Exemple #1
	pts = np.random.rand(N,2)
	start = time()
	Q = Hmatrix(pts, kernel, indx, eps = 1.e-9, rkmax = 32)
	_stime = time()-start
	print "Hmatrix setup of size %g took %g secs" %(N,_stime)

	x = np.random.randn(N,1)
	y = 0*x

	_time = 0.
	for i in np.arange(3):
		start = time()
		_time += time()-start

	print "Hmatrix of size %g took %g secs" %(N,_time)

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib


matplotlib.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 15.
matplotlib.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 15.

from scipy.io import savemat
Exemple #2
class CovarianceMatrix:
	Implementation of covariance matrix corresponding to covariance kernel

	method:		string, {'Dense','FFT','Hmatrix}
			decides what method to invoke

	pts:		n x dim 
			Location of the points

	kernel:		Kernel object
			See covariance/kernel.py 

	nugget:		double, optional. default = 0.
			A hack to improve the convergence of the iterative solver when inverting for the covariance matrix. See solve() for more details.	

	shape:	(N,N)
		N is the size of matrix
	P:	NxN csr_matrix
		corresponding to the preconditioner


	Implementation of three different methods 

	1. Dense Matrix 
	2. FFT based operations if kernel is stationary or translation invariant and points are on a regular grid
	3. Hierarchical Matrix - works for arbitrary kernels on irregular grids

	Details of this implementation (including errors and benchmarking) are provided in chapter 2 in [1]. For details on the algorithms see references within. 

	Compatible with scipy.sparse.LinearOperator. For example, Q = CovarianceMatrix(...);	Qop = aslineroperator(Q)
	.. [1] A.K. Saibaba, Fast solvers for geostatistical inverse problems and uncertainty quantification, PhD Thesis 2013, Stanford University 

	import numpy as np
	pts = np.random.randn(1000,2)
	def kernel(r): return np.exp(-r)
	Qd = CovarianceMatrix('Dense', pts, kernel)	
	Qh = CovarianceMatrix('Hmatrix', pts, kernel, rkmax = 32, eps = 1.e-6)	
    def __init__(self, method, pts, kernel, nugget=0.0, **kwargs):
        self.method = method
        self.kernel = kernel
        self.pts = pts

            verbose = kwargs['verbose']
        except KeyError:
            verbose = False
        self.verbose = verbose

        if method == 'Dense':
            from dense import GenerateDenseMatrix
            self.mat = GenerateDenseMatrix(pts, kernel)

            self.pts = pts

        elif method == 'FFT':
            from toeplitz import CreateRow, ToeplitzProduct
            xmin = kwargs['xmin']
            xmax = kwargs['xmax']
            N = kwargs['N']
            theta = kwargs['theta']

            self.N = N
            self.row, pts = CreateRow(xmin, xmax, N, kernel, theta)

            self.pts = pts

        elif method == 'Hmatrix':

            from hmatrix import Hmatrix
            n = np.size(pts, 0)
            ind = np.arange(n)

            rkmax = 32 if 'rkmax' not in kwargs else kwargs['rkmax']
            eps = 1.e-9 if 'eps' not in kwargs else kwargs['eps']

            self.H = Hmatrix(pts,

            raise NotImplementedError

        self.P = None
        n = pts.shape[0]
        self.shape = (n, n)
        self.nugget = nugget
        self.dtype = 'd'
        self.count = 0

        self.solvmatvecs = 0

    def matvec(self, x):
		Computes the matrix-vector product

		x: (n,)	ndarray
			a vector of size n

		y: (n,) ndarray

		The result of this calculation are dependent on the method chosen. All methods except 'Hmatrix' are exact.			


        method = self.method
        if method == 'Dense':
            y = np.dot(self.mat, x)

        elif method == 'FFT':
            y = ToeplitzProduct(x, self.row, self.N)

        elif method == 'Hmatrix':
            y = np.zeros_like(x, dtype='d')
            self.H.mult(x, y, self.verbose)

        y += self.nugget * y

        self.count += 1

        return y

    def rmatvec(self, x):
		Computes the matrix transpose-vector product

		x: (n,)	ndarray
			a vector of size n

		y: (n,) ndarray

		the result of this calculation are dependent on the method chosen. All methods except 'Hmatrix' are exact. 
		Because of symmetry it is almost the same as matvec, except 'Hmatrix' which is numerically different			


        method = self.method
        if method == 'Dense':
            y = np.dot(self.mat.T, x)

        elif method == 'FFT':
            y = ToeplitzProduct(x, self.row, self.N)

        elif method == 'Hmatrix':
            y = np.zeros_like(x, dtype='d')
            self.H.transpmult(x, y, self.verbose)

        y += self.nugget * y
        self.count += 1

        return y

    def reset(self):
		Resets the counter of matvecs and solves

        self.count = 0
        self.solvmatvecs = 0

    def itercount(self):
		Returns the counter of matvecs
        return self.count

    def build_preconditioner(self, k=100):
		Implementation of the preconditioner based on changing basis.

		k:	int, optional. default = 100
			Number of local centers in the preconditioner. Controls the sparity of the preconditioner. 
		Implementation of the preconditioner based on local centers. 
		The parameter k controls the sparsity and the effectiveness of the preconditioner. 
		Larger k is more expensive but results in fewer iterations. 
		For large ill-conditioned systems, it was best to use a nugget effect to make the problem better conditioned. 

		To Do: implementation based on local centers and additional points. Will remove the hack of using nugget effect.		


        from time import time

        from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
        from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, cdist

        from scipy.linalg import solve
        from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix

        #If preconditioner already exists, then nothing to do
        if self.P != None: return

        pts = self.pts
        kernel = self.kernel

        N = pts.shape[0]

        #Build the tree
        start = time()
        tree = cKDTree(pts, leafsize=32)
        end = time()

        if self.verbose:
            print "Tree building time = %g" % (end - start)

#Find the nearest neighbors of all the points
        start = time()
        dist, ind = tree.query(pts, k=k)
        end = time()
        if self.verbose:
            print "Nearest neighbor computation time = %g" % (end - start)

        Q = np.zeros((k, k), dtype='d')
        y = np.zeros((k, 1), dtype='d')

        row = np.tile(np.arange(N), (k, 1)).transpose()
        col = np.copy(ind)
        nu = np.zeros((N, k), dtype='d')

        y[0] = 1.
        start = time()
        for i in np.arange(N):
            Q = kernel(cdist(pts[ind[i, :], :], pts[ind[i, :], :]))
            nui = np.linalg.solve(Q, y)
            nu[i, :] = np.copy(nui.transpose())
        end = time()

        if self.verbose:
            print "Building preconditioner took  = %g" % (end - start)

        ij = np.zeros((N * k, 2), dtype='i')
        ij[:, 0] = np.copy(np.reshape(row, N * k, order='F').transpose())
        ij[:, 1] = np.copy(np.reshape(col, N * k, order='F').transpose())

        data = np.copy(np.reshape(nu, N * k, order='F').transpose())
        self.P = csr_matrix((data, ij.transpose()), shape=(N, N), dtype='d')


    def solve(self, b, maxiter=1000, tol=1.e-10):
		Compute Q^{-1}b
		b:  	(n,) ndarray
		 	given right hand side
		maxiter: int, optional. default = 1000
			Maximum number of iterations for the linear solver

		tol:	float, optional. default = 1.e-10
			Residual stoppingtolerance for the iterative solver
		If 'Dense' then inverts using LU factorization otherwise uses iterative solver 
			- MINRES if used without preconditioner or GMRES with preconditioner. 
			Preconditioner is not guaranteed to be positive definite.


        if self.method == 'Dense':
            from scipy.linalg import solve
            x = solve(self.mat, b)

            from scipy.sparse.linalg import gmres, aslinearoperator, minres

            P = self.P
            Aop = aslinearoperator(self)

            residual = _Residual()
            if P != None:
                x, info = gmres(Aop,
                x, info = minres(Aop,
            self.solvmatvecs += residual.itercount()
            if self.verbose:
                print "Number of iterations is %g and status is %g" % (
                    residual.itercount(), info)
        return x
Exemple #3
class CovarianceMatrix:
	Implementation of covariance matrix corresponding to covariance kernel

	method:		string, {'Dense','FFT','Hmatrix}
			decides what method to invoke

	pts:		n x dim 
			Location of the points

	kernel:		Kernel object
			See covariance/kernel.py 

	nugget:		double, optional. default = 0.
			A hack to improve the convergence of the iterative solver when inverting for the covariance matrix. See solve() for more details.	

	shape:	(N,N)
		N is the size of matrix
	P:	NxN csr_matrix
		corresponding to the preconditioner


	Implementation of three different methods 

	1. Dense Matrix 
	2. FFT based operations if kernel is stationary or translation invariant and points are on a regular grid
	3. Hierarchical Matrix - works for arbitrary kernels on irregular grids

	Details of this implementation (including errors and benchmarking) are provided in chapter 2 in [1]. For details on the algorithms see references within. 

	Compatible with scipy.sparse.LinearOperator. For example, Q = CovarianceMatrix(...);	Qop = aslineroperator(Q)
	.. [1] A.K. Saibaba, Fast solvers for geostatistical inverse problems and uncertainty quantification, PhD Thesis 2013, Stanford University 

	import numpy as np
	pts = np.random.randn(1000,2)
	def kernel(r): return np.exp(-r)
	Qd = CovarianceMatrix('Dense', pts, kernel)	
	Qh = CovarianceMatrix('Hmatrix', pts, kernel, rkmax = 32, eps = 1.e-6)	
	def __init__(self, method, pts, kernel, nugget = 0.0, **kwargs):
		self.method = method
		self.kernel = kernel
		self.pts    = pts
			verbose = kwargs['verbose']
		except KeyError:
			verbose = False
		self.verbose = verbose

		if method == 'Dense':
		        from dense import GenerateDenseMatrix
			self.mat = GenerateDenseMatrix(pts, kernel)
			self.pts = pts
		elif method == 'FFT':
		        from toeplitz import CreateRow, ToeplitzProduct
			xmin 	= kwargs['xmin']
			xmax 	= kwargs['xmax']	
			N    	= kwargs['N']
			theta	= kwargs['theta']		
			self.N      = N
			self.row, pts  = CreateRow(xmin,xmax,N,kernel,theta)		
			self.pts    = pts
		elif method == 'Hmatrix':
                        from hmatrix import Hmatrix	
			n   	= np.size(pts,0)
			ind 	= np.arange(n)

			rkmax = 32 if 'rkmax' not in kwargs else kwargs['rkmax']
			eps   = 1.e-9 if 'eps' not in kwargs else kwargs['eps']

			self.H 	= Hmatrix(pts, kernel, ind, verbose = verbose, rkmax = rkmax, eps = eps)	
			raise NotImplementedError

		self.P		= None
		n = pts.shape[0]
		self.shape 	= (n,n)
		self.nugget	= nugget
		self.dtype      = 'd'
		self.count = 0

		self.solvmatvecs = 0

	def matvec(self, x):
		Computes the matrix-vector product

		x: (n,)	ndarray
			a vector of size n

		y: (n,) ndarray

		The result of this calculation are dependent on the method chosen. All methods except 'Hmatrix' are exact.			


		method = self.method
		if method == 'Dense':
			y = np.dot(self.mat,x)

		elif method == 'FFT':
			y = ToeplitzProduct(x, self.row, self.N)

		elif method == 'Hmatrix':
			y = np.zeros_like(x, dtype = 'd')
			self.H.mult(x, y, self.verbose)
		y += self.nugget*y	

		self.count += 1
		return y

	def rmatvec(self, x):
		Computes the matrix transpose-vector product

		x: (n,)	ndarray
			a vector of size n

		y: (n,) ndarray

		the result of this calculation are dependent on the method chosen. All methods except 'Hmatrix' are exact. 
		Because of symmetry it is almost the same as matvec, except 'Hmatrix' which is numerically different			


		method = self.method
		if method == 'Dense':
			y = np.dot(self.mat.T,x)

		elif method == 'FFT':
			y = ToeplitzProduct(x, self.row, self.N)

		elif method == 'Hmatrix':
			y = np.zeros_like(x, dtype = 'd')
			self.H.transpmult(x, y, self.verbose)
		y += self.nugget*y	
		self.count += 1
		return y

	def reset(self):
		Resets the counter of matvecs and solves
		self.count = 0
		self.solvmatvecs = 0

	def itercount(self):
		Returns the counter of matvecs
		return self.count

	def build_preconditioner(self, k = 100):
		Implementation of the preconditioner based on changing basis.

		k:	int, optional. default = 100
			Number of local centers in the preconditioner. Controls the sparity of the preconditioner. 
		Implementation of the preconditioner based on local centers. 
		The parameter k controls the sparsity and the effectiveness of the preconditioner. 
		Larger k is more expensive but results in fewer iterations. 
		For large ill-conditioned systems, it was best to use a nugget effect to make the problem better conditioned. 

		To Do: implementation based on local centers and additional points. Will remove the hack of using nugget effect.		

		from time import time
		from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
		from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, cdist
		from scipy.linalg import solve
		from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix	

		#If preconditioner already exists, then nothing to do	
		if self.P != None:	return
		pts = self.pts
		kernel = self.kernel
		N = pts.shape[0]

	        #Build the tree
       	 	start = time()
        	tree = cKDTree(pts, leafsize = 32)
        	end = time()

		if self.verbose:
        		print "Tree building time = %g" % (end-start)

        	#Find the nearest neighbors of all the points
        	start = time()
        	dist, ind = tree.query(pts,k = k)
        	end = time()
		if self.verbose:
	        	print "Nearest neighbor computation time = %g" % (end-start)

        	Q = np.zeros((k,k),dtype='d')
        	y = np.zeros((k,1),dtype='d')

        	row = np.tile(np.arange(N), (k,1)).transpose()
       		col = np.copy(ind)
        	nu = np.zeros((N,k),dtype='d')

        	y[0] = 1.
        	start = time()
        	for i in np.arange(N):
                	Q = kernel(cdist(pts[ind[i,:],:],pts[ind[i,:],:]))
                	nui = np.linalg.solve(Q,y)
                	nu[i,:] = np.copy(nui.transpose())
        	end = time()
		if self.verbose:	print "Building preconditioner took  = %g" % (end-start)
		ij = np.zeros((N*k,2), dtype = 'i')
        	ij[:,0] = np.copy(np.reshape(row,N*k,order='F').transpose() )
        	ij[:,1] = np.copy(np.reshape(col,N*k,order='F').transpose() )

        	data = np.copy(np.reshape(nu,N*k,order='F').transpose())
        	self.P = csr_matrix((data,ij.transpose()),shape=(N,N), dtype = 'd')


	def solve(self, b, maxiter = 1000, tol = 1.e-10):
		Compute Q^{-1}b
		b:  	(n,) ndarray
		 	given right hand side
		maxiter: int, optional. default = 1000
			Maximum number of iterations for the linear solver

		tol:	float, optional. default = 1.e-10
			Residual stoppingtolerance for the iterative solver
		If 'Dense' then inverts using LU factorization otherwise uses iterative solver 
			- MINRES if used without preconditioner or GMRES with preconditioner. 
			Preconditioner is not guaranteed to be positive definite.

		if self.method == 'Dense':
			from scipy.linalg import solve
			x = solve(self.mat, b)

			from scipy.sparse.linalg import gmres, aslinearoperator, minres

			P = self.P
			Aop = aslinearoperator(self)
			residual = _Residual()
			if P != None:
				x, info = gmres(Aop, b, tol = tol, restart = 30, maxiter = 1000, callback = residual, M = P)
				x, info = minres(Aop, b, tol = tol, maxiter = maxiter, callback = residual )
			self.solvmatvecs += residual.itercount()
			if self.verbose:	
				print "Number of iterations is %g and status is %g"% (residual.itercount(), info)
		return x