Exemple #1
 def test() -> None:
     assert hcfg("dataset.name") == "cifar10"
     assert hcfg("dataset.path") == "/path/to/cifar10"
     assert hcfg("dataset.splits") == [70, 20, 10]
     assert hcfg("dataset.classes") == [1, 5, 6]
     assert hcfg("net.name") == "efficientnet"
     assert hcfg("net.num_layers") == 20
     assert hcfg("net.ckpt_path") == "/path/to/efficientnet"
     assert hcfg("run_name") == "test"
     assert hcfg("lr") == 5e-3
     assert hcfg("optimizer") == "adam"
Exemple #2
 def test() -> None:
     assert hcfg("group_1.param_a") == 1
     assert hcfg("group_1.param_b") == 1.2
     assert hcfg("group_2.param_c") is True
     assert hcfg("group_2.param_d") == "param_d"
     assert hcfg("group_3.param_e.param_f") == "param_f"
     assert hcfg("group_3.param_e.param_g") == 2
     assert hcfg("group_3.param_e.param_h") == 4.56
Exemple #3
def func2():
    print("Let's get some values from the config:\n")

    keys = [
        "optimizer", "dataset.name", "net.ckpt_path", "params.p3",
    for key in keys:
        print("Key:", key)

        "If you know the type of a config, you can use it to help your linter."
    value = hcfg("params.p2", int)
        f'For instance, if I run hcfg("params.p2", int), I get {value}, of type {type(value)}.'
Exemple #4
    def test() -> None:
        set_cfg("new_cfg", "this is a test")
        assert hcfg("new_cfg") == "this is a test"

        set_cfg("group_1.param_a", 5)
        assert hcfg("group_1.param_a") == 5
        assert hcfg("group_1.param_b") == 1.2

        set_cfg("group_2.param_d.param_x.param_y", 1e-5)
        assert hcfg("group_2.param_c") is True
        assert hcfg("group_2.param_d.param_x.param_y") == 1e-5

        set_cfg("group_3", "hello")
        assert hcfg("group_3") == "hello"

        set_cfg("group_5", [0.1, 0.5, 0.1])
        assert hcfg("group_5") == [0.1, 0.5, 0.1]
Exemple #5
    def test() -> None:
        g1pa = hcfg("group_1.param_a", int)
        assert g1pa == 1 and isinstance(g1pa, int)
        g1pb = hcfg("group_1.param_b", float)
        assert g1pb == 1.2 and isinstance(g1pb, float)
        g2pc = hcfg("group_2.param_c", bool)
        assert g2pc is True and isinstance(g2pc, bool)
        g2pd = hcfg("group_2.param_d", str)
        assert g2pd == "param_d" and isinstance(g2pd, str)
        g3 = hcfg("group_3", Dict[str, Any])
        assert isinstance(g3, dict)
        g4 = hcfg("group_4", Tuple[int, bool, str])  # type: ignore
        assert g4 == (1, True, "test") and isinstance(g4, tuple)
        g5 = hcfg("group_5", List[float])
        assert g5 == [0.1, 0.1, 0.1] and isinstance(g5, list)

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            hcfg("group_1.param_a", str)

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            hcfg("group_1.param_b", int)

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            hcfg("group_2.param_c", str)

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            hcfg("group_2.param_d", bool)

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            hcfg("group_3", Dict[str, int])

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            hcfg("group_4", Tuple[int, float, int])  # type: ignore

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            hcfg("group_5", List[str])
Exemple #6
 def check_cfg() -> None:
     assert hcfg("dataset.name") == "cifar10"
     assert hcfg("dataset.path") == "/path/to/cifar10"
     assert hcfg("dataset.splits") == [70, 20, 10]
     assert hcfg("dataset.classes") == [4, 7, 8]
     assert hcfg("net.name") == "efficientnet"
     assert hcfg("net.num_layers") == 20
     assert hcfg("net.ckpt_path") == "/path/to/efficientnet"
     assert hcfg("run_name") == "test"
     assert hcfg("lr") == 1e-10
     assert hcfg("optimizer") == "adam"
     assert hcfg("new_group.new_sub_group.new_sub_param") == {
         "t", "e", "s", "t"
Exemple #7
    def test() -> None:
        args = [
            "-group_3.param_e.param_i:this is a test",
            "--group_5=[1, 2, 3]",
            '---group_6.subgroup.subsubgroup.subsubsubgroup:(1.2, "test", True)',
            "param_8:{7, 8, 9}",


        assert hcfg("group_1.param_a") == 5
        assert hcfg("group_1.param_b") == 1.2
        assert hcfg("group_1.param_c") == 1.2345
        assert hcfg("group_1.param_d") == 1e-4
        assert hcfg("group_1.param_e") is False
        assert hcfg("group_2.param_c") is True
        assert hcfg("group_2.param_d") == "param_d"
        assert hcfg("group_3.param_e.param_f") == "param_f"
        assert hcfg("group_3.param_e.param_g") == 2
        assert hcfg("group_3.param_e.param_h") == 4.56
        assert hcfg("group_3.param_e.param_i") == "this is a test"
        assert hcfg("group_4") == (1, True, "test")
        assert hcfg("group_5") == [1, 2, 3]
        assert hcfg("group_6.subgroup.subsubgroup.subsubsubgroup") == (1.2,
        assert hcfg(
            "param_7") == '\\|!"£$%&/()=?^€[]*@#°§<>,;.:-_+=abcABC123àèìòùç'
        assert hcfg("param_8") == {7, 8, 9}
        assert hcfg("param_9") == "=value"
        assert hcfg("param_10") == ":value"
        assert hcfg("param_11") == "=value"
        assert hcfg("param_12") == ":value"
        assert hcfg("#param_13") == "value"
        assert hcfg("!param_14") == "value"

        wrong_args = [
            "key value",

        for arg in wrong_args:
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):