Exemple #1
def extract_value(f):
	output = subprocess.check_output(os.path.join(this_script_path, 'bombers'), stdin=f)
	records = {}
	first = None
	current = None
	crecord = {}
	for line in output.splitlines():
		key, data = line.split(None, 1)
		if key == '@':
			if current:
				records[current] = crecord
				crecord = {}
			current = hhist.date.parse(data)
			if first is None:
				first = current
			bcounts = data.split()
			if len(bcounts) != len(hdata.Bombers) and key != '$':
				raise Exception("Bad bcounts[%s] at %r, len(%r) != %d" % (key, current, bcounts, len(hdata.Bombers)))
			crecord[key] = map(int, bcounts)
	if crecord and current is not None:
		records[current] = crecord
	broughton = hdata.Events.find('id', 'BROUGHTON')
	wlng = hdata.Bombers.find('name', 'Wellington')
	if broughton and first > broughton['date']:
		if wlng: wlng['cost'] *= 2/3.0
	bentry = [b.get('entry', hhist.date(0, 0, 0)) for b in hdata.Bombers]
	old = None
	oldp = None
	res = []
	for d in sorted(records):
		if broughton and d == broughton['date']:
			if wlng: wlng['cost'] *= 2/3.0
		bcount = records[d]['=']
		for i,b in enumerate(hdata.Bombers):
			if b['exit'] and d == b['exit'].next():
				if bcount[i]:
					print 'Warning: %d leftover %s' % (bcount[i], b['name'])
					bcount[i] = 0 # force it to 0
		bvalues = [b*hdata.Bombers[i]['cost'] for i,b in enumerate(bcount)]
		built = records[d]['+']
		spend = sum(b*hdata.Bombers[i]['cost'] for i,b in enumerate(built) if d != hdata.Bombers[i]['entry'])
		cash = records[d]['$'][1] - spend
		cshr = records[d]['$'][0]
		total = sum(bvalues) + cash
		project = total + 25 * cshr
		r = {'date':d, 'cash':cash, 'cshr':cshr, 'bombers':list(bcount), 'bvalues':bvalues, 'total':total, 'project': project}
		if old is not None:
			r['delta'] = total - old
		if oldp is not None:
			r['deltap'] = project - oldp
		old = total
		oldp = project
	return res
Exemple #2
def extract_prodloss(ents):
	days = sorted(hhist.group_by_date(ents))
	bentry = [b.get('entry', hhist.date(0, 0, 0)) for b in hdata.Bombers]
	res = {}
	for d in days:
		row = [[0, 0] for b in hdata.Bombers]
		for ent in d[1]:
			if ent['class'] != 'A': continue
			if ent['data']['type']['fb'] != 'B': continue
			typ = ent['data']['type']['ti']
			if ent['data']['etyp'] == 'CT':
				if d[0].next() != bentry[typ]:
					row[typ][0] += 1
			elif ent['data']['etyp'] == 'CR':
				row[typ][1] -= 1
		res[d[0]] = row
Exemple #3
def extract_prodloss(ents):
    days = sorted(hhist.group_by_date(ents))
    bentry = [b.get('entry', hhist.date(0, 0, 0)) for b in hdata.Bombers]
    res = {}
    for d in days:
        row = [[0, 0] for b in hdata.Bombers]
        for ent in d[1]:
            if ent['class'] != 'A': continue
            if ent['data']['type']['fb'] != 'B': continue
            typ = ent['data']['type']['ti']
            if ent['data']['etyp'] == 'CT':
                if d[0].next() != bentry[typ]:
                    row[typ][0] += 1
            elif ent['data']['etyp'] == 'CR':
                row[typ][1] -= 1
        res[d[0]] = row
    return (res)