobalElements.SettingsDialog.findChild(QComboBox, "comboBoxPort").currentText()
    GlobalElements.Config["bytesize"] = int(GlobalElements.SettingsDialog.findChild(QButtonGroup, "buttonGroupByteSize") \
    GlobalElements.Config["stopbits"] = num(GlobalElements.SettingsDialog.findChild(QButtonGroup, "buttonGroupStopBits") \
    GlobalElements.StatusBar.showMessage(u"Ustawienia zaakceptowane")
Exemple #4
    def translate_function(self, node):
        # builds a function from a ast node
        opcodes = ""

        self.is_in_func = True

        func_name = node.name
        self.functions[func_name] = {"offset": self.funcs_len}

        # load name of args
        args = []
        for arg in node.args.args:
            self.logger.info("Arg {} at heap[{}]".format(
                arg.arg, self.locals[arg.arg]))

        # transfer value of args from the stack to the heap
        for arg in args[::-1]:
            opcodes += helpers.num(self.locals[arg])
            opcodes += OPCODES.HEAP_WRITE

        self.logger.info("Building function {} with args {}".format(
            func_name, ", ".join(args)))

        # scan through to identify all the variables
        # that are assigned to
        counter = VariableCounter(node)

        # store the heap address for local vars
        for local_var, size in counter.variables.items():
            # check if the variable is actually an argument
            if local_var in args:

            if size > 1:
                raise TranslationUnknown(
                    "Arrays should be declared globally, not inside a function"

            self.logger.info("Local {} at heap[{}]".format(
                local_var, self.locals[local_var]))

        self.logger.info("Variables used: {}".format(
            ["{} at heap[{}]".format(k, v) for k, v in self.locals.items()]))

        # handle the actual code in the function
        opcodes += self.translate_nodes(node.body)

        opcodes += OPCODES.RETURN

        # remember to destroy variables on the stack if any extra are left


        self.functions[func_name]["opcodes"] = opcodes
        self.funcs_len += len(opcodes)

        self.is_in_func = False
Exemple #5
    def translate_node(self, node):
        # translates a python node into a series of lscvm instructions

        opcode_change = ""

        node_name = helpers.class_name(node)
        if node_name == "Name":
            opcode_change += self.read_var(node.id)
        elif node_name == "Num":
            opcode_change += helpers.num(node.n)
        # a[1]
        elif node_name == "Subscript":
            # resolve array index position on the heap
            opcode_change += helpers.num(self.arrays[node.value.id]["offset"])
            opcode_change += self.translate_node(node.slice.value)
            opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_ADD

            ctx_name = helpers.class_name(node.ctx)
            if ctx_name == "Store":
                opcode_change += OPCODES.HEAP_WRITE
            elif ctx_name == "Load":
                opcode_change += OPCODES.HEAP_READ
                raise TranslationUnknown(
                    "Unknown Subscript.ctx {}".format(ctx_name))
        elif node_name == "BinOp":
            # load left value onto stack first, then right
            opcode_change += self.translate_node(node.left)
            opcode_change += self.translate_node(node.right)

            op_name = helpers.class_name(node.op)
            if op_name == "Add":
                opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_ADD
            elif op_name == "Sub":
                opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_SUBTRACT
            elif op_name == "Mult":
                opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_MULTIPLY
            elif op_name == "Div":
                opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_DIVIDE
                raise TranslationUnknown(
                    "Missing handler for BinOp.op {}".format(op_name))
        elif node_name == "BoolOp":
            # load all the Compares onto the stack
            opcode_change += self.translate_nodes(node.values)

            op_name = helpers.class_name(node.op)
            if op_name == "And":
                # multiply all the conditions together
                # will result in 0 if any are 0
                opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_MULTIPLY * (len(node.values) -
            elif op_name == "Or":
                # add all the conditions together
                # will result in 1 if at least one is 1
                opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_ADD * (len(node.values) - 1)
                raise TranslationUnknown(
                    "Missing handler for BoolOp.op {}".format(op_name))
        elif node_name == "Assign":
            # sanity check: cannot assign to more than one variable at a time
            # should be simple to do though
            if len(node.targets) > 1:
                raise TranslationUnknown(
                    "Cannot assign to more than one variable at a time")

            # this handles a = [1, 2, 3]
            if helpers.class_name(node.value) == "List":
                arr_name = node.targets[0].id
                if arr_name not in self.arrays:
                    raise TranslationFail(
                        "Tried to write to unknown array {}".format(arr_name))

                for i, val in enumerate(node.value.elts):
                    opcode_change += self.translate_node(val)
                    opcode_change += helpers.num(
                        self.arrays[arr_name]["offset"] + i)
                    opcode_change += OPCODES.HEAP_WRITE
            elif helpers.class_name(node.targets[0]) == "Subscript":
                opcode_change += self.translate_node(node.value)
                opcode_change += self.translate_node(node.targets[0])
                # evaluate node.value and leave it on the stack
                opcode_change += self.translate_node(node.value)
                opcode_change += self.write_var(node.targets[0].id)
        elif node_name == "AugAssign":
            # a += b
            opcode_change += self.read_var(node.target.id)
            opcode_change += self.translate_node(node.value)

            op_name = helpers.class_name(node.op)
            if op_name == "Add":
                opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_ADD
            elif op_name == "Sub":
                opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_SUBTRACT
            elif op_name == "Mult":
                opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_MULTIPLY
            elif op_name == "Div":
                opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_DIVIDE
                raise TranslationUnknown(
                    "Missing handler for AugAssign.op {}".format(op_name))

            opcode_change += self.write_var(node.target.id)
        elif node_name == "If":
            test = self.translate_node(node.test)
            body = self.translate_nodes(node.body)
            orelse = self.translate_nodes(node.orelse)

            body += helpers.num(len(orelse))
            body += OPCODES.GO

            opcode_change += test
            opcode_change += helpers.num(len(body))
            opcode_change += OPCODES.CONDITIONAL_JUMP
            opcode_change += body
            opcode_change += orelse
        elif node_name == "Compare":
            # compare will leave a 1 on the stack if true, else 0
            opcode_change += self.translate_node(node.left)

            if len(node.comparators) > 1:
                raise TranslationUnknown("More than one comparator present")

            opcode_change += self.translate_node(node.comparators[0])

            if len(node.ops) > 1:
                raise TranslationUnknown("More than one operator provided")

            op_name = helpers.class_name(node.ops[0])

            if op_name in ["NotEq"]:
                if op_name == "NotEq":
                    opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_COMPARE
                    # 1 or -1 on stack if true
                    # changes 0 to 0, non zero to 1
                    opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_3 + OPCODES.CONDITIONAL_JUMP  # if 0, jump to STACK_1
                    opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_1
                    opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_1 + OPCODES.GO  # then skip past the next instruction
                    opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_0
            elif op_name in ["Eq", "Gt", "Lt"]:
                # the blocks here are responsible for leaving
                # a 0 on the stack if true
                if op_name == "Eq":
                    opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_COMPARE
                elif op_name == "Gt":
                    opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_COMPARE
                    # should be a 1 on the stack if true
                    opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_1 + OPCODES.STACK_SUBTRACT  # subtract 1 so becomes 0
                elif op_name == "Lt":
                    opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_COMPARE
                    # should be a -1 on the stack if true
                    opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_1 + OPCODES.STACK_ADD  # add 1 so becomes 0

                # this changes 0 to 1, and non zero to 0
                opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_3 + OPCODES.CONDITIONAL_JUMP  # if 0, jump to STACK_1
                opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_0  # here because not zero so add a zero
                opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_1 + OPCODES.GO  # then skip past the next instruction
                opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_1
            elif op_name in ["GtE", "LtE"]:
                if op_name == "GtE":
                    # need to return 1 if the compare result is 1 or 0
                    # so test twice
                    opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_COMPARE
                    opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_0 + OPCODES.STACK_FIND  # copy the compare result
                    opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_1 + OPCODES.STACK_SUBTRACT  # subtract 1 so become 0
                elif op_name == "LtE":
                    opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_COMPARE
                    opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_0 + OPCODES.STACK_FIND  # copy the compare result
                    opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_1 + OPCODES.STACK_ADD  # add 1 so become 0

                # this tests the top two values on the stack and
                # returns 1 if either of them are 0
                opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_5 + OPCODES.CONDITIONAL_JUMP  # if gt, jump to STACK_DROP
                opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_4 + OPCODES.CONDITIONAL_JUMP  # if =, jump to STACK_1
                opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_0  # add a zero as the return value
                opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_2 + OPCODES.GO  # skip next 2 instructions
                opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_DROP  # destroy that extra value that we cloned since we never compared =
                opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_1
                raise TranslationUnknown(
                    "Missing handler for operator {}".format(op_name))
        elif node_name == "Call":
            if helpers.class_name(node.func) != "Name":
                raise TranslationUnknown(
                    "Calling functions this way is not supported")

            func_name = node.func.id
            if func_name not in [
                    "putchar", "putint", "puts", "stack_push", "stack_find"
            ] and func_name not in self.functions:
                raise TranslationError(
                    "Tried to call undefined function {}".format(func_name))

            if func_name in [
                    "putchar", "putint", "puts", "stack_push", "stack_find"
                for arg in node.args:
                    opcode_change += self.translate_node(arg)

                if func_name == "putchar":
                    opcode_change += OPCODES.PRINT_ASCII
                elif func_name == "putint":
                    opcode_change += OPCODES.PRINT_NUM
                elif func_name == "puts":
                elif func_name == "stack_push":
                    # the value would already have been pushed to the stack
                    # as an arg
                elif func_name == "stack_find":
                    opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_FIND
                if self.is_in_func:
                    # save all locals to the stack
                    for var in self.locals.keys():
                        opcode_change += self.read_var(var)

                for arg in node.args:
                    opcode_change += self.translate_node(arg)

                opcode_change += helpers.num(
                opcode_change += OPCODES.CALL

                if self.is_in_func:
                    # restore all locals from the stack
                    # expect the function to leave ONE value on the stack
                    # so the saved variables are at -1 position
                    for var in list(self.locals.keys())[::-1]:
                        opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_1 + OPCODES.STACK_FIND_REMOVE + self.write_var(
        elif node_name == "While":
            if node.orelse:
                raise TranslationUnknown(
                    "Handling of While.orelse is not implemented")
            # build something like:
            # 1: [load -len(everything below)]
            # 2: [copy previous value] (this is so that i can calculate len(everything below)
            #                             without including the length of the actual pushing)
            # 3: [compare]
            # 4: [load len(everything below)]
            # 5: JZ
            # 6: [body]
            # 7: JMP (this jumps using -len(everything below) loaded at the start)

            # 5 to 7
            body = OPCODES.CONDITIONAL_JUMP + self.translate_nodes(
                node.body) + OPCODES.GO
            # 2 to 7
            opcode_change = OPCODES.STACK_0 + OPCODES.STACK_FIND
            opcode_change += self.translate_node(
                node.test) + helpers.num(len(body) - 1) + body
            # 1 to 7
            opcode_change = helpers.num(-len(opcode_change)) + opcode_change

            # remove the two extra jump lengths left on the stack
            opcode_change += OPCODES.STACK_DROP * 2
        elif node_name == "Expr":
            opcode_change += self.translate_node(node.value)
        elif node_name == "Return":
            opcode_change += self.translate_node(node.value)
            raise TranslationUnknown(
                "Missing handler for node type {}: {}".format(
                    node_name, ast.dump(node)))

        self.logger.debug("{}: {}".format(ast.dump(node), opcode_change))
        return opcode_change
Exemple #6
    def translate(self, code):
        # translates code to lscvm

        tree = ast.parse(code)

        self.logger.info("Identifying globals...")
        counter = VariableCounter(tree)

        for global_var, size in counter.variables.items():
            # standard int
            if size == 1:
                self.logger.info("Global {} at heap[{}]".format(
                    global_var, self.globals[global_var]))
            # array
                self.alloc_array(global_var, size)
                arr = self.arrays[global_var]
                self.logger.info("Array {} at heap[{}:{}]".format(
                    global_var, arr["offset"],
                    arr["offset"] + arr["size"] - 1))

        self.logger.info("Allocated {} global variables".format(

        self.logger.info("Looking for functions...")
        for node in ast.iter_child_nodes(tree):
                node_name = helpers.class_name(node)

                if node_name == "FunctionDef":
            except TranslationError as e:
                    "Failed to translate function ({}) at line {}: {}".format(
                        helpers.class_name(e), node.lineno, e))
                raise e

        if len(self.functions):
            self.logger.info("Concantenating functions...")
            total_func_length = sum(
                [len(func["opcodes"]) for func in self.functions.values()])
                "Total function length: {}".format(total_func_length))

            jump_functions = helpers.num(total_func_length).ljust(
                FUNCTION_OFFSET_START - 1, " ") + OPCODES.GO
            if len(jump_functions) > FUNCTION_OFFSET_START:
                raise TranslationFail(
                    "JMP instruction too long. Increase FUNCTION_OFFSET_START")

            self.opcodes += jump_functions
                "No user defined functions, skipping function block")

        for func_name in self.functions:
            func = self.functions[func_name]
            self.opcodes += func["opcodes"]

        for node in ast.iter_child_nodes(tree):
                node_name = helpers.class_name(node)

                # silently skip "from stubs import *" because this is used
                # for testing scripts before compiling
                if node_name == "ImportFrom" and node.module == "stubs":

                if node_name != "FunctionDef":
                    self.opcodes += self.translate_node(node)
            except TranslationError as e:
                self.logger.error("Failed to translate at line {}: {}".format(
                    node.lineno, e))
                raise e
            except Exception as e:
                self.logger.error("Error parsing {}:".format(ast.dump(node)))
                raise e

        return self.opcodes