Exemple #1
 def __init__(self, axial_coordinates, radius, tile_id):
     super(HexTile, self).__init__()
     self.axial_coordinates = np.array([axial_coordinates])
     self.cube_coordinates = hx.axial_to_cube(self.axial_coordinates)
     self.position = hx.axial_to_pixel(self.axial_coordinates, radius)
     self.radius = radius
     self.tile_id = tile_id
 def __init__(self, axial_coordinates, color, radius, hollow = False):
     self.axial_coordinates = np.array([axial_coordinates])
     self.cube_coordinates = hx.axial_to_cube(self.axial_coordinates)
     self.position = hx.axial_to_pixel(self.axial_coordinates, radius)
     self.color = color
     self.radius = radius
     self.image = make_hex_surface(color, radius, hollow = hollow)
Exemple #3
 def __init__(self, axial_coordinates, border_color, radius):
     self.axial_coordinates = np.array([axial_coordinates])
     self.cube_coordinates = hx.axial_to_cube(self.axial_coordinates)
     self.position = hx.axial_to_pixel(self.axial_coordinates, radius)
     self.color = border_color
     self.radius = radius
     self.image = make_hex_surface((0, 0, 0, 140),
Exemple #4
def test_axial_to_pixel_conversion():
    axial_coords = hx.cube_to_axial(coords)
    pixel_coords = hx.axial_to_pixel(axial_coords, radius)
    pixel_to_axial_coords = hx.pixel_to_axial(pixel_coords, radius)

    assert np.array_equal(axial_coords, pixel_to_axial_coords)
    def draw(self):

        if self.step == 1:
            b_hexagons = list(self.b_map.values())
            b_hex_positions = np.array([hexagon.get_draw_position() for hexagon in b_hexagons])
            b_sorted_indexes = np.argsort(b_hex_positions[:, 1])
            for index in b_sorted_indexes:
                self.main_surf.blit(b_hexagons[index].image, (b_hex_positions[index] + self.center).astype(int)) #Draws the hexagons on
                    #hexagons[index].image uses an image created in example_hex from make_hex_surface
            if self.selection.value != self.old_selection or self.max_coord.value != self.old_max:
                self.hex_map = Selection.get_selection(self.selection.value, self.max_coord.value, self.hex_radius)
                self.old_selection = self.selection.value
                self.old_max = self.max_coord.value

            # show all hexes
            hexagons = list(self.hex_map.values())
            hex_positions = np.array([hexagon.get_draw_position() for hexagon in hexagons])
            sorted_indexes = np.argsort(hex_positions[:, 1])
            for index in sorted_indexes:
                self.main_surf.blit(hexagons[index].image, (hex_positions[index] + self.center).astype(int)) #Draws the hexagons on
                #hexagons[index].image uses an image created in example_hex from make_hex_surface

            selection_type_text = self.font.render(
                    "Board Shape: " + Selection.Type.to_string(self.selection.value),
                    (50, 50, 50))
            self.main_surf.blit(selection_type_text, (5, 30))

        if self.step == 2:
            hexagons = list(self.hex_map.values())
            hex_positions = np.array([hexagon.get_draw_position() for hexagon in hexagons])
            sorted_indexes = np.argsort(hex_positions[:, 1])
            for index in sorted_indexes:
                self.main_surf.blit(hexagons[index].image, (hex_positions[index] + self.center).astype(np.int32))

            if self.direction_hex.size > 0:
                pixels = self.hex_map[self.clicked_hex][0].get_draw_position() + self.center
                self.main_surf.blit(self.selected_hex_image, pixels.astype(np.int32))
                # This index is used to find the two angles for the directional triangle.
                index = self.direction_selection.value
                # Find the radian angles of the direction, and scale to the hex radius
                angles_in_radians = np.deg2rad([60 * i + 30 for i in range(index, index + 2)])
                x = self.hex_radius * np.cos(angles_in_radians)
                y = self.hex_radius * np.sin(angles_in_radians)

                # Merge all points to a single array of a triangle
                points = np.round(np.vstack([x, y]).T)
                points = np.round(np.vstack([points, [0, 0]]))
                # Find pixel coordinates for the triangle, then find the middle point of the far edge, and draw the line.
                coords = (points + hx.axial_to_pixel(self.clicked_hex, self.hex_radius))
                start_point = coords[2] + self.center
                end_point = (coords[0] + coords[1]) / 2 + self.center
                pg.draw.line(self.main_surf, [230, 230, 0], start_point.astype(np.int32), end_point.astype(np.int32), 3)

            player_text = self.font.render(
                "Current Player: " + str(self.player_selection.value),
                (50, 50, 50))
            piece_selection_text = self.font.render(
                    "Piece Type: " + str(self.piece_selection.value),
                    (50, 50, 50))

            for piece1 in self.player_list[1]:
                text = self.font.render(str(piece1[0]), False, COLORS[1])
                pos = hx.axial_to_pixel(piece1[1], self.hex_radius)
                text_pos = pos + self.center
                text_pos -= (text.get_width() / 2, text.get_height() / 2)
                self.main_surf.blit(text, text_pos.astype(np.int32))

                # This index is used to find the two angles for the directional triangle.
                index = piece1[2]
                # Find the radian angles of the direction, and scale to the hex radius
                angles_in_radians = np.deg2rad([60 * i + 30 for i in range(index, index + 2)])
                x = self.hex_radius * np.cos(angles_in_radians)
                y = self.hex_radius * np.sin(angles_in_radians)

                # Merge all points to a single array of a triangle
                points = np.round(np.vstack([x, y]).T)
                points = np.round(np.vstack([points, [0, 0]]))
                # Find pixel coordinates for the triangle, then find the middle point of the far edge, and draw the line.
                coords = (points + hx.axial_to_pixel(piece1[1], self.hex_radius))
                start_point = coords[2] + self.center
                end_point = (coords[0] + coords[1]) / 2 + self.center
                pg.draw.line(self.main_surf, [230, 230, 0], start_point.astype(np.int32), end_point.astype(np.int32), 3)

            for piece2 in self.player_list[2]:
                text = self.font.render(str(piece2[0]), False, COLORS[2])
                pos = hx.axial_to_pixel(piece2[1], self.hex_radius)
                text_pos = pos + self.center
                text_pos -= (text.get_width() / 2, text.get_height() / 2)
                self.main_surf.blit(text, text_pos.astype(np.int32))

                # This index is used to find the two angles for the directional triangle.
                index = piece2[2]
                # Find the radian angles of the direction, and scale to the hex radius
                angles_in_radians = np.deg2rad([60 * i + 30 for i in range(index, index + 2)])
                x = self.hex_radius * np.cos(angles_in_radians)
                y = self.hex_radius * np.sin(angles_in_radians)

                # Merge all points to a single array of a triangle
                points = np.round(np.vstack([x, y]).T)
                points = np.round(np.vstack([points, [0, 0]]))
                # Find pixel coordinates for the triangle, then find the middle point of the far edge, and draw the line.
                coords = (points + hx.axial_to_pixel(piece2[1], self.hex_radius))
                start_point = coords[2] + self.center
                end_point = (coords[0] + coords[1]) / 2 + self.center
                pg.draw.line(self.main_surf, [230, 230, 0], start_point.astype(np.int32), end_point.astype(np.int32), 3)

            self.main_surf.blit(player_text, (5, 20))
            self.main_surf.blit(piece_selection_text, (5, 40))

        # Update screen at 30 frames per second
Exemple #6
    if np.unique(A == B) == [True]:
        return True
    return False

radius = 10
coords = hx.get_spiral(np.array((0, 0, 0)), 1, 10)

# check axial <-> cube conversions work
axial_coords = hx.cube_to_axial(coords)
cube_coords = hx.axial_to_cube(axial_coords)

print same_mat(coords, cube_coords)

# check axial <-> pixel conversions work
pixel_coords = hx.axial_to_pixel(axial_coords, radius)
pixel_to_axial_coords = hx.pixel_to_axial(pixel_coords, radius)

print same_mat(axial_coords, pixel_to_axial_coords)

# check cube <-> pixel conversions work
pixel_coords = hx.cube_to_pixel(cube_coords, radius)
pixel_to_cube_coords = hx.pixel_to_cube(pixel_coords, radius)
pixel_to_cube_to_axial_coords = hx.cube_to_axial(pixel_to_cube_coords)

print same_mat(cube_coords, pixel_to_cube_coords)

# check that we can correctly retrieve hexes after conversions
hm[axial_coords] = coords
retrieved = hm[pixel_to_cube_to_axial_coords]
print same_mat(retrieved, cube_coords)
Exemple #7
    def draw(self):

        hexagons = list(self.hex_map.values())
        hex_positions = np.array(
            [hexagon.get_draw_position() for hexagon in hexagons])
        sorted_indexes = np.argsort(hex_positions[:, 1])

        # Draw game hexagons
        for index in sorted_indexes:
                                (hex_positions[index] +
            if TESTING:
                v_coords = hexagons[index].get_axial_coords()[0]
                c_text = self.test_font.render(
                    str(v_coords[0]) + "," + str(v_coords[1]), True,
                    (255, 255, 255))
                c_width = self.test_font.size(
                    str(v_coords[0]) + "," + str(v_coords[1]))[0]
                    c_text, (hexagons[index].get_position() +
                             self.test_center - c_width / 2).astype(np.int32))

        # Draw pieces that have already moved.
        if not np.array_equal(self.board.moved_pieces, []):
            moved_hexes = self.hex_map[np.array(self.board.moved_pieces)]
            list(map(self.draw_moved, moved_hexes))

        # Draw pieces that have already attacked.
        if not np.array_equal(self.board.fired_pieces, []):
            attacked_hexes = self.hex_map[np.array(self.board.fired_pieces)]
            list(map(self.draw_attack, attacked_hexes))

        # Draw pieces
        for piece in self.board.values():
            w = piece.piece.p_type
            if w != 0:
                # This index is used to find the two angles for the directional triangle.
                index = np.where(DIRECTIONS == piece.piece.direction)[0][0]
                # Find the radian angles of the direction, and scale to the hex radius
                angles_in_radians = np.deg2rad(
                    [60 * i + 30 for i in range(index, index + 2)])
                x = self.hex_radius * np.cos(angles_in_radians)
                y = self.hex_radius * np.sin(angles_in_radians)

                # Merge all points to a single array of a triangle
                points = np.round(np.vstack([x, y]).T)
                points = np.round(np.vstack([points, [0, 0]]))

                # Find pixel coordinates for the triangle, then find the middle point of the far edge, and draw the line.
                coords = (points + hx.axial_to_pixel(piece.get_axial_coords(),
                start_point = coords[2] + self.test_center
                end_point = (coords[0] + coords[1]) / 2 + self.test_center
                pg.draw.line(self.test_surf, [230, 230, 0],
                             end_point.astype(np.int32), 3)

                # Draw piece
                text = self.font.render(str(w), False,
                pos = hx.axial_to_pixel(piece.get_axial_coords(),
                text_pos = pos + self.test_center
                text_pos -= (text.get_width() / 2, text.get_height() / 2)
                self.test_surf.blit(text, text_pos.astype(np.int32))

        # Draw valid moves if a piece is clicked
        if not np.array_equal(self.clicked_hex, None):

            # Get the valid moves for a piece, and display them.
            axials = np.array([i[0:2] for i in self.axial_moves])
            visual_moves = self.hex_map[axials]

            self.valid_moves = self.axial_moves
            if self.move_or_attack == 1:
                list(map(self.draw_movement, visual_moves))
            elif self.move_or_attack == 2:
                list(map(self.draw_attack, visual_moves))

            if not np.array_equal(self.selected_movement_directions, []):
                index = self.selected_movement_directions[
                angles_in_radians = np.deg2rad(
                    [60 * i + 30 for i in range(index, index + 2)])
                x = self.hex_radius * np.cos(angles_in_radians)
                y = self.hex_radius * np.sin(angles_in_radians)

                # Merge all points to a single array of a triangle
                points = np.round(np.vstack([x, y]).T)
                points = np.round(np.vstack([points, [0, 0]]))

                # Find pixel coordinates, and draw the triangle.
                coords = (points.astype(np.int32) + hx.axial_to_pixel(
                    self.temp_axial[0][0:2], self.hex_radius)).astype(np.int32)
                pg.draw.polygon(self.test_surf, COLORS[1],
                                coords + self.test_center, 0)

        # Draw health bars
        for piece in self.board.values():
            w = piece.piece.p_type
            if w != 0:
                mh = piece.get_piece().max_health
                ch = piece.get_piece().health

                health_string = str(ch) + "/" + str(mh)
                health_text = self.health_font.render(health_string, True,
                                                      (50, 50, 50))

                piece_pixel_coords = hx.axial_to_pixel(
                    piece.get_axial_coords(), self.hex_radius)
                piece_centered_coords = piece_pixel_coords + self.test_center
                piece_centered_coords -= (health_text.get_width() / 2,
                                          1.4 * health_text.get_height())
                piece_centered_coords = (int(piece_centered_coords[0]),

                self.test_surf.blit(health_text, piece_centered_coords)

        # Display current FPS
        fps_text = self.fps_font.render(
            " FPS: " + str(int(self.clock.get_fps())), True, (50, 50, 50))
        player_text = self.player_font.render(
            " Player " + str(self.board.player) + " turn", True,
        self.main_surf.blit(fps_text, (5, 0))

        # Display current player's turn
        player_width = self.player_font.size(" Player " +
                                             str(self.board.player) +
                                             " turn")[0]
            (int(self.center[0] - player_width / 2), int(20 * scale)))
        self.turn_button.draw(self.main_surf, (0, 0, 0))

        self.main_surf.blit(self.test_surf, (0, int(100 * scale)))
        # Update window and keep background
Exemple #8
 def __init__(self, axial_coordinates, color, radius):
     self.axial_coordinates = np.array([axial_coordinates])
     self.position = hx.axial_to_pixel(self.axial_coordinates, radius)
     self.color = color
     self.radius = radius
     self.image = make_hex_surface(color, radius, border=True)