def setUp(self):
		week0 = Instance(label=['Hot', 'Cold', 'Hot', 'Cold'], data=['good', 'bad', 'good', 'bad'])
		week1 = Instance(label=['Cold', 'Cold', 'Cold'], data=['good', 'bad', 'bad'])
		week2 = Instance(label=['Hot', 'Hot', 'Hot'], data=['good', 'good', 'good'])
		self.training_set = [week0, week1, week2]
		hmm = HMM()
		hot_index = hmm.label_alphabet.get_index('Hot')
		cold_index = hmm.label_alphabet.get_index('Cold')
		good_index = hmm.feature_alphabet.get_index('good')
		bad_index = hmm.feature_alphabet.get_index('bad')
		hmm.initial_probability = numpy.array([1, 1])
		#if the week starts out hot, it must stay hot. If cold, stay cold
		# HHH and CCC are allowed
		hmm.transition_matrix[hot_index, cold_index] = 0
		hmm.transition_matrix[hot_index, hot_index] = 1 - hmm.transition_matrix[hot_index, cold_index]
		hmm.transition_matrix[cold_index, hot_index] = 0
		hmm.transition_matrix[cold_index, cold_index] = 1 - hmm.transition_matrix[cold_index, hot_index]
		hmm.emission_matrix[hot_index, good_index] = 0.75
		hmm.emission_matrix[hot_index, bad_index] = 1 - hmm.emission_matrix[hot_index, good_index]
		hmm.emission_matrix[cold_index, good_index] = 0.50
		hmm.emission_matrix[cold_index, bad_index] = 1 - hmm.emission_matrix[cold_index, good_index]
		self.hmm = hmm