def distance(target, source, insertcost, deletecost, replacecost): n = len(target) + 1 m = len(source) + 1 # set up dist and initialize values dist = [[0 for j in range(m)] for i in range(n)] for i in range(1, n): dist[i][0] = dist[i - 1][0] + insertcost for j in range(1, m): dist[0][j] = dist[0][j - 1] + deletecost # align source and target strings for j in range(1, m): for i in range(1, n): inscost = insertcost + dist[i - 1][j] delcost = deletecost + dist[i][j - 1] if (source[j - 1] == target[i - 1]): add = 0 else: add = replacecost substcost = add + dist[i - 1][j - 1] dist[i][j] = min(inscost, delcost, substcost) # save a hinton plot of the distance matrix normdist = [[(dist[i][j] / dist[n - 1][m - 1]) - 0.5 for j in range(m)] for i in range(n)] hinton.hinton(numpy.array(normdist)) plt.title("Distance matrix") plt.savefig('distance_hinton.png', format='png') # return min edit distance return dist[n - 1][m - 1]
def clear(): # einzelne umgebungen: global gesetzt global noch_da global pfad pfad = "" noch_da = 4 gesetzt = False global rejection_sam_var rejection_sam_var = [graph, "", "", 20] global schwellwertffn global hintonnumberffn global alphaffn global ownexample ownexample = "" schwellwertffn.set(2.5) hintonnumberffn.set(20) alphaffn.set(0.2) # fuer alle: anzeigefenster.delete("all") printfenster.delete(1.0, END) if not error: zeichne.draw(graph, "", "") umgebung = graph.__class__.__name__ if umgebung == "FFNetwork": matrix = np.empty([15, 15]) # fuer hinton diagramm #kantengewichte wieder zufaellig machen! for node in graph.get_nodes(): for edge in node.get_edges(): weight = random.randint(0, 100) / 100 edge.set_weight(weight) # matrix fuellen: for zeile in range(15): for spalte in range(15): matrix[zeile][spalte] = 0 for node in graph.get_nodes(): name = for edge in node.get_edges(): dest = edge.end().name() weight = edge.weight # ueberpruefung worein es geschireben wird: if name[0] == "I": oben = int(name[1]) elif name[0] == "H": oben = int(name[1]) + 9 if dest[0] == "H": runter = int(dest[1]) + 9 else: runter = 14 matrix[oben][14 - runter] = weight matrix[runter][14 - oben] = weight hinton.hinton(matrix)
fig = plt.figure() plt.subplot(311) plt.imshow(mean_aligned) plt.subplot(312) plt.imshow(mean_unaligned) plt.subplot(313) plt.plot(np.sum(mean_aligned,axis=0),label = 'Aligned') plt.plot(np.sum(mean_unaligned,axis=0), label = 'Unaligned') plt.legend() fig.savefig(folder_name + '/' + 'var_%ist_mean.png' % (model_num_states)) plt.close(fig) # Plot neuron emissions fig = plt.figure() hinton(p_emissions) fig.savefig(folder_name + '/' + 'var_emissions_%ist.png' % model_num_states) plt.close(fig) print('file%i, %s, model%i, taste%i' %(file,cond_dir,model_num_states,taste)) # _____ _ _ _ _____ # / ____| | | | | | | / ____| # | | __ _| | ___ _ _| | __ _| |_ ___ | | ___ _ __ _ __ # | | / _` | |/ __| | | | |/ _` | __/ _ \ | | / _ \| '__| '__| # | |___| (_| | | (__| |_| | | (_| | || __/ | |___| (_) | | | | # \_____\__,_|_|\___|\__,_|_|\__,_|\__\___| \_____\___/|_| |_| # # Start -> tastes x neurons x trials x time # For every time bin, correlate firing across all trials of a neuron with taste ranks -> neurons x time # e.g. 15 data points for every palatability rank if 15 trials per taste # Average ABSOLUTE correlations across neurons -> time
parameters=cg.parameters, step_rule=Scale(learning_rate=0.1)) train_set = H5PYDataset('mushrooms.hdf5', which_sets=('train',)) train_stream = DataStream.default_stream( train_set, iteration_scheme=SequentialScheme( train_set.num_examples, batch_size=128)) test_set = H5PYDataset('mushrooms.hdf5', which_sets=('test',)) test_stream = DataStream.default_stream( test_set, iteration_scheme=SequentialScheme( test_set.num_examples, batch_size=128)) main = MainLoop( model=Model(cost), data_stream=train_stream, algorithm=algorithm, extensions=[ FinishAfter(after_n_epochs=10), Printing(), TrainingDataMonitoring([cost, error_rate], after_batch=True, prefix='train'), DataStreamMonitoring([cost, error_rate], after_batch=True, data_stream=test_stream, prefix='test'), Plot('Train', channels=[['train_cost', 'test_cost'], ['train_error_rate', 'test_error_rate']]) ]) hinton(W1.get_value()) hinton(W2.get_value())
### MAP Outputs ### alpha, beta, scaling, expected_latent_state, expected_latent_state_pair = model_MAP.E_step( ) # Save figures in appropriate directories for i in range(data.shape[0]): fig = plt.figure() raster(data=data[i, :], expected_latent_state=expected_latent_state[:, i, :]) fig.savefig(folder_name + '/' + '%i_map_%ist.png' % (i, model_num_states)) plt.close(fig) fig = plt.figure() hinton(model_MAP.p_transitions.T) plt.title('Log_lik = %f' % model_MAP.log_posterior[-1]) plt.suptitle('Model converged = ' + str(model_MAP.converged)) fig.savefig(folder_name + '/' + 'hinton_map_%ist.png' % model_num_states) plt.close(fig) # Save data in appropriate spots in HDF5 file node_name = '/map_hmm/%s/taste_%i/states_%i' % ( cond_dir, taste, model_num_states) try: hf5.remove_node(node_name, recursive=True) except: pass
threshold=1e-4, n_cpu=mp.cpu_count()) ### MAP Outputs ### alpha, beta, scaling, expected_latent_state, expected_latent_state_pair = model_MAP.E_step( ) for i in range(data.shape[0]): fig = plt.figure() raster(data[i, :], expected_latent_state=expected_latent_state[:, i, :]) plt.savefig(plot_dir + '/' + 'clust%i_%i_map_%ist.png' % (cluster, i, model_num_states)) plt.close(fig) plt.figure() hinton(model_MAP.p_transitions) plt.title('log_post = %f' % model_MAP.log_posterior[-1]) plt.suptitle('Model converged = ' + str(model_MAP.converged)) plt.savefig(plot_dir + '/' + 'transitions_map_clust%i_%ist.png' % (cluster, model_num_states)) plt.close() plt.figure() hinton(model_MAP.p_emissions) plt.title('log_post = %f' % model_MAP.log_posterior[-1]) plt.suptitle('Model converged = ' + str(model_MAP.converged)) plt.savefig(plot_dir + '/' + 'emissions_map_clust%i_%ist.png' % (cluster, model_num_states)) plt.close() plt.figure()
A[idx,x_theory.index(temp[1])] = -1/4 A[x_theory.index(temp[1]),idx] = -1/3 * 1/Unq[temp[1]] # for u_k, Partial fu B[idx,0] = 1/4 * (Na[temp[0]]/maxNa + vq[temp[0]]/maxvq + avgsumva[temp[0]]/maxavgsumva) else: ## Other PostTypeId A[idx,idx] = 1 idx += 1 for user in ulist: A[idx,idx] = 1 B[idx,0] = 0 # 1/3 * (repu[user.split(':')[0]]/maxrepu) #B[idx,0] = 1/3 * (repu[user.split(':')[0]]/maxrepu) idx += 1 if hinplot == 1: hinton(A, 'Amat') hinton(B, 'Bvec') solution = np.linalg.solve(A,B) out = dict(zip(x_theory,solution)) #pprint.pprint(out) if hinplot == 1: hinton(solution, 'Sol') ## Analysing results ans = {} ques = {} uuser = {} userQ = {} anslist = [] queslist = []
batch_size=128)) test_set = H5PYDataset('mushrooms.hdf5', which_sets=('test', )) test_stream = DataStream.default_stream(test_set, iteration_scheme=SequentialScheme( test_set.num_examples, batch_size=128)) main = MainLoop(model=Model(cost), data_stream=train_stream, algorithm=algorithm, extensions=[ FinishAfter(after_n_epochs=10), Printing(), TrainingDataMonitoring([cost, error_rate], after_batch=True, prefix='train'), DataStreamMonitoring([cost, error_rate], after_batch=True, data_stream=test_stream, prefix='test'), Plot('Train', channels=[['train_cost', 'test_cost'], ['train_error_rate', 'test_error_rate']]) ]) hinton(W1.get_value()) hinton(W2.get_value())
def PCA_missing_data(plot=True): #Principal Component Analysis, with randomly missing data q = 2 #latent dimension d = 5 #observation dimension N = 200 niters = 200 Nmissing = 100 true_W = np.random.randn(d,q) true_Z = np.random.randn(N,q) true_mean = np.random.randn(d,1) true_prec = 20. Xdata_full =,true_W.T) + true_mean.T Xdata_observed = Xdata_full + np.random.randn(N,d)*np.sqrt(1./true_prec) #erase some data missing_index_i = np.argsort(np.random.randn(N))[:Nmissing] missing_index_j = np.random.multinomial(1,np.ones(d)/d,Nmissing).nonzero()[1] Xdata = Xdata_observed.copy() Xdata[missing_index_i,missing_index_j] = np.nan #set up the problem... Ws = [nodes.Gaussian(d,np.zeros((d,1)),np.eye(d)*1e-3) for i in range(q)] W = nodes.hstack(Ws) Mu = nodes.Gaussian(d,np.zeros((d,1)),np.eye(d)*1e-3) Beta = nodes.Gamma(d,1e-3,1e-3) Zs = [nodes.Gaussian(q,np.zeros((q,1)),np.eye(q)) for i in range(N)] Xs = [nodes.Gaussian(d,W*z+Mu,Beta) for z in Zs] [xnode.observe(xval.reshape(d,1)) for xnode,xval in zip(Xs,Xdata)] #make a network object net = Network() net.addnode(W) net.fetch_network()# automagically fetches all of the other nodes... #infer! net.learn(100) #plot if plot: import pylab import hinton #compare true and learned W Qtrue,Rtrue = np.linalg.qr(true_W) Qlearn,Rlearn = np.linalg.qr(W.pass_down_Ex()) pylab.figure();pylab.title('True W') hinton.hinton(Qtrue) pylab.figure();pylab.title('E[W]') hinton.hinton(Qlearn) if q==2:#plot the latent variables pylab.figure();pylab.title('true Z') pylab.scatter(true_Z[:,0],true_Z[:,1],50,true_Z[:,0]) pylab.figure();pylab.title('learned Z') learned_Z = np.hstack([z.pass_down_Ex() for z in Zs]).T pylab.scatter(learned_Z[:,0],learned_Z[:,1],50,true_Z[:,0]) #recovered X mean X_rec = np.hstack([x.pass_down_Ex() for x in Xs]).T #Recovered X Variance #slight hack here - set q variance of observed nodes to zeros (it should be random...) for x in Xs: if x.observed: x.qcov *=0 var_rec = np.vstack([np.diag(x.qcov) for x in Xs]) + 1./np.diag(Beta.pass_down_Ex()) #plot each recovered signal in a separate figure for i in range(d): pylab.figure();pylab.title('recovered_signal '+str(i)) pylab.plot(Xdata_full[:,i],'g',marker='.',label='True') # 'true' values of missing data (without noise) pylab.plot(X_rec[:,i],'b',label='Recovered') # recovered mising data values pylab.plot(Xdata[:,i],'k',marker='o',linewidth=2,label='Observed') # with noise, and holes where we took out values pylab.legend() volume_x = np.hstack((np.arange(len(Xs)),np.arange(len(Xs))[::-1])) volume_y = np.hstack((X_rec[:,i]+2*np.sqrt(var_rec[:,i]), X_rec[:,i][::-1]-2*np.sqrt(var_rec[:,i])[::-1])) pylab.fill(volume_x,volume_y,'b',alpha=0.3) print '\nBeta' print true_prec,Beta.pass_down_Ex()[0,0] print '\nMu' print np.hstack((true_mean,Mu.pass_down_Ex()))
Xs.reverse() [a.update() for a in As] [c.update() for c in Cs] Q.update() R.update() print niters-i #plot if plot: import pylab import hinton #plot hintons of learned (and true) matrices. pylab.figure() pylab.subplot(1,2,1) pylab.title('True A') hinton.hinton(true_A) pylab.subplot(1,2,2) pylab.title('E[A]') hinton.hinton(A.pass_down_Ex()) pylab.figure() pylab.subplot(1,2,1) pylab.title('True C') hinton.hinton(true_C) pylab.subplot(1,2,2) pylab.title('E[C]') hinton.hinton(C.pass_down_Ex()) pylab.figure() pylab.subplot(2,2,1) pylab.title('True Q')
def restaurantffn_net_topology(): global graph global error global ffnname number_nodes = [0, 0] graph = FFNetwork("", anzeigefenster, printfenster, ki) # fuer clear_gui folder = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname("")) folder = folder.split("\\aima")[0] path = folder + "\\feedforward" #path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) # datei mit selben namen.ffn wie bsp werden geoeffnet ffnname = ffnname.split("/") ffnname = ffnname[-1] ffnname = ffnname.split(".") ffnname = ffnname[0] name = str(path) + "/" + ffnname + ".ffn" print(name) try: datei = open(name).read() matrix = np.empty([15, 15]) # fuer hinton diagramm szenario = [] for string in datei.split("\n"): szenario.append(string) name = szenario[0] numberofnodes = int(szenario[1]) numberofedges = int(szenario[2 + numberofnodes]) graph = FFNetwork(name, anzeigefenster, printfenster, ki) # knoten und kanten in graphen aufnehmen: for element in range(2, 2 + numberofnodes, 1): szenario[element] = szenario[element].split() nameofnode = szenario[element][0] nodetype = szenario[element][1] graph.add_node(nameofnode, nodetype) if nameofnode[0] == "I": number_nodes[0] += 1 if nameofnode[0] == "H": number_nodes[1] += 1 for element in range(3 + numberofnodes, 3 + numberofnodes + numberofedges, 1): szenario[element] = szenario[element].split() start = szenario[element][0] end = szenario[element][1] start = graph.get_node(start) end = graph.get_node(end) weight = random.randint(0, 100) / 100 graph.add_edge(,, weight) # matrix fuellen: for zeile in range(15): for spalte in range(15): matrix[zeile][spalte] = 0 for node in graph.get_nodes(): name = for edge in node.get_edges(): dest = edge.end().name() weight = edge.weight # ueberpruefung worein es geschireben wird: if name[0] == "I": oben = int(name[1]) elif name[0] == "H": oben = int(name[1]) + 9 if dest[0] == "H": runter = int(dest[1]) + 9 else: runter = 14 matrix[oben][14 - runter] = weight matrix[runter][14 - oben] = weight hinton.hinton(matrix) # unspruengliche Matrix mit noch zufaelligen Werten anzeigen: # testen ob genug input/output output = 0 input = 0 for node in graph.get_nodes(): if node.get_type() == "output": output += 1 if node.get_type() == "input": input += 1 if (output == 0 or input == 0): printfenster.insert(END, "Not enough Input/Outputnodes") zeichne.draw(graph, "", "") return number_nodes except: error = True printfenster.insert(END, "Error\n")
#a missing data problem Nmissing = int(N * missing_pc / 100) observed2 = observed.copy() missingi = np.argsort(np.random.rand(N))[:Nmissing] missingj = np.random.randint(0, d - q, Nmissing) #last q columns will be complete observed2[missingi, missingj] = np.NaN b = PCA_EM_missing(observed2, q) b.learn(niters) from hinton import hinton import pylab colours = np.arange(N) # to colour the dots with hinton(linalg.qr(trueW.T)[1].T) pylab.title('true transformation') pylab.figure() hinton(linalg.qr(a.W.T)[1].T) pylab.title('reconstructed transformation') pylab.figure() hinton(linalg.qr(b.W.T)[1].T) pylab.title('reconstructed transformation (missing data)') pylab.figure() pylab.subplot(3, 1, 1) pylab.plot(latents) pylab.title('true latents') pylab.subplot(3, 1, 2) pylab.plot(a.m_Z) pylab.title('reconstructed latents') pylab.subplot(3, 1, 3)
for t in range(50,150): g[t].weights[4:7] = np.ones(3) f,Y = model.simulate(g) f_est,P,M = model.estimate_fields(g,Y) f_est = [f0] + f_est #model.estimate_kernels(f,g,Y) if True: vmin = -2 vmax = 5 plt.figure() hinton.hinton(model.LDS.A) plt.figure() plt.subplot(1,3,1) Z = [] for fi in f: Z.append([fi(s) for s in np.linspace(2,8,100)]) Z_true = np.array(Z) plt.imshow(Z_true,vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax) plt.xlabel('space') plt.ylabel('time') plt.title('true field') plt.subplot(1,3,2) Z = [] for fi in f_est: Z.append([fi(s) for s in np.linspace(2,8,100)]) Z_est = np.array(Z)
idx] = -1 / 3 * 1 / Unq[temp[1]] # for u_k, Partial fu B[idx, 0] = 1 / 4 * (Na[temp[0]] / maxNa + vq[temp[0]] / maxvq + avgsumva[temp[0]] / maxavgsumva) else: ## Other PostTypeId A[idx, idx] = 1 idx += 1 for user in ulist: A[idx, idx] = 1 B[idx, 0] = 0 # 1/3 * (repu[user.split(':')[0]]/maxrepu) #B[idx,0] = 1/3 * (repu[user.split(':')[0]]/maxrepu) idx += 1 if hinplot == 1: hinton(A, 'Amat') hinton(B, 'Bvec') solution = np.linalg.solve(A, B) out = dict(zip(x_theory, solution)) #pprint.pprint(out) if hinplot == 1: hinton(solution, 'Sol') ## Analysing results ans = {} ques = {} uuser = {} userQ = {} anslist = [] queslist = []
#a missing data problem Nmissing = int(N*missing_pc/100) observed2 = observed.copy() missingi = np.argsort(np.random.rand(N))[:Nmissing] missingj = np.random.randint(0,d-q,Nmissing)#last q columns will be complete observed2[missingi,missingj] = np.NaN b = PCA_EM_missing(observed2,q) b.learn(niters) from hinton import hinton import pylab colours = np.arange(N)# to colour the dots with hinton(linalg.qr(trueW.T)[1].T) pylab.title('true transformation') pylab.figure() hinton(linalg.qr(a.W.T)[1].T) pylab.title('reconstructed transformation') pylab.figure() hinton(linalg.qr(b.W.T)[1].T) pylab.title('reconstructed transformation (missing data)') pylab.figure() pylab.subplot(3,1,1) pylab.plot(latents) pylab.title('true latents') pylab.subplot(3,1,2) pylab.plot(a.m_Z) pylab.title('reconstructed latents') pylab.subplot(3,1,3)