Exemple #1
    def __init__(
            contact_name: str,
            contact_email: str,
            address: Address,
            company_name: str = None,
            website: (str, ) = None,
            # - Arguments from HMSMongoDataObject
            oid: (UUID, str, None) = None,
            created: (datetime, str, float, int, None) = None,
            modified: (datetime, str, float, int, None) = None,
            is_active: (bool, int, None) = None,
            is_deleted: (bool, int, None) = None,
            is_dirty: (bool, int, None) = None,
            is_new: (bool, int, None) = None,
Object initialization.

self .............. (Artisan instance, required) The instance to 
                    execute against
contact_name ...... (str, required) The name of the primary contact 
                    for the Artisan that the instance represents
contact_email ..... (str [email address], required) The email address 
                    of the primary contact for the Artisan that the 
                    instance represents
address ........... (Address, required) The mailing/shipping address 
                    for the Artisan that the instance represents
company_name ...... (str, optional, defaults to None) The company-
                    name for the Artisan that the instance represents
oid ............... (UUID|str, optional, defaults to None) The unique 
                    identifier of the object's state-data record in the 
                    back-end data-store
created ........... (datetime|str|float|int, optional, defaults to None) 
                    The date/time that the object was created
modified .......... (datetime|str|float|int, optional, defaults to None) 
                    The date/time that the object was last modified
is_active ......... (bool|int, optional, defaults to None) A flag 
                    indicating that the object is active
is_deleted ........ (bool|int, optional, defaults to None) A flag 
                    indicating that the object should be considered 
                    deleted (and may be in the near future)
is_dirty .......... (bool|int, optional, defaults to None) A flag 
                    indicating that the object's data needs to be 
                    updated in the back-end data-store
is_new ............ (bool|int, optional, defaults to None) A flag 
                    indicating that the object's data needs to be 
                    created in the back-end data-store
products .......... (BaseProduct collection) The products associated 
                    with the Artisan that the instance represents
        # - Call parent initializers if needed
        BaseArtisan.__init__(self, contact_name, contact_email, address,
                             company_name, website)
        HMSMongoDataObject.__init__(self, oid, created, modified, is_active,
                                    is_deleted, is_dirty, is_new)
        if products:
    def __init__(
            # - Required arguments from BaseArtisan
            contact_name: str,
            contact_email: str,
            address: Address,
            # - Optional arguments from BaseArtisan
            company_name: str = None,
            website: (str, ) = None,
            # - Optional arguments from BaseDataObject/JSONFileDataObject
            oid: (UUID, str, None) = None,
            created: (datetime, str, float, int, None) = None,
            modified: (datetime, str, float, int, None) = None,
            is_active: (bool, int, None) = None,
            is_deleted: (bool, int, None) = None,
            is_dirty: (bool, int, None) = None,
            is_new: (bool, int, None) = None,
            # - the products arglist from BaseArtisan
Object initialization.

self .............. (Artisan instance, required) The instance to 
                    execute against
contact_name ...... (str, required) The name of the primary contact 
                    for the Artisan that the instance represents
contact_email ..... (str [email address], required) The email address 
                    of the primary contact for the Artisan that the 
                    instance represents
address ........... (Address, required) The mailing/shipping address 
                    for the Artisan that the instance represents
company_name ...... (str, optional, defaults to None) The company-
                    name for the Artisan that the instance represents
website ........... (str, optional, defaults to None) The the URL of 
                    the website associated with the Artisan that the 
                    instance represents
oid ............... (UUID|str, optional, defaults to None) 
created ........... (datetime|str|float|int, optional, defaults to None) 
modified .......... (datetime|str|float|int, optional, defaults to None) 
is_active ......... (bool|int, optional, defaults to None) 
is_deleted ........ (bool|int, optional, defaults to None) 
is_dirty .......... (bool|int, optional, defaults to None) 
is_new ............ (bool|int, optional, defaults to None) 
products .......... (BaseProduct collection) The products associated 
                    with the Artisan that the instance represents
        # - Call parent initializers if needed
        BaseArtisan.__init__(self, contact_name, contact_email, address,
                             company_name, website, *products)
        JSONFileDataObject.__init__(self, oid, created, modified, is_active,
                                    is_deleted, is_dirty, is_new)
        # - Set default instance property-values using _del_... methods
        # - Set instance property-values from arguments using
        #   _set_... methods
        # - Perform any other initialization needed
 def _set_address(self, value: Address) -> None:
     # - Call the parent method
     result = BaseArtisan._set_address(self, value)
     return result
 def _del_website(self) -> None:
     # - Call the parent method
     result = BaseArtisan._del_website(self)
     return result
 def _del_contact_email(self) -> None:
     # - Call the parent method
     result = BaseArtisan._del_contact_email(self)
     return result
 def _set_website(self, value: (str, None)) -> None:
     # - Call the parent method
     result = BaseArtisan._set_website(self, value)
     return result
 def _set_contact_name(self, value: str) -> None:
     # - Call the parent method
     result = BaseArtisan._set_contact_name(self, value)
     return result