def _tester():
        # note: we run everything in a separate process to re-initialize all global states from scratch
        # this helps us avoid undesirable side-effects when running multiple tests in sequence

        loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
        protocol = loop.run_until_complete(DHTProtocol.create(
            DHTID.generate(), bucket_size=20, depth_modulo=5, wait_timeout=5, num_replicas=3, listen=False))

        key, value, expiration = DHTID.generate(), [random.random(), {'ololo': 'pyshpysh'}], get_dht_time() + 1e3

        empty_item, nodes_found = loop.run_until_complete(
            protocol.call_find(f'{LOCALHOST}:{peer_port}', [key]))[key]
        assert empty_item is None and len(nodes_found) == 0
        assert all(loop.run_until_complete(protocol.call_store(
            f'{LOCALHOST}:{peer_port}', [key], [hivemind.MSGPackSerializer.dumps(value)], expiration)
        )), "peer rejected store"

        (recv_value_bytes, recv_expiration), nodes_found = loop.run_until_complete(
            protocol.call_find(f'{LOCALHOST}:{peer_port}', [key]))[key]
        recv_value = hivemind.MSGPackSerializer.loads(recv_value_bytes)
        assert len(nodes_found) == 0
        assert recv_value == value and recv_expiration == expiration, "call_find_value expected " \
            f"{value} (expires by {expiration}) but got {recv_value} (expires by {recv_expiration})"

        assert loop.run_until_complete(protocol.call_ping(f'{LOCALHOST}:{peer_port}')) == peer_id
        assert loop.run_until_complete(protocol.call_ping(f'{LOCALHOST}:{hivemind.find_open_port()}')) is None
def run_protocol_listener(port: int, dhtid: DHTID, started: mp.synchronize.Event, ping: Optional[Endpoint] = None):
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    protocol = loop.run_until_complete(DHTProtocol.create(
        dhtid, bucket_size=20, depth_modulo=5, num_replicas=3, wait_timeout=5, listen_on=f"{LOCALHOST}:{port}"))

    assert protocol.port == port
    print(f"Started peer id={protocol.node_id} port={port}", flush=True)

    if ping is not None:
    print(f"Finished peer id={protocol.node_id} port={port}", flush=True)
Exemple #3
    def _tester():
        # note: we run everything in a separate process to re-initialize all global states from scratch
        # this helps us avoid undesirable side-effects when running multiple tests in sequence

        loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
        for listen in [
                False, True
        ]:  # note: order matters, this test assumes that first run uses listen=False
            protocol = loop.run_until_complete(
            print(f"Self id={protocol.node_id}", flush=True)

            assert loop.run_until_complete(
                protocol.call_ping(f'{LOCALHOST}:{peer1_port}')) == peer1_id

            key, value, expiration = DHTID.generate(), [
                random.random(), {
                    'ololo': 'pyshpysh'
            ], get_dht_time() + 1e3
            store_ok = loop.run_until_complete(
                protocol.call_store(f'{LOCALHOST}:{peer1_port}', [key],
            assert all(store_ok), "DHT rejected a trivial store"

            # peer 1 must know about peer 2
            recv_value_bytes, recv_expiration, nodes_found = loop.run_until_complete(
                protocol.call_find(f'{LOCALHOST}:{peer1_port}', [key]))[key]
            recv_value = hivemind.MSGPackSerializer.loads(recv_value_bytes)
            (recv_id, recv_endpoint) = next(iter(nodes_found.items()))
            assert recv_id == peer2_id and ':'.join(recv_endpoint.split(':')[-2:]) == f"{LOCALHOST}:{peer2_port}", \
                f"expected id={peer2_id}, peer={LOCALHOST}:{peer2_port} but got {recv_id}, {recv_endpoint}"

            assert recv_value == value and recv_expiration == expiration, \
                f"call_find_value expected {value} (expires by {expiration}) " \
                f"but got {recv_value} (expires by {recv_expiration})"

            # peer 2 must know about peer 1, but not have a *random* nonexistent value
            dummy_key = DHTID.generate()
            recv_dummy_value, recv_dummy_expiration, nodes_found_2 = loop.run_until_complete(
            assert recv_dummy_value is None and recv_dummy_expiration is None, "Non-existent keys shouldn't have values"
            (recv_id, recv_endpoint) = next(iter(nodes_found_2.items()))
            assert recv_id == peer1_id and recv_endpoint == f"{LOCALHOST}:{peer1_port}", \
                f"expected id={peer1_id}, peer={LOCALHOST}:{peer1_port} but got {recv_id}, {recv_endpoint}"

            # cause a non-response by querying a nonexistent peer
            dummy_port = hivemind.find_open_port()
            assert loop.run_until_complete(
                protocol.call_find(f"{LOCALHOST}:{dummy_port}", [key])) is None

            if listen:
            print("DHTProtocol test finished successfully!")