def twocuspsgethypcurves(manifold):

    m = manifold.cusp_translations()[0][0]
    l = manifold.cusp_translations()[0][1]
    pairs = []
    shortcurves = []

    pairs.append([1, 0])
    for y in range(2, 7):
        pairs.append([1, y])
        pairs.append([-1, y])
    for x in range(-7, 7):
        pairs.append([x, 1])
        for y in range(2, 7):
            if x % y != 0 and y % x != 0:
                pairs.append([x, y])

    for [x, y] in pairs:
        if abs(x * l + y * m) < 6:
            shortcurves.append([x, y])

    hypshortcurves = []
    nonhypshortcurves = []

    for [a, b] in shortcurves:
        M = snappy.Manifold(mani)
        M.dehn_fill((a, b), 0)
        if hikmot.verify_hyperbolicity(M, False)[0]:
            hypshortcurves.append([a, b])
            nonhypshortcurves.append((a, b))
    print 'non hyp:'
    print nonhypshortcurves
    return hypshortcurves
def onecuspgetexc(a, b, manifold):

    m = manifold.cusp_translations()[0][0]
    l = manifold.cusp_translations()[0][1]
    pairs = []
    shortcurves = []

    pairs.append([1, 0])
    for y in range(2, 7):
        pairs.append([1, y])
        pairs.append([-1, y])
    for x in range(-7, 7):
        pairs.append([x, 1])
        for y in range(2, 7):
            if x % y != 0 and y % x != 0:
                pairs.append([x, y])

    for [x, y] in pairs:
        if abs(x * l + y * m) < 6:
            shortcurves.append([x, y])
    hypshortcurves = []
    nonhypshortcurves = []
    for [c, d] in shortcurves:
        M = snappy.Manifold(mani)
        M.dehn_fill((a, b), 0)
        M.dehn_fill((c, d), 1)
        if hikmot.verify_hyperbolicity(M, False)[0]:
            hypshortcurves.append([a, b])
            nonhypshortcurves.append((c, d))
    return nonhypshortcurves
def getexecfromrealname(name):
    strname = str(name)
    pairs = []
    pairs.append([1, 0])
    for y in range(2, 7):
        pairs.append([1, y])
        pairs.append([-1, y])
    for x in range(-6, 7):
        pairs.append([x, 1])
        for y in range(2, 7):
            if x % y != 0 and y % x != 0:
                pairs.append([x, y])

    hypshortcurves = []
    nonhypshortcurves = []
    for [c, d] in pairs:
        thismanifold = snappy.Manifold(strname)
        thismanifold.dehn_fill((c, d), 0)
        #print thismanifold, hikmot.verify_hyperbolicity(thismanifold,False)[0]
        if hikmot.verify_hyperbolicity(thismanifold, False)[0]:
            hypshortcurves.append([c, d])
            nonhypshortcurves.append((c, d))
    return nonhypshortcurves
Exemple #4
i = 0
for M in snappy.OrientableCuspedCensus():
    i = i + 1
    N = M.copy()
    error_data = None

    known_canonized = False
    while not known_canonized:
            known_canonized = True
        except snappy.exceptions.SnapPeaFatalError:

    if (hikmot.verify_hyperbolicity(N, print_data, save_data)[0]
            or hikmot.verify_hyperbolicity(
                M, print_data, save_data)):  # and M.is_isometric_to(N):
        # GoodList.append(N)
        num_goods += 1
        error_data = (, M.is_isometric_to(N),
                      hikmot.verify_hyperbolicity(M, print_data, save_data)[0])
        BadList.append((N, error_data))
    if i % 1000 == 0:
        if old_num_bads != num_bads:
            print("XX: {0}, {1}".format(i, BadList[old_num_bads:]))
            old_num_bads = num_bads
            print("ok: {0}".format(i))

	for [x,y] in pairs:
		if abs(x*l+y*m)<6.2:
	return under6

surgeryList = getshortcurves(xTranslation, yTranslation)

succeeds = []
fails = []

for surgery in surgeryList:
	M = snappy.Manifold(oneCuspMfld)
	if hikmot.verify_hyperbolicity(M,False)[0]:
	else: fails.append(M)

print 'Hyperbolic:'
print len(succeeds)
print succeeds
print 'Maybe Not Hyperbolic:'
print len(fails)
print fails

good = []
bad = []
corrections = 0
coverList = []
knownGoodCovers = ['ClosedManifolds/Closed3_cover.tri']
coverDegree = 3
remainingBadManifolds = []

    "You will probably fail proving Closed3.tri to be hyperbolic, this is 'm007(3,1)' and we need to take a cover for this manifold."
for counter in range(11031):
    #for counter in range(110):
    M = snappy.Manifold('ClosedManifolds/Closed' + str(counter + 1) + '.tri')
    N = snappy.OrientableClosedCensus[counter]
    if hikmot.verify_hyperbolicity(M, print_data)[0] and M.is_isometric_to(N):
        print("Failed proving the hyperbolicity of Closed" + str(counter + 1) +
              ".tri aka " + str(M) + ".")
        coverList.append([M.covers(coverDegree), M])

# These few lines check the grammar of our print out.
if len(bad) == 1:
    finalWord = " error."
    finalWord = " errors."

print("Out of 11031 manifolds in OrientableClosedCensus," + str(len(good)) +
      " manifolds have been proven to be hyperbolic!   " + str(len(bad)) +