Exemple #1
def create_hole_cards(raw_hole_cards):
    # Checking that there are an even number of hole cards
    if (raw_hole_cards is None or len(raw_hole_cards) < 2
            or len(raw_hole_cards) % 2):
        print("You must provide a non-zero even number of hole cards")
    # Create two-tuples out of hole cards
    hole_cards, current_hole_cards = [], []
    for hole_card in raw_hole_cards:
        if hole_card != "?":
            current_card = holdem_functions.Card(hole_card)
        if len(current_hole_cards) == 2:
            if None in current_hole_cards:
                if (current_hole_cards[0] is not None
                        or current_hole_cards[1] is not None):
                    print("Unknown hole cards must come in pairs")
            hole_cards.append((current_hole_cards[0], current_hole_cards[1]))
            current_hole_cards = []
    if hole_cards.count((None, None)) > 1:
        print("Can only have one set of unknown hole cards")
    return tuple(hole_cards)
Exemple #2
def create_cards(card_strings):
    return [holdem_functions.Card(arg) for arg in card_strings]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Nov  3 17:43:30 2017

@author: SrivatsanPC

import holdem_calc as hc
import holdem_functions as hf
import time

#Example for calculating hand strength for a pair of cards without any board. For instance,
#let us calculate it for 3s 4h.
#start_time = time.time()
card_1 = hf.Card('Td')
card_2 = hf.Card('Qs')
combo = (card_1, card_2)
out = hc.run((tuple(combo), ), int(1e4), False, None, None, False)
#print("Time diff is", end_time-start_time)

#Example for calculating hand strength including the board cards.

#card_1 = hf.Card('Qh')
#card_2 = hf.Card('Kd')
#combo = (card_1,card_2)
#board = [hf.Card('7c'), hf.Card('9d'), hf.Card('Ks'),hf.Card('Qc')]
#start_time = time.time()
#out = hc.run((tuple(combo),),int(2500),True, board,None,False)
#end_time = time.time()
from os import chdir, getcwd
import holdem_calc as hc
import holdem_functions as hf
import itertools
import pdb
import time
from copy import deepcopy
import random, math

# chdir("E:\\CS281AdvancedML\\cs281-final-project\Programs\odds\pickledir")
symbols = ['2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','T','J','Q','K','A']
suits = ['h','s','c','d']
poss_cards = []
for sy in symbols:
    for su in suits:

assert(len(poss_cards) == 52)

def ncr(n,r):
    return math.factorial(n)/(math.factorial(r)*math.factorial(n-r))
def combination_util(poss_cards, n, r,index, data, i, tot_out):
    if index == r:
    if i >= n:        
    data[index] = poss_cards[i];