Exemple #1
    def setUp(self):
        filename = os.path.join(BASE_DATA_PATH, 'completeness_test_cat.csv')
        parser0 = CsvCatalogueParser(filename)
        self.catalogue = parser0.read_file()

        self.config = {'algorithm': None, 'number_bootstraps': None}
        self.model = CumulativeMoment()
 def setUp(self):
     filename = os.path.join(BASE_DATA_PATH,'completeness_test_cat.csv')
     parser0 = CsvCatalogueParser(filename)
     self.catalogue = parser0.read_file()
     self.config = {'algorithm': None,
                    'number_bootstraps': None}
     self.model = CumulativeMoment()
 def setUp(self):
     test_data = np.genfromtxt(TEST_CAT_1, delimiter=',', skip_header=1)
     parser0 = CsvCatalogueParser(TEST_CAT_1)
     self.catalogue = parser0.read_file()
     self.config = {'algorithm': None,
                    'number_bootstraps': None}
     self.model = CumulativeMoment()
               'input_mmin': 4.5,
               'input_mmax': None,
               'input_mmax_uncertainty': 0.5}

mmax_ksb = KijkoSellevolBayes()

mmax, mmax_sigma = mmax_ksb.get_mmax(catalogue, mmax_config)

print 'Mmax = %8.3f +/- %8.3f' %(mmax, mmax_sigma)

# In[ ]:

mmax_config = {'number_earthquakes': 100, # Selects the N largest earthquakes in the catalogue for analysis
               'input_mmax': None,
               'input_mmax_uncertainty': 0.5}

mmax_knpg = KijkoNonParametricGaussian()
mmax, mmax_sigma = mmax_knpg.get_mmax(catalogue, mmax_config)
print 'Mmax = %8.3f +/- %8.3f' %(mmax, mmax_sigma)

# In[ ]:

mmax_config = {'number_bootstraps': 1000} # Number of samples for the uncertainty analyis

mmax_cum_mo = CumulativeMoment()
mmax, mmax_sigma = mmax_cum_mo.get_mmax(catalogue, mmax_config)
print 'Mmax = %8.3f +/- %8.3f' %(mmax, mmax_sigma)

class TestCumulativeMoment(unittest.TestCase):
    Test suite for the 
    :class: hmtk.seismicity.max_magnitude.cumulative_moment_release
    def setUp(self):
        test_data = np.genfromtxt(TEST_CAT_1, delimiter=',', skip_header=1)
        parser0 = CsvCatalogueParser(TEST_CAT_1)
        self.catalogue = parser0.read_file()
        self.config = {'algorithm': None,
                       'number_bootstraps': None}
        self.model = CumulativeMoment()

    def test_check_config(self):
        Tests the configuration checker
        # Test 1: No bootstraps specified
        self.config['number_bootstraps'] = None
        fixed_config = self.model.check_config(self.config)
        self.assertEqual(1, fixed_config['number_bootstraps'])
        # Test 2: Invalid number of bootstraps specified
        self.config['number_bootstraps'] = 0
        fixed_config = self.model.check_config(self.config)
        self.assertEqual(1, fixed_config['number_bootstraps'])
        # Test 3: Valid number of bootstraps
        self.config['number_bootstraps'] = 1000
        fixed_config = self.model.check_config(self.config)
        self.assertEqual(1000, fixed_config['number_bootstraps'])
    def test_cumulative_moment(self):
        Tests the cumulative moment function
        # Test 1: Ordinary behaviour using the completeness_test_cat.csv
        self.assertAlmostEqual(7.4847335589, self.model.cumulative_moment(

        # Test 2: If catalogue is less than or equal to 1 year duration
        id0 = self.catalogue.data['year'].astype(int)  == 1990

    def test_get_mmax_cumulative_moment(self):
        Tests the cumulative moment function sampled with uncertainty
        # Test 1: Case when no sigma is found on magnitude
        self.catalogue.data['backup'] = np.copy(
        self.catalogue.data['sigmaMagnitude'] = None
        mmax, sigma_mmax = self.model.get_mmax(self.catalogue, self.config)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(7.4847335589, mmax)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, sigma_mmax)
        # Test 2: Case when one or no bootstraps are specified
        self.catalogue.data['sigmaMagnitude'] = self.catalogue.data['backup']
        self.config['number_bootstraps'] = 0
        mmax, sigma_mmax = self.model.get_mmax(self.catalogue, self.config)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(7.4847335589, mmax)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, sigma_mmax)

        # Test 3: Ordinary test case with uncertainty - seeded random generator
        self.config['number_bootstraps'] = 1000
        mmax, sigma_mmax = self.model.get_mmax(self.catalogue, 

        self.assertAlmostEqual(7.518906927, mmax)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(0.058204597, sigma_mmax)
Exemple #6
class TestCumulativeMoment(unittest.TestCase):
    Test suite for the
    :class: hmtk.seismicity.max_magnitude.cumulative_moment_release
    def setUp(self):
        filename = os.path.join(BASE_DATA_PATH, 'completeness_test_cat.csv')
        parser0 = CsvCatalogueParser(filename)
        self.catalogue = parser0.read_file()

        self.config = {'algorithm': None, 'number_bootstraps': None}
        self.model = CumulativeMoment()

    def test_check_config(self):
        # Tests the configuration checker
        # Test 1: No bootstraps specified
        self.config['number_bootstraps'] = None
        fixed_config = self.model.check_config(self.config)
        self.assertEqual(1, fixed_config['number_bootstraps'])
        # Test 2: Invalid number of bootstraps specified
        self.config['number_bootstraps'] = 0
        fixed_config = self.model.check_config(self.config)
        self.assertEqual(1, fixed_config['number_bootstraps'])
        # Test 3: Valid number of bootstraps
        self.config['number_bootstraps'] = 1000
        fixed_config = self.model.check_config(self.config)
        self.assertEqual(1000, fixed_config['number_bootstraps'])

    def test_cumulative_moment(self):
        # Tests the cumulative moment function

        # Test 1: Ordinary behaviour using the completeness_test_cat.csv
                                         self.catalogue.data['magnitude']), 1)

        # Test 2: If catalogue is less than or equal to 1 year duration
        id0 = self.catalogue.data['year'].astype(int) == 1990

    def test_get_mmax_cumulative_moment(self):
        # Tests the cumulative moment function sampled with uncertainty

        # Test 1: Case when no sigma is found on magnitude
        self.catalogue.data['backup'] = np.copy(
        self.catalogue.data['sigmaMagnitude'] = None

        mmax, sigma_mmax = self.model.get_mmax(self.catalogue, self.config)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(7.4847335589, mmax, 1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, sigma_mmax)
        # Test 2: Case when one or no bootstraps are specified
        self.catalogue.data['sigmaMagnitude'] = self.catalogue.data['backup']
        self.config['number_bootstraps'] = 0

        mmax, sigma_mmax = self.model.get_mmax(self.catalogue, self.config)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(7.4847335589, mmax, 1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(0.0, sigma_mmax)

        # Test 3: Ordinary test case with uncertainty - seeded random generator
        self.config['number_bootstraps'] = 1000
        # Can fix the seed (used for testing!)
        mmax, sigma_mmax = self.model.get_mmax(self.catalogue, self.config)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(7.518906927, mmax)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(0.058204597, sigma_mmax)
Exemple #7

mmax_ksb = KijkoSellevolBayes()

mmax, mmax_sigma = mmax_ksb.get_mmax(catalogue, mmax_config)

print 'Mmax = %8.3f +/- %8.3f' % (mmax, mmax_sigma)

# In[ ]:

mmax_config = {
    100,  # Selects the N largest earthquakes in the catalogue for analysis
    'input_mmax': None,
    'input_mmax_uncertainty': 0.5

mmax_knpg = KijkoNonParametricGaussian()
mmax, mmax_sigma = mmax_knpg.get_mmax(catalogue, mmax_config)
print 'Mmax = %8.3f +/- %8.3f' % (mmax, mmax_sigma)

# In[ ]:

mmax_config = {
    'number_bootstraps': 1000
}  # Number of samples for the uncertainty analyis

mmax_cum_mo = CumulativeMoment()
mmax, mmax_sigma = mmax_cum_mo.get_mmax(catalogue, mmax_config)
print 'Mmax = %8.3f +/- %8.3f' % (mmax, mmax_sigma)