def decode():
    with tf.Session(config=get_session_configs()) as sess:
        # Create model and load parameters.
        model = create_model(sess, True)
        model.batch_size = 1  # We decode one sentence at a time.

        # Load vocabularies.
        vocab, rev_vocab = read_vocabulary_from_file(paths['vocab_path_context'])

        # Load vocabulary vectors
        vocab_vectors = load_pickle_file(paths['vocab_vectors_context'])

        # Load FastText model used for preprocessing
        print("Load existing FastText model...")
        fast_text_model = fasttext.load_model(paths['fast_text_model_context'], encoding='utf-8')

        # Decode from standard input.
        sys.stdout.write("Human: ")
        sentence = sys.stdin.readline()
        sentence = preprocess_input(sentence, fast_text_model, vocab_vectors)
        context = ""
        while sentence:
            context_sentence = context + sentence
            output = decode_sentence(context_sentence, vocab, rev_vocab, model, sess)

            print("Ola: " + " ".join(output))
            print("Human: ", end="")

            context = sentence # or context = output
            sentence = sys.stdin.readline()
            sentence = preprocess_input(sentence, fast_text_model, vocab_vectors)
Exemple #2
def decode():
    # Avoid allocating all of the GPU memory
    config = get_session_configs()

    with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:
        # Create model and load parameters.
        model = create_model(sess, True)
        model.batch_size = 1  # We decode one sentence at a time.

        # Load vocabularies.
        vocab, rev_vocab = read_vocabulary_from_file(paths['vocab_path'])

        # Load vocabulary vectors
        vocab_vectors = load_pickle_file(paths['vocab_vectors'])

        # Load FastText model used for preprocessing
        print("Load existing FastText model...")
        fast_text_model = fasttext.load_model(paths['fast_text_model'], encoding='utf-8')

        # Decode from standard input.
        print("To reset states, type '*reset*'")
        sys.stdout.write("Human: ")
        sentence = sys.stdin.readline()
        sentence = preprocess_input(sentence, fast_text_model, vocab_vectors)

        # Initial state
        if FLAGS.use_lstm:
            initial_state = np.zeros((num_layers, 2, model.batch_size, size))
            initial_state = np.zeros((num_layers, model.batch_size, size))
        states = initial_state

        while sentence:

            output, states = decode_stateful_sentence(sentence, vocab, rev_vocab, model, sess, states)
            output = " ".join(output)
            output = get_sliced_output(output, 1)
            print("Vinyals_Stateful: " + " ".join(output))
            print("Human: ", end="")
            sentence = sys.stdin.readline()

            if sentence.strip() == "*reset*":
                states = initial_state
                print("States were successfully reset.")
                print("Human: ", end="")
                sentence = sys.stdin.readline()

            sentence = preprocess_input(sentence, fast_text_model, vocab_vectors)
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self,
        metric - function, that accepts (true_values, predicted_values)
            and returns float.
        train, ytrain (pd.DataFrame/numpy.array/scipy.csr_matrix) - train data
        test (pd.DataFrame/numpy.array/scipy.csr_matrix) - data to predict.
            If not given - you still can get OOF prediction for train data.
        ytest - if given, stacker will be evaluated on test data.
        features - list of pandas column names to train on. If not given or
            train is not a pd.DataFrame - all columns are used as features.
        features_to_encode (not implemented) - features for target encoding.
            Encoding uses target from train folds only.
        split_by (str) - column name, unique values from which should be found
            in a single fold. Is used to avoid overfitting or leakage.
            For example you may want to put all events corresponding
            to the same `user_id` to a single fold.
            If None, or train is not pd.dataFrame - ignored.
        stratify_folds (bool) - used if split_by is None.
        n_splits - number of splits for train data. In order to get
            one OOF prediciton, model must be fitted n_splits times.
        split_seed - seed for folds
        train, ytrain, features, split_by, test, ytest = preprocess_input(
            train, ytrain, features, split_by, test, ytest)

        self._train = train
        self.ytrain = ytrain
        self.metric = metric
        self._test = test
        self.ytest = ytest

        self.features = features
        self.features_to_encode = features_to_encode

        self.split_by = split_by
        self.stratify_folds = stratify_folds
        self.n_splits = n_splits
        self.split_seed = split_seed
        # Current level of fitting. 1 means fitting on src features.
        # 2 means fitting on meta features.
        self.level = 1

        # Meta dataframes - for storing level 1 predictions.
        self.train_meta = pd.DataFrame()
        self.test_meta = pd.DataFrame()
        # Result dataframes - for storing level 2 predictions.
        self.train_result = pd.DataFrame()
        self.test_result = pd.DataFrame()
        self.folds = self.get_folds()
def decode():
    with tf.Session(config=get_session_configs()) as sess:
        # Create model and load parameters.
        model = create_model(sess, True)
        model.batch_size = 1  # We decode one sentence at a time.

        # Load vocabularies.
        vocab, rev_vocab = read_vocabulary_from_file(paths['vocab_path'])

        # Load vocabulary vectors
        vocab_vectors = load_pickle_file(paths['vocab_vectors'])

        # Load FastText model used for preprocessing
        print("Load existing FastText model...")
        fast_text_model = fasttext.load_model(paths['fast_text_model'], encoding='utf-8')

        if FLAGS.open_subtitles:
            num_output_sentences = 1
            num_output_sentences = 2

        # Decode from standard input.
        sys.stdout.write("Human: ")
        sentence = sys.stdin.readline()
        sentence = preprocess_input(sentence, fast_text_model, vocab_vectors)
        while sentence:
            output = decode_sentence(sentence, vocab, rev_vocab, model, sess)
            output = " ".join(output)
            output = get_sliced_output(output, num_output_sentences)
            print("Grid LSTM: " + output.strip())
            print("Human: ", end="")
            sentence = sys.stdin.readline()

            if FLAGS.context_full_turns:
                sentence = preprocess_input(output.strip() + " " + sentence.strip(), fast_text_model, vocab_vectors)
                sentence = preprocess_input(sentence, fast_text_model, vocab_vectors)