Exemple #1
def test_posterior_implementations(tmp_path):
    all_classes = inspect.getmembers(posterior, inspect.isclass)
    classes = [c[1] for c in all_classes if isinstance(c[1](), proc.Procedure)]
    for procedure_class in classes:
        procedure = procedure_class()
        experiment = exp.PosteriorSamplingExperiment(procedure, str(tmp_path))
        experiment.run(func.Cosine(), finish_line=250)
def test_testfunction_cosine():
    function = func.Cosine()
    minima = [[-3 * np.pi], [-np.pi], [np.pi], [3 * np.pi]]
    value_minima = 0
    # Validate the default configuration
    assert function.get_dimensionality() == 1
    # Validate function properties
    assert function.is_bounded() is True
    assert function.is_differentiable() is True
    # Validate minima
    y = function(np.array(minima))
    assert np.sum(1.0 * (np.around(y, 8) == value_minima)) == len(y)
    # Validate that these minima are indeed minima
    x = np.random.rand(10000, function.get_dimensionality())
    x *= function.ranges[:, 1] - function.ranges[:, 0]
    x += function.ranges[:, 0]
    y = function(x)
    assert np.sum(1.0 * (np.around(y, 8) == value_minima)) <= len(y)
    # Validate output shape
    assert y.shape == (10000, 1)
    assert function(x, True).shape == (10000, function.get_dimensionality())