Exemple #1
    def test_papasevent(self):
        #create a dummy papasevent
        papasevent = PapasEvent(0)
        ecals = dict()
        tracks = dict()
        mixed = dict()
        for i in range(0, 2):
            uid = IdCoder.make_id(IdCoder.PFOBJECTTYPE.ECALCLUSTER, i, 't', 4.5)
            ecals[uid] = uid
            papasevent.history[uid] = Node(uid)
            uidt = IdCoder.make_id(IdCoder.PFOBJECTTYPE.TRACK, i, 's', 4.5)
            tracks[uidt] = uidt  
            papasevent.history[uidt] = Node(uidt)

        lastid = IdCoder.make_id(IdCoder.PFOBJECTTYPE.ECALCLUSTER, 3, 't', 3)
        ecals[lastid] = lastid   
        papasevent.history[lastid] = Node(lastid)
        #create HistoryHelper
        hhelper =  HistoryHelper(papasevent)
        #get all ids in event
        ids =  hhelper.event_ids()
        self.assertTrue(len(ids) == 5)

        #check id_from_pretty
        self.assertTrue(hhelper.id_from_pretty('et3') == lastid)
        #check get_linked_ids
        linked = hhelper.get_linked_ids(lastid) #everything linked to lastid (which is just lastid)
        self.assertTrue(linked[0] == lastid and len(linked) == 1)        
        self.assertTrue( hhelper.get_linked_ids( ids[0], direction="undirected")[1] == hhelper.id_from_pretty('ts0'))
        self.assertTrue( hhelper.get_linked_ids( ids[0], direction="parents")== hhelper.get_linked_ids( ids[0], direction="undirected"))
        self.assertTrue( hhelper.get_linked_ids(ids[0], direction="children") == [hhelper.id_from_pretty('et0')])
        self.assertTrue( len(hhelper.filter_ids(ids, 'ts')) == 2)
        self.assertTrue( hhelper.filter_ids(ids, 'no') == [])
        self.assertTrue( len( hhelper.get_collection(ids[1:2], 'no'))  == 0)
        self.assertTrue( len( hhelper.get_collection([99], 'no'))  == 0)
        self.assertTrue( len(hhelper.get_collection(ids[0:2], 'ts')) == 1)
        subgroups = hhelper.get_history_subgroups()
        self.assertTrue(len(subgroups) == 3)
        self.assertTrue(hhelper.get_linked_collection( hhelper.id_from_pretty('et0'), 'ts').keys() == [hhelper.id_from_pretty('ts0')])
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, hhelper.get_linked_collection, 0, 'ts')
        self.assertTrue(len(hhelper.get_linked_collection( hhelper.id_from_pretty('et0'), 'no')) == 0)
Exemple #2
    def process(self, event):
        event.papasevent = PapasEvent(event.iEv)
        papasevent = event.papasevent

        #make a dict from the gen_particles list so that it can be stored into the papasevent collections
        gen_particles = getattr(event, self.cfg_ana.gen_particles)
        gen_particles_collection = {}
        for g in gen_particles:
            #set the papas identifiers for use in DAG
                                g.objid()[0], 'g',
            gen_particles_collection[g.dagid()] = g

        #make a dict from the rec_particles list so that it can be stored into the papasevent collections
        rec_particles = getattr(event, self.cfg_ana.rec_particles)

        #if there are no rec_particles we assume this was an evernt discarded during reconstruction and skip it
        if len(rec_particles) == 0:
                'no reconsrtucted particles found -> Event discarded')
            return False
        rec_particles_collection = {}
        for r in rec_particles:
            #set the papas identifiers for use in DAG
                                r.objid()[0], 'r',
            rec_particles_collection[r.dagid()] = r

        #create the history links for relationship between gen and rec particles
        particle_links = getattr(event, self.cfg_ana.gen_rec_links)
        for plink in particle_links:
            genid = None
            recid = None
            for g in gen_particles:
                if g.objid() == plink.id1():
                    genid = g.dagid()
            for g in rec_particles:
                if g.objid() == plink.id2():
                    recid = g.dagid()
            if recid == None or genid == None:
                    'Error: One of the particles in the Particle Link was not found-> discarding event'
                return False
            child = papasevent.history.setdefault(
                Node(recid))  #creates a new node if it is not there already
            parent = papasevent.history.setdefault(genid, Node(genid))

 def __init__(self, uid, layer):
     ''' uid is unique integer from 101-199 for ecal cluster
           unique integer from 201-299 for hcal cluster
           layer is ecal/hcal
     if (layer == 'ecal_in'):
         self.uniqueid = IdCoder.make_id(IdCoder.PFOBJECTTYPE.ECALCLUSTER, uid, 't')
     elif (layer == 'hcal_in'):
         self.uniqueid = IdCoder.make_id(IdCoder.PFOBJECTTYPE.HCALCLUSTER, uid,  't')
         assert false
     self.layer = layer
     self.uid = uid
 def __init__(self, uid):
     ''' uid is unique integer from 1-99
     self.uniqueid = IdCoder.make_id(IdCoder.PFOBJECTTYPE.TRACK,  uid, 't')
     self.uid = uid
     self.layer = 'tracker'
 def __init__(self, uid,pdgid):
     ''' uid is unique integer from 601-699
         pdgid is particle uid eg 22 for photon
     self.uniqueid = IdCoder.make_id(IdCoder.PFOBJECTTYPE.PARTICLE,  uid,'r')
     self.pdgid = pdgid
     self.uid = uid
 def __init__(self, uid):
     ''' uid is unique integer from 1-99
     self.uniqueid = IdCoder.make_id(IdCoder.PFOBJECTTYPE.TRACK, uid, 't')
     self.uid = uid
     self.layer = 'tracker'
     self.energy = 0
 def __init__(self, uid, layer):
     ''' uid is unique integer from 101-199 for ecal cluster
           unique integer from 201-299 for hcal cluster
           layer is ecal/hcal
     if (layer == 'ecal_in'):
         self.uniqueid = IdCoder.make_id(IdCoder.PFOBJECTTYPE.ECALCLUSTER,
                                         uid, 't')
     elif (layer == 'hcal_in'):
         self.uniqueid = IdCoder.make_id(IdCoder.PFOBJECTTYPE.HCALCLUSTER,
                                         uid, 't')
         assert false
     self.layer = layer
     self.uid = uid
     self.energy = 0
Exemple #8
    def process(self, event):
        event.papasevent = PapasEvent(event.iEv)
        papasevent = event.papasevent

        #make a dict from the gen_particles list so that it can be stored into the papasevent collections
        gen_particles = getattr(event, self.cfg_ana.gen_particles)
        gen_particles_collection = {}
        for g in gen_particles:
            #set the papas identifiers for use in DAG
            g.set_dagid(IdCoder.make_id(IdCoder.PFOBJECTTYPE.PARTICLE, g.objid()[0], 'g', g.p4().E()))
            gen_particles_collection[g.dagid()] = g

        #make a dict from the rec_particles list so that it can be stored into the papasevent collections
        rec_particles = getattr(event, self.cfg_ana.rec_particles)

        #if there are no rec_particles we assume this was an evernt discarded during reconstruction and skip it
        if len(rec_particles) == 0:
            self.mainLogger.error('no reconsrtucted particles found -> Event discarded')
            return False
        rec_particles_collection = {}
        for r in rec_particles:
            #set the papas identifiers for use in DAG
            r.set_dagid(IdCoder.make_id(IdCoder.PFOBJECTTYPE.PARTICLE, r.objid()[0], 'r', r.p4().E()))
            rec_particles_collection[r.dagid()] = r

        #create the history links for relationship between gen and rec particles
        particle_links = getattr(event, self.cfg_ana.gen_rec_links)
        for plink in particle_links:
            genid = None
            recid = None
            for g in gen_particles:
                if g.objid() == plink.id1() :
                    genid = g.dagid()
            for g in rec_particles:
                if g.objid() == plink.id2() :
                    recid = g.dagid()
            if recid==None or genid ==None:
                self.mainLogger.error('Error: One of the particles in the Particle Link was not found-> discarding event')
                return False 
            child = papasevent.history.setdefault(recid, Node(recid)) #creates a new node if it is not there already
            parent = papasevent.history.setdefault(genid, Node(genid))

 def __init__(self, uid, pdgid):
     ''' uid is unique integer from 301-399
         pdgid is particle uid eg 22 for photon
     self.uniqueid = IdCoder.make_id(IdCoder.PFOBJECTTYPE.PARTICLE, uid, 'g')
     #print "particle: ",self.uniqueid," ",uid
     self.pdgid = pdgid
     self.uid = uid
 def __init__(self, uid, pdgid):
     ''' uid is unique integer from 601-699
         pdgid is particle uid eg 22 for photon
     self.uniqueid = IdCoder.make_id(IdCoder.PFOBJECTTYPE.PARTICLE, uid,
     self.pdgid = pdgid
     self.uid = uid
 def __init__(self, uid, pdgid):
     ''' uid is unique integer from 301-399
         pdgid is particle uid eg 22 for photon
     self.uniqueid = IdCoder.make_id(IdCoder.PFOBJECTTYPE.PARTICLE, uid,
     #print "particle: ",self.uniqueid," ",uid
     self.pdgid = pdgid
     self.uid = uid
Exemple #12
 def __init__(self, pfobjecttype, index, subtype='u', identifiervalue = 0.0):
     '''@param pfobjecttype: type of the object to be created (used in Identifier class) eg Identifier.PFOBJECTTYPE.ECALCLUSTER
        @param subtype: Identifier subtype, eg 'm' for merged
        @param identifiervalue: The value to be encoded into the Identifier eg energy or pt
     super(PFObject, self).__init__()
     self.linked = []
     self.locked = False
     self.block_label = None
     self.uniqueid=IdCoder.make_id(pfobjecttype, index, subtype, identifiervalue)
Exemple #13
 def __init__(self, pfobjecttype, index, subtype='u', identifiervalue=0.0):
     '''@param pfobjecttype: type of the object to be created (used in Identifier class) eg Identifier.PFOBJECTTYPE.ECALCLUSTER
        @param subtype: Identifier subtype, eg 'm' for merged
        @param identifiervalue: The value to be encoded into the Identifier eg energy or pt
     super(PFObject, self).__init__()
     self.linked = []
     self.locked = False
     self.block_label = None
     self.uniqueid = IdCoder.make_id(pfobjecttype, index, subtype,
Exemple #14
    def process(self, event):
        #random.seed(0xdeadbeef) #Useful to make results reproducable between loops and single runs
        event.simulator = self
        event.papasevent = PapasEvent(event.iEv)   
        papasevent = event.papasevent
        gen_particles = getattr(event, self.cfg_ana.gen_particles)
        gen_particles_collection = {} #make a dict from the gen_particles list so that it can be stored into the papasevent collections  
        for g in gen_particles:
            g.set_dagid(IdCoder.make_id(IdCoder.PFOBJECTTYPE.PARTICLE, g.objid()[0], 'g', g.p4().E()))
            gen_particles_collection[g.dagid()] = g
        def simparticle(ptc, index):
            '''Create a sim particle to be used in papas from an input particle.
            tp4 = ptc.p4()
            vertex = ptc.start_vertex().position()
            charge = ptc.q()
            pid = ptc.pdgid()
            simptc = Particle(tp4, vertex, charge, pid)
            simptc.set_dagid(IdCoder.make_id(IdCoder.PFOBJECTTYPE.PARTICLE, index, 's', simptc.idvalue))
            pdebugger.info(" ".join(("Made", simptc.__str__())))
            #simptc.gen_ptc = ptc
            #record that sim particle derives from gen particle
            child = papasevent.history.setdefault(simptc.dagid(), Node(simptc.dagid())) #creates a new node if it is not there already
            parent = papasevent.history.setdefault(ptc.dagid(), Node(ptc.dagid()))
            return simptc
        simptcs = [simparticle(ptc, index)
                   for index, ptc in enumerate(gen_particles)]
            self.simulator.simulate(simptcs, papasevent.history)
        except (PropagationError, SimulationError) as err:
            self.mainLogger.error(str(err) + ' -> Event discarded')
            return False
        #these are the particles before simulation
        simparticles = sorted(self.simulator.ptcs, key=P4.sort_key, reverse=True)
        setattr(event, self.simname, simparticles)

        #todo move to separate analyzer
        self.merge_clusters(papasevent) #add to simulator class? 
        #useful when producing outputs from a papasevent
        papasevent.iEv = event.iEv
Exemple #15
    def test_papasevent(self):
        papasevent = PapasEvent(0)
        ecals = dict()
        tracks = dict()
        mixed = dict()

        for i in range(0, 2):
            uid = IdCoder.make_id(IdCoder.PFOBJECTTYPE.ECALCLUSTER, i, 't',
            ecals[uid] = uid
        for i in range(0, 2):
            uid = IdCoder.make_id(IdCoder.PFOBJECTTYPE.TRACK, i, 's', 4.5)
            tracks[uid] = uid

        lastid = IdCoder.make_id(IdCoder.PFOBJECTTYPE.ECALCLUSTER, 3, 't', 3)
        ecals[lastid] = lastid


        #check that adding the same collection twice fails
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, papasevent.add_collection, ecals)

        #check that adding a mixed collection fails
        mixed = ecals.copy()
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, papasevent.add_collection, mixed)

        #get we can get back collections OK
            papasevent.get_collection('zz')) == 0)  # this one does not exist
        self.assertTrue(len(papasevent.get_collection('et')) == 3)

        #check get_object
        self.assertTrue(IdCoder.pretty(papasevent.get_object(lastid)) == 'et3')
        self.assertTrue(papasevent.get_object(499) is None)
Exemple #16
 def simparticle(ptc, index):
     '''Create a sim particle to be used in papas from an input particle.
     tp4 = ptc.p4()
     vertex = ptc.start_vertex().position()
     charge = ptc.q()
     pid = ptc.pdgid()
     simptc = Particle(tp4, vertex, charge, pid)
     simptc.set_dagid(IdCoder.make_id(IdCoder.PFOBJECTTYPE.PARTICLE, index, 's', simptc.idvalue))
     pdebugger.info(" ".join(("Made", simptc.__str__())))
     #simptc.gen_ptc = ptc
     #record that sim particle derives from gen particle
     child = papasevent.history.setdefault(simptc.dagid(), Node(simptc.dagid())) #creates a new node if it is not there already
     parent = papasevent.history.setdefault(ptc.dagid(), Node(ptc.dagid()))
     return simptc
Exemple #17
 def reconstruct_cluster(self, cluster, layer, parent_ids,
                         energy=None, vertex=None):
     '''construct a photon if it is an ecal
        construct a neutral hadron if it is an hcal
     if self.locked[cluster.uniqueid]:
     if vertex is None:
         vertex = TVector3()
     pdg_id = None
     propagate_to = None
     if layer=='ecal_in':
         pdg_id = 22 #photon
         propagate_to = [ self.detector.elements['ecal'].volume.inner ]
     elif layer=='hcal_in':
         pdg_id = 130 #K0
         propagate_to = [ self.detector.elements['ecal'].volume.inner,
                          self.detector.elements['hcal'].volume.inner ]
         raise ValueError('layer must be equal to ecal_in or hcal_in')
     mass, charge = particle_data[pdg_id]
     if energy is None:
         energy = cluster.energy
     if energy < mass: 
         return None 
     if mass == 0:
         momentum = energy #avoid sqrt for zero mass
         momentum = math.sqrt(energy**2 - mass**2)
     p3 = cluster.position.Unit() * momentum
     p4 = TLorentzVector(p3.Px(), p3.Py(), p3.Pz(), energy) #mass is not accurate here
     particle = Particle(p4, vertex, charge, pdg_id)
     particle.set_dagid(IdCoder.make_id(IdCoder.PFOBJECTTYPE.PARTICLE, len(self.particles), 'r', particle.idvalue))
     # alice: this may be a bit strange because we can make a photon 
     # with a path where the point is actually that of the hcal?
     # nb this only is problem if the cluster and the assigned layer 
     # are different
     #merge Nov 10th 2016 not sure about following line (was commented out in papasevent branch)
     particle.clusters[layer] = cluster  # not sure about this either when hcal is used to make an ecal cluster?
     self.locked[cluster.uniqueid] = True #just OK but not nice if hcal used to make ecal.
     pdebugger.info(str('Made {} from {}'.format(particle, cluster)))
     self.insert_particle(parent_ids, particle)        
Exemple #18
 def reconstruct_track(self, track, pdgid, parent_ids,
                       clusters=None): # cluster argument does not ever seem to be used at present
     '''construct a charged hadron from the track
     if self.locked[track.uniqueid]:
     vertex = track.path.points['vertex']
     pdgid = pdgid * track.charge
     mass, charge = particle_data[pdgid]
     p4 = TLorentzVector()
     p4.SetVectM(track.p3() , mass)
     particle = Particle(p4, vertex, charge, pdgid)
     particle.set_dagid(IdCoder.make_id(IdCoder.PFOBJECTTYPE.PARTICLE, len(self.particles), 'r', particle.idvalue))
     #todo fix this so it picks up smeared track points (need to propagagte smeared track)
     particle.set_track(track) #refer to existing track rather than make a new one
     self.locked[track.uniqueid] = True
     pdebugger.info(str('Made {} from {}'.format(particle, track)))
     self.insert_particle(parent_ids, particle)
     return particle
Exemple #19
 def simparticle(ptc, index):
     '''Create a sim particle to be used in papas from an input particle.
     tp4 = ptc.p4()
     vertex = ptc.start_vertex().position()
     charge = ptc.q()
     pid = ptc.pdgid()
     simptc = Particle(tp4, vertex, charge, pid)
         IdCoder.make_id(IdCoder.PFOBJECTTYPE.PARTICLE, index, 's',
     pdebugger.info(" ".join(("Made", simptc.__str__())))
     #simptc.gen_ptc = ptc
     #record that sim particle derives from gen particle
     child = papasevent.history.setdefault(
         simptc.dagid(), Node(simptc.dagid(
         )))  #creates a new node if it is not there already
     parent = papasevent.history.setdefault(ptc.dagid(),
     return simptc
Exemple #20
    def __init__(self, element_ids, edges, index, subtype): 
            @param element_ids:  list of the uniqueids of the elements to go in this block [id1,id2,...]
            @param edges: is a dictionary of edges, it must contain at least all needed edges.
                   It is not a problem if it contains
                   additional edges as only the ones needed will be extracted
            @param index: index into the collection of blocks into which new block will be added
            @param subtype: used when making unique identifier, will normally be 'r' for reconstructed blocks and 's' for split blocks
        #make a uniqueid for this block
        self.uniqueid = IdCoder.make_id(IdCoder.PFOBJECTTYPE.BLOCK, index, subtype, len(element_ids))
        #this will sort by type eg ecal, hcal, track and then by energy (biggest first)
        self.element_uniqueids = sorted(element_ids, reverse=True)
        #sequential numbering of blocks, not essential but helpful for debugging
        self.block_count = PFBlock.temp_block_count
        PFBlock.temp_block_count += 1

        #extract the relevant parts of the complete set of edges and store this within the block
        self.edges = dict()
        for id1, id2 in itertools.combinations(self.element_uniqueids, 2):
            key = Edge.make_key(id1, id2)
            self.edges[key] = edges[key]
Exemple #21
    def __init__(self, element_ids, edges, index, subtype):
            @param element_ids:  list of the uniqueids of the elements to go in this block [id1,id2,...]
            @param edges: is a dictionary of edges, it must contain at least all needed edges.
                   It is not a problem if it contains
                   additional edges as only the ones needed will be extracted
            @param index: index into the collection of blocks into which new block will be added
            @param subtype: used when making unique identifier, will normally be 'r' for reconstructed blocks and 's' for split blocks
        #make a uniqueid for this block
        self.uniqueid = IdCoder.make_id(IdCoder.PFOBJECTTYPE.BLOCK, index,
                                        subtype, len(element_ids))
        #this will sort by type eg ecal, hcal, track and then by energy (biggest first)
        self.element_uniqueids = sorted(element_ids, reverse=True)
        #sequential numbering of blocks, not essential but helpful for debugging
        self.block_count = PFBlock.temp_block_count
        PFBlock.temp_block_count += 1

        #extract the relevant parts of the complete set of edges and store this within the block
        self.edges = dict()
        for id1, id2 in itertools.combinations(self.element_uniqueids, 2):
            key = Edge.make_key(id1, id2)
            self.edges[key] = edges[key]
    def test_papasevent(self):

        #create a dummy papasevent
        papasevent = PapasEvent(0)
        ecals = dict()
        tracks = dict()
        mixed = dict()

        for i in range(0, 2):
            uid = IdCoder.make_id(IdCoder.PFOBJECTTYPE.ECALCLUSTER, i, 't',
            ecals[uid] = uid
            papasevent.history[uid] = Node(uid)
            uidt = IdCoder.make_id(IdCoder.PFOBJECTTYPE.TRACK, i, 's', 4.5)
            tracks[uidt] = uidt
            papasevent.history[uidt] = Node(uidt)

        lastid = IdCoder.make_id(IdCoder.PFOBJECTTYPE.ECALCLUSTER, 3, 't', 3)
        ecals[lastid] = lastid
        papasevent.history[lastid] = Node(lastid)

        #create HistoryHelper
        hhelper = HistoryHelper(papasevent)

        #get all ids in event
        ids = hhelper.event_ids()
        self.assertTrue(len(ids) == 5)

        #check id_from_pretty
        self.assertTrue(hhelper.id_from_pretty('et3') == lastid)

        #check get_linked_ids

        linked = hhelper.get_linked_ids(
            lastid)  #everything linked to lastid (which is just lastid)
        self.assertTrue(linked[0] == lastid and len(linked) == 1)
            hhelper.get_linked_ids(ids[0], direction="undirected")[1] ==
            hhelper.get_linked_ids(ids[0], direction="parents") ==
            hhelper.get_linked_ids(ids[0], direction="undirected"))
            hhelper.get_linked_ids(ids[0], direction="children") ==

        self.assertTrue(len(hhelper.filter_ids(ids, 'ts')) == 2)
        self.assertTrue(hhelper.filter_ids(ids, 'no') == [])

        self.assertTrue(len(hhelper.get_collection(ids[1:2], 'no')) == 0)
        self.assertTrue(len(hhelper.get_collection([99], 'no')) == 0)
        self.assertTrue(len(hhelper.get_collection(ids[0:2], 'ts')) == 1)

        subgroups = hhelper.get_history_subgroups()
        self.assertTrue(len(subgroups) == 3)

                'et0'), 'ts').keys() == [hhelper.id_from_pretty('ts0')])
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, hhelper.get_linked_collection, 0, 'ts')
                                              'no')) == 0)
Exemple #23
    def process(self, event):
        #random.seed(0xdeadbeef) #Useful to make results reproducable between loops and single runs
        event.simulator = self
        event.papasevent = PapasEvent(event.iEv)
        papasevent = event.papasevent
        gen_particles = getattr(event, self.cfg_ana.gen_particles)
        gen_particles_collection = {
        }  #make a dict from the gen_particles list so that it can be stored into the papasevent collections
        for g in gen_particles:
                                g.objid()[0], 'g',
            gen_particles_collection[g.dagid()] = g

        def simparticle(ptc, index):
            '''Create a sim particle to be used in papas from an input particle.
            tp4 = ptc.p4()
            vertex = ptc.start_vertex().position()
            charge = ptc.q()
            pid = ptc.pdgid()
            simptc = Particle(tp4, vertex, charge, pid)
                IdCoder.make_id(IdCoder.PFOBJECTTYPE.PARTICLE, index, 's',
            pdebugger.info(" ".join(("Made", simptc.__str__())))
            #simptc.gen_ptc = ptc
            #record that sim particle derives from gen particle
            child = papasevent.history.setdefault(
                simptc.dagid(), Node(simptc.dagid(
                )))  #creates a new node if it is not there already
            parent = papasevent.history.setdefault(ptc.dagid(),
            return simptc

        simptcs = [
            simparticle(ptc, index) for index, ptc in enumerate(gen_particles)
            self.simulator.simulate(simptcs, papasevent.history)
        except (PropagationError, SimulationError) as err:
            self.mainLogger.error(str(err) + ' -> Event discarded')
            return False
        #these are the particles before simulation
        simparticles = sorted(self.simulator.ptcs,
        setattr(event, self.simname, simparticles)

        #todo move to separate analyzer
        self.merge_clusters(papasevent)  #add to simulator class?
        #useful when producing outputs from a papasevent
        papasevent.iEv = event.iEv