Exemple #1
 def __init__(self):
     self.db = DB()
     self.solves = self.db.load()
     self.solvecount = self.solveamount()
     self.oldbest = [0] * 4
     self.oldlast = [0] * 4
         self.currentpb = sorted(self.gettimes())[0]
     except IndexError:
Exemple #2
class History():

    def __init__(self):
        self.db = DB()
        self.solves = self.db.load()
        self.solvecount = self.solveamount()
        self.oldbest = [0] * 4
        self.oldlast = [0] * 4
            self.currentpb = sorted(self.gettimes())[0]
        except IndexError:

    def solveamount(self):
        return len(self.solves['3x3'])

    def gettimes(self):
        ''' returns a list with times of all past 3x3 solves in chronological order '''
        return [pastSolve.time for pastSolve in self.solves['3x3']]

    def globalavg(self, times):
        totaltime = 0
        for duration in times:
            totaltime += duration
        if not len(times):
            return '-----'
        return '{:.2f}'.format(totaltime / len(times))

    def average(self, avgof, times):
        ''' calculate last average of 5/12/50/100 '''
        if len(times) < avgof:
            return '-----'
        tocount = {5: 1, 12: 1, 50: 3, 100: 5}
        counting = times[tocount[avgof]:avgof - tocount[avgof]]
        sumtime = 0
        for solvetime in counting:
            sumtime += solvetime
        return '{:.2f}'.format(sumtime / len(counting))

    def bestaverage(self, avgof, times):
        if len(times) < avgof:
            return '-----'
        times = self.chunk(times, avgof)
        averages = [self.average(avgof, solvetimes) for solvetimes in times]
        averages = [x for x in averages if x != '-----']
        return sorted(averages)[0]

    def chunk(self, times, avgof):
        """ slices times into blocks of avgof """
        return (times[pos:pos + avgof] for pos in range(len(times)))

    def save(self, timer, scramble, mode):
        solve = Solve(timer.begin, timer.gettime(), scramble, mode)
        self._last = solve

    def deletelast(self):
        print("Last solve deleted!\n0.00", end="\r")

    def set_dnf(self):
        self._last.time = -1
        self._last.dnf = True
        self.db.setflag("dnf", self._last.rowid)

    def set_plustwo(self):
        self._last.plustwo = True
        self.db.setflag("plustwo", self._last.rowid)

    def getlast(self, mode, n):
        return self.solves[mode][-n:]

    def close(self):

    def __str__(self):
        avgno = [5, 12, 50, 100]
        pastsolves = self.gettimes()[::-1]
        bestsolves = sorted(pastsolves)
        lastavgof = [self.average(x, pastsolves) for x in avgno]
        bestavgof = [self.bestaverage(x, pastsolves) for x in avgno]
        recents = ['{:.2f}'.format(x) for x in pastsolves[:12]]
        alltimepb = '{:.2f}'.format(bestsolves[0]) if len(bestsolves) else '-----'
        # prettify average if new pb
        for x in range(4):
                if float(alltimepb) < float(self.currentpb):
                    alltimepb = bcolors.FATGOLD + alltimepb + bcolors.ENDC
                if float(bestavgof[x]) < float(self.oldbest[x]):
                    bestavgof[x] = bcolors.FATGOLD + bestavgof[x] + bcolors.ENDC
                if float(lastavgof[x]) < float(self.oldlast[x]):
                    lastavgof[x] = bcolors.FATGOLD + lastavgof[x] + bcolors.ENDC
            except ValueError:

        out = ('Total : ' + str(self.solveamount()) + '\n'
               'Best Ao5   : ' + bestavgof[0] + '        Last Ao5   : ' + lastavgof[0] + '\n'
               'Best Ao12  : ' + bestavgof[1] + '        Last Ao12  : ' + lastavgof[1] + '\n'
               'Best Ao50  : ' + bestavgof[2] + '        Last Ao50  : ' + lastavgof[2] + '\n'
               'Best Ao100 : ' + bestavgof[3] + '        Last Ao100 : ' + lastavgof[3] + '\n\n'
               'Alltime PB : ' + alltimepb + '        Global: ' + self.globalavg(pastsolves) + '\n\n'
               'Recent Solves')
        rowcnt = 0

        if recents:
            best = min(recents)
            worst = max(recents)
        for x in recents:
            if x == best:
                x = bcolors.FATBLU + str(x) + bcolors.ENDC
            if x == worst:
                x = bcolors.FATRED + str(x) + bcolors.ENDC
            if rowcnt % 4 == 0:
                out += '\n'
            rowcnt += 1
            out += '{}     '.format(x)
        out += '\n'
        self.oldbest, self.oldlast, self.currentpb = bestavgof, lastavgof, alltimepb
        return out