Exemple #1
    def display(self, worksheet, sorted_contours):
        contours = sorted_contours
        for i, contour in enumerate(contours):
            app = Helpers.approx(contour, 0.05)
            rect = Helpers.get_rectangle_corners(app)

            font_face = Helpers.font("Hershey")
            font_scale = 1.5
            thickness = 3

            text_size = Helpers.text_size(str(self.answer_key[i]), font_face, font_scale, thickness)
            text_x = int(rect[0][0] - text_size[0][0]) - 20
            text_y = int(rect[3][1]) - 10

            if self.marks[i] == "correct":
                contour_color = Helpers.BGR_COLORS["GREEN"]
                text_color = Helpers.BGR_COLORS["DARK GREEN"]
            elif self.marks[i] == "unknown":
                contour_color = Helpers.BGR_COLORS["YELLOW"]
                text_color = Helpers.BGR_COLORS["BLACK"]
                contour_color = Helpers.BGR_COLORS["RED"]
                text_color = Helpers.BGR_COLORS["DARK RED"]

            Helpers.draw_text(worksheet, str(self.answer_key[i]), (text_x, text_y), font_face, font_scale, \
                        text_color, thickness)
            Helpers.draw_contour(worksheet, contour, contour_color)

        Helpers.show(worksheet, 'graded')
        return worksheet
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, path, show_steps=False, save=False):
        self.image = Helpers.load_image(path)

        # build the prepocessing pipleine
        pipeline = Pipeline([
            Helpers.convert_to_grayscale, lambda image: Helpers.blur(image, 5),
            Helpers.thresholdify, Helpers.ellipse_morph

        processed_image = pipeline.process_pipeline(self.image)

        # get the contour, crop it out, find the corners and straighten
        contour = Helpers.largest_contour(processed_image)
        processed_image_cropped = Helpers.cut_out_rect(processed_image,
        corners = Helpers.get_corners(processed_image_cropped)

        # apply the same cropping and warping to the original image
        image_cropped = Helpers.cut_out_rect(self.image, contour)
        straigtened_image = Helpers.warp_perspective(corners, image_cropped)

        if show_steps:
            Helpers.show(processed_image, 'Preprocessing')
            Helpers.show(processed_image_cropped, 'Processed image cropped')
            Helpers.show(image_cropped, 'Original image cropped')
            Helpers.show(straigtened_image, 'Final image')

        self.final = straigtened_image

        if save:
                f'{Helpers.IMAGE_DIRECTORY}/extractor_finish.png', self.final)

        return None
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, image, show_steps=False):
        self.image = image
        self.show_steps = show_steps

        processed_image = self.process_image()

        self.cells = self.extract_cells(processed_image, self.image)

        student_responses = self.get_student_responses()

        if show_steps:
            Helpers.show(self.image, "start")
            Helpers.show(processed_image, "processed")

        self.student_responses = student_responses
Exemple #4
    def extract_cells(self, processed, display_image, count=14):
        Extract a given amount of cells from the worksheet. This function
            assumes that the cells are 0.0016 +- 0.0004 of the total worksheet size.

        processed: np.ndarray
            Thresholded image of the worksheet
        display_image: np.ndarray
            BGR image of the worksheet
        count: int
            The number of image

        Return value
        returns a list of cells sorted by height and then by position
        page_area = Helpers.area(processed)
        min_percent = 0.0012
        max_percent = 0.0020
        contours = Helpers.get_sorted_contours(processed, sort_by="area")

        contours = Helpers.filter_contours(contours, sides=[4], min_area=page_area*min_percent, \

        # get just the count biggest contours
        contours = contours[:count]

        rects = []
        for contour in contours:
            rects.append(Helpers.cut_out_rect(display_image, contour))

        sorted_rects, sorted_contours = self.sort_by_problem_num(
            rects, contours)

        self.sorted_contours = sorted_contours

        if self.show_steps:
            for i, rect in enumerate(sorted_rects):
                Helpers.show(rect, str(i + 1))

        return sorted_rects
Exemple #5
def show(name=None, platform=None, priorities=None, genres=None):
    """Show pile games, with optional filtering."""
    db = helpers.read_db()

    if len(db.games) == 0:
        raise CommandError('No games found. Use the `add` command to add some.')

    gs = db.search(name=name, platform=platform, priorities=priorities, genres=genres)

    for line in helpers.show(gs):
           yield line
Exemple #6
def rm(name):
    """Remove a pile game"""
    db = helpers.read_db()

    gs = db.search(exact_name=name)
    if len(gs) == 0:
        raise CommandError("No games found")

    g = gs[0]

    yield "Removing game from pile"
    for line in helpers.show([g]):
        yield line

Exemple #7
def add(name,
        priority = PRIORITY_MED,
        hours = 10,
        genres = []):
    """Add a pile game"""

    db = helpers.read_db()

    if len(db.search(exact_name=name)) > 0:
        raise CommandError("A game with that name already exists")

    g = PileGame(name, platform, on_pile_date, priority, hours, genres)


    yield "Added game to pile"
    for line in helpers.show([g]):
        yield line
Exemple #8
def edit(name,
         platform = None,
         rename = None,
         priority = None,
         hours = None,
         genres = None):
    """Edit a pile game"""

    db = helpers.read_db()

    gs = db.search(exact_name=name)
    if len(gs) == 0:
        raise CommandError("No games found")

    g = gs[0]

    if rename:
        g.name = rename

    if platform:
        g.platform = platform

    if hours:
        g.hours = hours

    if priority:
        g.priority = priority

    if on_pile_date:
        g.on_pile_date = on_pile_date

    if genres:
        g.genres = genres

    yield "Game updated"
    for line in helpers.show([g]):
        yield line

def game_loop():
    quit = False
    char = Character.Character(100, 1, 1, "",
                               pygame.image.load('art/hero.png'), 100, 100)
    keys = []
    have_red_key = False
    have_blue_key = False
    have_black_key = False
    game_over = False
    current_chamber = 0
    while not quit:
        if char.health <= 0:
            game_over = True
        # event handling
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                quit = True
            # handle key down
            if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                if not game_over:
                    # moving
                    if event.key == pygame.K_a:
                        char.x_change = -10
                        char.direction = 'left'
                    if event.key == pygame.K_d:
                        char.x_change = 10
                        char.direction = 'right'
                    if event.key == pygame.K_w:
                        char.y_change = -10
                    if event.key == pygame.K_s:
                        char.y_change = 10
                    # using weapon
                    if event.key == pygame.K_p:
                        if char.direction == 'left':
                            char.show_weapon_left = True
                        if char.direction == 'right':
                            char.show_weapon_right = True
                    # quit game
                    if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
                        quit = True
                if event.key == pygame.K_RETURN and game_over:
                    # reset them game
                    current_chamber = 0
                    keys = []
                    have_black_key = False
                    have_red_key = False
                    have_blue_key = False
                    game_over = False

                # if a key is used on a door add the key to the door buffer
                # use red key
                if event.key == pygame.K_1:
                    for door in graph.chambers[current_chamber].doors:
                        if collided(char.x, char.y, char.img_w, char.img_h,
                                    door.x, door.y, door.width + 100,
                                    door.height + 100) and have_red_key:
                    for npc in graph.chambers[current_chamber].npcs:
                        if collided(char.x, char.y, char.img_w, char.img_h,
                                    npc.x, npc.y, npc.img_w + 50,
                                    npc.img_h + 50) and have_red_key:
                            npc.add_to_spell_buffer(str(1), char)
                # use blue key
                if event.key == pygame.K_2:
                    for door in graph.chambers[current_chamber].doors:
                        if collided(char.x, char.y, char.img_w, char.img_h,
                                    door.x, door.y, door.width + 100,
                                    door.height + 100) and have_blue_key:
                    for npc in graph.chambers[current_chamber].npcs:
                        if collided(char.x, char.y, char.img_w, char.img_h,
                                    npc.x, npc.y, npc.img_w + 50,
                                    npc.img_h + 50) and have_blue_key:
                            npc.add_to_spell_buffer(str(2), char)
                # use black key
                if event.key == pygame.K_3:
                    for door in graph.chambers[current_chamber].doors:
                        if collided(char.x, char.y, char.img_w, char.img_h,
                                    door.x, door.y, door.width + 100,
                                    door.height + 100) and have_black_key:
                    for npc in graph.chambers[current_chamber].npcs:
                        if collided(char.x, char.y, char.img_w, char.img_h,
                                    npc.x, npc.y, npc.img_w + 50,
                                    npc.img_h + 50) and have_black_key:
                            npc.add_to_spell_buffer(str(3), char)
                if event.key == pygame.K_o:
            # handle key release
            if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
                # stop moving
                if event.key == pygame.K_a or event.key == pygame.K_d:
                    char.x_change = 0
                if event.key == pygame.K_w or event.key == pygame.K_s:
                    char.y_change = 0
                # don't show weapon
                if event.key == pygame.K_p:
                    char.show_weapon_left = False
                    char.show_weapon_right = False
        # don't let user outside the screen
        if character_in_bounds(char):
            char.x += char.x_change
            char.y += char.y_change
        # change background colour depending on chamber we're in
            (13 * (current_chamber + 1), 12 * (current_chamber + 1),
             11 * (current_chamber + 1)))

        # show all doors in current chamber
        for door in graph.chambers[current_chamber].doors:
            show(door.x, door.y, door.door_img)
            # if user collides with the door and can pass through put them where they should be in the next chamber
            if collided(char.x, char.y, char.img_w, char.img_h, door.x, door.y,
                        door.width, door.height) and door.can_pass():
                current_chamber = door.destination
                if door.number == 1:
                    char.x = 200
                    char.y = display_height / 2
                elif door.number == 2:
                    char.x = display_width / 2
                    char.y = 200
                elif door.number == 3:
                    char.x = display_width - 200
                    char.y = display_height / 2
                elif door.number == 4:
                    char.x = display_width / 2
                    char.y = display_height - 200

            # if user failed to open door flash
            if door.failed_attempt and door.locked:
                door.door_flash = True
                door.flash_timer = 0
                door.failed_attempt = False
            if door.door_flash:
                door.flash_timer += 1
                if door.flash_timer == 10:
                    if door.number % 2 == 0:
                        door.door_img = pygame.image.load('art/door0.jpg')
                        door.door_img = pygame.image.load('art/door.jpg')

        # show all tidabites in current chamber
        for tida in graph.chambers[current_chamber].tidas:
            if tida.health > 0:
                show(tida.x, tida.y, tida.tida_img)
                # if user collides with tidabite the user takes damage
                if collided(char.x, char.y, char.img_w, char.img_h, tida.x,
                            tida.y, tida.img_w, tida.img_h):
                    if char.x < tida.x:
                        char.x += -15
                    elif char.x >= tida.x:
                        char.x += 15
                    char.health += -ceil(tida.damage / char.armour)
                # if tidabite get hit by user's weapon it takes damage
                if collided(char.x - 50, char.y + 25, 50, 50, tida.x, tida.y,
                            tida.img_w, tida.img_h) and char.show_weapon_left:
                    tida.x += -15
                    tida.health += -char.attack
                if collided(char.x + 100, char.y + 25, 50, 50, tida.x, tida.y,
                            tida.img_w, tida.img_h) and char.show_weapon_right:
                    tida.x += 15
                    tida.health += -char.attack
                # remove from chamber if it's dead

        # show all chests in the current chamber
        for chests in graph.chambers[current_chamber].chests:
            show(chests.x, chests.y, chests.chest_img)
            # if a user collides with a chest spill its contents into the chamber
            if collided(char.x, char.y, char.img_w, char.img_h, chests.x,
                        chests.y, 100, 100):
                for x in chests.items:
                    chests.chest_img = pygame.image.load('art/emptyChest.png')

        # show all items in the current chamber
        for item in graph.chambers[current_chamber].items:
            show(item.x, item.y, item.item_img)
            # if user collides with an item handle various types of items
            if collided(char.x, char.y, char.img_w, char.img_h, item.x, item.y,
                        item.img_w, item.img_h):
                if item.type == 'weapon':
                    char.attack += item.stat
                elif item.type == 'armour':
                    char.armour += item.stat
                elif item.type == 'key':

        # show keys if player has them
        for key in keys:
            if key.stat == 1:
                show(display_width - 400, 0, key.item_img)
                have_red_key = True
            if key.stat == 2:
                show(display_width - 300, 0, key.item_img)
                have_blue_key = True
            if key.stat == 3:
                show(display_width - 200, 0, key.item_img)
                have_black_key = True

        # show NPCs
        for npc in graph.chambers[current_chamber].npcs:
            show(npc.x, npc.y, npc.npc_img)
            # if the player collides with NPC show dialog
            if collided(char.x, char.y, char.img_w, char.img_h, npc.x, npc.y,
                        npc.img_w + 50, npc.img_h + 50):
                show(display_width / 2 - 400, display_height / 2 - 100,

        # show current attack, armour, and health
            f'attack: {char.attack} armour: {char.armour} health: {char.health}',
            300, 50)

        # show character
        show(char.x, char.y, char.char_img)

        # show weapon on either side of character if it should be displayed
        if char.show_weapon_left and char.weapon_img_left is not None:
            show(char.x - 50, char.y + 25, char.weapon_img_left)
        elif char.show_weapon_right and char.weapon_img_right is not None:
            show(char.x + 100, char.y + 25, char.weapon_img_right)

        if game_over:
            show_text('Game OVER', display_width / 2, display_height / 2)
            show_text('Enter to play again', display_width / 2,
                      display_height / 2 + 300)