def test_calculate_scattering_matrix_has_correct_s1s2s3s4_labels(self):
     theory = Mie()
     scat_matrs = theory.calculate_scattering_matrix(SPHERE, SCAT_SCHEMA)
     epar_coords = scat_matrs.coords['Epar'].values
     eperp_coords = scat_matrs.coords['Eperp'].values
     self.assertTrue(np.all(epar_coords == np.array(['S2', 'S3'])))
     self.assertTrue(np.all(eperp_coords == np.array(['S4', 'S1'])))
 def test_calculate_scattering_matrix_has_correct_spherical_coords(self):
     theory = Mie()
     scat_matrs = theory.calculate_scattering_matrix(SPHERE, SCAT_SCHEMA)
     true_r = np.array([
         2., 2.00249844, 2.00997512, 2.02237484, 2.03960781, 2.00249844,
         2.00499377, 2.01246118, 2.02484567, 2.04205779, 2.00997512,
         2.01246118, 2.01990099, 2.03224014, 2.04939015, 2.02237484,
         2.02484567, 2.03224014, 2.04450483, 2.06155281, 2.03960781,
         2.04205779, 2.04939015, 2.06155281, 2.07846097
     true_theta = np.array([
         0., 0.0499584, 0.09966865, 0.14888995, 0.19739556, 0.0499584,
         0.07059318, 0.11134101, 0.15681569, 0.20330703, 0.09966865,
         0.11134101, 0.1404897, 0.17836178, 0.21998798, 0.14888995,
         0.15681569, 0.17836178, 0.2090333, 0.24497866, 0.19739556,
         0.20330703, 0.21998798, 0.24497866, 0.2756428
     true_phi = np.array([
         0., 1.57079633, 1.57079633, 1.57079633, 1.57079633, 0., 0.78539816,
         1.10714872, 1.24904577, 1.32581766, 0., 0.46364761, 0.78539816,
         0.98279372, 1.10714872, 0., 0.32175055, 0.5880026, 0.78539816,
         0.92729522, 0., 0.24497866, 0.46364761, 0.64350111, 0.78539816
     packed_r = scat_matrs.coords['r'].values
     packed_theta = scat_matrs.coords['theta'].values
     packed_phi = scat_matrs.coords['phi'].values
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(true_r, packed_r, **MEDTOLS))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(true_theta, packed_theta, **MEDTOLS))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(true_phi, packed_phi, **MEDTOLS))
Exemple #3
    def test_raw_scat_matrs_same_as_mie(self):
        theory_mie = Mie()
        theory_tmat = Tmatrix()

        pos = np.array([10, 0, 0])[:,None]
        s = Sphere(n=1.59, r=0.9, center=(2, 2, 80))

        s_mie = theory_mie._raw_scat_matrs(s, pos, 2*np.pi/.660, 1.33)
        s_tmat = theory_tmat._raw_scat_matrs(s, pos, 2*np.pi/.660, 1.33)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(s_mie, s_tmat))
Exemple #4
    def test_raw_fields_similar_to_mie(self):
        theory_mie = Mie(False, False)
        theory_tmat = Tmatrix()

        pos = np.array([10, 0, 0])[:,None]
        s = Sphere(n=1.59, r=0.9, center=(2, 2, 80))
        pol = pd.Series([1, 0])

        fields_mie = theory_mie._raw_fields(pos, s, 2*np.pi/.660, 1.33, pol)
        fields_tmat = theory_tmat._raw_fields(pos, s, 2*np.pi/.660, 1.33, pol)
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(fields_mie, fields_tmat))
Exemple #5
def test_fit_superposition():
    Fit Mie superposition to a calculated hologram from two spheres
    # Make a test hologram
    optics = Optics(wavelen=6.58e-07,
                    polarization=[0.0, 1.0],
                    pixel_scale=[2 * 2.302e-07, 2 * 2.302e-07])

    s1 = Sphere(n=1.5891 + 1e-4j, r=.65e-6, center=(1.56e-05, 1.44e-05, 15e-6))
    s2 = Sphere(n=1.5891 + 1e-4j, r=.65e-6, center=(3.42e-05, 3.17e-05, 10e-6))
    sc = Spheres([s1, s2])
    alpha = .629

    theory = Mie(optics, 100)
    holo = theory.calc_holo(sc, alpha)

    # Now construct the model, and fit
    parameters = [
        Parameter(name='x0', guess=1.6e-5, limit=[0, 1e-4]),
        Parameter('y0', 1.4e-5, [0, 1e-4]),
        Parameter('z0', 15.5e-6, [0, 1e-4]),
        Parameter('r0', .65e-6, [0.6e-6, 0.7e-6]),
        Parameter('nr', 1.5891, [1, 2]),
        Parameter('x1', 3.5e-5, [0, 1e-4]),
        Parameter('y1', 3.2e-5, [0, 1e-4]),
        Parameter('z1', 10.5e-6, [0, 1e-4]),
        Parameter('r1', .65e-6, [0.6e-6, 0.7e-6])

    def make_scatterer(x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1, r0, r1, nr):
        s = Spheres([
            Sphere(center=(x0, y0, z0), r=r0, n=nr + 1e-4j),
            Sphere(center=(x1, y1, z1), r=r1, n=nr + 1e-4j)
        return s

    model = Model(parameters,
                  alpha=Parameter('alpha', .63, [.5, 0.8]))
    result = fit(model, holo)

    assert_obj_close(result.scatterer, sc)
    assert_approx_equal(result.alpha, alpha, significant=4)
    assert_equal(result.model, model)
Exemple #6
def test_calc_field():
    s = Sphere(n=1.59, r=.5, center=(0, 0, 1))
    t = update_metadata(detector_grid(shape=(2, 2), spacing=.1),
                        illum_polarization=(1, 0))
    thry = Mie(False)
    f = calc_field(t, s, 1.33, .66, (1, 0), theory=thry)
    assert_obj_close(t.attrs, f.attrs)
    gold = xr.DataArray(np.array([[[
        -3.95866810e-01 + 2.47924378e+00j, 0.00000000e+00 + 0.00000000e+00j,
        0.00000000e+00 - 0.00000000e+00j
                                       -4.91260953e-01 + 2.32779296e+00j,
                                       9.21716363e-20 - 5.72226912e-19j,
                                       2.99878926e-18 - 1.41959276e-17j
                                      -4.89755627e-01 + 2.31844748e+00j,
                                      0.00000000e+00 + 0.00000000e+00j,
                                      4.89755627e-02 - 2.31844748e-01j
                                       -5.71886751e-01 + 2.17145168e+00j,
                                       1.72579090e-03 - 8.72241140e-03j,
                                       5.70160960e-02 - 2.16272927e-01j
                        dims=['x', 'y', 'vector'],
                            'x': t.x,
                            'y': t.y,
                            'vector': ['x', 'y', 'z']
    assert abs((f - gold).max()) < 5e-9
Exemple #7
def test_fit_mie_single():
    holo = normalize(get_example_data('image0001.yaml'))

    parameters = [
        Parameter(name='x', guess=.567e-5, limit=[0.0, 1e-5]),
        Parameter(name='y', guess=.576e-5, limit=[0, 1e-5]),
        Parameter(name='z', guess=15e-6, limit=[1e-5, 2e-5]),
        Parameter(name='n', guess=1.59, limit=[1, 2]),
        Parameter(name='r', guess=8.5e-7, limit=[1e-8, 1e-5])

    def make_scatterer(x, y, z, r, n):
        return Sphere(n=n + 1e-4j, r=r, center=(x, y, z))

    thry = Mie(False)
    model = Model(Parametrization(make_scatterer, parameters),
                  alpha=Parameter(name='alpha', guess=.6, limit=[.1, 1]))

    assert_raises(InvalidMinimizer, fit, model, holo, minimizer=Sphere)

    result = fit(model, holo)

    assert_obj_close(result.scatterer, gold_sphere, rtol=1e-3)
    assert_approx_equal(result.parameters['alpha'], gold_alpha, significant=3)
    assert_equal(model, result.model)
Exemple #8
def test_dda_fit():
    s = Sphere(n=1.59, r=.2, center=(5, 5, 5))
    o = Optics(wavelen=.66, index=1.33, pixel_scale=.1)

    schema = ImageSchema(optics=o, shape=100)

    h = Mie.calc_holo(s, schema)

    def make_scatterer(r, x, y, z):
        local_s = Sphere(r=r, center=(x, y, z))
        return Scatterer(local_s.indicators, n=s.n)

    parameters = [
        par(.18, [.1, .3], name='r', step=.1),
        par(5, [4, 6], 'x'),
        par(5, [4, 6], 'y'),
        par(5.2, [4, 6], 'z')

    p = Parametrization(make_scatterer, parameters)

    model = Model(p, DDA.calc_holo)

    res = fit(model, h)

                               dict([('r', 0.2003609439787491),
                                     ('x', 5.0128083665603995),
                                     ('y', 5.0125252883133617),
                                     ('z', 4.9775097284878775)]),
Exemple #9
def test_serialization():
    par_s = Sphere(center=(par(.567e-5, [0, 1e-5]), par(.576e-6, [0, 1e-5]),
                           par(15e-6, [1e-5, 2e-5])),
                   r=par(8.5e-7, [1e-8, 1e-5]),
                   n=par(1.59, [1, 2]))

    alpha = par(.6, [.1, 1], 'alpha')

    schema = ImageSchema(shape=100,
                         optics=Optics(.66e-6, 1.33))

    model = Model(par_s, Mie.calc_holo, alpha=alpha)

    holo = Mie.calc_holo(model.scatterer.guess, schema, model.alpha.guess)

    result = fit(model, holo)

    temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
    save(temp, result)

    loaded = load(temp)

    assert_obj_close(result, loaded, context='serialized_result')
Exemple #10
def test_Mie_multiple():
    s1 = Sphere(n = 1.59, r = 5e-7, center = (1e-6, -1e-6, 10e-6))
    s2 = Sphere(n = 1.59, r = 1e-6, center=[8e-6,5e-6,5e-6])
    s3 = Sphere(n = 1.59+0.0001j, r = 5e-7, center=[5e-6,10e-6,3e-6])
    sc = Spheres(scatterers=[s1, s2, s3])
    thry = Mie(False)

    schema = yschema
    fields = calc_field(schema, sc, index, wavelen, ypolarization, thry)

    verify(fields, 'mie_multiple_fields')
    calc_intensity(schema, sc, index, wavelen, ypolarization, thry)

    holo = calc_holo(schema, sc, index, wavelen, theory=thry)
    verify(holo, 'mie_multiple_holo')
    # should throw exception when fed a ellipsoid
    el = Ellipsoid(n = 1.59, r = (1e-6, 2e-6, 3e-6), center=[8e-6,5e-6,5e-6])
    with assert_raises(TheoryNotCompatibleError) as cm:
        calc_field(schema, el, index, wavelen, theory=Mie)
    assert_equal(str(cm.exception), "Mie scattering theory can't handle "
                 "scatterers of type Ellipsoid")
    assert_raises(TheoryNotCompatibleError, calc_field, schema, el, index, wavelen, xpolarization, Mie)
    assert_raises(TheoryNotCompatibleError, calc_intensity,
                  schema, el, index, wavelen, xpolarization, Mie)
    assert_raises(TheoryNotCompatibleError, calc_holo, schema, el, index, wavelen, xpolarization, Mie)
Exemple #11
def test_radialEscat():
    thry_1 = Mie()
    thry_2 = Mie(False)

    sphere = Sphere(r = 1e-6, n = 1.4 + 0.01j, center = [10e-6, 10e-6,
    h1 = calc_holo(xschema, sphere, index, wavelen, illum_polarization=xpolarization)
    h2 = calc_holo(xschema, sphere, index, wavelen, illum_polarization=xpolarization, theory=thry_2)

        assert_array_almost_equal(h1, h2, decimal=12)
    except AssertionError:
        pass    # no way to do "assert array not equal" in numpy.testing
        raise AssertionError("Holograms w/ and w/o full radial fields" +
                             " are exactly equal")
    def calculateHologram(self): #calculate hologram with current settings

        scale = self.scale
        sender = self.sender()

        ######## hologram calculation (4x big to allow scrolling)
        start = time.time()
        sphere = Sphere(n = self.lcd5.value()+.0001j, 
            r = self.lcd4.value(), 
            center = (256*self.scale,256*self.scale,self.lcd3.value()))

        sphere2 = Sphere(n = self.lcd5.value()+.0001j, 
            r = self.lcd4.value(), 
            center = (self.lcd.value(),self.lcd2.value(),self.lcd3.value()))


        schema = ImageSchema(shape = 512, spacing = float(self.pxsizeText.text()),
		    optics = Optics(wavelen = float(self.waveText.text()), 
            index = float(self.mindexText.text()), polarization = [1,0]))

        schema2 = ImageSchema(shape = 256, spacing = float(self.pxsizeText.text()),
            optics = Optics(wavelen = float(self.waveText.text()), 
            index = float(self.mindexText.text()), polarization = [1,0]))

        self.holo = Mie.calc_holo(sphere, schema)
        self.lastholo = self.holo
        self.lastZ = self.lcd3.value()

        end = time.time()

        #now take only the part that you want to display
        x = round(self.sld.value())
        y = round(self.sld2.value())
        im = toimage(self.holo[256-x:512-x,256-y:512-y]) #PIL image

        #myQtImage = ImageQt(im)
        #qimage = QtGui.QImage(myQtImage)
        if im.mode == "RGB":
        elif im.mode == "L":
            im = im.convert("RGBA")
        data = im.tostring('raw',"RGBA")
        qim = QtGui.QImage(data, 256, 256, QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32)
        pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(qim)

        myScaledPixmap = pixmap.scaled(QtCore.QSize(400,400))



        self.timer.setText('Calc. Time: '+str(round(end-start,4))+' s')
        self.timer.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignBottom | QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter)
Exemple #13
    def test_transforms_correctly_with_polarization_rotation(self):
        # We test that rotating the lab frame correctly rotates
        # the polarization.
        # If we rotate (x0, y0) -> (y1, -x1), then the polarization
        # in the new coordinates should be
        # E1x = E0y, E1y = -E1x
        scatterer = test_common.sphere
        medium_wavevec = 2 * np.pi / test_common.wavelen
        medium_index = test_common.index
        theory = Lens(
            theory=Mie(False, False),

        krho = np.linspace(0, 100, 11)
        phi_0 = 0 * krho
        phi_1 = np.full_like(krho, -np.pi / 2)
        kz = np.full_like(krho, 20.0)

        pol_0 = xr.DataArray([1.0, 0, 0])
        pos_0 = np.array([krho, phi_0, kz])

        pol_1 = xr.DataArray([0, -1.0, 0])
        pos_1 = np.array([krho, phi_1, kz])

        args = (scatterer, medium_wavevec, medium_index)

        fields_0 = theory._raw_fields(pos_0, *args, pol_0)
        fields_1 = theory._raw_fields(pos_1, *args, pol_1)

        tols = {'atol': 1e-5, 'rtol': 1e-5}
        assert_allclose(fields_1[0], fields_0[1], **tols)
        assert_allclose(fields_1[1], -fields_0[0], **tols)
Exemple #14
def determine_default_theory_for(scatterer):
    if isinstance(scatterer, Sphere):
        theory = Mie()
    elif isinstance(scatterer, Spheres):
        if all([np.isscalar(scat.r) for scat in scatterer.scatterers]):
            theory = Multisphere()
            warn("HoloPy's multisphere theory can't handle coated spheres." +
                 "Using Mie theory.")
            theory = Mie()
    elif isinstance(scatterer, Spheroid) or isinstance(scatterer, Cylinder):
        theory = Tmatrix()
    elif DDA()._can_handle(scatterer):
        theory = DDA()
        raise AutoTheoryFailed(scatterer)
    return theory
Exemple #15
def test_calc_holo():
    s = Sphere(n=1.59, r=.5, center=(0, 0, 1))
    t = detector_grid(shape=(2, 2), spacing=.1)
    thry = Mie(False)
    h = calc_holo(t, s, 1.33, .66, (1, 0), theory=thry)
        np.array([[[6.51162661], [5.67743548]], [[5.63554802], [4.89856241]]]))
Exemple #16
def test_layered():
    s = Sphere(n = (1,2), r = (1, 2), center = (2, 2, 2))
    sch = ImageSchema((10, 10), .2, Optics(.66, 1, (1, 0)))
    hs = Mie.calc_holo(s, sch)

    guess = hp.scattering.scatterer.sphere.LayeredSphere((1,2), (par(1.01), par(.99)), (2, 2, 2))
    model = Model(guess, Mie.calc_holo)
    res = fit(model, hs)
    assert_allclose(res.scatterer.t, (1, 1), rtol = 1e-12)
def test_layered():
    s = Sphere(n = (1,2), r = (1, 2), center = (2, 2, 2))
    sch = ImageSchema((10, 10), .2, Optics(.66, 1, (1, 0)))
    hs = Mie.calc_holo(s, sch)

    guess = hp.scattering.scatterer.sphere.LayeredSphere((1,2), (par(1.01), par(.99)), (2, 2, 2))
    model = Model(guess, Mie.calc_holo)
    res = fit(model, hs)
    assert_allclose(res.scatterer.t, (1, 1), rtol = 1e-12)
def test_fit_superposition():
    Fit Mie superposition to a calculated hologram from two spheres
    # Make a test hologram
    optics = Optics(wavelen=6.58e-07, index=1.33, polarization=[0.0, 1.0],
                    divergence=0, spacing=None, train=None, mag=None,
                    pixel_scale=[2*2.302e-07, 2*2.302e-07])

    s1 = Sphere(n=1.5891+1e-4j, r = .65e-6,
                center=(1.56e-05, 1.44e-05, 15e-6))
    s2 = Sphere(n=1.5891+1e-4j, r = .65e-6,
                center=(3.42e-05, 3.17e-05, 10e-6))
    sc = Spheres([s1, s2])
    alpha = .629

    theory = Mie(optics, 100)
    holo = theory.calc_holo(sc, alpha)

    # Now construct the model, and fit
    parameters = [Parameter(name = 'x0', guess = 1.6e-5, limit = [0, 1e-4]),
                  Parameter('y0', 1.4e-5, [0, 1e-4]),
                  Parameter('z0', 15.5e-6, [0, 1e-4]),
                  Parameter('r0', .65e-6, [0.6e-6, 0.7e-6]),
                  Parameter('nr', 1.5891, [1, 2]),
                  Parameter('x1', 3.5e-5, [0, 1e-4]),
                  Parameter('y1', 3.2e-5, [0, 1e-4]),
                  Parameter('z1', 10.5e-6, [0, 1e-4]),
                  Parameter('r1', .65e-6, [0.6e-6, 0.7e-6])]

    def make_scatterer(x0, x1, y0, y1, z0, z1, r0, r1, nr):
        s = Spheres([
                Sphere(center = (x0, y0, z0), r=r0, n = nr+1e-4j),
                Sphere(center = (x1, y1, z1), r=r1, n = nr+1e-4j)])
        return s

    model = Model(parameters, Mie, make_scatterer=make_scatterer, alpha =
                  Parameter('alpha', .63, [.5, 0.8]))
    result = fit(model, holo)

    assert_obj_close(result.scatterer, sc)
    assert_approx_equal(result.alpha, alpha, significant=4)
    assert_equal(result.model, model)
 def calc_model(cls, data, params, theory_type='mielens'):
     scatterer = cls._make_scatterer(params)
     if theory_type == 'mielens':
         theory = MieLens(lens_angle=params['lens_angle'])
         scaling = 1.0
         theory = Mie()
         scaling = params['alpha']
     model = calc_holo(data, scatterer, theory=theory, scaling=scaling)
     return model
Exemple #20
 def test_calc_holo_theta_npts_not_equal_phi_npts(self):
     scatterer = test_common.sphere
     pts = detector_grid(shape=4, spacing=test_common.pixel_scale)
     pts = update_metadata(pts,
     theory = Lens(LENS_ANGLE, Mie(), quad_npts_theta=8, quad_npts_phi=10)
     holo = calc_holo(pts, scatterer, theory=theory)
Exemple #21
 def _get_theory_and_scaling(self, params):
     if self.theory == 'mielens':
         theory = MieLens(lens_angle=params['lens_angle'])  # 0.0015 ms
         scaling = 1.0
     elif self.theory == 'mieonly':
         theory = Mie()
         scaling = params['alpha']
     elif self.theory == 'mielensalpha':
         theory = MieLens(lens_angle=params['lens_angle'])  # 0.0015 ms
         scaling = params['alpha']
     return theory, scaling
 def test_calculate_scattering_matrix_has_correct_cartesian_coords(self):
     theory = Mie()
     scat_matrs = theory.calculate_scattering_matrix(SPHERE, SCAT_SCHEMA)
     true_x = np.array([
         0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2,
         0.2, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4
     true_y = np.array([
         0., 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0., 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0., 0.1, 0.2, 0.3,
         0.4, 0., 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0., 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4
     true_z = np.array([
         0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
         0, 0, 0
     packed_x = scat_matrs.coords['x'].values
     packed_y = scat_matrs.coords['y'].values
     packed_z = scat_matrs.coords['z'].values
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(true_x, packed_x, **MEDTOLS))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(true_y, packed_y, **MEDTOLS))
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(true_z, packed_z, **MEDTOLS))
Exemple #23
def test_integer_correctness():
    # we keep having bugs where the fitter doesn't
    schema = ImageSchema(shape = 100, spacing = .1,
                         optics = Optics(wavelen = .660, index = 1.33, polarization = (1, 0)))
    s = Sphere(center = (10.2, 9.8, 10.3), r = .5, n = 1.58)
    holo = Mie.calc_holo(s, schema)

    par_s = Sphere(center = (par(guess = 10, limit = [5,15]), par(10, [5, 15]), par(10, [5, 15])),
                   r = .5, n = 1.58)

    model = Model(par_s, Mie.calc_holo, alpha = par(.6, [.1, 1]))
    result = fit(model, holo)
    assert_allclose(, [10.2, 9.8, 10.3])
def test_n():
    sph = Sphere(par(.5), 1.6, (5,5,5))
    sch = ImageSchema(shape=[100, 100], spacing=[0.1, 0.1],
                                    polarization=[1, 0],
                      origin=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    model = Model(sph, Mie.calc_holo, alpha=1)
    holo = Mie.calc_holo(model.scatterer.guess, sch)
    coster = CostComputer(holo, model, use_random_fraction=.1)
    assert_allclose(coster.flattened_difference({'n' : .5}), 0)
Exemple #25
def test_calc_intensity():
    s = Sphere(n=1.59, r=.5, center=(0, 0, 1))
    t = detector_grid(shape=(2, 2), spacing=.1)
    thry = Mie(False)
    i = calc_intensity(t,
                       illum_polarization=(1, 0),
        np.array([[[6.30336023], [5.65995739]], [[5.61505927], [5.04233591]]]))
Exemple #26
def test_n():
    sph = Sphere(par(.5), 1.6, (5,5,5))
    sch = ImageSchema(shape=[100, 100], spacing=[0.1, 0.1],
                                    polarization=[1, 0],
                      origin=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    model = Model(sph, Mie.calc_holo, alpha=1)
    holo = Mie.calc_holo(model.scatterer.guess, sch)
    coster = CostComputer(holo, model, random_subset=.1)
    assert_allclose(coster.flattened_difference({'n' : .5}), 0)
def test_integer_correctness():
    # we keep having bugs where the fitter doesn't
    schema = ImageSchema(shape = 100, spacing = .1,
                         optics = Optics(wavelen = .660, index = 1.33, polarization = (1, 0)))
    s = Sphere(center = (10.2, 9.8, 10.3), r = .5, n = 1.58)
    holo = Mie.calc_holo(s, schema)

    par_s = Sphere(center = (par(guess = 10, limit = [5,15]), par(10, [5, 15]), par(10, [5, 15])),
                   r = .5, n = 1.58)

    model = Model(par_s, Mie.calc_holo, alpha = par(.6, [.1, 1]))
    result = fit(model, holo)
    assert_allclose(, [10.2, 9.8, 10.3])
Exemple #28
    def evaluate_model(self, params):
        scatterer = self.make_scatterer(params)
        if self.theory == 'mieonly':
            theory = Mie()
            theory = MieLens(lens_angle=params['lens_angle'])
        if self.theory == 'mielens':
            scaling = 1.0
            scaling = params['alpha']

        model = calc_holo(, scatterer, theory=theory, scaling=scaling)
        return model
Exemple #29
def test_raw_fields():
    sp = Sphere(r=.5, n=1.6, center=(10, 10, 5))
    wavelen = .66
    index = 1.33
    pol = to_vector((0, 1))
    sch = detector_grid(3, .1)
    pos = Mie._transform_to_desired_coordinates(
        sch, (10, 10, 5), wavevec=wavevec)
    rf = Mie()._raw_fields(
        pos, sp, medium_wavevec=wavevec, medium_index=index,
    assert_allclose(rf, [[(0.0015606995428858754-0.0019143174710834162j),
Exemple #30
def test_single_sphere():
    # single sphere hologram (only tests that functions return)
    thry = Mie(False)
    holo = calc_holo(xschema, sphere, index, wavelen, xpolarization, theory=thry, scaling=scaling_alpha)
    field = calc_field(xschema, sphere, index, wavelen, xpolarization, theory=thry)

    intensity = calc_intensity(xschema, sphere, medium_index=index, illum_wavelen=wavelen, illum_polarization=xpolarization, theory=thry)

    verify(holo, 'single_holo')
    verify(field, 'single_field')

    # now test some invalid scatterers and confirm that it rejects calculating
    # for them

    # large radius (calculation not attempted because it would take forever
    assert_raises(InvalidScatterer, calc_holo, xschema, Sphere(r=1, n = 1.59, center = (5,5,5)), medium_index=index, illum_wavelen=wavelen)
Exemple #31
def test_fit_single_openopt():
    holo = normalize(get_example_data('image0001.yaml'))
    s = Sphere(center = (par(guess=.567e-5, limit=[.4e-5,.6e-5]),
                         par(.567e-5, (.4e-5, .6e-5)), par(15e-6, (1.3e-5, 1.8e-5))),
               r = par(8.5e-7, (5e-7, 1e-6)),
               n = ComplexParameter(par(1.59, (1.5,1.8)), 1e-4j))

    model = Model(s, Mie(False).calc_holo, alpha = par(.6, [.1,1]))
        minimizer = OpenOpt('scipy_slsqp')
    except ImportError:
        raise SkipTest
    result = fit(model, holo, minimizer = minimizer)
    assert_obj_close(result.scatterer, gold_sphere, rtol=1e-3)
    # TODO: see if we can get this back to 3 sig figs correct alpha
    assert_approx_equal(result.parameters['alpha'], gold_alpha, significant=3)
    assert_equal(model, result.model)
Exemple #32
def test_fit_mie_par_scatterer():
    holo = normalize(get_example_data('image0001.yaml'))

    s = Sphere(center = (par(guess=.567e-5, limit=[0,1e-5]),
                         par(.567e-5, (0, 1e-5)), par(15e-6, (1e-5, 2e-5))),
               r = par(8.5e-7, (1e-8, 1e-5)),
               n = ComplexParameter(par(1.59, (1,2)), 1e-4j))

    thry = Mie(False)
    model = Model(s, thry.calc_holo, alpha = par(.6, [.1,1]))

    result = fit(model, holo)

    assert_obj_close(result.scatterer, gold_sphere, rtol=1e-3)
    # TODO: see if we can get this back to 3 sig figs correct alpha
    assert_approx_equal(result.parameters['alpha'], gold_alpha, significant=3)
    assert_equal(model, result.model)
Exemple #33
def test_fit_random_subset():
    holo = normalize(get_example_data('image0001.yaml'))

    s = Sphere(center=(par(guess=.567e-5, limit=[0, 1e-5]),
                       par(.567e-5, (0, 1e-5)), par(15e-6, (1e-5, 2e-5))),
               r=par(8.5e-7, (1e-8, 1e-5)),
               n=ComplexParameter(par(1.59, (1, 2)), 1e-4))

    model = Model(s, Mie(False).calc_holo, alpha=par(.6, [.1, 1]))
    result = fit(model, holo, random_subset=.1)

    # TODO: this tolerance has to be rather large to pass, we should
    # probably track down if this is a sign of a problem
    assert_obj_close(result.scatterer, gold_sphere, rtol=1e-2)
    # TODO: figure out if it is a problem that alpha is frequently coming out
    # wrong in the 3rd decimal place.
    assert_approx_equal(result.parameters['alpha'], gold_alpha, significant=3)
    assert_equal(model, result.model)

Exemple #34
def test_mie_polarization():

    # test holograms for orthogonal polarizations; make sure they're
    # not the same, nor too different from one another.
    thry = Mie(False)
    xholo = calc_holo(xschema, sphere, index, wavelen, illum_polarization=xpolarization, scaling=scaling_alpha)
    yholo = calc_holo(yschema, sphere, index, wavelen, illum_polarization=ypolarization, scaling=scaling_alpha)

    # the two arrays should not be equal
        assert_array_almost_equal(xholo, yholo)
    except AssertionError:
        raise AssertionError("Holograms computed for both x- and y-polarized "
                             "light are too similar.")

    # but their max and min values should be close
    assert_obj_close(xholo.max(), yholo.max())
    assert_obj_close(xholo.min(), yholo.min())
    return xholo, yholo
def test_dda_fit():
    s = Sphere(n = 1.59, r = .2, center = (5, 5, 5))
    o = Optics(wavelen = .66, index=1.33, pixel_scale=.1)

    schema = ImageSchema(optics = o, shape = 100)

    h = Mie.calc_holo(s, schema)

    def make_scatterer(r, x, y, z):
        local_s = Sphere(r = r, center = (x, y, z))
        return Scatterer(local_s.indicators, n = s.n)

    parameters = [par(.18, [.1, .3], name='r', step=.1), par(5, [4, 6], 'x'),
                  par(5, [4,6], 'y'), par(5.2, [4, 6], 'z')]

    p = Parametrization(make_scatterer, parameters)

    model = Model(p, DDA.calc_holo)

    res = fit(model, h)

    assert_parameters_allclose(res.parameters, OrderedDict([('r',
    0.2003609439787491), ('x', 5.0128083665603995), ('y', 5.0125252883133617),
    ('z', 4.9775097284878775)]), rtol=1e-3)
def test_serialization():
    par_s = Sphere(center = (par(.567e-5, [0, 1e-5]), par(.576e-6, [0, 1e-5]),
                                                           par(15e-6, [1e-5,
                   r = par(8.5e-7, [1e-8, 1e-5]), n = par(1.59, [1,2]))

    alpha = par(.6, [.1, 1], 'alpha')

    schema = ImageSchema(shape = 100, spacing = .1151e-6, optics = Optics(.66e-6, 1.33))

    model = Model(par_s, Mie.calc_holo, alpha=alpha)

    holo = Mie.calc_holo(model.scatterer.guess, schema, model.alpha.guess)

    result = fit(model, holo)

    temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
    save(temp, result)

    loaded = load(temp)

    assert_obj_close(result, loaded, context = 'serialized_result')
Exemple #37
import scipy
from holopy.scattering.scatterer import Sphere, Spheres
from holopy.core import ImageSchema, Optics
from holopy.scattering.theory import Mie
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

sphere = Sphere(n = 1.59+.0001j, r = .5, center = (4, 3, 5))

schema = ImageSchema(shape = 100, spacing = .1,
                     optics = Optics(wavelen = .660, index = 1.33,
                                     polarization = [1,0]))

s1 = Sphere(center=(5, 5, 5), n = 1.59, r = .5)
s2 = Sphere(center=(4, 4, 5), n = 1.59, r = .5)
collection = Spheres([s1, s2])
holo = Mie.calc_holo(collection, schema)


import holopy as hp
from holopy.scattering.scatterer import Sphere
from holopy.scattering.theory import Mie
from holopy.core import ImageSchema, Optics
schema = ImageSchema(shape = 100, spacing = .1,
                     optics = Optics(wavelen = .660, index = 1.33,
                                     polarization = [1,0]))
cs = Sphere(center=(2.5, 5, 5), n = (1.59, 1.42),\
            r = (0.3, 0.6))
holo = Mie.calc_holo(cs, schema)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from holopy.core import Schema, Angles, Optics
from holopy.scattering.scatterer import Sphere
from holopy.scattering.theory import Mie

schema = Schema(
    positions=Angles(np.linspace(0, np.pi, 100)), optics=Optics(wavelen=0.66, index=1.33, polarization=(1, 0))

sphere = Sphere(r=0.5, n=1.59)

matr = Mie.calc_scat_matrix(sphere, schema)
# It is typical to look at scattering matrices on a semilog plot.
# You can make one as follows:
plt.semilogy(np.linspace(0, np.pi, 100), abs(matr[:, 0, 0]) ** 2)
plt.semilogy(np.linspace(0, np.pi, 100), abs(matr[:, 1, 1]) ** 2)
    def calculateHologram(self):  # calculate hologram with current settings

        # self.compute.setChecked(True)
        scale = self.scale
        sender = self.sender()

        ######## hologram calculation (4x big to allow scrolling)
        start = time.time()
        sphere = Sphere(
            n=self.lcd5.value() + 0.0001j,
            center=(256 * self.scale, 256 * self.scale, self.lcd3.value()),

        sphere2 = Sphere(
            n=self.lcd5.value() + 0.0001j,
            center=(self.lcd.value(), self.lcd2.value(), self.lcd3.value()),


        schema = ImageSchema(
                wavelen=float(self.waveText.text()), index=float(self.mindexText.text()), polarization=[1, 0]

        schema2 = ImageSchema(
                wavelen=float(self.waveText.text()), index=float(self.mindexText.text()), polarization=[1, 0]

        self.holo = Mie.calc_holo(sphere, schema)
        self.lastholo = self.holo
        self.lastZ = self.lcd3.value()

        end = time.time()

        # now take only the part that you want to display
        x = round(self.sld.value())
        y = round(self.sld2.value())
        im = toimage(self.holo[256 - x : 512 - x, 256 - y : 512 - y])  # PIL image

        # myQtImage = ImageQt(im)
        # qimage = QtGui.QImage(myQtImage)
        if im.mode == "RGB":
        elif im.mode == "L":
            im = im.convert("RGBA")
        data = im.tostring("raw", "RGBA")
        qim = QtGui.QImage(data, 256, 256, QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32)
        pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(qim)

        myScaledPixmap = pixmap.scaled(QtCore.QSize(400, 400))


        # self.hologram.setScaledContents(True)
        # myScaledPixmap.scaledToWidth(True)

        self.timer.setText("Calc. Time: " + str(round(end - start, 4)) + " s")
        self.timer.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignBottom | QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter)
import holopy as hp
from holopy.scattering.scatterer import Sphere
from holopy.core import ImageSchema, Optics
from holopy.scattering.theory import Mie

sphere = Sphere(n = 1.59+.0001j, r = .5, center = (4, 3, 5))

schema = ImageSchema(shape = 100, spacing = .1,
                     optics = Optics(wavelen = .660, index = 1.33,
                                     polarization = [1,0]))

holo = Mie.calc_holo(sphere, schema)
    def calculateHologram(self): #calculate hologram with current settings
        #schema is generic to all scattering theories
        schema = ImageSchema(shape = [int(self.heightText.text()),int(self.widthText.text())], spacing = float(self.pxsizeText.text()),
            optics = Optics(wavelen = float(self.waveText.text()), 
            index = float(self.mindexText.text()), polarization = [1.0,0.0]))

        #first sphere is general for both single sphere and two sphere cases
        sphere = Sphere(n = self.lcd5.value()+.0001j, 
            r = self.lcd4.value(), 
            center = (self.lcd.value(),self.lcd2.value(),self.lcd3.value()))

        if self.reconstruct.isChecked():
            self.slideZ(sphere, schema)
            start = end = 0 #fake time since reconstruction time is odd to keep track of here

            scale = self.scale
            sender = self.sender()

            start = time.time()

            if self.onesphere.checkState() == 2:

                #we have two theories to choose from for computing single sphere holograms
                if sphere.parameters != self.oldscattererparameters:
                    #when changing parameters, always use GPU because it's fast enough

                if self.cpu.isChecked():
                    if sphere.parameters == self.oldMieCPUparameters and repr(schema) == repr(self.oldMieCPUschema):
                        self.holo = self.oldMieCPUHolo
                        print 'loaded cached mie hologram'
                        self.holo = Mie.calc_holo(sphere,schema)
                        print 'freshly calculated mie hologram'
                        self.oldMieCPUHolo = self.holo
                        self.oldMieCPUparameters = sphere.parameters
                        self.oldMieCPUschema = schema

                    if sphere.parameters == self.oldscattererparameters and repr(schema) == repr(self.oldMieGPUschema):
                        self.holo = self.oldMieGPUHolo
                        print 'loaded cached GPU hologram'
                        self.holo = gpuMie.calc_holo(sphere, schema)
                        self.oldMieGPUHolo = self.holo                        
                        self.oldscattererparameters = sphere.parameters
                        self.oldMieGPUschema = schema
                        self.oldscatterer = sphere
                        self.oldschema = schema

                #we have three theories to choose from for computing single sphere holograms
                s1 = sphere
                s2 = Sphere(n = self.lcd5.value()+.0001j, 
                    r = self.lcd4.value(), 
                    center = (self.lcd7.value(),self.lcd8.value(),self.lcd9.value()))

                cluster = Spheres([s1, s2])

                if cluster.parameters != self.oldscatterer.parameters:

                if self.cpu.isChecked():
                    if cluster.parameters == self.oldMieCPUparameters and repr(schema) == repr(self.oldMieCPUschema):
                        self.holo = self.oldMieCPUHolo
                        print 'loaded cached CPU superposition hologram'
                        self.holo = Mie.calc_holo(cluster, schema)
                        self.oldMieCPUHolo = self.holo
                        self.oldMieCPUschema = schema
                        self.oldMieCPUparameters = cluster.parameters

                if self.multisphere.isChecked():
                    if cluster.parameters == self.oldMultiparameters and repr(schema) == repr(self.oldMultischema):
                        self.holo = self.oldMultiHolo
                        print 'loaded cached CPU multisphere hologram'
                        self.holo = Multisphere.calc_holo(cluster, schema)
                        self.oldtheory = 'multi'
                        self.oldMultiHolo = self.holo
                        self.oldMultiparameters = cluster.parameters
                        self.oldMultischema = schema
                        print 'multisphere calculation done'

                if self.gpu.isChecked():
                    if cluster.parameters == self.oldscattererparameters and repr(schema) == repr(self.oldschema):
                        self.holo = self.oldMieGPUHolo
                        print 'loaded cached GPU hologram'
                        self.holo = gpuMie.calc_holo(cluster, schema)
                        self.oldMieGPUHolo = self.holo
                        self.oldschema = schema
                        self.oldscatterer = cluster
                        self.oldscattererparameters = cluster.parameters

            end = time.time()

        #display the hologram
        im = scipy.misc.toimage(self.holo) #PIL image

        if im.mode == "RGB":
        elif im.mode == "L":
            im = im.convert("RGBA")
        data = im.tostring('raw',"RGBA")
        qim = QtGui.QImage(data, float(self.widthText.text()), float(self.heightText.text()), QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32)
        pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(qim)

        #set size of displayed image with max width or height = 500 px
        if float(self.widthText.text()) == float(self.heightText.text()):
            scaledsize = [500,500]
            if float(self.widthText.text()) > float(self.heightText.text()):
                scaledsize = [500,500/float(self.widthText.text())*float(self.heightText.text())]
                scaledsize = [500/float(self.heightText.text())*float(self.widthText.text()),500]

        myScaledPixmap = pixmap.scaled(QtCore.QSize(scaledsize[0],scaledsize[1]))


        if end-start > 0.03:
            self.timer.setText('Calc. Time: '+str(round(end-start,4))+' s')

        if self.lcd3.value()<2*self.lcd4.value() or self.lcd9.value()<2*self.lcd4.value():
            self.warning.setText('z < sphere diameter')

        if self.lcd.value() > float(self.heightText.text())*float(self.pxsizeText.text()):
            self.warning.setText('x out of range, move slider or increase height')

        if self.lcd2.value() > float(self.widthText.text())*float(self.pxsizeText.text()):
            self.warning.setText('y out of range, move slider or increase width')

        if float(self.pxsizeText.text()) <= 0:
            self.warning.setText('pixel scale must be greater than 0')