def test_index(expectedroutes):
    """Test the index returns all availables routes"""
    url = helpertest.apirooturl() + "/index"
    response = requests.get(url)
    assert response.status_code == 200
    routes = response.json()
    assert expectedroutes == routes
Exemple #2
def test_list_edition():
    """Test that Editions return a list of edition object"""
    url = helpertest.apirooturl() + "/Editions"
    response = requests.get(url)
    assert response.status_code == 200
    editions = response.json()
    assert editions
    for edition in editions:
def test_version():
    """Test that version returns a version object"""
    url = helpertest.apirooturl() + "/version"
    response = requests.get(url)
    assert response.status_code == 200
    version = response.json()
    versionvalue = version.get("version")
    assert versionvalue is not None
    assert versionvalue.startswith("1.")
def test_ranking_by_touchdown():
    """ Test that ranking/coach/td/<edition> returns an array of coach
    and the first one has most td"""
    url = helpertest.apirooturl() + "/ranking/coach/td/1"
    _test_ranking_element_by_property(url, check_rank, "tdFor")
def test_main_ranking():
    """ Test that ranking/coach/main/<edition> returns an array of coach
    and that first coach is coach_29"""
    url = helpertest.apirooturl() + "/ranking/coach/main/1"
    _test_ranking_elt(url, "coach_29", check_rank)
def test_team_ranking_by_defense():
    """ Test that ranking/coachTeam/defense/<edition> returns an array
    of team ranking and the first one has least td against """
    url = helpertest.apirooturl() + "/ranking/coachTeam/defense/1"
    _test_ranking_element_by_defense(url, check_team_rank)
def test_team_ranking_by_comeback():
    """ Test that ranking/coachTeam/comeback/<edition> returns an array
    of team ranking and the first one has most win ranks"""
    url = helpertest.apirooturl() + "/ranking/coachTeam/comeback/1"
    _test_ranking_element_by_property(url, check_team_rank, "diffRanking")
Exemple #8
def test_list_coach_team():
    """Test that CoachTeams/<edition> returns a list of coach_team object"""
    url = helpertest.apirooturl() + "/CoachTeams/" + helpertest.edition()
    helpertest.check_dict_element(url, check_coach_team)
def test_to_play_matchs_empty():
    """Test that ToPlayMatchs/<edition>/<round> returns a list of match object"""
    url = helpertest.apirooturl() + "/ToPlayMatchs/1/1"
def test_to_play_matchs():
    """Test that ToPlayMatchs/<edition>/<round> returns a list of match object"""
    url = helpertest.apirooturl() + "/ToPlayMatchs/1/5"
    helpertest.check_list_element(url, assert_to_play_match_edition_1_round_5)
def test_played_matchs():
    """Test that PlayedMatchs/<edition>/<round> returns a list of match object"""
    url = helpertest.apirooturl() + "/PlayedMatchs/1/1"
    helpertest.check_list_element(url, assert_played_match_edition_1_round_1)
Exemple #12
def test_get_coach():
    """Test that Coach/<id> returns a coach object"""
    url = helpertest.apirooturl() + "/Coach/1"
    helpertest.check_element(url, check_coach)
def test_team_ranking_by_completions():
    """ Test that ranking/coachTeam/completions/<edition> returns an array
    of team ranking and the first one has most completions"""
    url = helpertest.apirooturl(
    ) + "/ranking/coachTeam/completions/" + helpertest.edition()
    _test_ranking_element_by_property(url, check_team_rank, "completionsFor")
def test_list_match():
    """Test that Matchs/<edition>/<round> returns a list of match object"""
    url = helpertest.apirooturl() + "/Matchs/" + helpertest.edition() + "/1"
    helpertest.check_list_element(url, assert_match_edition_1_round_1)
def test_ranking_by_casualties():
    """ Test that ranking/coach/casualties/<edition> returns an array of coach
    and the first one has most casualties"""
    url = helpertest.apirooturl() + "/ranking/coach/casualties/1"
    _test_ranking_element_by_property(url, check_rank, "casualtiesFor")
def test_get_matchs_by_coach_team():
    """Test that MatchsByCoach/<coachid> returns a list of match object"""
    url = helpertest.apirooturl() + "/MatchsByCoachTeam/1"
    helpertest.check_list_element(url, assert_match)
Exemple #17
def test_current_edition():
    """Test that Edition/current return an edition object"""
    url = helpertest.apirooturl() + "/Edition/current"
    helpertest.check_element(url, check_edition)
def test_team_ranking():
    """ Test that ranking/coachTeam/main/<edition> returns an array of coach_team
    and that first coach_team is coach_team_8"""
    url = helpertest.apirooturl() + "/ranking/coachTeam/main/1"
    _test_ranking_elt(url, "coach_team_8", check_team_rank)
Exemple #19
def test_edition_one():
    """Test that Edition/1 return an edition object"""
    url = helpertest.apirooturl() + "/Edition/" + helpertest.edition()
    helpertest.check_element(url, check_edition)
def test_team_ranking_by_fouls():
    """ Test that ranking/coachTeam/fouls/<edition> returns an array
    of team ranking and the first one has most fouls"""
    url = helpertest.apirooturl() + "/ranking/coachTeam/fouls/1"
    _test_ranking_element_by_property(url, check_team_rank, "foulsFor")
Exemple #21
def test_coach_team():
    """Test that CoachTeam/<id> returns a coach_team object"""
    url = helpertest.apirooturl() + "/CoachTeam/1"
    helpertest.check_element(url, check_coach_team)
Exemple #22
def test_get_coach_list():
    """Test that Coachs/<edition> returns a list of coach object"""
    url = helpertest.apirooturl() + "/Coachs/1"
    helpertest.check_dict_element(url, check_coach)