Exemple #1
def integrate_flux(ifu, fibersize, image, platescale):
    iterate over pixels in the 2d numpy array image and identify the hexagon the pixel is
    in in the list of Hex structures ifu. Return a list of floats with the summed fluxes
    in each hexagon.
    pointy = hexlib.Layout(hexlib.layout_pointy, fibersize, hexlib.Point(0,0))
    fluxes = np.zeros(len(ifu), dtype=np.float)
    for (x,y), flux in np.ndenumerate(image):
        p = Point(x*platescale,y*platescale)
        hex = pixel_to_hex(pointy, p)
        i = find_hex(ifu, hex)
        if i>=0:
            flux[i] += image(x,y)
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, ifuModel):
        """ Initialize the IFU class """
        self.ifuModel = ifuModel
        self.lensKernel = None
        self.lensID = None
        self.blockID = None
        self.blockN = None
        self.CurrentID = 0

        if isinstance(self.ifuModel, (float, int)):
            if int(self.ifuModel) == self.ifuModel:
                self.ifuModel = int(self.ifuModel)
                    "Number of elements requested is not a integer number")
            self.lenspitch = 0.174  # in mm
            self.lensx = None
            self.lensy = None
            self.lensr = 0.160 * 0.5  # in mm
            self.cubex = None  # this will be blank if the ifu model is read from a table
            self.cubey = None  # this will be blank if the ifu model is read from a table
            self.ring = None  # this MAY be blank if the ifu model is read from a table
            self.lensT = 1.0
            self.hexLayout = hexlib.Layout(hexlib.layout_flat, self.lenspitch,
                                           hexlib.Point(0, 0))
        elif isinstance(self.ifuModel, str):
                asciiIfu = ascii.read(self.ifuModel,
                sys.exit("Reading an ifuModel from a file is not yet defined.")
                self.lensx = asciiIfu['lensx']
                self.lensy = asciiIfu['lensy']
                self.lensr = asciiIfu['lensr']
                self.lensT = asciiIfu['lensT']
                    "IFU model read from %s does not contain a valid definition of lens positions"
Exemple #3
def make_hex_kernel(radius,imgsize,antialias=5,debug=False):
    Generate a 2D numpy array with the characteristic function of a hexagon of size 'radius' (center to corner)
    in units of pixels of the array. The image will have dimensions of imgsize x imgsize and the hexagon will
    be at the integer center.
    center = imgsize//2+1
    pointy = hexlib.Layout(hexlib.layout_pointy, radius*antialias, hexlib.Point(center,center))
    polygon = hexlib.polygon_corners(pointy,hexlib.Hex(0,0,0))
    img = Image.new('L', (imgsize, imgsize), 0)
    ImageDraw.Draw(img).polygon(polygon, outline=1, fill=1)
    mask = np.array(img,dtype=float)
    mask /= np.sum(mask)
    mask = int_rebin(mask, (imgsize//antialias,imgsize//antialias))
    if debug==True:
    return mask
Exemple #4
 def makeHexLensKernel(self):
     Generate a 2D numpy array with the characteristic function of a hexagon of size 'radius' (center to corner)
     in units of pixels of the array. The image will have dimensions of imgsize x imgsize and the hexagon will
     be at the integer center.
     rlensmm = np.mean(self.telescope.ifu.lensr)
     rlensarcsec = rlensmm * self.telescope.platescale()
     rlenspix = rlensarcsec / self.hdr['PIXSCALE']
     imgsize = 2 * rlenspix
     antialias = 5
     imgsize = int(imgsize * antialias)
     center = imgsize // 2 + 1
     hexLayout = hexlib.Layout(hexlib.layout_pointy, rlenspix * antialias,
                               hexlib.Point(center, center))
     polygon = hexlib.polygon_corners(hexLayout, hexlib.Hex(0, 0, 0))
     img = Image.new('L', (imgsize, imgsize), 0)
     ImageDraw.Draw(img).polygon(polygon, outline=1, fill=1)
     kernel = np.array(img, dtype=float)
     kernel /= np.sum(kernel)
     kernel = int_rebin(kernel,
                        (imgsize // antialias, imgsize // antialias))
     return kernel
Exemple #5
def lvm_sample_image (fimg, platescale, lenslet_size=36.2, reconstruct=False, debug=False):
    Sample an image to simulating observing with LVM.

    fimg          fits image to observe with LVM
    platescale    fits image plate scale in arcsec/pix
    lenslet_size  size of the LVM lenslet elements. 36.2 by default (LVM160). Use 6.8 for LVM1000.
                  note that to properly simulate the 1m observations you will have to make sure 
                  the input images are properly sampled. 1" or better is required. The LVM160 simulations
                  can use a coarser input image scale.
    reconstruct   return list of samples (false) or reconstructed image (true)
    debug         show intermediate plots for illustration (false by default)

    x,y,f         x and y positions and values f of the image sampled at the dither locations
    img           reconstructed image from the samples if reconstruct==True (simple interpolation)
    img, hdr = fits.getdata(fimg, 0, header=True)

    # convolve image with lenslet/fiber footprint
    fiber = make_hex_kernel(hex_diameter/2.0/platescale, 21, debug=False)    
    imgf = convolve_with_kernel(img, fiber)
    if debug==True:

    # generate the IFU and the locations of the dithers
    ifu = mkifu(30)  # make one large IFU for now. 30 Rings. Later simulate proper tiling
    layout = hexlib.Layout(hexlib.layout_flat, hex_diameter/2.0,
    dither = mkdither(layout,ifu,debug=False)

    # transform all the fiber centers to X,Y from hex coordinates
    ifuc = cubetoxy(ifu,layout)
    ifux = np.array([i.x for i in ifuc])
    ifuy = np.array([i.y for i in ifuc])
    if debug==True:
        plt.imshow(imgf,clim=(0.4, 7.0))
        for i in dither:
            plt.scatter((ifux+i[0])/platescale, (ifuy+i[1])/platescale, s=1)

    # sample the convolved image in the IFU+dithers
    q = scipy.interpolate.interp2d( range(imgf.shape[1]), range(imgf.shape[0]), imgf, kind='cubic' )
    for i in dither:
        x = np.append(x, (ifux+i[0])/platescale)
        y = np.append(y, (ifuy+i[1])/platescale)
    f = []
    for i in range(len(x)):
        f = np.append(f, q(x[i], y[i]))

    if reconstruct==True:
        # attempt at reconstruction using the samples
        X, Y = np.meshgrid(range(imgf.shape[1]), range(imgf.shape[0]))
        imgr = scipy.interpolate.griddata( (x,y), f, (X,Y), method='cubic')
        inf = np.invert(np.isfinite(imgr))
        imgr[inf] = 0.
        return imgr
        return x,y,f