def test_build_data_doctest(self): record = Record.build_data(0x1234, b'Hello, World!') ans_out = normalize_whitespace(repr(record)) ans_ref = normalize_whitespace(''' Record(address=0x00001234, tag=None, count=13, data=b'Hello, World!', checksum=0x69) ''') assert ans_out == ans_ref
def test_save_records(self, tmppath, datapath): path_out = tmppath / 'hexbytes.bin' path_ref = datapath / 'hexbytes.bin' records = [Record.build_data(0, HEXBYTES)] Record.save_records(str(path_out), records) ans_out = read_text(path_out) ans_ref = read_text(path_ref) assert ans_out == ans_ref
def test_split(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError): list(Record.split(b'', -1)) with pytest.raises(ValueError): list(Record.split(b'', 1 << 32)) with pytest.raises(ValueError): list(Record.split(b'abc', (1 << 32) - 1)) ans_out = list(Record.split(BYTES)) ans_ref = [Record.build_data(0, BYTES)] assert ans_out == ans_ref ans_out = list(Record.split(BYTES, columns=8)) ans_ref = [ Record.build_data(offset, BYTES[offset:(offset + 8)]) for offset in range(0, 256, 8) ] assert ans_out == ans_ref ans_out = list( Record.split(HEXBYTES, standalone=False, address=7, columns=5, align=3)) ans_ref = [ Record.build_data(7, HEXBYTES[:4]), Record.build_data(11, HEXBYTES[4:9]), Record.build_data(16, HEXBYTES[9:14]), Record.build_data(21, HEXBYTES[14:]), ] assert ans_out == ans_ref
def test___eq___doctest(self): record1 = BinaryRecord.build_data(0, b'Hello, World!') record2 = BinaryRecord.build_data(0, b'Hello, World!') assert record1 == record2 record1 = BinaryRecord.build_data(0, b'Hello, World!') record2 = BinaryRecord.build_data(1, b'Hello, World!') assert record1 != record2 record1 = BinaryRecord.build_data(0, b'Hello, World!') record2 = BinaryRecord.build_data(0, b'hello, world!') assert record1 != record2 record1 = MotorolaRecord.build_header(b'Hello, World!') record2 = MotorolaRecord.build_data(0, b'hello, world!') assert record1 != record2
def test_is_data(self): assert Record.build_data(0, b'').is_data()
def test_load_records(self, datapath): path_ref = datapath / 'hexbytes.bin' ans_out = list(Record.load_records(str(path_ref))) ans_ref = [Record.build_data(0, HEXBYTES)] assert ans_out == ans_ref