Exemple #1
 def getNextYLocation(self, increment, location):
     newY = location.y + increment
     if newY >= self.gameMap.height:
         return Location(location.x, 0)
     elif newY < 0:
         return Location(location.x, self.gameMap.height - 1)
     return Location(location.x, newY)
Exemple #2
 def getNextXLocation(self, increment, location):
     newX = location.x + increment
     if newX >= self.gameMap.width:
         return Location(0, location.y)
     elif newX < 0:
         return Location(self.gameMap.width - 1, location.y)
     return Location(newX, location.y)
Exemple #3
 def myShit(self, gameMap):
     i = 0
     myShit = []
     for y in range(gameMap.height):
         for x in range(gameMap.width):
             location = Location(x, y)
             if gameMap.getSite(location).owner == self.myID:
                 myShit.append(Location(x, y))
                 i += 1
     return i
Exemple #4
 def setUp(self):
     self.loc1 = Location(0, 0)
     self.loc2 = Location(0, 0)
     self.loc3 = Location(1, 1)
     # arbitrary
     self.direction = 1
     self.action1 = (Action(self.loc1, self.loc3, self.direction))
     self.action2 = (Action(self.loc2, self.loc3, self.direction))
     self.action3 = (Action(self.loc3, self.loc1, self.direction))
     self.action4 = (Action(self.loc3, self.loc2, self.direction))
Exemple #5
def getTerritory(gameMap, userId):
    territory = 0
    for y in range(gameMap.height):
        for x in range(gameMap.width):
            curSite = gameMap.getSite(Location(x, y))
            if curSite.owner == userId:
                territory += 1
    return territory
Exemple #6
def getProduction(gameMap, userId):
    production = 0
    for y in range(gameMap.height):
        for x in range(gameMap.width):
            curSite = gameMap.getSite(Location(x, y))
            if curSite.owner == userId:
                production += curSite.production
    return production
Exemple #7
def getStrength(gameMap, userId):
    strength = 0
    for y in range(gameMap.height):
        for x in range(gameMap.width):
            curSite = gameMap.getSite(Location(x, y))
            if curSite.owner == userId:
                strength += curSite.strength
    return strength
Exemple #8
def calculate_distance_sum(gameMap, myID, newCenter):
    distance_sum = 0
    for y in range(gameMap.height):
        for x in range(gameMap.width):
            location = Location(x, y)
            if gameMap.getSite(location).owner == myID:
                # logFile.write(str(x) + "," + str(y) + ", += " + str(location.x + gameMap.width ) +
                # ", " + str(location.y + gameMap.height) + "\n")
                distance_sum += gameMap.getDistance(location, newCenter)
    return distance_sum
Exemple #9
def myCenter(gameMap, myID):
    # find center by adding up sum of strenght of x and y separately
    sumX = 0
    sumY = 0
    count = 0
    minDistanceSum = 999999999999999999999999999999999999
    for yC in range(gameMap.height):
        for xC in range(gameMap.width):
            newCenter = Location(xC, yC)
            if gameMap.getSite(newCenter).owner != myID:
            distanceSum = calculate_distance_sum(gameMap, myID, newCenter)
            if distanceSum < minDistanceSum:
                bestCenter = newCenter
    return bestCenter
Exemple #10
 def move_on(self):
     if self.path == None or self.target == None:
         raise Exception('Unable to move. This site has no path or target')
     old_x = self.x
     old_y = self.y
     next_dir = path.pop(0)
     if next_dir == NORTH:
         self.y = self.y - 1
     elif next_dir == WEST:
         self.x = self.x - 1
     elif next_dir == SOUTH:
         self.y = self.y + 1
     elif next_dir == EAST:
         self.x = self.x + 1
     return Move(Location(old_x, old_y), next_dir)
Exemple #11
    allQs = []
    # Only pick one random position for easier q-learning
    while True:
        position = random.choice(np.transpose(np.nonzero(stack[0])))
        area_inputs = stack_to_input(stack, position)
        possible_moves, Qinputs, Qs = predict_for_pos(area_inputs, model)
        # Epsilon greedy strategy
        if random.random() < 0.1:
            index = np.random.choice(range(len(possible_moves)))
            index = np.argmax(Qs)
        Q = Qs[index]
        move = possible_moves[index]
        Qinput = Qinputs[index]
        sendFrame([Move(Location(position[1], position[0]), move)])
        turn += 1
        old_frame = frame
        old_Qs = Qs

        frame = getFrame()
        stack = frame_to_stack(frame, myID)
        area_inputs = stack_to_input(stack, position)
        possible_moves, Qinputs, Qs = predict_for_pos(area_inputs, model)
        reward = get_reward(old_frame, frame, myID, position)

        def handler(sig, frame):
            logging.info("Before exit")
            logging.info("Average chosen Q value: %.2f",
from helper import (getStrength, getTerritory, getProduction)

FILE_WRITER = open('log-ANALYTICS.log', 'w')

MY_ID, GAME_MAP = getInit()
while True:
    MOVES = []
    GAME_MAP = getFrame()
    FILE_WRITER = open('log-analytics.log', 'a')
    ANALYTICS = {'s': 0, 'a': 0, 'm': 0}
    for y in range(GAME_MAP.height):
        for x in range(GAME_MAP.width):
            curLoc = Location(x, y)
            if GAME_MAP.getSite(curLoc).owner == MY_ID:
                movedPiece = False
                for d in CARDINALS:
                    if (GAME_MAP.getSite(curLoc, d).owner != MY_ID
                            and GAME_MAP.getSite(curLoc, d).strength <
                        MOVES.append(Move(curLoc, d))
                        ANALYTICS['a'] += 1
                        movedPiece = True
                if not movedPiece:
                    MOVES.append(Move(curLoc, STILL))
                    ANALYTICS['s'] += 1
                    movedPiece = True

def frame_to_stack(frame):
    """Converts a game frame into a stack of features"""
    game_map = np.array([[(x.owner, x.production, x.strength) for x in row]
                         for row in frame.contents])
    return np.array([
        (game_map[:, :, 0] == myID),  # 0 : owner is me
        ((game_map[:, :, 0] != 0) &
         (game_map[:, :, 0] != myID)),  # 1 : owner is enemy
        game_map[:, :, 1] / 20,  # 2 : production
        game_map[:, :, 2] / 255,  # 3 : strength


# Main game loop
while True:
    current_stack = frame_to_stack(networking.get_frame())
    positions = np.transpose(np.nonzero(current_stack[0]))
    output = model.predict(
        np.array([stack_to_input(current_stack, p) for p in positions]))
        Move(Location(positions[i][1], positions[i][0]), output[i].argmax())
        for i in range(len(positions))
Exemple #14
    """ Return shortest path between to points of a grid in terms of strength cost """
    """ A* implementation here """

# Clear log file
FILE_WRITER = open('log-ANALYTICS.log', 'w')

# Initialize data
MY_ID, GAME_MAP = getInit()
mySites = {}
mySitesMap = [[-1 for y in range(GAME_MAP.height)] for x in range(GAME_MAP.width)]
mySiteId = 0
for x in range(GAME_MAP.width):
    for y in range(GAME_MAP.height):
        if GAME_MAP.getSite(Location(x, y)).owner == MY_ID:
            path, target = shortest_path(GAME_MAP, Location(x, y))
            mySites[mySiteId] = MySite(mySiteId, x, y)
            mySites[mySiteId].set_obj(path, target)
            mySitesMap[x][y] = mySiteId
            mySiteId += 1

# Let the fun begins

while True:
    MOVES = []
    GAME_MAP = getFrame()
    FILE_WRITER = open('log-ANALYTICS.log', 'a')
    ANALYTICS = {'s': 0, 'a': 0, 'm': 0}
    for x in range(GAME_MAP.width):
Exemple #15
        for position in positions])
    outputs = np.split(model.predict(inputs), len(positions))
    # outputs /= sum(outputs)
    return possible_moves, np.split(inputs, len(positions)), [o.ravel() for o in outputs]

while True:
    frame = getFrame()
    stack = frame_to_stack(frame, myID)
    positions = np.transpose(np.nonzero(stack[0]))
    # position = random.choice(positions)
    moves = []
    possible_moves, allQinputs, allQs = predict_for_game(stack, positions, model)
    for position, Qinputs, Qs in zip(positions, allQinputs, allQs):
        # Sample a move following Pi(s)
        def softmax(x):
            """ Turn Q values into probabilities """
            e_x = np.exp(x - np.max(x))
            return e_x / e_x.sum(axis=0) # only difference
        def harden(x, e=2):
            exp = x**e
            return exp/exp.sum()
        Ps = harden(softmax(Qs.ravel()))
        # index = np.random.choice(range(len(possible_moves)), p=Ps)
        index = np.argmax(Ps)
        logging.info("%d Qs: %s Ps: %s", index, Qs, Ps)
        moves.append((position[1], position[0], possible_moves[index]))

    sendFrame([Move(Location(px,py), move) for (px,py,move) in moves])