def gen_data_plot(folder="weights", index=None, show_plot=True, save_plot=None, save_paths=False, verbose=True): files = sorted(glob.glob('%s/rnn*' % folder)) files = files[:index] if index is not None else files # plot the values over time vals = [] for ii, name in enumerate(files): if verbose: print(name) name = name.split('err')[1] name = name.split('.npz')[0] vals.append(float(name)) vals = np.array(vals) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 3)) ax = plt.subplot2grid((1, 3), (0, 0), colspan=2) ax.loglog(vals) ax.loglog(range(len(vals)), np.ones(len(vals)) * min(vals), 'r--') ax.loglog(range(len(vals)), np.ones(len(vals)) * min(vals), 'r--') plt.xlim([0, len(files)]) plt.ylim([10**-5, 10]) plt.title('AHF training error') plt.xlabel('Training iterations') plt.ylabel('Error') plt.yscale('log') # load in the weights and see how well they control the arm dt = 1e-2 sig_len = 40 # HACK: append system path to have access to the arm code # NOTE: Change this path to wherever your plant model is kept! sys.path.append("../../../studywolf_control/studywolf_control/") # from arms.two_link.arm_python import Arm as Arm from arms.three_link.arm import Arm as Arm if verbose: print('Plant is: %s' % str(Arm)) arm = Arm(dt=dt) from hessianfree import RNNet from hessianfree.nonlinearities import (Tanh, Linear) from train_hf_3link import PlantArm, gen_targets rec_coeff = [1, 1] rec_type = "sparse" eps = 1e-6 num_states = arm.DOF * 2 targets = gen_targets(arm, sig_len=sig_len) init_state = np.zeros((len(targets), num_states), dtype=np.float32) init_state[:, :arm.DOF] = arm.init_q # set up the initial joint angles plant = PlantArm(arm, targets=targets, init_state=init_state, eps=eps) index = -1 if index is None else index W = np.load(files[index])['arr_0'] # make sure this network is the same as the one you trained! net_size = 96 if '32' in folder: net_size = 32 rnn = RNNet(shape=[num_states * 2, net_size, net_size, num_states, num_states], layers=[Linear(), Tanh(), Tanh(), Linear(), plant], debug=False, rec_layers=[1, 2], conns={0: [1, 2], 1: [2], 2: [3], 3: [4]}, W_rec_params={"coeff": rec_coeff, "init_type": rec_type}, load_weights=W, use_GPU=False) rnn.forward(plant, rnn.W) states = np.asarray(plant.get_vecs()[0][:, :, num_states:]) targets = np.asarray(plant.get_vecs()[1]) def kin(q): x = np.sum([arm.L[ii] * np.cos(np.sum(q[:, :ii+1], axis=1)) for ii in range(arm.DOF)], axis=0) y = np.sum([arm.L[ii] * np.sin(np.sum(q[:, :ii+1], axis=1)) for ii in range(arm.DOF)], axis=0) return x,y ax = plt.subplot2grid((1, 3), (0, 2)) # plot start point initx, inity = kin(init_state) ax.plot(initx, inity, 'x', mew=10) for jj in range(0, len(targets)): # plot target targetx, targety = kin(targets[jj]) ax.plot(targetx, targety, 'rx', mew=1) # plat path pathx, pathy = kin(states[jj, :, :]) path = np.hstack([pathx[:, None], pathy[:, None]]) if save_paths is True: np.savez_compressed('end-effector position%.3i.npz' % int(jj/8), array1=path) ax.plot(path[:, 0], path[:, 1]) plt.tight_layout() # plt.xlim([-.1, .1]) # plt.ylim([.25, .45]) plt.title('Hand trajectory') plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('y') if save_plot is not None: plt.savefig(save_plot) if show_plot is True: plt.close()
def gen_data_plot(folder="weights", index=-1, show_plot=True, save_plot=None, save_paths=False, verbose=True): files = sorted(glob.glob('%s/rnn*' % folder)) # plot the values over time vals = [] for ii, name in enumerate(files[:index]): if verbose: print name name = name.split('err')[1] name = name.split('.npz')[0] vals.append(float(name)) vals = np.array(vals) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 3)) ax = plt.subplot2grid((1, 3), (0, 0), colspan=2) ax.loglog(vals) ax.loglog(range(len(vals)), np.ones(len(vals)) * min(vals), 'r--') ax.loglog(range(len(vals)), np.ones(len(vals)) * min(vals), 'r--') plt.xlim([0, len(files)]) plt.ylim([10**-5, 10]) plt.title('AHF training error') plt.xlabel('Training iterations') plt.ylabel('Error') plt.yscale('log') # load in the weights and see how well they control the arm dt = 1e-2 sig_len = 40 # HACK: append system path to have access to the arm code # NOTE: Change this path to wherever your plant model is kept! sys.path.append("../../../studywolf_control/studywolf_control/") from arms.two_link.arm_python import Arm as Arm if verbose: print 'Plant is: ', Arm arm = Arm(dt=dt, init_q=[0.736134824578, 1.85227640003]) from hessianfree import RNNet from hessianfree.nonlinearities import (Tanh, Linear) from train_hf import PlantArm, gen_targets init_type = "sparse" rec_coeff = [1, 1] rec_type = "sparse" eps = 1e-6 num_states = 4 targets = gen_targets(arm, sig_len=sig_len) init_state = np.zeros((len(targets), num_states)) init_state[:, 0] = 0.736134824578 init_state[:, 1] = 1.85227640003 plant = PlantArm(arm, targets=targets, init_state=init_state, eps=eps) W = np.load(files[index])['arr_0'] last_trial = -1 # make sure this network is the same as the one you trained! from hessianfree.loss_funcs import SquaredError, SparseL2 suts_gain = 10e-2 * 1e-2 # for centre-out reaching task net_size = 96 if '32' in folder: net_size = 32 rnn = RNNet( shape=[num_states * 2, net_size, net_size, num_states, num_states], layers=[Linear(), Tanh(), Tanh(), Linear(), plant], debug=False, rec_layers=[1, 2], conns={ 0: [1, 2], 1: [2], 2: [3], 3: [4] }, W_rec_params={ "coeff": rec_coeff, "init_type": rec_type }, load_weights=W, use_GPU=False) full_output = rnn.forward(plant, rnn.W) outputs = full_output[-1] states = np.asarray(plant.get_vecs()[0][:, :, num_states:]) targets = np.asarray(plant.get_vecs()[1]) def kin(q): L = [.31, .27] q0 = q[:, 0] q1 = q[:, 1] return [ L[0] * np.cos(q0) + L[1] * np.cos(q0 + q1), L[0] * np.sin(q0) + L[1] * np.sin(q0 + q1) ] ax = plt.subplot2grid((1, 3), (0, 2)) # plot start point initx, inity = kin(init_state) ax.plot(initx, inity, 'x', mew=10) for jj in range(0, len(targets)): # plot target targetx, targety = kin(targets[jj]) ax.plot(targetx, targety, 'rx', mew=1) # plat path pathx, pathy = kin(states[jj, :, :]) path = np.hstack([pathx[:, None], pathy[:, None]]) if save_paths is True: np.savez_compressed('end-effector position%.3i.npz' % int(jj / 8), array1=path) ax.plot(path[:, 0], path[:, 1]) plt.tight_layout() plt.xlim([-.1, .1]) plt.ylim([.25, .45]) plt.title('Hand trajectory') plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('y') if save_plot is not None: plt.savefig(save_plot) if show_plot is True: plt.close()
def gen_data_plot(folder="weights", index=-1, show_plot=True, save_plot=None, save_paths=False, verbose=True): files = sorted(glob.glob('%s/rnn*'%folder)) # plot the values over time vals = [] for ii,name in enumerate(files[:index]): if verbose: print name name = name.split('err')[1] name = name.split('.npz')[0] vals.append(float(name)) vals = np.array(vals) plt.figure(figsize=(10,3)) ax = plt.subplot2grid((1,3), (0,0), colspan=2) ax.loglog(vals) ax.loglog(range(len(vals)), np.ones(len(vals)) * min(vals), 'r--') ax.loglog(range(len(vals)), np.ones(len(vals)) * min(vals), 'r--') plt.xlim([0, len(files)]) plt.ylim([10**-5, 10]) plt.title('AHF training error') plt.xlabel('Training iterations') plt.ylabel('Error') plt.yscale('log') # load in the weights and see how well they control the arm dt = 1e-2 sig_len = 40 # HACK: append system path to have access to the arm code # NOTE: Change this path to wherever your plant model is kept! sys.path.append("../../../studywolf_control/studywolf_control/") from arms.two_link.arm_python import Arm as Arm if verbose: print 'Plant is: ', Arm arm = Arm(dt=dt, init_q=[0.736134824578, 1.85227640003]) from hessianfree import RNNet from hessianfree.nonlinearities import (Tanh, Linear) from train_hf import PlantArm, gen_targets init_type = "sparse" rec_coeff = [1, 1] rec_type = "sparse" eps = 1e-6 num_states = 4 targets = gen_targets(arm, sig_len=sig_len) init_state = np.zeros((len(targets), num_states)) init_state[:, 0] = 0.736134824578 init_state[:, 1] = 1.85227640003 plant = PlantArm(arm, targets=targets, init_state=init_state, eps=eps) W = np.load(files[index])['arr_0'] last_trial = -1 # make sure this network is the same as the one you trained! from hessianfree.loss_funcs import SquaredError, SparseL2 suts_gain = 10e-2 * 1e-2 # for centre-out reaching task net_size = 96 if '32' in folder: net_size = 32 rnn = RNNet(shape=[num_states * 2, net_size, net_size, num_states, num_states], layers=[Linear(), Tanh(), Tanh(), Linear(), plant], debug=False, rec_layers=[1,2], conns={0:[1, 2], 1:[2], 2:[3], 3:[4]}, W_rec_params={"coeff": rec_coeff, "init_type": rec_type}, load_weights=W, use_GPU=False) full_output = rnn.forward(plant, rnn.W) outputs = full_output[-1] states = np.asarray(plant.get_vecs()[0][:, :, num_states:]) targets = np.asarray(plant.get_vecs()[1]) def kin(q): L = [.31, .27] q0 = q[:, 0] q1 = q[:, 1] return [L[0]*np.cos(q0) + L[1]*np.cos(q0+q1), L[0]*np.sin(q0) + L[1]*np.sin(q0+q1)] ax = plt.subplot2grid((1,3),(0,2)) # plot start point initx, inity = kin(init_state) ax.plot(initx, inity, 'x', mew=10) for jj in range(0,len(targets)): # plot target targetx, targety = kin(targets[jj]) ax.plot(targetx, targety, 'rx', mew=1) # plat path pathx, pathy = kin(states[jj,:,:]) path = np.hstack([pathx[:,None], pathy[:,None]]) if save_paths is True: np.savez_compressed('end-effector position%.3i.npz'%int(jj/8), array1=path) ax.plot(path[:,0], path[:,1]) plt.tight_layout() plt.xlim([-.1, .1]) plt.ylim([.25, .45]) plt.title('Hand trajectory') plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('y') if save_plot is not None: plt.savefig(save_plot) if show_plot is True: plt.close()