Exemple #1
def samples_delete_cmd(task, creator, editor, specimen, block, slide, label,
                       newer, older, yes):
    """Delete training samples for TASK"""

    delete_samples(task, creator, editor, specimen, block, slide, label, newer,
                   older, yes)
def users_list_command():
    """List users"""
    db = get_db()

    # Create a Pandas data frame
    df = pandas.read_sql_query(
        'SELECT id,username,site_admin FROM user ORDER BY id', get_db())

    # Dump the database entries
    with pandas.option_context('display.max_rows', None):
def list_projects_command():
    # Parse existing projects read from JSON files
    df = pandas.read_sql_query("SELECT id,disp_name,desc FROM project",
    with pandas.option_context('display.max_rows', None,
                               'display.max_colwidth', 20):
def add_project(name, json_file, update_existing=False):

    # Read the JSON
    data = json.load(json_file)

    # Validate the JSON
    validate(instance=data, schema=project_schema)

    # Update the database
    db = get_db()
    if update_existing:
        rc = db.execute(
            'UPDATE project SET disp_name=?, desc=?, base_url=?, json=? WHERE id=?',
            (data['disp_name'], data['desc'], data['base_url'],
             json.dumps(data), name))

        if rc.rowcount == 1:
            print('Updated project %s' % (rc.lastrowid, ))

        rc = db.execute(
            'INSERT INTO project (id, disp_name, desc, base_url, json) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)',
            (name, data['disp_name'], data['desc'], data['base_url'],

        if rc.rowcount == 1:
            print('Created project %s' % (rc.lastrowid, ))
def update_labelset_from_json(id, json_file):
    db = get_db()

    # Validate the JSON against the schem
    data = json.load(json_file)
    validate(instance=data, schema=label_schema)

    # Go through the labels
    for row in data:

        # Check if a label with this name already exists
        rc = db.execute(
            "SELECT * FROM label "
            "WHERE labelset=? and name COLLATE NOCASE = ?",
            (id, row['name'])).fetchone()

        # Get the description, which is optional
        desc = row['description'] if 'description' in row else None

        # If so, we will be updating this label
        if rc is not None:
                "UPDATE label SET color=?, description=? "
                "WHERE labelset=? and name COLLATE NOCASE = ?",
                (row['color'], desc, id, row['name']))
                "INSERT INTO label (name, color, description, labelset) VALUES (?,?,?,?)",
                (row['name'], row['color'], desc, id))
Exemple #6
def api_get_slide_random_patch(task_id, slide_id, width):
    db = get_db()

    # Find out which machine the slide is currently being served from
    # Get the tiff image from which to sample the region of interest
    sr = get_slide_ref(slide_id)

    # Get the identifiers for the slide
    # TODO: what to do with project here?
    (project, specimen, block, slide_name, slide_ext) = sr.get_id_tuple()

    # Are we de this slide to a different node?
    del_url = find_delegate_for_slide(slide_id)

    # If local, call the method directly
    rawbytes = None
    if del_url is None:
        rawbytes = get_random_patch(project, specimen, block, 'raw',
                                    slide_name, slide_ext, 0, width,
        url = '%s/dzi/random_patch/%s/%s/%s/raw/%s.%s/%d/%d.png' % (
            del_url, project, specimen, block, slide_name, slide_ext, 0, width)
        pr = sr.get_project_ref()
        post_data = urllib.urlencode(
            {'project_data': json.dumps(pr.get_dict())})
        rawbytes = urllib2.urlopen(url, post_data).read()

    # Send the patch
    resp = make_response(rawbytes)
    resp.mimetype = 'image/png'
    return resp
Exemple #7
def project_update_label(project, label_id):
    db = get_db()
    db.execute("UPDATE label SET name=?, description=?, color=? WHERE id=?",
               (request.form['name'], request.form['desc'],
                request.form['color'], label_id))
    return json.dumps({"status": "ok"})
Exemple #8
def samples_generate_csv(task,

    db = get_db()

    # Create the full view

    # Select keys to export
    keys = ('slide_name', 'label_name', 'x', 'y', 'w', 'h')
    if list_metadata:
        keys = keys + ('t_create', 'creator', 't_edit', 'editor')
    if list_block:
        keys = keys + ('specimen_name', 'block_name', 'stain')
    if list_ids:
        keys = ('id', ) + keys

    # Run query
    rc = db.execute(
        'SELECT *, x0 as x, y0 as y, x1-x0 as w, y1-y0 as h FROM v_full '
        'WHERE task=? ORDER BY id', (task, ))

    if header:
        fout.write(','.join(keys) + '\n')

    for row in rc.fetchall():
        vals = map(lambda a: str(row[a]), keys)
        fout.write(','.join(vals) + '\n')
Exemple #9
def project_listing():

    # Get the current user
    user = session['user_id']
    db = get_db()

    # Result array
    listing = []

    # List all projects for the current user
    if session.get('user_is_site_admin', False) is not True:
        rc = db.execute('SELECT P.*, PA.admin FROM project P '
                        'LEFT JOIN project_access PA ON PA.project=P.id '
                        'WHERE PA.user = ?'
                        'ORDER BY P.disp_name', (user,))
        rc = db.execute('SELECT P.*, 1 as admin FROM project P ORDER BY P.disp_name ')

    for row in rc.fetchall():

        # Get the statistics for the project
        stat = db.execute(
            'SELECT COUNT (id) as nslides, '
            '       COUNT(DISTINCT block_id) as nblocks, '
            '       COUNT(DISTINCT specimen_name) as nspecimens '
            'FROM slide_info WHERE project=?', (row['id'],)).fetchone()

        # Create a dictionary
                        'nslides':stat['nslides'], 'nblocks':stat['nblocks'], 'nspecimens':stat['nspecimens']})

    # Generate a bunch of json
    return json.dumps([x for x in listing])
Exemple #10
def update_sample():
    data = json.loads(request.get_data())
    rect = data['geometry']
    sample_id = data['id']

    db = get_db()

    # Update the metadata
    # Get existing properties
    rc = db.execute('SELECT meta_id,task FROM training_sample WHERE id=?',
                    (sample_id, )).fetchone()

    check_rect(rc['task'], rect)

    # Update the main record
        'UPDATE training_sample '
        'SET x0=?, y0=?, x1=?, y1=?, label=?, have_patch=0 '
        'WHERE id=?',
        (rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3], data['label_id'], sample_id))


    # Save an image patch around the sample
    slide_id = db.execute('SELECT slide FROM training_sample WHERE id=?',
                          (sample_id, )).fetchone()['slide']
    generate_sample_patch(slide_id, sample_id, rect)

    return "success"
Exemple #11
def login_with_api_key():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        api_key = request.form['api_key']
        error = None

        db = get_db()
        user = db.execute(
            SELECT U.*, AK.t_expires 
            FROM user_api_key AK LEFT JOIN user U on AK.user = U.id
            WHERE AK.api_key = ?""", (api_key, )).fetchone()

        if user is None:
            error = 'Invalid API key'
        elif user['disabled'] > 0:
            error = 'User account is disabled'
        elif user['t_expires'] < time.time():
            error = 'API key has expired'

        if error is None:
            session['user_id'] = user['id']
            session['user_is_site_admin'] = user['site_admin']
            session['user_api_key'] = True
            return make_response({"status": "ok"}, 200)

        return make_response({"status": "failed", "error": error}, 401)
Exemple #12
    def __init__(self, name, dict=None):

        self.name = name

        if dict is None:
            # When JSON is not provided, we read the entry from the database
            db = get_db()
            rc = db.execute('SELECT * FROM project WHERE id=?', (name,)).fetchone()
            if rc is None:
                raise ValueError('Project %s is not in the database' % (name,))

            # Read the database entries into local vars
            self.disp_name = rc['disp_name']
            self.desc = rc['desc']
            self.url_base = rc['base_url']
            self._dict = json.loads(rc['json'])

            # Use dict
            self.disp_name = dict['disp_name']
            self.desc = dict['desc']
            self.url_base = dict['base_url']
            self._dict = dict

        # Initialize the URL handler
        if self.url_base.startswith('gs://'):
            self._url_handler = GCSHandler()
            self._url_handler = None
Exemple #13
def send_user_resetlink(user_id, email=None, expiry=86400):

    if email is None:
        db = get_db()
        rc = db.execute(
            'SELECT * FROM user WHERE id=? AND email IS NOT NULL AND disabled=0',
            (user_id, )).fetchone()
        if rc is not None:
            email = rc['email']
            return None

    # Create a password reset link
    url = create_password_reset_link(user_id)

    # Create an email
    mail = get_mail()
    server_name = current_app.config['HISTOANNOT_PUBLIC_NAME']
    msg = Message("Password Reset Link for %s" % (server_name, ))
    msg.html = """
        <p>You have requested a link to reset your password on %s.</p>
        <p>Please follow this link to reset the password for user <b>%s</b>:</p>
        <a href="%s">%s</a>
        """ % (server_name, rc['username'], url, url)

Exemple #14
def login():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        username = request.form['username']
        password = request.form['passwd']
        db = get_db()
        error = None
        user = db.execute('SELECT * FROM user WHERE username = ?',
                          (username, )).fetchone()

        if user is None:
            error = 'Incorrect username or password.'
        elif user['disabled'] > 0:
            error = 'User account is disabled.'
        elif user['password'] is None:
            error = 'You have not created a password yet. Please reset your password.'
        elif not check_password_hash(user['password'], password):
            error = 'Incorrect username or password.'

        if error is None:
            session['user_id'] = user['id']
            session['user_is_site_admin'] = user['site_admin']
            session['user_api_key'] = False
            return redirect(url_for('index'))


    return render_template('auth/login.html')
Exemple #15
def task_listing(project):
    db = get_db()

    # List the available tasks (TODO: check user access to task)
    rc = db.execute('SELECT * FROM task_info WHERE project=?', (project, ))

    listing = []
    for row in rc.fetchall():

        # Parse the json
        task_id = row['id']

        # Get the subset of stains to which the task applies
        stat = db.execute(
            """SELECT COUNT(S.id) as nslides, COUNT(DISTINCT block_id) as nblocks, COUNT(DISTINCT specimen_name) as nspecimens
               FROM task_slide_index TSI
               LEFT JOIN slide_info S on S.id == TSI.slide
               WHERE task_id=?""", (task_id, )).fetchone()

        # Create a dict
        task = json.loads(row['json'])
        d = {'id': row['id'], 'name': task['name'], 'desc': task['desc']}
        for key in ('nspecimens', 'nblocks', 'nslides'):
            d[key] = stat[key]


    return json.dumps([x for x in listing])
Exemple #16
def slides_list_cmd(task, specimen, block, section, slide, stain, min_paths,
                    min_markers, csv):
    """List slides in a task"""

    db = get_db()

    # Create a DB view of slide details
    make_slide_dbview(task, 'v_full')

    # Build up a where clause
    w = filter(lambda (a, b): b is not None and b is not False,
               [('specimen_name LIKE ?', specimen),
                ('block_name LIKE ?', block), ('section = ?', section),
                ('slide = ?', slide), ('stain = ?', stain),
                ('n_paths >= ?', min_paths), ('n_markers >= ?', min_markers)])

    if len(w) > 0:
        w_sql, w_prm = zip(*w)
        w_clause = 'WHERE %s' % ' AND '.join(w_sql)
        w_clause = ''
        w_prm = ()

    # Create a Pandas data frame
    df = pandas.read_sql_query("SELECT * FROM v_full %s" % w_clause,

    # Dump the database entries
    if csv is not None:
        df.to_csv(csv, index=False)
        with pandas.option_context('display.max_rows', None):
Exemple #17
def samples_fix_patches_cmd(task):
    """Generate missing patches for the samples in the database"""

    # Get a list of all patches relevant to us, sorted by slide so we don't have to
    # sample slides out of order
    db = get_db()
    rc = db.execute('SELECT * FROM v_full '
                    'WHERE task=? ORDER BY slide_name', (task, )).fetchall()

    # Get the required patch dimensions
    (project, t_data) = get_task_data(task)
    patch_dim = t_data['dltrain'].get('display-patch-size', 512)

    # For each patch check if it is there
    for row in rc:
        id = row['id']
        fn = get_sample_patch_filename(id)
        if os.path.exists(fn):
            w, h = Image.open(fn).size
            if w == patch_dim and h == patch_dim:
        print('Missing or corrupt patch for sample %d, %s' % (id, fn))

        rect = (float(row['x0']), float(row['y0']), float(row['x1']),

        # Generate the patch
                              dims=(patch_dim, patch_dim))
def project_get_json_command(project):
    db = get_db()
    row = db.execute('SELECT * FROM project WHERE id=?',
                     (project, )).fetchone()
    if row is not None:
        print(json.dumps(row['json'], indent=2))
        print('Project %s not found' % (project, ))
Exemple #19
    def get_slide_by_name(self, slide_name):
        """Search for a slide with a given name in the project. All slides imported
        into a project must have unique names"""
        rc = db.execute('SELECT * FROM slide_info WHERE slide_name=? AND project=?',
                        (slide_name, self.name)).fetchone()

        return rc['id'] if rc is not None else None
def print_tasks_command(task):
    """Print the JSON for a task"""

    db = get_db()
    rc = db.execute('SELECT json FROM task WHERE id=?', (task, )).fetchone()
    if rc is not None:
        print(json.dumps(json.loads(rc['json']), indent=4))
        print('Task %d does not exist' % (int(task), ))
Exemple #21
def get_samples(task_id, slide_id):
    db = get_db()
    ll = db.execute(
        'SELECT S.*, M.creator, M.editor, M.t_create, M.t_edit, L.color '
        'FROM training_sample S LEFT JOIN label L on S.label = L.id '
        '                       LEFT JOIN edit_meta M on S.meta_id = M.id '
        'WHERE S.slide=? and S.task=? ORDER BY M.t_edit DESC ',
        (slide_id, task_id))
    return json.dumps([dict(row) for row in ll.fetchall()])
def rebuild_project_slice_indices(project, specific_task_id=None):
    db = get_db()
    rc = db.execute(
        'SELECT id, name FROM task_info WHERE project=? ORDER BY id',
        (project, ))
    for row in rc.fetchall():
        if specific_task_id is None or specific_task_id == row['id']:
            n = rebuild_task_slide_index(row['id'])
            print('Index for task %d rebuilt with %d slides' % (row['id'], n))
Exemple #23
def ping():
    print("GETTING PINGED")
    db = get_db()
    if 'url' in request.form and 'cpu_percent' in request.form:
            'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO dzi_node(url,t_ping,cpu_percent) VALUES(?,?,?)',
            (request.form['url'], time.time(), request.form['cpu_percent']))
    return "ok"
Exemple #24
def api_get_annot_timestamp(task_id, slide_id):
    db = get_db()
    rc = db.execute('SELECT M.t_edit FROM annot A '
                    'LEFT JOIN edit_meta M on A.meta_id = M.id '
                    'WHERE A.task_id = ? AND A.slide_id = ?',
                    (task_id, slide_id)).fetchone()
    if rc is not None:
        return json.dumps({'timestamp' : rc['t_edit']}), 200, {'ContentType':'application/json'}
        return json.dumps({'timestamp' : None}), 200, {'ContentType':'application/json'}
Exemple #25
def api_get_annot_timestamp_by_slidename(task_id, slide_name):
    db = get_db()
    rc = db.execute('SELECT S.id FROM annot A '
                    'LEFT JOIN slide S on A.slide_id = S.id '
                    'WHERE A.task_id = ? and S.slide_name = ?',
                    (task_id, slide_name)).fetchone()
    if rc is not None:
        return api_get_annot_timestamp(task_id, rc['id'])
        return json.dumps({'timestamp': None}), 200, {'ContentType': 'application/json'}
Exemple #26
def api_get_annot_svg_by_slidename(task_id, slide_name):
    db = get_db()
    rc = db.execute('SELECT S.id FROM annot A '
                    'LEFT JOIN slide S on A.slide_id = S.id '
                    'WHERE A.task_id = ? and S.slide_name = ?',
                    (task_id, slide_name)).fetchone()
    if rc is not None:
        return api_get_annot_svg(task_id, rc['id'])
Exemple #27
def load_logged_in_user():
    user_id = session.get('user_id')

    if user_id is None:
        g.user = None
        g.user = get_db().execute(
            'SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = ? AND disabled=0',
            (user_id, )).fetchone()
        g.login_via_api_key = session.get('user_api_key', False)
def list_tasks_command(project):
    """List available tasks in a project"""
    print('%08s %s' % ('Task ID', 'Task Name'))

    db = get_db()
    rc = db.execute(
        'SELECT id, name FROM task_info WHERE project=? ORDER BY id',
        (project, ))
    for row in rc.fetchall():
        print('%08s %s' % (row['id'], row['name']))
Exemple #29
def get_label_id_in_task(task_id, label_name):

    db = get_db()
    project, task = get_task_data(task_id)
    ls_id = get_labelset_id(project, task)

    # Look up the label
    label_id = db.execute('SELECT id FROM label WHERE name=? AND labelset=?',
                          (label_name, ls_id)).fetchone()['id']

    return label_id
Exemple #30
def delegate_dzi_list_command():
    """List all active DZI delegates"""

    # Arbitrary cutoff of 2 minutes
    t_test = time.time() - 120
    db = get_db()
    rc = db.execute('SELECT * FROM dzi_node WHERE t_ping > ?',
                    (t_test, )).fetchall()
    for row in rc:
        print('%s  %d %f' %
              (row['url'], time.time() - row['t_ping'], row['cpu_percent']))