Exemple #1
    def sym_calc(self, Vp, m, s2):

        # Equation parameters
        equation = eq.Fokker_Planck_1d
        x, f = equation.x, equation.f

        # Calculation of the solution
        new_q = hm.Quad.gauss_hermite

        quad = new_q(self.n_points_num, dim=1, mean=[m], cov=[[s2]])

        # Potential for approximation
        Vq = sym.Rational(1, 2) * (x - m) * (x - m) / (self.β * s2)

        # Fokker Planck operator
        forward = equation.equation({'β': self.β, 'Vp': Vp})

        # Map to appropriate space
        factor = sym.exp(-self.β / sym.Rational(2) * (Vq + Vp))

        # Mapped operator
        backward = eq.map_operator(forward, f, factor)

        # Discretize factor
        factor = quad.discretize(factor)

        return quad, forward, backward, factor
Exemple #2
    def sym_calc(self, Vp, parameters, s2x, s2y, s2z, degree=10):

        # Number of quadrature points
        n_points_num = 2 * degree + 1

        # Equation parameters
        β = parameters['β']

        equation = eq.McKean_Vlasov_harmonic_noise
        x, y, z, f = self.x, self.y, self.z, self.f

        # Calculation of the solution
        new_q = hm.Quad.gauss_hermite
        cov = [[s2x, 0, 0], [0, s2y, 0], [0, 0, s2z]]
        quad = new_q(n_points_num, dim=3, mean=[0] * 3, cov=cov)

        # Potential for approximation
        Vqx = sym.Rational(1 / 2) * x * x / (β * s2x)
        Vqy = sym.Rational(1 / 2) * y * y / s2y
        Vqz = sym.Rational(1 / 2) * z * z / s2z

        # Fokker Planck for McKean-Vlasov equation
        parameters.update({'Vp': Vp})
        forward = equation.equation(parameters)

        # Map to appropriate space
        factor_x = sym.exp(-β / 2 * (Vqx + Vp))
        factor_y = sym.exp(-1 / 2 * (y * y / 2 + Vqy))
        factor_z = sym.exp(-1 / 2 * (z * z / 2 + Vqz))
        factor = factor_x * factor_y * factor_z

        # Mapped operator
        backward = eq.map_operator(forward, f, factor)

        return quad, forward, backward, factor, factor_x, factor_y, factor_z
Exemple #3
    def sym_calc(self, Vp, parameters, m, s2x, s2y, degree=None):

        # Defalut degree
        degree = degree or self.degree

        # Number of quadrature points
        n_points_num = 2 * degree + 1

        # Equation parameters
        β = parameters['β']

        equation = eq.McKean_Vlasov
        x, y, f = equation.x, equation.y, equation.f

        # Calculation of the solution
        new_q = hm.Quad.gauss_hermite
        quad = new_q(n_points_num,
                     mean=[m, 0],
                     cov=[[s2x, 0], [0, s2y]])

        # Potential for approximation
        Vqx = sym.Rational(1 / 2) * (x - m) * (x - m) / (β * s2x)
        Vqy = sym.Rational(1 / 2) * y * y / s2y

        # Fokker Planck for McKean-Vlasov equation
        parameters.update({'Vp': Vp})
        forward = equation.equation(parameters)

        # Map to appropriate space
        factor_x = sym.exp(-β / 2 * (Vqx + Vp))
        factor_y = sym.exp(-1 / 2 * (Vqy + sym.sqrt(2) * y * y / 2))
        factor = factor_x * factor_y

        # Mapped operator
        backward = eq.map_operator(forward, f, factor)

        # Discretize factor
        factor_x = quad.project(0).discretize(factor_x)
        factor_y = quad.project(1).discretize(factor_y)
        factor = quad.discretize(factor)

        return quad, forward, backward, factor, factor_x, factor_y
import sympy as sym

# Declare variables, operators and parameters {{{

equation = eq.McKean_Vlasov
x, y, f = equation.x, equation.y, equation.f
params = equation.params()
params['γ'], params['θ'] = 0, 0
params.update({'γ': 0, 'θ': 0, 'Vy': y * y / 2})
forward = equation.equation(params)
β, Vp, θ, m = (params[k] for k in ('β', 'Vp', 'θ', 'm'))

# Map the forward operator to a "backward operator"
factor = sym.exp(-sym.Rational(1, 2) * (y * y))
operator = eq.map_operator(forward, f, factor).expand()

epsilon = params['ε']
L0 = (operator * epsilon**2).expand().subs(epsilon, 0)
L1 = (operator * epsilon - L0 / epsilon).expand().subs(epsilon, 0)
L2 = (operator - L1 / epsilon - L0 / epsilon**2).expand()

# Quadrature used to solve cell problems
degree, nquad, σy = 10, 20, 1
quad_num = quad.Quad.gauss_hermite(nquad, dirs=[1], mean=[0], cov=[[σy]])

# Discretization in Hermite space
fy = sym.Function('fy')(y)

op = quad_num.discretize_op(L0.subs(f, fy), degree, sparse=False)
# Potential for approximation
Vqx = sym.Rational(1 / 2) * x * x / (β * s2x)
Vqy = sym.Rational(1 / 2) * y * y / s2y
Vqz = sym.Rational(1 / 2) * z * z / s2z

# Fokker Planck for McKean-Vlasov equation
params.update({'Vp': Vp})
forward = equation.equation(params)

# Map to appropriate space
factor_x = sym.exp(-β / 2 * (Vqx + Vp))
factor_pq = sym.exp(-1 / 2 * (y * y / 2 + Vqy + z * z / 2 + Vqz))
factor = factor_x * factor_pq

# Mapped operator
backward = eq.map_operator(forward, f, factor)

# Discretize factor
factor_x = quad.project(0).discretize(factor_x)
factor = quad.discretize(factor)

degrees = list(range(5, degree))

# Discretization of the operator
mat = quad.discretize_op(backward, f, degrees[-1], 2, sparse=True)

solutions = []

v0, eig_vec = None, None
for d in degrees: