Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, url='https://api.steemit.com', max_batch=50, max_workers=1):
        assert url, 'steem-API endpoint undefined'
        assert max_batch > 0 and max_batch <= 5000
        assert max_workers > 0 and max_workers <= 64

        self._max_batch = max_batch
        self._max_workers = max_workers
        self._client = HttpClient(nodes=[url])
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, url, max_batch=500, max_workers=1):
        assert url, 'steem-API endpoint undefined'
        assert max_batch > 0 and max_batch <= 5000
        assert max_workers > 0 and max_workers <= 32

        self._max_batch = max_batch
        self._max_workers = max_workers
        self._client = HttpClient(nodes=[url], maxsize=50, num_pools=50)

        print("[STEEM] init url:%s batch:%s workers:%d" %
              (url, max_batch, max_workers))
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, url, max_batch=500, max_workers=1):
        assert url, 'steem-API endpoint undefined'
        assert max_batch > 0 and max_batch <= 5000
        assert max_workers > 0 and max_workers <= 500

        use_appbase = False  # until deployed, assume False
        if url[-8:] == '#appbase':
            use_appbase = True
            url = url[:-8]

        self._max_batch = max_batch
        self._max_workers = max_workers
        self._client = HttpClient(nodes=[url],

        print("[STEEM] init url:%s batch:%s workers:%d appbase:%s" %
              (url, max_batch, max_workers, use_appbase))
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self,
                 url={"default": 'https://api.hive.blog'},
        assert url, 'steem-API endpoints undefined'
        assert "default" in url, "Url should have default endpoint defined"
        assert max_batch > 0 and max_batch <= 5000
        assert max_workers > 0 and max_workers <= 64
        assert max_retries >= -1

        self._max_batch = max_batch
        self._max_workers = max_workers
        self._client = dict()
        for endpoint, endpoint_url in url.items():
            logger.info("Endpoint %s will be routed to node %s" %
                        (endpoint, endpoint_url))
            self._client[endpoint] = HttpClient(nodes=[endpoint_url],
Exemple #5
class SteemClient:
    """Handles upstream calls to jussi/steemd, with batching and retrying."""
    def __init__(self,
        assert url, 'steem-API endpoint undefined'
        assert max_batch > 0 and max_batch <= 5000
        assert max_workers > 0 and max_workers <= 64

        self._max_batch = max_batch
        self._max_workers = max_workers
        self._client = HttpClient(nodes=[url])

    def get_accounts(self, accounts):
        """Fetch multiple accounts by name."""
        assert accounts, "no accounts passed to get_accounts"
        assert len(accounts) <= 1000, "max 1000 accounts"
        ret = self.__exec('get_accounts', [accounts])
        assert len(accounts) == len(ret), ("requested %d accounts got %d" %
                                           (len(accounts), len(ret)))
        return ret

    def get_all_account_names(self):
        """Fetch all account names."""
        ret = []
        names = self.__exec('lookup_accounts', ['', 1000])
        while names:
            names = self.__exec('lookup_accounts', [names[-1], 1000])[1:]
        return ret

    def get_content_batch(self, tuples):
        """Fetch multiple comment objects."""
        posts = self.__exec_batch('get_content', tuples)
        # TODO: how are we ensuring sequential results? need to set and sort id.
        for post in posts:  # sanity-checking jussi responses
            assert 'author' in post, "invalid post: %s" % post
        return posts

    def get_block(self, num):
        """Fetches a single block.

        If the result does not contain a `block` key, it's assumed
        this block does not yet exist and None is returned.
        result = self.__exec('get_block', {'block_num': num})
        return result['block'] if 'block' in result else None

    def stream_blocks(self, start_from, trail_blocks=0, max_gap=100):
        """Stream blocks. Returns a generator."""
        return BlockStream.stream(self, start_from, trail_blocks, max_gap)

    def _gdgp(self):
        ret = self.__exec('get_dynamic_global_properties')
        assert 'time' in ret, "gdgp invalid resp: %s" % ret
        return ret

    def head_time(self):
        """Get timestamp of head block"""
        return self._gdgp()['time']

    def head_block(self):
        """Get head block number"""
        return self._gdgp()['head_block_number']

    def last_irreversible(self):
        """Get last irreversible block"""
        return self._gdgp()['last_irreversible_block_num']

    def gdgp_extended(self):
        """Get dynamic global props without the cruft plus useful bits."""
        dgpo = self._gdgp()

        # remove unused/deprecated keys
        unused = [
            'total_pow', 'num_pow_witnesses', 'confidential_supply',
            'confidential_sbd_supply', 'total_reward_fund_steem',
        for key in unused:
            del dgpo[key]

        return {
            'dgpo': dgpo,
            'usd_per_steem': self._get_feed_price(),
            'sbd_per_steem': self._get_steem_price(),
            'steem_per_mvest': SteemClient._get_steem_per_mvest(dgpo)

    def _get_steem_per_mvest(dgpo):
        steem = steem_amount(dgpo['total_vesting_fund_steem'])
        mvests = vests_amount(dgpo['total_vesting_shares']) / Decimal(1e6)
        return "%.6f" % (steem / mvests)

    def _get_feed_price(self):
        # TODO: add latest feed price: get_feed_history.price_history[0]
        feed = self.__exec('get_feed_history')['current_median_history']
        units = dict([parse_amount(feed[k])[::-1] for k in ['base', 'quote']])
        price = units['SBD'] / units['STEEM']
        return "%.6f" % price

    def _get_steem_price(self):
        orders = self.__exec('get_order_book', [1])
        ask = Decimal(orders['asks'][0]['real_price'])
        bid = Decimal(orders['bids'][0]['real_price'])
        price = (ask + bid) / 2
        return "%.6f" % price

    def get_blocks_range(self, lbound, ubound):
        """Retrieves blocks in the range of [lbound, ubound)."""
        block_nums = range(lbound, ubound)
        blocks = {}

        batch_params = [{'block_num': i} for i in block_nums]
        for result in self.__exec_batch('get_block', batch_params):
            assert 'block' in result, "result w/o block key: %s" % result
            block = result['block']
            num = int(block['block_id'][:8], base=16)
            blocks[num] = block

        return [blocks[x] for x in block_nums]

    def __exec(self, method, params=None):
        """Perform a single steemd call."""
        start = perf()
        result = self._client.exec(method, params)
        items = len(params[0]) if method == 'get_accounts' else 1
        Stats.log_steem(method, perf() - start, items)
        return result

    def __exec_batch(self, method, params):
        """Perform batch call. Based on config uses either batch or futures."""
        start = perf()

        result = []
        for part in self._client.exec_multi(method,

        Stats.log_steem(method, perf() - start, len(params))
        return result
Exemple #6
class SteemClient:

    _instance = None

    def instance(cls):
        if not cls._instance:
            cls._instance = SteemClient(url=Conf.get('steemd_url'),
        return cls._instance

    def __init__(self, url, max_batch=500, max_workers=1):
        assert url, 'steem-API endpoint undefined'
        assert max_batch > 0 and max_batch <= 5000
        assert max_workers > 0 and max_workers <= 500

        use_appbase = False  # until deployed, assume False
        if url[-8:] == '#appbase':
            use_appbase = True
            url = url[:-8]

        self._max_batch = max_batch
        self._max_workers = max_workers
        self._client = HttpClient(nodes=[url],

        print("[STEEM] init url:%s batch:%s workers:%d appbase:%s" %
              (url, max_batch, max_workers, use_appbase))

    def get_accounts(self, accounts):
        assert accounts, "no accounts passed to get_accounts"
        ret = self.__exec('get_accounts', accounts)
        assert len(accounts) == len(ret), ("requested %d accounts got %d" %
                                           (len(accounts), len(ret)))
        return ret

    def get_content_batch(self, tuples):
        posts = self.__exec_batch('get_content', tuples)
        # TODO: how are we ensuring sequential results? need to set and sort id.
        for post in posts:  # sanity-checking jussi responses
            assert 'author' in post, "invalid post: {}".format(post)
        return posts

    def get_block(self, num):
        #assert num == int(block['block_id'][:8], base=16)
        return self.__exec('get_block', num)

    def get_block_simple(self, block_num):
        block = self.get_block(block_num)
        return {
            'num': int(block['block_id'][:8], base=16),
            'date': parse_time(block['timestamp']),
            'hash': block['block_id']

    def stream_blocks(self, start_from, trail_blocks=0, max_gap=40):
        assert trail_blocks >= 0
        assert trail_blocks < 25

        last = self.get_block_simple(start_from - 1)
        head_num = self.head_block()
        next_expected = time.time()

        start_head = head_num
        lag_secs = 1
        queue = []
        while True:
            assert not last['num'] > head_num

            # if slots missed, advance head block
            time_now = time.time()
            while time_now >= next_expected + lag_secs:
                head_num += 1
                next_expected += 3

                # check we're not too far behind
                gap = head_num - last['num']
                print("[LIVE] %d blocks behind..." % gap)
                if gap > max_gap:
                    print("[LIVE] gap too large: %d" % gap)
                    return  # return to fast-sync

            # if caught up, await head advance.
            if head_num == last['num']:
                time.sleep(next_expected + lag_secs - time_now)
                head_num += 1
                next_expected += 3

            # get the target block; if DNE, pause and retry
            block_num = last['num'] + 1
            block = self.get_block(block_num)
            if not block:
                lag_secs = min(3, lag_secs + 0.1)  # tune inter-slot timing
                    "[LIVE] block %d not available. hive:%d steem:%d. lag:%f" %
                    (block_num, head_num, self.head_block(), lag_secs))
            lag_secs -= 0.001  # timing forward creep
            last['num'] = block_num

            # if block doesn't link, we're forked
            if last['hash'] != block['previous']:
                if queue:  # using trail_blocks, fork might not be in db
                    print("[FORK] Fork in queue; emptying to retry.")
                raise Exception(
                    "[FORK] Fork in db: from %s, %s->%s" %
                    (last['hash'], block['previous'], block['block_id']))
            last['hash'] = block['block_id']

            # detect missed blocks, adjust schedule
            block_date = parse_time(block['timestamp'])
            miss_secs = (block_date - last['date']).seconds - 3
            if miss_secs and last['num'] >= start_head:
                print("[LIVE] %d missed blocks" % (miss_secs / 3))
                next_expected += miss_secs
                lag_secs = 1
            last['date'] = block_date

            # buffer block yield
            if len(queue) > trail_blocks:
                yield queue.pop(0)

    def _gdgp(self):
        ret = self.__exec('get_dynamic_global_properties')
        assert 'time' in ret, "gdgp invalid resp: {}".format(ret)
        return ret

    def head_time(self):
        return self._gdgp()['time']

    def head_block(self):
        return self._gdgp()['head_block_number']

    def last_irreversible(self):
        return self._gdgp()['last_irreversible_block_num']

    def gdgp_extended(self):
        dgpo = self._gdgp()

        # remove unused/deprecated keys
        unused = [
            'total_pow', 'num_pow_witnesses', 'confidential_supply',
            'confidential_sbd_supply', 'total_reward_fund_steem',
        for key in unused:
            del dgpo[key]

        return {
            'dgpo': dgpo,
            'usd_per_steem': self._get_feed_price(),
            'sbd_per_steem': self._get_steem_price(),
            'steem_per_mvest': SteemClient._get_steem_per_mvest(dgpo)

    def _get_steem_per_mvest(dgpo):
        steem = Decimal(dgpo['total_vesting_fund_steem'].split(' ')[0])
        mvests = Decimal(
            dgpo['total_vesting_shares'].split(' ')[0]) / Decimal(1e6)
        return "%.6f" % (steem / mvests)

    def _get_feed_price(self):
        # TODO: add latest feed price: get_feed_history.price_history[0]
        feed = self.__exec('get_feed_history')['current_median_history']
        units = dict([feed[k].split(' ')[::-1] for k in ['base', 'quote']])
        price = Decimal(units['SBD']) / Decimal(units['STEEM'])
        return "%.6f" % price

    def _get_steem_price(self):
        orders = self.__exec('get_order_book', 1)
        ask = Decimal(orders['asks'][0]['real_price'])
        bid = Decimal(orders['bids'][0]['real_price'])
        price = (ask + bid) / 2
        return "%.6f" % price

    def get_blocks_range(self, lbound, ubound):  # [lbound, ubound)
        block_nums = range(lbound, ubound)
        required = set(block_nums)
        available = set()
        missing = required - available
        blocks = {}

        while missing:
            for block in self.__exec_batch('get_block',
                                           [[i] for i in missing]):
                if not 'block_id' in block:
                    print("WARNING: invalid block returned: {}".format(block))
                num = int(block['block_id'][:8], base=16)
                if num in blocks:
                    print("WARNING: batch get_block returned dupe %d" % num)
                blocks[num] = block
            available = set(blocks.keys())
            missing = required - available
            if missing:
                print("WARNING: API missed blocks {}".format(missing))

        return [blocks[x] for x in block_nums]

    # perform single steemd call
    def __exec(self, method, *params):
        time_start = time.perf_counter()
        tries = 0
        while True:
                result = self._client.exec(method, *params)
                if method != 'get_block':
                    assert result, "empty response {}".format(result)
            except (AssertionError, RPCError) as e:
                tries += 1
                print("{} failure, retry in {}s -- {}".format(
                    method, tries / 10, e))
                time.sleep(tries / 10)

        batch_size = len(params[0]) if method == 'get_accounts' else 1
        total_time = (time.perf_counter() - time_start) * 1000
        ClientStats.log(method, total_time, batch_size)
        return result

    # perform batch call
    def __exec_batch(self, method, params):
        time_start = time.perf_counter()
        result = None

        if self._max_workers == 1:
            result = self.__exec_batch_with_retry(method, params,
            result = list(
                    method, params, max_workers=self._max_workers))

        total_time = (time.perf_counter() - time_start) * 1000
        ClientStats.log(method, total_time, len(params))
        return result

    # perform a json-rpc batch request, retrying on error
    def __exec_batch_with_retry(self, method, params, batch_size):
        tries = 0
        while True:
                return list(self._client.exec_batch(method, params,
            except (AssertionError, RPCError) as e:
                tries += 1
                print("batch {} failure, retry in {}s -- {}".format(
                    method, tries / 10, repr(e)))
                time.sleep(tries / 10)
Exemple #7
class SteemClient:
    """Handles upstream calls to jussi/steemd, with batching and retrying."""

    _instance = None

    def instance(cls):
        """Get a singleton, lazily initialized"""
        if not cls._instance:
            cls._instance = SteemClient(url=Conf.get('steemd_url'),
        return cls._instance

    def __init__(self, url, max_batch=500, max_workers=1):
        assert url, 'steem-API endpoint undefined'
        assert max_batch > 0 and max_batch <= 5000
        assert max_workers > 0 and max_workers <= 32

        self._max_batch = max_batch
        self._max_workers = max_workers
        self._client = HttpClient(nodes=[url], maxsize=50, num_pools=50)

        print("[STEEM] init url:%s batch:%s workers:%d" %
              (url, max_batch, max_workers))

    def get_accounts(self, accounts):
        """Fetch multiple accounts by name."""
        assert accounts, "no accounts passed to get_accounts"
        assert len(accounts) <= 1000, "max 1000 accounts"
        ret = self.__exec('get_accounts', [accounts])
        assert len(accounts) == len(ret), ("requested %d accounts got %d" %
                                           (len(accounts), len(ret)))
        return ret

    def get_content_batch(self, tuples):
        """Fetch multiple comment objects."""
        posts = self.__exec_batch('get_content', tuples)
        # TODO: how are we ensuring sequential results? need to set and sort id.
        for post in posts:  # sanity-checking jussi responses
            assert 'author' in post, "invalid post: {}".format(post)
        return posts

    def get_block(self, num):
        """Fetches a single block.

        If the result does not contain a `block` key, it's assumed
        this block does not yet exist and None is returned.
        result = self.__exec('get_block', {'block_num': num})
        return result['block'] if 'block' in result else None

    def _get_block_simple(self, block_num):
        block = self.get_block(block_num)
        assert block, 'could not load block %d' % block_num
        return {
            'num': int(block['block_id'][:8], base=16),
            'date': parse_time(block['timestamp']),
            'hash': block['block_id']

    def stream_blocks(self, start_from, trail_blocks=0, max_gap=100):
        """ETA-based block follower."""
        assert trail_blocks >= 0
        assert trail_blocks <= 100

        last = self._get_block_simple(start_from - 1)
        head_num = self.head_block()
        next_expected = time.time()

        start_head = head_num
        lag_secs = 1
        queue = []
        while True:
            assert not last['num'] > head_num

            # if slots missed, advance head block
            time_now = time.time()
            while time_now >= next_expected + lag_secs:
                head_num += 1
                next_expected += 3

                # check we're not too far behind
                gap = (head_num - last['num'])
                print("[LIVE] %d blocks behind..." % gap)
                if max_gap and gap > max_gap:
                    print("[LIVE] gap too large: %d" % gap)
                    return  # abort streaming; return to fast-sync

            # if caught up, await head advance.
            if head_num == last['num']:
                time.sleep(next_expected + lag_secs - time_now)
                head_num += 1
                next_expected += 3

            # get the target block; if DNE, pause and retry
            block_num = last['num'] + 1
            block = self.get_block(block_num)
            if not block:
                lag_secs = min(3, lag_secs + 0.1)  # tune inter-slot timing
                    "[LIVE] block %d not available. hive:%d steem:%d. lag:%f" %
                    (block_num, head_num, self.head_block(), lag_secs))
            lag_secs -= 0.001  # timing forward creep
            last['num'] = block_num

            # if block doesn't link, we're forked
            if last['hash'] != block['previous']:
                if queue:  # using trail_blocks, fork might not be in db
                    print("[FORK] Fork in queue; emptying to retry.")
                raise Exception(
                    "[FORK] Fork in db: from %s, %s->%s" %
                    (last['hash'], block['previous'], block['block_id']))
            last['hash'] = block['block_id']

            # detect missed blocks, adjust schedule
            block_date = parse_time(block['timestamp'])
            miss_secs = (block_date - last['date']).seconds - 3
            if miss_secs and last['num'] >= start_head:
                print("[LIVE] %d missed blocks" % (miss_secs / 3))
                next_expected += miss_secs
                lag_secs = 1
            last['date'] = block_date

            # buffer block yield
            if len(queue) > trail_blocks:
                yield queue.pop(0)

    def _gdgp(self):
        ret = self.__exec('get_dynamic_global_properties')
        assert 'time' in ret, "gdgp invalid resp: {}".format(ret)
        return ret

    def head_time(self):
        """Get timestamp of head block"""
        return self._gdgp()['time']

    def head_block(self):
        """Get head block number"""
        return self._gdgp()['head_block_number']

    def last_irreversible(self):
        """Get last irreversible block"""
        return self._gdgp()['last_irreversible_block_num']

    def gdgp_extended(self):
        """Get dynamic global props without the cruft plus useful bits."""
        dgpo = self._gdgp()

        # remove unused/deprecated keys
        unused = [
            'total_pow', 'num_pow_witnesses', 'confidential_supply',
            'confidential_sbd_supply', 'total_reward_fund_steem',
        for key in unused:
            del dgpo[key]

        return {
            'dgpo': dgpo,
            'usd_per_steem': self._get_feed_price(),
            'sbd_per_steem': self._get_steem_price(),
            'steem_per_mvest': SteemClient._get_steem_per_mvest(dgpo)

    def _get_steem_per_mvest(dgpo):
        steem = steem_amount(dgpo['total_vesting_fund_steem'])
        mvests = vests_amount(dgpo['total_vesting_shares']) / Decimal(1e6)
        return "%.6f" % (steem / mvests)

    def _get_feed_price(self):
        # TODO: add latest feed price: get_feed_history.price_history[0]
        feed = self.__exec('get_feed_history')['current_median_history']
        units = dict([parse_amount(feed[k])[::-1] for k in ['base', 'quote']])
        price = units['SBD'] / units['STEEM']
        return "%.6f" % price

    def _get_steem_price(self):
        orders = self.__exec('get_order_book', [1])
        ask = Decimal(orders['asks'][0]['real_price'])
        bid = Decimal(orders['bids'][0]['real_price'])
        price = (ask + bid) / 2
        return "%.6f" % price

    def get_blocks_range(self, lbound, ubound):
        """Retrieves blocks in the range of [lbound, ubound)."""
        block_nums = range(lbound, ubound)
        blocks = {}

        batch_params = [{'block_num': i} for i in block_nums]
        for result in self.__exec_batch('get_block', batch_params):
            assert 'block' in result, "result w/o block key: {}".format(result)
            block = result['block']
            num = int(block['block_id'][:8], base=16)
            blocks[num] = block

        return [blocks[x] for x in block_nums]

    def __exec(self, method, params=None):
        """Perform a single steemd call."""
        time_start = time.perf_counter()
        result = self._client.exec(method, params)
        total_time = (time.perf_counter() - time_start) * 1000

        batch_size = len(params[0]) if method == 'get_accounts' else 1
        ClientStats.log(method, total_time, batch_size)
        return result

    def __exec_batch(self, method, params):
        """Perform batch call. Based on config uses either batch or futures."""
        time_start = time.perf_counter()

        result = []
        for part in self._client.exec_multi(method,

        total_time = (time.perf_counter() - time_start) * 1000
        ClientStats.log(method, total_time, len(params))
        return result