def test_hht_basic_2nd_order_spring():
    """ Test the hht method for a spring system.
    Tests for several values of alpha. 
    y0 = 3.0
    v0 = 2.0
    ode = mass_spring_damper(3, 2, 3)
    prob = Explicit_Problem(ode, y0)
    vals = array([-1.0/3.0,-0.2,-0.1,-0.05,0.0])
    for alpha in vals:              
        hht = HHT(prob, v0, alpha = alpha)
        end = 10.0
        t, y = hht.simulate(end)[-1]/y[-1], ode.explicit(end, v0, y0)/y[-1],places = 1)
def test_hht_basic_2nd_order_damping():
    """ Test hht of simple a 2nd order ODE, 
    ybis(t) = constant* t. Tests for several values of alpha. 
    f  = lambda t: 5.0/3.0* t**3 + 2*t + 3
    """ Take off in a rocket at g-acc from 5m above ground, v0 = 10m/s """
    def ode_2(t,x,y):
        return 10.0 * t
    y0 = 3.0
    v0 = 2.0
    prob = Explicit_Problem(ode_2, y0)
    vals = array([-1.0/3.0,-0.2,-0.1,-0.05,0.0])
    for alpha in vals:              
        hht = HHT(prob, v0, alpha = alpha)
        end = 10.0
        t, y = hht.simulate(end)[-1]/y[-1], f(end)/y[-1],places = 1)
def test_against_normal_solvers():
    """ Test the HHT method on the damper system and compares the
    result against a simulation using LSODAR 
    end = 10.0
    ode = flattened_2nd_order(3, 2, 3)
    y0 = 3.0
    v0 = 2.0
    prob = Explicit_Problem(ode, [y0,v0])
    exp_sim = LSODAR(prob)
    t, y = exp_sim.simulate(end)
    ode = mass_spring_damper(3, 2, 3)
    prob = Explicit_Problem(ode, y0)
    hht = HHT(prob, v0, alpha = -0.2)
    t, y_2 = hht.simulate(end)[-1][0]/y[-1][0], y_2[-1]/y[-1][0],places = 1)
def test_pend_hht_against_normal():
    """ Test out hht solver againts the pendulum by comparing the result
    of a simulation against one done by assimulo"""
    import problems as p
    from matplotlib.pylab import plot, show, figure
    pend = p.Pendulum2nd()
    ode  = pend.fcn
    end = 15
    y0   = pend.initial_condition()
    prob = Explicit_Problem(ode, y0[0])
    hht = HHT(prob, y0[1], alpha=-0.2)
    t, y_1 = hht.simulate(end)
    ode  = pend.fcn_1
    prob = Explicit_Problem(ode, y0)
    sim = LSODAR(prob)
    t, y_3 = sim.simulate(end)[-1][0]/y_3[-1][0], y_1[-1]/y_3[-1][0],places = 1)