Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, max_num_players, randomize):
        # the number of players that must be in the game before it starts
        self.max_num_players = max_num_players

        self.randomize = randomize

        # number of players currently connected to this game
        self.num_active_players = 0
        # mechanism to access all players connected to this game
        self.players = []

        self.hex_board = HexBoard(randomize)

        self.state = GameState.PLAYER_SETUP
        self.cur_player = None  # whose turn is it?

        # for visibility, define the fields which are going to be used only
        # in the context of the various state functions
        # used in SETTLEMENT_SETUP:
        self.select_settlement = None
        self.second_round = None

        # used in PLAYER_TURN
        self.finish_dice_roll = False

        self.state_methods = {GameState.PLAYER_SETUP: self.add_player_info,
                              GameState.SETTLEMENT_SETUP: self.initial_setup,
                              GameState.PLAYER_TURN: self.player_turn,
                              GameState.ROLL_DICE: self.roll_dice}
    def test_board(self):
        hex_board: HexBoard = HexBoard(3, HexBoard1.BLUE_CODE)

        hex_board.place_with_color((0, 0), HexBoard1.BLUE_CODE)
        hex_board.place_with_color((1, 0), HexBoard1.BLUE_CODE)
        hex_board.place_with_color((0, 2), HexBoard1.BLUE_CODE)
        hex_board.place_with_color((1, 2), HexBoard1.BLUE_CODE)

        hex_board.place_with_color((0, 1), HexBoard1.RED_CODE)
        hex_board.place_with_color((1, 1), HexBoard1.RED_CODE)
        hex_board.place_with_color((2, 1), HexBoard1.RED_CODE)
        hex_board.place_with_color((2, 2), HexBoard1.RED_CODE)

        hex_board.place_with_color((2, 0), HexBoard1.BLUE_CODE)

        print("hex_board.is_game_over: ", hex_board.is_game_over)


    def test_hex_board(self):
        data_list = [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
        combination_list = []
        combination_set = set(generate_all_combinations(data_list))

        idx = 1
        for combination in combination_set:
            hexBoard: HexBoard = HexBoard(3, HexBoard1.BLUE_CODE)
            HexBoard1.place_with_color((0, 0), combination[0])
            HexBoard1.place_with_color((0, 1), combination[1])
            HexBoard1.place_with_color((0, 2), combination[2])
            if HexBoard1.is_game_over:
            HexBoard1.place_with_color((1, 0), combination[3])
            if HexBoard1.is_game_over:
            HexBoard1.place_with_color((1, 1), combination[4])
            if HexBoard1.is_game_over:
            HexBoard1.place_with_color((1, 2), combination[5])
            if HexBoard1.is_game_over:
            HexBoard1.place_with_color((2, 0), combination[6])
            if HexBoard1.is_game_over:
            HexBoard1.place_with_color((2, 1), combination[7])
            if HexBoard1.is_game_over:
            HexBoard1.place_with_color((2, 2), combination[8])
            if HexBoard1.is_game_over:

            if not HexBoard1.is_game_over:
                raise Exception(hexBoard)
import numpy as np
from hex_board import HexBoard
from search import Search

# sanity check that wins are detected
for i in range(0, 2):
    winner = HexBoard.RED if i == 0 else HexBoard.BLUE
    loser = HexBoard.BLUE if i == 0 else HexBoard.RED
    board = HexBoard(3)
    board.place((1, 1), loser)
    board.place((2, 1), loser)
    board.place((1, 2), loser)
    board.place((2, 2), loser)
    board.place((0, 0), winner)
    board.place((1, 0), winner)
    board.place((2, 0), winner)
    board.place((0, 1), winner)
    board.place((0, 2), winner)
    assert (board.check_win(winner) == True)
    assert (board.check_win(loser) == False)
endable_board = HexBoard(4)
# sanity check that random play will at some point end the game
while not endable_board.game_over:
    endable_board.place((np.random.randint(0, 4), np.random.randint(0, 4)), HexBoard.RED)
assert (endable_board.game_over == True)
assert (endable_board.check_win(HexBoard.RED) == True)
assert (endable_board.check_win(HexBoard.BLUE) == False)
print("Randomly filled board")
def play_game(player1: Search,
              player2: Search,
    :arg color1:    The color of player 1. Either 'red' or 'blue'. Blue starts the game.
    :arg player1:
    :arg player2:
    board = HexBoard(board_size)
    starting_color = HexBoard.BLUE
    player2.color = HexBoard.get_opposite_color(player1.color)
    current_player: Search = player1 if player1.color == starting_color else player2
    round_counter = 1
    if print_statements:
        print("Start: Random placing sample")
        print("Initial Game settings:")
        print("- board size: ", board_size)
        print("- starting color:", starting_color)
        print("Initializing Game ")
        print("Blue has the horizontal borders, red the vertical borders")
    while not board.game_over:
        if print_statements:
            # print("==============================================================\n")
            # print("Round", round_counter, ': ', ['Blue', 'Red'][current_player.color - 1], "'s turn")

        start_time = time.time()
        next_move = current_player.generate_move(board)
        time_diff_secs = time.time().__sub__(start_time)
        print(current_player.color, " generate_move completed. secs: ",

        board.place(next_move, current_player.color)
        current_player = player1 if player1.color == HexBoard.get_opposite_color(
            current_player.color) else player2
        round_counter += 1

    if print_statements:
        print(board.get_winner(), ' has won!')
    """ELO rating"""
    # if board.check_win(player1.color):
    #     player1.rating, player2.rating = ts.rate_1vs1(player1.rating, player2.rating)  # player 1 is winner
    # elif board.check_win(player2.color):
    #     player1.rating, player2.rating = ts.rate_1vs1(player2.rating, player1.rating)[::-1]  # player 2 is winner
    # else:
    #     player1.rating, player2.rating = ts.rate_1vs1(player1.rating, player2.rating, drawn=True)  # draw

    return board.get_winner()
Exemple #6
    # for blue_player1, red_player2 in combinations([player_random_3, player_dijkstra_3, player_dijkstra_4, player_mcts], 2):
    #     match_players_list.append([blue_player1, red_player2])
    match_players_list = [[player_mcts, player_random_3]]

    # win_record_list = []
    win_dict = {}
    nu_rounds = 5
    for nu in range(nu_rounds):
        for match_players in match_players_list:
            player1 = match_players[0]
            player2 = match_players[1]
            winner_color_name = play_game(player1, player2, board_size=3, print_statements=False)

            winner_serach_name = None
            if winner_color_name == HexBoard.obtain_color_name(None, player1.color):
                winner_serach_name = player1.method + " " + str(player1.search_depth)
            elif winner_color_name == HexBoard.obtain_color_name(None, player2.color):
                winner_serach_name = player2.method + " " + str(player2.search_depth)
                raise Exception(winner_serach_name)

            player1.color, player2.color = player2.color, player1.color

        print("nu: ", nu, winner_serach_name, "won")
Exemple #7
class Game:
    """An individual game of Catan to be played be some number of users"""
    def __init__(self, max_num_players, randomize):
        # the number of players that must be in the game before it starts
        self.max_num_players = max_num_players

        self.randomize = randomize

        # number of players currently connected to this game
        self.num_active_players = 0
        # mechanism to access all players connected to this game
        self.players = []

        self.hex_board = HexBoard(randomize)

        self.state = GameState.PLAYER_SETUP
        self.cur_player = None  # whose turn is it?

        # for visibility, define the fields which are going to be used only
        # in the context of the various state functions
        # used in SETTLEMENT_SETUP:
        self.select_settlement = None
        self.second_round = None

        # used in PLAYER_TURN
        self.finish_dice_roll = False

        self.state_methods = {GameState.PLAYER_SETUP: self.add_player_info,
                              GameState.SETTLEMENT_SETUP: self.initial_setup,
                              GameState.PLAYER_TURN: self.player_turn,
                              GameState.ROLL_DICE: self.roll_dice}

    # handles incoming messages / actions from players
    def handle_network(self, channel, action_name, data):
        player = self.get_player(channel)
        if player is not None:
            # the player who sent this is actually in the game
            self.state_methods[self.state](player, action_name, data)

    # add a player into this game
    def add_player(self, player_channel):
        self.num_active_players += 1

        # now actually add the player

    # following methods are called based on the game state

    # to add player username and color info
    # called when in the PLAYER_SETUP state
    def add_player_info(self, new_player, action_name, data):
            username = data['username']
            color = data['color']
        except IndexError:

        valid_username = self.validate_username(username)
        valid_color = self.validate_color(color)

        if valid_username and valid_color:
            # new player is ready to be added
            new_player.username = username
            new_player.color = color

            # give new player the game board setup
            new_player.send({'action': 'game_board',
                             'layout': self.hex_board.serialize_types()})

            # when a player is added to the game, the should first inform the incoming player
            # of all players already connected. Then all already-connected players should
            # be informed of the incoming player
            existing_players = [{'username': player.username, 'color': player.color}
                                for player in self.players if player is not new_player]
            new_player.send({'action': 'current_players', 'players': existing_players})

            # tell other players about this new player
            for player in self.players:
                if player is not new_player:
                    player.send({'action': 'new_player', 'username': username,
                                 'color': color})

        # tell the user whether their choices of username / color have already
        # been taken
        new_player.send({'action': 'check_user_color', 'accept_username': valid_username,
                         'accept_color': valid_color})

        # this might be the last player to have their info accepted
        # check if it is time to go to the next state and actually start the game
        if self.game_ready():
            self.state = GameState.SETTLEMENT_SETUP
            # following 2 fields will be used by SETTLEMENT_SETUP's state function
            self.select_settlement = True
            self.second_round = False
            self.cur_player = self.players[0]
            # tell the first player that they need to select a settlement
            self.cur_player.send({'action': 'select_settlement'})
            # tell everyone else to wait

    # handles users' initial settlement and road setup
    # called when in the SETTLEMENT_SETUP state
    def initial_setup(self, player, action, data):
        if player is self.cur_player:
            if action == 'select_settlement' and self.select_settlement:
                # user is trying to select a first / second settlement
                    settlement_index = data['settlement']
                except KeyError:
                    # user sent a faulty message, ignore
                if self.hex_board.valid_settlement(settlement_index):
                    # valid settlement selection, update record and notify players

                    # per Catan rules give the player one of each resource
                    # their selected node borders
                    selected_node = self.hex_board.nodes[settlement_index]

                    self.hex_board.settle(settlement_index, player)
                    self.new_settlement(settlement_index, player)
                    # change client state
                    player.send({'action': 'select_road'})
                    self.select_settlement = False
                    # user is apparently unable to select a correct settlement
                    player.send({'action': 'invalid', 'message': 'settlement'})
            elif action == 'select_road' and not self.select_settlement:
                # the user is trying to select a road
                    road_index = data['road']
                except KeyError:
                    # user sent a faulty message, ignore
                if self.hex_board.valid_road(road_index, player):
                    # the player has managed, against all odds, to pick a road correctly
                    self.hex_board.set_road(road_index, player)
                    self.new_road(road_index, player)

                    # if this was the last player in the list and we have already
                    # gone through this process once, move to the next stage of the
                    # game (i.e. actual turns)
                    self.cur_player = self.get_next_player()
                    self.select_settlement = True
                    if player is self.players[-1]:
                        if self.second_round:
                            # CHANGE STATE -- PLAYER_TURN
                            self.state = GameState.ROLL_DICE

                            # go around again picking settlements / roads
                            self.second_round = True
                            self.cur_player.send({'action': 'select_settlement'})
                        self.cur_player.send({'action': 'select_settlement'})
                    player.send({'action': 'invalid', 'message': 'road'})

    # waiting for the current player to stop the dice from rolling
    def roll_dice(self, player, action, data):
        if player is self.cur_player:
            left = random.randint(0, 6)
            right = random.randint(0, 6)
            self.broadcast_dice_result(left, right) 

    def player_turn(self, player, action, data):

    # checks if the game is ready to start, i.e. if the game is full and
    # all players have their username and color
    def game_ready(self):
        if self.is_full():
            for player in self.players:
                if player.username is None or player.color is None:
                    return False  # someone hasn't set their user / color
            return True
        return False

    def is_full(self):
        return self.num_active_players == self.max_num_players

    # has somebody taken this username?
    def validate_username(self, username):
        for player in self.players:
            if player.username == username:
                return False
        return True

    # has somebody taken this color?
    def validate_color(self, color):
        for player in self.players:
            if player.color == color:
                return False
        return True

    # get player from channel
    def get_player(self, channel):
        for player in self.players:
            if player.channel == channel:
                return player
        return None

    # get the next player in the rotation from the current player
    # tries to get the next in line, if that fails the array has been stepped out
    # of, so go back to the beginning
    def get_next_player(self):
            return self.players[self.players.index(self.cur_player) + 1]
        except IndexError:
            return self.players[0]

    # sends the wait message to all players besides the current player
    def broadcast_wait(self):
        for player in self.players:
            if player is not self.cur_player:
                player.send({'action': 'wait', 'cur_player': self.cur_player.username})

    # announce that the dice should begin rolling animation
    def broadcast_roll_dice(self, roller):
        for player in self.players:
            if player is self.cur_player:
                player.send({'action': 'roll_dice'})
                player.send({'action': 'wait_dice', 'roller': roller})

    def broadcast_dice_result(self, left, right):
        for player in self.players:
            player.send({'action': 'dice_result', 'left': left, 'right': right}) 

    # sends the player's client the player's updated resources to be displayed on their screen
    def message_update_resources(self, player):
        player.send({'action': 'update_resources', 'resources': player.resources})

    # takes a hextype as an enum and converts it to its proper string form
    def hextype_to_string(self, enum):
        conversions = {HexType.FOREST: 'wood', HexType.SHEEP: 'sheep', HexType.WHEAT: 'wheat',
                       HexType.MOUNTAIN: 'ore', HexType.REDDISH_ORANGE: 'reddish-orange', HexType.CACTUS: None}
        return conversions[enum] 

    # get the resources from the hexes adjacent to the the node and put them into a format
    # that can be processed by the Player class, i.e. {'resource-name': number of resource}
    def resources_around_node(self, node):
        new_resources = {}
        for hex in node.hexes:
            resource = self.hextype_to_string(hex.type)
            if resource:
                    new_resources[resource] += 1
                except KeyError:
                    # resource not there yet; needs to be created
                    new_resources[resource] = 1

        return new_resources

    # update the clients on a new settlement
    def new_settlement(self, settlement, owner):
        for player in self.players:
            player.send({'action': 'new_settlement', 'settlement': settlement,
                         'color': owner.color})

    # update the clients on a new road
    def new_road(self, road, owner):
        for player in self.players:
            player.send({'action': 'new_road', 'road': road, 'color': owner.color})
    def test_hex_board_official(self):
        hex_board = HexBoard(3)

        # hex_board.place((0, 0), HexBoard1.RED)
        # hex_board.place((1, 1), HexBoard1.RED)
        hex_board.place((2, 2), HexBoard.RED)
        hex_board.place((0, 1), HexBoard.RED)
        hex_board.place((1, 0), HexBoard.RED)
        hex_board.place((0, 2), HexBoard.RED)

        print("hex_board.is_game_over()", hex_board.is_game_over())

        # print("hex_board.obtain_winner_name()", hex_board.obtain_winner_name())