Exemple #1
def plot_raised_cosine() -> None:
    Generate plots of the raised-cosine impulse response for visual inspection.
    The following plots are generated:
    1 - impulse response of a raised cosine filter with different roll-of factors
    2 - impulse response of a raised cosine filter with different bandwidths
    # plot impulse response of a raised cosine filter for different roll-off
    # factors
    samples_per_symbol = 128
    length_in_symbols = 32

    input_signal = np.array([1])


    roll_off = 0.
    rc_filter = ShapingFilter("RAISED_COSINE", samples_per_symbol,
                              length_in_symbols=length_in_symbols, roll_off=roll_off)
    impulse_response = rc_filter.filter(input_signal)
    time = np.arange(impulse_response.size) / samples_per_symbol
    plt.plot(time, impulse_response, label="0")

    roll_off = 0.25
    rc_filter = ShapingFilter("RAISED_COSINE", samples_per_symbol,
                              length_in_symbols=length_in_symbols, roll_off=roll_off)
    impulse_response = rc_filter.filter(input_signal)
    plt.plot(time, impulse_response, label="0.25")

    roll_off = 0.75
    rc_filter = ShapingFilter("RAISED_COSINE", samples_per_symbol,
                              length_in_symbols=length_in_symbols, roll_off=roll_off)
    impulse_response = rc_filter.filter(input_signal)
    plt.plot(time, impulse_response, label="0.75")

    plt.title("Raised-Cosine Filter")
    plt.legend(title='roll-off factor')


    roll_off = 0.
    rc_filter = ShapingFilter("RAISED_COSINE", samples_per_symbol,
                              length_in_symbols=length_in_symbols, roll_off=roll_off)
    impulse_response = rc_filter.filter(input_signal)
    time = np.arange(impulse_response.size) / samples_per_symbol
    plt.plot(time, impulse_response, label="0")

    roll_off = 0.
    rc_filter = ShapingFilter("RAISED_COSINE", samples_per_symbol,
                              length_in_symbols=length_in_symbols, roll_off=roll_off, bandwidth_factor=1.5)
    impulse_response = rc_filter.filter(input_signal)
    plt.plot(time, impulse_response, label="1.5")

    plt.title("Raised-Cosine Filters with different bandwidths")
    plt.legend(title='bandwidth expansion')
Exemple #2
class TestShapingFilter(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self) -> None:
        self.rnd = np.random.RandomState(42)

#    def test_raised_cosine(self) -> None:
#        """
#        Test if a raise cosine pulse satisfies the desired properties, i.e., given a discrete sequence x[k], with x(t) a
#        zero-padded upsampled baseband_signal, then if y(t) = x(t) * h(t), with h(t) a raised-cosine filter, then
#        y(kTs) = A s[k].
#        A sequence of 100 random symbols is generated, filtered by a raised cosine filter, and sampled. The sampled
#        baseband_signal must be (nearly) equal to the original sequence, except for a multiplying factor.
#        This is tested for several different oversampling rates and FIR lengths.
#        """
#        # parameters
#        number_of_symbols = 128
#        samples_per_symbol = 128
#        length_in_symbols = 32
#        roll_off = 0.3
#        # generate a random sequence of complex symbols and upsample it
#        input_signal = self.rnd.randn(
#            number_of_symbols) + 1j * self.rnd.randn(number_of_symbols)
#        oversampled_signal = np.vstack(
#            (input_signal, np.zeros([samples_per_symbol - 1, number_of_symbols])))
#        oversampled_signal = oversampled_signal.flatten('F')
#        # filter with a root-raised cosine filter
#        tx_filter = ShapingFilter("RAISED_COSINE", samples_per_symbol, length_in_symbols=length_in_symbols,
#                                  roll_off=roll_off)
#        filtered_signal = tx_filter.filter(oversampled_signal)
#        # downsample filtered output
#        sampling_indices = np.arange(
#            number_of_symbols) * samples_per_symbol + tx_filter.delay_in_samples
#        output_signal = filtered_signal[sampling_indices]
#        # calculate normalization power
#        factor = np.abs(input_signal[0] / output_signal[0])
#        npt.assert_allclose(
#            input_signal,
#            output_signal *
#            factor,
#            rtol=1e-5,
#            atol=0)

    def test_root_raised_cosine(self) -> None:
        Test if a root-raise cosine pulse satisfies the desired properties, i.e., given a discrete sequence x[k], with
        x(t) a zero-padded upsampled baseband_signal, then if y(t) = x(t) * h(t) * h(t), with h(t) a root-raised-cosine filter,
        then y(kTs) = A s[k].
        A sequence of 100 random symbols is generated, filtered twice by a root-raised-cosine filter, and sampled. The
        sampled baseband_signal must be (nearly) equal to the original sequence.
        However, this is true only for very long impulse responses (because of truncation), and only one combination of
        filter length and oversampling rate is tested.

        # parameters
        number_of_symbols = 100
        samples_per_symbol = 128
        length_in_symbols = 128
        roll_off = self.rnd.random_sample() / 4

        # generate a random sequence of complex symbols and upsample it
        input_signal = self.rnd.randn(
            number_of_symbols) + 1j * self.rnd.randn(number_of_symbols)
        oversampled_signal = np.vstack(
            (input_signal, np.zeros([samples_per_symbol - 1, number_of_symbols])))
        oversampled_signal = oversampled_signal.flatten('F')

        # filter twice with root-raised cosine filters
        self.filter = ShapingFilter(
        filtered_signal = self.filter.filter(

        # downsample filtered output
        delay_in_samples = 2 * self.filter.delay_in_samples
        sampling_indices = np.arange(
            number_of_symbols) * samples_per_symbol + delay_in_samples
        output_signal = filtered_signal[sampling_indices]

        # calculate normalization power
        factor = np.abs(input_signal[0] / output_signal[0])

            output_signal *

    def test_none(self) -> None:
        Test if a shaping pulse without filtering behaves as expected.

        number_of_symbols = 100
        samples_per_symbol = 128

        self.filter = ShapingFilter("NONE", samples_per_symbol)

        input_signal = self.rnd.randn(
            number_of_symbols) + 1j * self.rnd.randn(number_of_symbols)
        oversampled_signal = np.vstack(
            (input_signal, np.zeros([samples_per_symbol - 1, number_of_symbols])))
        oversampled_signal = oversampled_signal.flatten('F')

        filtered_signal = self.filter.filter(

        npt.assert_array_equal(filtered_signal, oversampled_signal)

    def test_rectangular(self) -> None:
        Test if filtering with a rectangular pulse behaves as expected.
        A sequence of 100 random symbols is generated, and upsampled with zero-padding. The filtered baseband_signal must consist
        of a series of rectangular pulses of the desired length and complex amplitude given by the random symbols.

        # parameters
        number_of_symbols = 100
        samples_per_symbol = 8
        bandwidth_factor = 4

        # generate a random sequence of complex symbols and upsample it
        input_signal = self.rnd.randn(
            number_of_symbols) + 1j * self.rnd.randn(number_of_symbols)
        oversampled_signal = np.vstack(
            (input_signal, np.zeros([samples_per_symbol - 1, number_of_symbols])))
        oversampled_signal = oversampled_signal.flatten('F')

        # filter with rectangular pulse
        self.filter = ShapingFilter(
        filtered_signal = self.filter.filter(oversampled_signal)

        # generate desired output with rectangular pulses
        desired_output = np.vstack((np.tile(input_signal, (int(samples_per_symbol / bandwidth_factor), 1)),
                                    np.zeros((int(samples_per_symbol * (1 - 1 / bandwidth_factor)), number_of_symbols))))
        desired_output = desired_output.flatten(
            'F') / np.sqrt(samples_per_symbol / bandwidth_factor)

            filtered_signal[:desired_output.size], desired_output)

    def test_fmcw(self) -> None:
        Test if filtering with an FMCW pulse behaves as expected.
        An FMCW pulse or chirp filter will ideally simply delay different frequency components with different delay
        values. In this test we generate two complex carrier waves (CW) with different frequencies but with same time
        reference. Both are independently filtered by the same FMCW filter and their delays are estimated. The
        difference between the measured delays is then compared with the expected value according to the parameters.
        Given a chirp with sweep bandwidth B and duration Tc, and considering two CWs of frequencies f1 and f2, then the
        difference between the delays of the filtered CWs should be equal to dt = (f2-f1)/S, where S = B/Tc is the chirp

        # parameters
        chirp_duration = 2e-6
        symbol_interval = .1e-6
        chirp_bandwidth = 200e6
        samples_per_symbol = 128
        sampling_interval = symbol_interval / samples_per_symbol
        length_in_symbols = chirp_duration / symbol_interval

        # generate two complex CWs at frequencies -BW/4 and BW/4
        freq = chirp_bandwidth / 4
        t = np.arange(samples_per_symbol) * sampling_interval
        input1 = np.exp(-2j * np.pi * freq * t)
        input2 = np.exp(2j * np.pi * freq * t)

        # filter both CWs with a chirp
        self.filter = ShapingFilter("FMCW", samples_per_symbol, length_in_symbols=length_in_symbols,
                                    bandwidth_factor=chirp_bandwidth * symbol_interval)
        output1 = self.filter.filter(input1)
        output2 = self.filter.filter(input2)

        # estimate the difference between the delays of both CWs after
        # filtering
        delay1 = np.argmax(np.abs(np.correlate(output1, input1, mode='full')))
        delay2 = np.argmax(np.abs(np.correlate(output2, input2, mode='full')))
        delay_in_samples = delay2 - delay1

            delay_in_samples, int(
                length_in_symbols * samples_per_symbol / 2))
Exemple #3
def plot_fmcw() -> None:
    Generate plots of the FMCW impulse response for visual inspection.
    The following plots are generated:
    1 - Short-time Fourier Transform (STFT) of a baseband upchirp
    2 - impulse response of a passband upconverted upchirp
    3 - STFT of a passband upconverted upchirp
    4 - Short-time Fourier Transform (STFT) of a baseband downchirp
    # create a complex baseband up-chirp
    chirp_duration = 1e-6
    symbol_interval = .1e-6
    chirp_bandwidth = 200e6
    chirp_oversampling_factor = 8
    sampling_rate = chirp_bandwidth * chirp_oversampling_factor
    samples_per_symbol = int(symbol_interval * sampling_rate)

    fmcw = ShapingFilter("FMCW", samples_per_symbol,
                         length_in_symbols=(chirp_duration / symbol_interval),
                         bandwidth_factor=chirp_bandwidth * symbol_interval)
    input_signal = np.array([1])
    impulse_response = fmcw.filter(input_signal)

    # upconvert chirp to generate a passband real-valued chirp baseband_signal
    time = np.arange(impulse_response.size) / sampling_rate
    impulse_response_upconverted = np.real(
        impulse_response *
            1j *
            2 *
            np.pi *
            chirp_bandwidth *

    # generate plots

    # STFT of baseband chirp
    f, t, Zxx = signal.stft(
        impulse_response, sampling_rate, return_onesided=False)
    f = np.fft.fftshift(f)
    Zxx = np.fft.fftshift(Zxx, axes=0)

    plt.pcolormesh(t, f, np.abs(Zxx))
    plt.title("chirp STFT")
    plt.ylabel("Frequency [Hz]")
    plt.xlabel("Time [sec]")

    # time-domain impulse response of upconverted chirp
    plt.title("chirp in time domain")
    plt.plot(time, impulse_response_upconverted)

    # STFT of upconverted passband chirp
    f, t, Zxx = signal.stft(impulse_response_upconverted,
                            sampling_rate, return_onesided=False)
    f = np.fft.fftshift(f)
    Zxx = np.fft.fftshift(Zxx, axes=0)

    plt.pcolormesh(t, f, np.abs(Zxx))
    plt.title("upconverted chirp STFT")
    plt.ylabel("Frequency [Hz]")
    plt.xlabel("Time [sec]")

    # create a complex baseband down-chirp
    chirp_duration = 10e-6
    symbol_interval = .1e-6
    chirp_bandwidth = -200e6
    chirp_oversampling_factor = 4

    sampling_rate = np.abs(chirp_bandwidth) * chirp_oversampling_factor
    samples_per_symbol = int(symbol_interval * sampling_rate)

    fmcw = ShapingFilter("FMCW", samples_per_symbol,
                         length_in_symbols=(chirp_duration / symbol_interval),
                         bandwidth_factor=chirp_bandwidth * symbol_interval)
    input_signal = np.array([1])
    impulse_response = fmcw.filter(input_signal)

    # generate plots

    # STFT of baseband chirp
    f, t, Zxx = signal.stft(
        impulse_response, sampling_rate, return_onesided=False)
    f = np.fft.fftshift(f)
    Zxx = np.fft.fftshift(Zxx, axes=0)

    plt.pcolormesh(t, f, np.abs(Zxx))
    plt.title("down-chirp STFT")
    plt.ylabel("Frequency [Hz]")
    plt.xlabel("Time [sec]")
class WaveformGeneratorPskQam(ConfigurablePilotWaveform, Serializable):
    """This method provides a class for a generic PSK/QAM modem.

    The modem has the following characteristics:
    - root-raised cosine filter with arbitrary roll-off factor
    - arbitrary constellation, as defined in modem.tools.psk_qam_mapping:PskQamMapping

    This implementation has currently the following limitations:
    - hard output only (no LLR)
    - no reference signal
    - ideal channel estimation
    - equalization of ISI with FMCW in AWGN channel only
    - no equalization (only amplitude and phase of first propagation path is compensated)

    yaml_tag = u'PskQam'
    """YAML serialization tag."""

    tx_filter: ShapingFilter
    rx_filter: ShapingFilter
    __chirp_duration: float
    __chirp_bandwidth: float
    __num_data_symbols: int
    __guard_interval: float
    __mapping: PskQamMapping
    complex_modulation: bool
    _data_symbol_idx: Optional[np.ndarray]
    _symbol_idx: Optional[np.ndarray]
    _pulse_correlation_matrix: Optional[np.ndarray]
    __symbol_rate: float

    def __init__(self,
                 symbol_rate: float = 100e6,
                 tx_filter: Optional[ShapingFilter] = None,
                 rx_filter: Optional[ShapingFilter] = None,
                 chirp_duration: float = 1e-6,
                 chirp_bandwidth: float = 100e6,
                 num_preamble_symbols: int = 2,
                 num_data_symbols: int = 100,
                 num_postamble_symbols: int = 0,
                 pilot_rate: float = 1e6,
                 guard_interval: float = 0.,
                 complex_modulation: bool = True,
                 pilot_symbol_sequence: Optional[PilotSymbolSequence] = None,
                 repeat_pilot_symbol_sequence: bool = True,
                 **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        """Waveform Generator PSK-QAM initialization.


            symbol_rate (float, optional):
                Rate at which symbols are being generated.

            tx_filter (ShapingFilter, optional):
                The shaping filter applied during signal generation.

            rx_filter (ShapingFilter, optional):
                The shaping filter applied during signal reception.

            chirp_duration (float, optional):
                Duration of a single chirp in seconds.

            chirp_bandwidth (float, optional):
                Bandwidth of a single chirp in Hz.

            num_preamble_symbols (int, optional):
                Number of preamble symbols within a single communication frame.

            num_data_symbols (int, optional):
                Number of data symbols within a single communication frame.

            num_postamble_symbols (int, optional):
                Number of postamble symbols within a single communication frame.

            pilot_rate (int, optional):
                Pilot symbol rate.

            pilot_ymbol_sequence (Optional[PilotSymbolSequence], optional):
                The configured pilot symbol sequence.
                Uniform by default.

            repeat_pilot_symbol_sequence (bool, optional):
                Allow the repetition of pilot symbol sequences.
                Enabled by default.

            kwargs (Any):
                Waveform generator base class initialization parameters.

        self.symbol_rate = symbol_rate
        self.chirp_duration = chirp_duration
        self.chirp_bandwidth = chirp_bandwidth
        self.num_preamble_symbols = num_preamble_symbols
        self.num_data_symbols = num_data_symbols
        self.num_postamble_symbols = num_postamble_symbols
        self.pilot_rate = pilot_rate
        self.guard_interval = guard_interval
        self.complex_modulation = complex_modulation

        self._data_symbol_idx = None
        self._symbol_idx = None
        self._pulse_correlation_matrix = None

        # Initialize base classes
        WaveformGenerator.__init__(self, **kwargs)

        if tx_filter is None:

            self.tx_filter = ShapingFilter(


            self.tx_filter = tx_filter

        if rx_filter is None:

            self.rx_filter = ShapingFilter(

            self.rx_filter = rx_filter

    def chirp_duration(self) -> float:
        """Access the chirp duration.

                Chirp duration in seconds.

        return self.__chirp_duration

    def chirp_duration(self, duration: float) -> None:
        """Modify the chirp duration.

            duration (float):
                The new duration in seconds.

                If the duration is less or equal to zero.

        if duration < 0.0:
            raise ValueError("Chirp duration must be greater than zero")

        self.__chirp_duration = duration

    def symbol_rate(self) -> float:
        """Rate of symbols.

        Inverse of the chirp duration.

            float: Symbol rate in Hz.

        return self.__symbol_rate

    def symbol_rate(self, rate: float) -> None:
        """Modify rate of symbols.
            rate: New symbol rate in Hz.
            ValueError: If symbol rate is smaller than zero.

        if rate < 0.0:
            raise ValueError("Symbol rate must be greater or equal to zero")

        self.__symbol_rate = rate

    def chirp_bandwidth(self) -> float:
        """Access the chirp bandwidth.

                The chirp bandwidth in Hz.

        return self.__chirp_bandwidth

    def chirp_bandwidth(self, bandwidth: float) -> None:
        """Modify the chirp bandwidth.

            bandwidth (float):
                The new bandwidth in Hz.

                If the bandwidth is les sor equal to zero.

        if bandwidth < 0.0:
            raise ValueError("Chirp bandwidth must be greater than zero")

        self.__chirp_bandwidth = bandwidth

    def modulation_order(self, value: int) -> None:

        self.__mapping = PskQamMapping(value,
        WaveformGenerator.modulation_order.fset(self, value)

    def pilot_signal(self) -> Signal:

        filter_delay = self.tx_filter.delay_in_samples
        pilot = np.zeros(filter_delay +
                         self.oversampling_factor * self.num_preamble_symbols,
        pilot[filter_delay::self.oversampling_factor] = self.pilot_symbols(

        return Signal(pilot, sampling_rate=self.sampling_rate)

    def map(self, data_bits: np.ndarray) -> Symbols:
        return Symbols(self.__mapping.get_symbols(data_bits))

    def unmap(self, data_symbols: Symbols) -> np.ndarray:
        return self.__mapping.detect_bits(data_symbols.raw)

    def modulate(self, data_symbols: Symbols) -> Signal:

        frame = np.zeros(self.symbol_samples_in_frame, dtype=complex)

        # Set preamble symbols
        num_preamble_samples = self.oversampling_factor * self.num_preamble_symbols
              oversampling_factor] = self.pilot_symbols(

        # Set data symbols
        num_data_samples = self.oversampling_factor * self.__num_data_symbols
        data_start_idx = num_preamble_samples
        data_stop_idx = data_start_idx + num_data_samples
              oversampling_factor] = data_symbols.raw

        # Set postamble symbols
        num_postamble_samples = self.oversampling_factor * self.num_postamble_symbols
        postamble_start_idx = data_stop_idx
        postamble_stop_idx = postamble_start_idx + num_postamble_samples
              oversampling_factor] = 1.

        # Generate waveforms by treating the frame as a comb and convolving with the impulse response
        output_signal = self.tx_filter.filter(frame)
        return Signal(output_signal, self.sampling_rate)

    def demodulate(
        baseband_signal: np.ndarray,
        channel_state: ChannelStateInformation,
        noise_variance: float = 0.
    ) -> Tuple[Symbols, ChannelStateInformation, np.ndarray]:

        # Filter the signal and csi
        filter_delay = self.tx_filter.delay_in_samples + self.rx_filter.delay_in_samples + 0
        filtered_signal = self.rx_filter.filter(baseband_signal)
        filter_states = np.zeros(
            (channel_state.state.shape[0], channel_state.state.shape[1],
             filter_delay, channel_state.state.shape[3]),
        filter_states[:, :, :, 0] = 1.
        channel_state.state = np.append(filter_states,

        # Extract preamble symbols
        num_preamble_samples = self.oversampling_factor * self.num_preamble_symbols
        preamble_start_idx = filter_delay
        preamble_stop_idx = preamble_start_idx + num_preamble_samples
        # preamble = filtered_signal[preamble_start_idx:preamble_stop_idx:self.oversampling_factor]

        # Re-build signal model
        signal = Signal(filtered_signal, sampling_rate=self.sampling_rate)

        # Estimate the channel
        estimated_csi = self.channel_estimation.estimate_channel(
            signal, channel_state)

        # Equalize the signal
        snr = self.power / noise_variance if noise_variance > 0. else float(
        equalized_signal = self.channel_equalization.equalize_channel(
            signal, estimated_csi, snr)

        # Extract data symbols
        num_data_samples = self.oversampling_factor * self.__num_data_symbols
        data_start_idx = preamble_stop_idx
        data_stop_idx = data_start_idx + num_data_samples
        data = equalized_signal.samples[
            0, data_start_idx:data_stop_idx:self.oversampling_factor]
        data_state = estimated_csi[:, :, data_start_idx:data_stop_idx:self.
                                   oversampling_factor, :]

        # Extract postamble symbols
        # num_postamble_samples = self.oversampling_factor * self.num_postamble_symbols
        # postamble_start_idx = data_stop_idx
        # postamble_stop_idx = postamble_start_idx + num_postamble_samples
        # postamble = filtered_signal[postamble_start_idx:postamble_stop_idx:self.oversampling_factor]

        noise = np.repeat(noise_variance, len(data))
        return Symbols(data), data_state, noise

    def bandwidth(self) -> float:

        # The bandwidth is assumed to be identical to the QAM chirp bandwidth
        return self.__chirp_bandwidth

    def _equalizer(self, data_symbols: np.ndarray, channel: np.ndarray,
                   noise_var) -> np.ndarray:
        """Equalize the received data symbols

        This method applies a linear block equalizer to the received data symbols to compensate for intersymbol
        interference in case of non-orthogonal transmission pulses.
        The equalizer can be either NONE, ZF or MMSE, depending on parameter `self.param.equalizer`

        Note that currently  this is not a channel equalization, but it equalizes only the ISI in an AWGN channel.
        Only the amplitude and phase of the first path of the propagation channel is compensated.

            data_symbols(np.ndarray): received data symbols after matched filtering
            channel(np.ndarray): one-path complex channel gain at the sampling instants of the data symbols
            noise_var(float): noise variance (for MMSE equalizer)

            equalized_signal(np.ndarray): data symbols after ISI equalization and channel compensation

        if self._pulse_correlation_matrix:
            snr_factor = 0  # ZF
            h_matrix = self._pulse_correlation_matrix
            h_matrix_hermitian = h_matrix.conjugate().T

            if self.equalization == WaveformGeneratorPskQam.Equalization.MMSE:
                snr_factor = noise_var * h_matrix

            isi_equalizer = np.matmul(
                    np.matmul(h_matrix_hermitian, h_matrix) + snr_factor))

            equalized_symbols = np.matmul(isi_equalizer,
            equalized_symbols = data_symbols

        # compensate channel phase and amplitude
        equalized_symbols = equalized_symbols / channel

        return equalized_symbols

    def num_pilot_samples(self) -> int:
        """Number of samples within the pilot section of a frame.

            int: Number of pilot samples.

        if self.num_preamble_symbols < 1 and self.num_postamble_symbols < 1:
            return 0

        if self.__pilot_rate == 0:
            return 0

        return int(round(self.sampling_rate / self.pilot_rate))

    def num_guard_samples(self) -> int:
        """Number of samples within the guarding section of a frame.

            int: Number of samples.

        return int(round(self.guard_interval * self.sampling_rate))

    def guard_interval(self) -> float:
        """Frame guard interval.

            float: Interval in seconds.

        return self.__guard_interval

    def guard_interval(self, interval: float) -> None:
        """Modify frame guard interval.

            interval (float): Interval in seconds.

            ValueError: If `interval` is smaller than zero.

        if interval < 0.0:
            raise ValueError("Guard interval must be greater or equal to zero")

        self.__guard_interval = interval

    def pilot_rate(self) -> float:
        """Frame pilot symbol rate.

            float: Rate in seconds.

        return self.__pilot_rate

    def pilot_rate(self, rate: float) -> None:
        """Modify frame pilot symbol rate.

            rate (float): Rate in seconds.

            ValueError: If `rate` is smaller than zero.

        if rate < 0.0:
            raise ValueError(
                "Pilot symbol rate must be greater or equal to zero")

        self.__pilot_rate = rate

    def symbol_samples_in_frame(self) -> int:
        """Number of samples per frame without filtering.

            int: Number of samples.

        return ((self.num_preamble_symbols + self.num_postamble_symbols +
                 self.num_data_symbols) * self.oversampling_factor +

    def samples_in_frame(self) -> int:

        return self.symbol_samples_in_frame + self.tx_filter.number_of_samples - 1

    def num_data_symbols(self) -> int:
        """Number of data symbols per frame.

            int: Number of data symbols.

        return self.__num_data_symbols

    def num_data_symbols(self, num: int) -> None:
        """Modify number of data symbols per frame.

            num (int): Number of data symbols.

            ValueError: If `num` is smaller than zero.

        if num < 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "Number of data symbols must be greater or equal to zero")

        self.__num_data_symbols = num

    def bits_per_frame(self) -> int:
        return self.__num_data_symbols * int(np.log2(self.modulation_order))

    def samples_overhead_in_frame(self) -> int:
        """Number of samples appended to frame due to filtering impulse responses.

            int: Number of samples.

        return self.tx_filter.delay_in_samples

    def _set_sampling_indices(self) -> None:
        """ Determines the sampling instants for pilots and data at a given frame

        if self._data_symbol_idx is None:
            # create a vector with the position of every pilot and data symbol in a
            # frame
            preamble_symbol_idx = np.arange(
                self.num_preamble_symbols) * self.num_pilot_samples
            start_idx = self.num_preamble_symbols * self.num_pilot_samples
            self._data_symbol_idx = start_idx + \
                np.arange(self.num_data_symbols) * \
            start_idx += self.num_data_symbols * self.oversampling_factor
            postamble_symbol_idx = start_idx + \
                np.arange(self.num_postamble_symbols) * \
            self._symbol_idx = np.concatenate(
                (preamble_symbol_idx, self._data_symbol_idx,

            self._data_symbol_idx += int(.5 * self.oversampling_factor)
            self._symbol_idx += int(.5 * self.oversampling_factor)

    def _set_pulse_correlation_matrix(self):
        """ Creates a matrix with autocorrelation among pulses at different instants

        if self._pulse_correlation_matrix is None:

            if self.tx_filter.filter_type == ShapingFilter.FilterType.FMCW and \
                    self.equalization != WaveformGeneratorPskQam.Equalization.NONE:
                # calculate the correlation matrix between data symbols sampled at different instants

                # generate an NxN matrix with the time differences between the sampling instants of the N symbols
                # i.e., time_delay_matrix(i,j) = T_i - T_j, with T_i the sampling instant of the i-th symbol
                time_delay_matrix = np.zeros(
                    (self.num_data_symbols, self.num_data_symbols))
                for row in range(self.num_data_symbols):
                    time_delay_matrix[row, :] = np.arange(
                        row, row - self.num_data_symbols, -1)
                time_delay_matrix = time_delay_matrix / self.symbol_rate

                # the correlation between two symbols r_i and r_j
                # is obtained as a known function of the difference between their sampling instants
                non_zero_idx = np.nonzero(time_delay_matrix)
                isi_matrix = np.ones(
                    (self.num_data_symbols, self.num_data_symbols))
                isi_matrix[non_zero_idx] = (
                    np.sin(np.pi * self.chirp_bandwidth *
                           time_delay_matrix[non_zero_idx] *
                           (1 - np.abs(time_delay_matrix[non_zero_idx] /
                                       self.chirp_duration))) /
                    (np.pi * self.chirp_bandwidth *

                time_idx = np.nonzero(
                    np.abs(time_delay_matrix) > self.chirp_duration)
                isi_matrix[time_idx] = 0

                self._pulse_correlation_matrix = isi_matrix
                self._pulse_correlation_matrix = np.array([])

    def symbols_per_frame(self) -> int:
        return self.__num_data_symbols

    def bit_energy(self) -> float:
        return 1 / self.bits_per_symbol

    def symbol_energy(self) -> float:
        return 1.0

    def power(self) -> float:
        return 1 / self.oversampling_factor

    def sampling_rate(self) -> float:
        return self.symbol_rate * self.oversampling_factor

    def to_yaml(cls: Type[WaveformGeneratorPskQam],
                representer: SafeRepresenter,
                node: WaveformGeneratorPskQam) -> MappingNode:
        """Serialize an `WaveformGeneratorPskQam` object to YAML.

            representer (SafeRepresenter):
                A handle to a representer used to generate valid YAML code.
                The representer gets passed down the serialization tree to each node.

            node (WaveformGeneratorPskQam):
                The `WaveformGeneratorPskQam` instance to be serialized.

                The serialized YAML node

        state = {
            "oversampling_factor": node.oversampling_factor,
            "modulation_order": node.modulation_order,
            "tx_filter": node.tx_filter,
            "rx_filter": node.rx_filter,
            "chirp_duration": node.chirp_duration,
            "chirp_bandwidth": node.chirp_bandwidth,
            "num_preamble_symbols": node.num_preamble_symbols,
            "num_data_symbols": node.num_data_symbols,
            "num_postamble_symbols": node.num_postamble_symbols,
            "pilot_rate": node.pilot_rate,
            "guard_interval": node.guard_interval,
            "equalization": node.equalization
        return representer.represent_mapping(cls.yaml_tag, state)

    def from_yaml(cls: Type[WaveformGeneratorPskQam],
                  constructor: SafeConstructor,
                  node: MappingNode) -> WaveformGeneratorPskQam:
        """Recall a new `WaveformGeneratorPskQam` instance from YAML.

            constructor (SafeConstructor):
                A handle to the constructor extracting the YAML information.

            node (Node):
                YAML node representing the `WaveformGeneratorPskQam` serialization.

                Newly created `WaveformGeneratorPskQam` instance.
        state = constructor.construct_mapping(node)
        shaping_filter = state.pop('filter', None)

        generator = cls.InitializationWrapper(state)

        if shaping_filter is not None:

            # TODO: Patch-through for sampling rate
            samples_per_symbol = generator.oversampling_factor  # int(1e3 / generator.symbol_rate)
            shaping_filter = ShapingFilter(
                **shaping_filter, samples_per_symbol=samples_per_symbol)

            if shaping_filter.filter_type == ShapingFilter.FilterType.FMCW:
                bandwidth_factor = generator.chirp_bandwidth / generator.symbol_rate
                bandwidth_factor = 1.

            tx_filter = ShapingFilter(
            # TODO: Check if chirp bandwidth is identical to full BW)

            if shaping_filter.filter_type == ShapingFilter.FilterType.RAISED_COSINE:
                # for raised cosine, receive filter is a low-pass filter with
                # bandwidth Rs(1+roll-off)/2
                rx_filter = ShapingFilter(
                    bandwidth_factor=1. + shaping_filter.roll_off)
                # for all other filter types, receive filter is a matched filter
                rx_filter = ShapingFilter(

            generator.tx_filter = tx_filter
            generator.rx_filter = rx_filter

        return generator