Exemple #1
    def apply_rules(self, chapters):
        """HEpigram-specific rules that must be applied to the given
        HEpigram.yml and then passed to MkDocs"""

        # Rule 1 - If first chapter is a single entry, rename it to index.

        first_page_key = list(chapters[0].keys())[0]
        first_page = chapters[0][first_page_key]

        # First chapter is not a single page, so no index for you.
        if not isinstance(first_page, str):
            return chapters

        # We already have an index (:
        if first_page == 'index':
            return chapters

        # Change `first_page.md` to `index.md` on our build dir
        cmd = 'mv {build}/{fp} {build}/index.md'.format(
            build=self.MkDocs.BUILD_DIR, fp=first_page
        ).replace('//', '/')
        call(cmd, shell=True)

        # Change `first_page.md` to `index.md` on our chapters list.
        chapters[0][first_page_key] = 'index.md'

        return chapters
    def clone(self, destination):

        print('Cloning into', destination)
        cmd = 'git clone {origin} {destination} > /dev/null 2>&1'.format(
            origin=self.ORIGIN_PATH, destination=destination
        call(cmd, shell=True)
Exemple #3
    def create_build_env(self):

        # Create the build dir, if it doesnt exists.
        os.makedirs(self.BUILD_DIR, exist_ok=True)

        # Copy theme to build location

        # Copy source files to build dir.
        if self.DOCS_DIR != self.BUILD_DIR:
            cmd = 'cp -r {source}/* {build} >> /dev/null'.format(
                source=self.DOCS_DIR, build=self.BUILD_DIR
            ).replace('//*', '/*')
            call(cmd, shell=True)
Exemple #4
    def serve(self):

        cmd = 'mkdocs serve -f {config} --livereload'.format(
        ).split(' ')
Exemple #5
    def build(self):

        cmd = 'mkdocs build -f {config} -d {output} --clean'.format(
            config=self.config_file(), output=self.OUTPUT_DIR
        ).split(' ')