def plot_output_vs_time(self, bnum_it=None): import holoviews as hv from holoviews.operation import decimate import pandas as pd, numpy as np def byte_to_color(idx): return hv.Palette.colormaps['Category20'](idx / 16.0) if bnum_it is None: bnum_it = range(16) a = [] b = [] hv.extension('bokeh') for i in range(16): data = self.output_vs_time(i) a.append(np.array(data[1])) b.append(np.array(data[2])) b.append(np.array(data[3])) #pda = pd.DataFrame(a).transpose().rename(str, axis='columns') #pdb = pd.DataFrame(b).transpose().rename(str, axis='columns') curve = hv.Curve(b[i], "Sample").options(color='black').options( title="Correlation Vs. Time") for i in range(1, len(b)): curve *= hv.Curve(b[i]).options(color='black', width=900, height=600) for i in bnum_it: curve *= hv.Curve(a[i]).options(color=byte_to_color(i), width=900, height=600) return decimate(curve)
def __call__(self, dset, **params): self.p = ParamOverrides(self, params) if self.p.vdim is None: vdim = dset.vdims[0].name else: vdim = self.p.vdim pts = hv.util.Dynamic(dset, operation=skypoints, streams=[self.p.filter_stream]) if self.p.aggregator == 'mean': aggregator = ds.mean(vdim) elif self.p.aggregator == 'std': aggregator = ds.std(vdim) elif self.p.aggregator == 'count': aggregator = ds.count() decimate_opts = dict(plot={'tools': ['hover', 'box_select']}, style={'alpha': 0, 'size': self.p.decimate_size, 'nonselection_alpha': 0}) decimated = decimate(pts).opts(**decimate_opts) raster_ = rasterize(pts, aggregator=aggregator) color_gadget = raster_.opts(cmap=Viridis[256], colorbar=True, alpha=0) sky_shaded = shade(raster_, cmap=viridis) plot = dynspread(sky_shaded) * decimated * color_gadget return plot.options(bgcolor="black", responsive=True, min_height=100)
def box_chooser(self, **kwargs): ''' Visual tool for choosing rectangle shaped blocks in mask. :param kwargs: array, if you want to pre select pixels, initialize_mask, True if you want to initialize mask. True also Overrides array. False does nothing and overrides nothing initialize_value, what value you want to use in initialisation. Used if initialize_mask is True. Fallback value is 0. :return: hv.Object ''' # cube.test_for_not_none() wid = len(self._obj.coords[self._obj.M.dims[1]]) hei = len(self._obj.coords[self._obj.M.dims[0]]) # dep = len( self.__do_mask_changes(**kwargs) all_pixels = np.array(list(itertools.product(range(wid), range(hei)))) mask_dims = self._obj.M.dims.copy() mask_dims.reverse() points = hv.Points(all_pixels, kdims=mask_dims) # print(points) ds_attrs = self._make_dataset_opts() dataset3d = hv.Dataset(**ds_attrs) box = hv.streams.BoundsXY(source=points, bounds=(0, 0, 0, 0)) bounds = hv.DynamicMap(lambda bounds: hv.Bounds(bounds), streams=[box]) third_dim_list = list(self._obj.dims) third_dim_list.remove(mask_dims[0]) third_dim_list.remove(mask_dims[1]) layout = decimate(points) * \, mask_dims, 'Value', third_dim_list) * \ bounds + \ decimate( hv.DynamicMap( lambda bounds: hv.Points( self._record_selections(bounds, points), kdims=mask_dims ), streams=[box] ) ) return layout
def jtdp(self, x_range, y_range, **kwargs): pointdec = hv.Points(df, kdims=['X_CORD', 'Y_CORD'], vdims=['EVENT_COUNT', 'FEEDER_ID']) selecteddec =, EVENT_COUNT=self.numEvents) dm2 = decimate( selecteddec, x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range, dynamic=False ).opts( style={'Points': dict(alpha=0.0, color='blue', size=self.maxpix)}) return dm2
def update_map(attr, old, new): global selection, vizual, gvplot, hvplot, heatmap, feats, points, world_map, range_slider, controls3, max_cur_feature, min_cur_feature, temp_feats max_cur_feature = temp_feats[choice.value].max() min_cur_feature = temp_feats[choice.value].min() range_slider = RangeSlider(start=min_cur_feature, end=max_cur_feature, value=(min_cur_feature, max_cur_feature), step=(max_cur_feature - min_cur_feature) / 20, title="Feature_range") range_slider.on_change('value', update_map_val) controls3 = widgetbox([range_slider], width=250) new_loc_feats = temp_feats.loc[ (temp_feats[choice.value] < range_slider.value[1]) & (temp_feats[choice.value] > range_slider.value[0])] feats = gv.Dataset(new_loc_feats, kdims=['Longitude', 'Latitude', new]) points =, ['Longitude', 'Latitude'], [new]) if len(new_loc_feats) <= 20000: world_map = gv.Overlay(tiles * points).options( 'Points', size=5, cmap='viridis', colorbar=True, tools=TOOLS, color_index=2, width=900, height=800, global_extent=True, colorbar_opts={'scale_alpha': 0.5}, fill_alpha=0.5, line_alpha=0.5) else: world_map = decimate(gv.Points(points), max_samples=20000).options( 'Points', size=5, cmap='viridis', colorbar=True, tools=TOOLS, color_index=2, width=900, height=800, global_extent=True, colorbar_opts={'scale_alpha': 0.5}, fill_alpha=0.5, line_alpha=0.5) selection = hv.streams.Selection1D(source=world_map) heatmap = hv.DynamicMap(selected_points, streams=[selection]) zoom = hv.DynamicMap(test_bounds, streams=[box]) hvplot = renderer.get_plot(heatmap, curdoc()) gvplot = renderer.get_plot(world_map, curdoc()) bvplot = renderer.get_plot(zoom, curdoc()) vizual.children[1].children = [gvplot.state, hvplot.state, bvplot.state]
def gen_real_hover(self, resetting, x_range, y_range): if resetting: x_range = self.xrange y_range = self.yrange1 opts_hover_time = dict(alpha=0, hover_alpha=0.2, fill_alpha=0, framewise=True, color='r') hover = self.time_hover_gen(self.time_df, vdims='Real', x_range=x_range) return decimate(hover, max_samples=self.max_samples, dynamic=False).opts(**opts_hover_time)
def gen_imag_hover(self, resetting, x_range, y_range): # print("gen_imag_hover {}".format(resetting)) if resetting: x_range = self.xrange y_range = self.yrange1 opts_hover_time = dict(alpha=0, hover_alpha=0.2, fill_alpha=0, framewise=True, color='r') hover = self.time_hover_gen(self.time_df, vdims='Imag', x_range=x_range) return decimate( hover, max_samples=self.max_samples, dynamic=False).opts(**opts_hover_time) #, dynamic=True)
def update_map_val(attr, old, new): global selection, vizual, gvplot, hvplot, heatmap, feats, points, world_map, temp_feats max_cur_feature = loc_feats[choice.value].max() min_cur_feature = loc_feats[choice.value].min() new_loc_feats = temp_feats.loc[(temp_feats[choice.value] <= new[1]) & (temp_feats[choice.value] >= new[0])] feats = gv.Dataset(new_loc_feats, kdims=['Longitude', 'Latitude', choice.value]) points =, ['Longitude', 'Latitude'], [choice.value]) if len(new_loc_feats) <= 20000: world_map = gv.Points(points).options( 'Points', size=5, cmap='viridis', colorbar=True, tools=TOOLS, color_index=2, width=900, height=800, colorbar_opts={'scale_alpha': 0.5}, fill_alpha=0.5, line_alpha=0.5) else: world_map = decimate(gv.Points(points), max_samples=20000).options( 'Points', size=5, cmap='viridis', colorbar=True, tools=TOOLS, color_index=2, width=900, height=800, colorbar_opts={'scale_alpha': 0.5}, fill_alpha=0.5, line_alpha=0.5) selection = hv.streams.Selection1D(source=world_map) heatmap = hv.DynamicMap(selected_points, streams=[selection]) box = hv.streams.BoundsXY(source=world_map) zoom = hv.DynamicMap(test_bounds, streams=[box]) hvplot = renderer.get_plot(heatmap, curdoc()) gvplot = renderer.get_plot(world_map, curdoc()) bvplot = renderer.get_plot(zoom, curdoc()) vizual.children[1].children = [gvplot.state, hvplot.state, bvplot.state]
def point_chooser(self, **kwargs): ''' Visual tool for choosing points in the mask. :param kwargs: array, if you want to pre select pixels, initialize_mask, True if you want to initialize mask. True also Overrides array. False does nothing and overrides nothing initialize_value, what value you want to use in initialisation. Used if initialize_mask is True. Fallback value is 0. :return: hv.Object ''' self.__do_mask_changes(**kwargs) tap = streams.Tap(rename={ 'x': 'first_coord', 'y': 'second_coord' }, transient=True) ds_attrs = self._make_dataset_opts() dataset3d = hv.Dataset(**ds_attrs) mask_dims = self._obj.M.dims.copy() mask_dims.reverse() layout =, mask_dims, 'Value', self._obj.M.no_mask_dims) * \ decimate( hv.DynamicMap( lambda first_coord, second_coord: hv.Points(self._record_taps(first_coord, second_coord), kdims=mask_dims), streams=[tap] ) ) return layout
def __call__(self, dset, **params): self.p = ParamOverrides(self, params) if self.p.vdim is None: vdim = dset.vdims[0].name else: vdim = self.p.vdim pts = hv.util.Dynamic(dset, operation=skypoints, streams=[self.p.filter_stream]) if self.p.aggregator == 'mean': aggregator = ds.mean(vdim) elif self.p.aggregator == 'std': aggregator = ds.std(vdim) elif self.p.aggregator == 'count': aggregator = ds.count() kwargs = dict(cmap=cc.palette[self.p.cmap], aggregator=aggregator) if self.p.width is not None: kwargs.update(width=self.p.width, height=self.p.height) # streams=[hv.streams.RangeXY]) decimate_opts = dict(plot={'tools': ['hover', 'box_select']}, style={ 'alpha': 0, 'size': self.p.decimate_size, 'nonselection_alpha': 0 }) decimated = decimate(pts).opts(**decimate_opts) sky_shaded = datashade(pts, **kwargs) return dynspread(sky_shaded) * decimated
def produce_timehistory(doc, peak, peakTS): # Streams # See if you can limit the buffer b_th_peak = Buffer(pd.DataFrame({ 'peak': [], 'lowerbound': [], 'higherbound': [] }), length=1000000) b_th_peak_std = Buffer(pd.DataFrame({ 'peak': [], 'lowerbound': [], 'higherbound': [] }), length=1000000) s_spikes = Buffer(pd.DataFrame({'y': []}), length=1000000) s_labels = Buffer(pd.DataFrame({'x': [], 'y': []}), length=1000000) s_spikes_end = Buffer(pd.DataFrame({'y': []}), length=1000000) #s_spikes = hv.streams.Stream.define('df', df=pd.DataFrame({'location':[], 'y':[]}))() #s_labels = hv.streams.Stream.define('df', df=pd.DataFrame({'x':[], 'y':[], 'labels':[]}))() # Generate dynamic map plot_peak_b = hv.DynamicMap( partial(hv.Points, kdims=['index', 'peak']), streams=[b_th_peak ]).options(width=1000, finalize_hooks=[apply_formatter ]).redim.label(index='Time in UTC') # HoloViews seems to currently have a bug with hv.Spread with buffers, once it is fixed # we can try to implement hv.spread instead of this plot_peak_std_low = hv.DynamicMap( partial(hv.Curve, kdims=['index', 'lowerbound']), streams=[b_th_peak ]).options(line_alpha=0.5, line_color='gray').redim.label(index='Time in UTC') plot_peak_std_high = hv.DynamicMap( partial(hv.Curve, kdims=['index', 'higherbound']), streams=[b_th_peak ]).options(line_alpha=0.5, line_color='gray').redim.label(index='Time in UTC') #hvSpikes = hv.DynamicMap(gen_spikes, streams=[s_spikes]) #hvLabels = hv.DynamicMap(gen_labels, streams=[s_labels]) hvSpikes = hv.DynamicMap(partial(hv.Spikes), streams=[s_spikes]).options(apply_ranges=False, color='green') hvSpikes_end = hv.DynamicMap(hv.Spikes, streams=[s_spikes_end ]).options(apply_ranges=False, color='red') hvLabels = hv.DynamicMap(partial(hv.Labels, kdims=['x', 'y']), streams=[s_labels]).options(apply_ranges=False) #testing = datashade(plot_ipm_b).options(width = 1000) test1 = datashade(plot_peak_std_low, streams=[hv.streams.PlotSize], normalization='linear').options( width=1000, finalize_hooks=[apply_formatter]) #.opts(norm=dict(framewise=True)) test2 = datashade(plot_peak_std_high, streams=[hv.streams.PlotSize], normalization='linear') #.opts(norm=dict(framewise=True)) pointTest = decimate(plot_peak_b, streams=[hv.streams.PlotSize], normalization='linear') # Scrolling after pausing the graph seems to cause Parameter name clashes for keys: {'height', 'width', 'scale'} error! #plot = (plot_ipm_b*plot_ipm_std_low*plot_ipm_std_high) plot = (pointTest * test1 * test2 * hvSpikes * hvLabels * hvSpikes_end) #plot=hvSpikes*hvLabels # Use bokeh to render plot hvplot = renderer.get_plot(plot, doc) switch_key = 'peak_8' start = [1534280820000, 1534271880000] end = [1534279380000, 1534272000000] labels = ['Test 1', 'Test 2'] medianCheck = 0 # For pushing in data, maybe cut off first 119 points to get rid of those weird extremes def push_data(stream): TS_key = switch_key + '_TS' data = list(peak[switch_key]) timestamp = list(peakTS[TS_key]) times = [1000 * time for time in timestamp] dataSeries = pd.Series(data, index=times) zipped = basic_event_builder(peak=dataSeries) median = zipped.rolling(120, min_periods=1).median() std = zipped.rolling(120, min_periods=1).std() lowerbound = median - std higherbound = median + std df = pd.DataFrame({ 'peak': median['peak'], 'lowerbound': lowerbound['peak'], 'higherbound': higherbound['peak'] }) stream.send(df) def push_spikes(stream, position): #start = [1534279200000, 1534201350000] doubledData = [val for val in position for _ in (0, 1)] height = [1000, -1000] heightList = height * len(position) df = pd.DataFrame({'location': doubledData, 'y': heightList}) df = df.set_index('location') = None stream.send(df) def push_labels(stream, labels, start): nonlocal medianCheck # Need to clear the buffers somehow to stop weird overlapping height = [1] data = list(peak[switch_key]) dataSeries = pd.Series(data) median = [dataSeries.median()] if median == medianCheck: pass else: heightList = median * len(start) df = pd.DataFrame({'x': start, 'y': heightList, 'labels': labels}) df = df.set_index('labels') = None with util.disable_constant(s_labels): =[:0] stream.send(pd.DataFrame({'x': [], 'y': []})) stream.send(df) medianCheck = median def clear_buffer(): """ Modified version of hv.buffer.clear() since original appears to be buggy Clear buffer/graph whenever switch is toggled """ nonlocal b_th_peak, b_th_peak_std, s_labels with util.disable_constant(b_th_peak) and util.disable_constant( b_th_peak_std) and util.disable_constant(s_labels): =[:0] =[:0] =[:0] b_th_peak.send( pd.DataFrame({ 'peak': [], 'lowerbound': [], 'higherbound': [] })) b_th_peak_std.send( pd.DataFrame({ 'peak': [], 'lowerbound': [], 'higherbound': [] })) s_labels.send(pd.DataFrame({'x': [], 'y': []})) def switch(attr, old, new): """ Update drop down menu value """ nonlocal switch_key switch_key = select.value clear_buffer() print("Yes!") def play_graph(): """ Provide play and pause functionality to the graph """ nonlocal callback_id_th_b, cb_id_spikes, cb_id_labels, cb_id_spikes_end if startButton.label == '► Play': startButton.label = '❚❚ Pause' callback_id_th_b = doc.add_periodic_callback( partial(push_data, stream=b_th_peak), 1000) cb_id_spikes = doc.add_periodic_callback( partial(push_spikes, stream=s_spikes, position=start), 1000) cb_id_labels = doc.add_periodic_callback( partial(push_labels, stream=s_labels, labels=labels, start=start), 1000) cb_id_spikes_end = doc.add_periodic_callback( partial(push_spikes, stream=s_spikes_end, position=end), 1000) else: startButton.label = '► Play' doc.remove_periodic_callback(callback_id_th_b) doc.remove_periodic_callback(cb_id_spikes) doc.remove_periodic_callback(cb_id_labels) doc.remove_periodic_callback(cb_id_spikes_end) select = Select(title="Peak:", value="peak_8", options=list(peak)) select.on_change('value', switch) startButton = Button(label='❚❚ Pause') startButton.on_click(play_graph) callback_id_th_b = doc.add_periodic_callback( partial(push_data, stream=b_th_peak), 1000) cb_id_labels = doc.add_periodic_callback( partial(push_labels, stream=s_labels, labels=labels, start=start), 1000) cb_id_spikes = doc.add_periodic_callback( partial(push_spikes, stream=s_spikes, position=start), 1000) cb_id_spikes_end = doc.add_periodic_callback( partial(push_spikes, stream=s_spikes_end, position=end), 1000) plot = column(select, startButton, hvplot.state) doc.title = "Time History Graphs" doc.add_root(plot)
def test_bounds(bounds): global selection, vizual, gvplot, hvplot, heatmap, feats, points, world_map, range_slider, controls3, max_cur_feature, min_cur_feature, temp_feats if bounds != None: min_long = min(bounds[0], bounds[2]) max_long = max(bounds[0], bounds[2]) min_lat = min(bounds[1], bounds[3]) max_lat = max(bounds[1], bounds[3]) downscale_feats = loc_feats.loc[(loc_feats['Longitude'] >= min_long) & (loc_feats['Longitude'] <= max_long) & (loc_feats['Latitude'] >= min_lat) & (loc_feats['Latitude'] <= max_lat)] temp_feats = downscale_feats max_cur_feature = temp_feats[choice.value].max() min_cur_feature = temp_feats[choice.value].min() range_slider = RangeSlider(start=min_cur_feature, end=max_cur_feature, value=(min_cur_feature, max_cur_feature), step=(max_cur_feature - min_cur_feature) / 20, title="Feature_range") range_slider.on_change('value', update_map_val) controls3 = widgetbox([range_slider], width=250) new_loc_feats = temp_feats.loc[ (temp_feats[choice.value] <= range_slider.value[1]) & (temp_feats[choice.value] >= range_slider.value[0])] feats = gv.Dataset(new_loc_feats, kdims=['Longitude', 'Latitude', choice.value]) points =, ['Longitude', 'Latitude'], [choice.value]) if len(new_loc_feats <= 20000): world_map = gv.Points(points).options( 'Points', size=5, cmap='viridis', colorbar=True, tools=TOOLS, color_index=2, width=900, height=800, colorbar_opts={'scale_alpha': 0.5}, fill_alpha=0.5, line_alpha=0.5) else: world_map = decimate(gv.Points(points), max_samples=20000).options( 'Points', size=5, cmap='viridis', colorbar=True, tools=TOOLS, color_index=2, width=900, height=800, colorbar_opts={'scale_alpha': 0.5}, fill_alpha=0.5, line_alpha=0.5) selection = hv.streams.Selection1D(source=world_map) heatmap = hv.DynamicMap(selected_points, streams=[selection]) box = hv.streams.BoundsXY(source=world_map) zoom = hv.DynamicMap(test_bounds, streams=[box]) hvplot = renderer.get_plot(heatmap, curdoc()) gvplot = renderer.get_plot(world_map, curdoc()) bvplot = renderer.get_plot(zoom, curdoc()) vizual.children[1].children = [ gvplot.state, hvplot.state, bvplot.state ] vizual.children[0].children[2] = controls3 else: bounds = (0, 0, 0, 0) return hv.Bounds(bounds).options(show_grid=False, height=0, width=0, xaxis=None, yaxis=None, default_tools=[], show_frame=False, toolbar=None)
cur_var = 'Risk Score' temp_feats = loc_feats feats = gv.Dataset(temp_feats, kdims=['Longitude', 'Latitude', cur_var]) points =, ['Longitude', 'Latitude'], [cur_var]) tiles = gv.tile_sources.CartoEco cur_size = 5 max_cur_feature = temp_feats['Risk Score'].max() min_cur_feature = temp_feats['Risk Score'].min() world_map = decimate(gv.Points(points), max_samples=20000).options( 'Points', size=cur_size, cmap='viridis', colorbar=True, tools=TOOLS, color_index=2, width=900, height=800, global_extent=True, colorbar_opts={'scale_alpha': 0.5}, fill_alpha=0.5, line_alpha=0.4) def update_map(attr, old, new): global selection, vizual, gvplot, hvplot, heatmap, feats, points, world_map, range_slider, controls3, max_cur_feature, min_cur_feature, temp_feats max_cur_feature = temp_feats[choice.value].max() min_cur_feature = temp_feats[choice.value].min() range_slider = RangeSlider(start=min_cur_feature, end=max_cur_feature, value=(min_cur_feature, max_cur_feature),
def heatmap(adata, genes, groups=None, compare='genes', agg_fns=['mean', 'var'], use_raw=False, order_keys=[], hover=True, show_highlight=False, show_scatter=False, subsample=None, keep_frac=0.2, seed=None, xrotation=90, yrotation=0, colorbar=True, cont_cmap=None, height=200, width=600, save=None, **scatter_kwargs): ''' Plot a heatmap with groups selected from a drop-down menu. If `show_highlight=True` and `show_scatterplot=True`, additional interaction occurrs when clicking on the highlighted heatmap. Params ------- adata: anndata.AnnData adata object genes: List[Str] genes in `adata.var_names` groups: List[Str], optional (default: `None`) categorical observation in `adata.obs`, if `None`, get all groups from `adata.obs` compare: Str, optional (default: `'genes'`) only used when `show_scatterplot=True`, creates a drop-down: if `'genes'`: drow-down menu will contain values from `genes` and clicking a gene in highlighted heatmap will plot scatterplot of the 2 genes with groups colored in if `'basis'`: drow-down menu will contain available bases and clicking a gene in highlighted heatmap will plot the gene in the selected embedding with its expression colored in if `'order'`: drop-down menu will contain values from `order_keys`, and clicking on a gene in highlighted heatmap will plot its expression in selected order agg_fns: List[Str], optional (default: `['mean', 'var']` names of pandas' aggregation functions, such `'min'`, ... the first function specified is mapped to colors use_raw: Bool, optional (default: `False`) whether to use `.raw` for gene expression order_keys: List[Str], optional (default: `None`) keys in `adata.obs`, used when `compare='order'` hover: Bool, optional (default: `True`) whether to display hover information over the heatmap show_highlight: Bool, optional (default: `False`) whether to show when using boxselect show_scatter: Bool, optional (default: `False`) whether to show a scatterplot, if `True`, overrides `show_highlight=False` subsample: Str, optional (default: `'decimate'`) subsampling strategy for large data possible values are `None, 'none', 'decimate'` keep_frac: Float, optional (default: `0.2`) fraction of cells to keep, used when `subsample='decimate'` seed: Union[Float, NoneType], optional (default: `None`) random seed, used when `subsample='decimate'` xrotation: Int, optional (default: `90`) rotation of labels on x-axis yrotation: Int, optional (default: `0`) rotation of labels on y-axis colorbar: Bool, optional (default: `True`) whether to show colorbar cont_cmap: Union[List[Str], NoneType], optional (default, `None`) colormap of the heatmap, if `None`, use `Viridis256` height: Int, optional (default: `200`) height of the heatmap width: Int, optional (default: `600`) width of the heatmap save: Union[os.PathLike, Str, NoneType], optional (default: `None`) path where to save the plot **scatter_kwargs: additional argument for `ipl.experimental.scatter`, only used when `show_scatter=True` Returns ------- holoviews plot ''' def _highlight(group, index): original = hm[group] if not index: return original return original.iloc[sorted(index)] def _scatter(group, which, gwise, x, y): indices = adata.obs[group] == y if gwise else np.isin( adata.obs[group], highlight[group].data['y']) # this is necessary indices = np.where(indices)[0] if is_ordered: scatter_kwargs['order_key'] = which x, y = None, x elif f'X_{which}' in adata.obsm: group = x x, y = which, which else: x, y = x, which return scatter2(adata, x=x, y=y, color=group, indices=indices, **scatter_kwargs).opts(axiswise=True, framewise=True) assert keep_frac >= 0 and keep_frac <= 1, f'`keep_perc` must be in interval `[0, 1]`, got `{keep_frac}`.' assert subsample in (None, 'none','decimate'), f'Invalid subsampling strategy `{subsample}`. ' \ 'Possible values are `None, \'none\', \'decimate\'`.' assert compare in ( 'genes', 'basis', 'order' ), f'`compare` must be one of `\'genes\', \'basis\', \'order\'`.' if cont_cmap is None: cont_cmap = Viridis256 is_ordered = False scatter_kwargs['use_original_limits'] = True scatter_kwargs['subsample'] = None if 'plot_width' not in scatter_kwargs: scatter_kwargs['plot_width'] = 300 if 'plot_height' not in scatter_kwargs: scatter_kwargs['plot_height'] = 300 if groups is not None: assert len(groups) > 0, f'Number of groups `> 1`.' else: groups = [k for k in adata.obs.keys() if is_categorical(adata.obs[k])] kdims = [hv.Dimension('Group', values=groups, default=groups[0])] hm = hv.DynamicMap(lambda g: _heatmap(adata, genes, agg_fns=agg_fns, group=g, hover=hover, use_raw=use_raw, cmap=cont_cmap, xrotation=xrotation, yrotation=yrotation, colorbar=colorbar), kdims=kdims).opts(frame_height=height, frame_width=width) if not show_highlight and not show_scatter: return hm highlight = hv.DynamicMap(_highlight, kdims=kdims, streams=[Selection1D(source=hm)]) if not show_scatter: return (hm + highlight).cols(1) if compare == 'basis': basis = [b.lstrip('X_') for b in adata.obsm.keys()] kdims += [hv.Dimension('Components', values=basis, default=basis[0])] elif compare == 'genes': kdims += [hv.Dimension('Genes', values=genes, default=genes[0])] else: is_ordered = True k = scatter_kwargs.pop('order_key', None) assert k is not None or order_keys != [], f'No order keys specified.' if k is not None and k not in order_keys: order_keys.append(k) for k in order_keys: assert k in adata.obs, f'Order key `{k}` not found in `adata.obs`.' kdims += [hv.Dimension('Order', values=order_keys)] kdims += [ hv.Dimension('Groupwise', type=bool, values=[True, False], default=True) ] scatter_stream = hv.streams.Tap(source=highlight, x=genes[0], y=adata.obs[groups[0]].values[0]) scatter = hv.DynamicMap(_scatter, kdims=kdims, streams=[scatter_stream]) if subsample == 'decimate': scatter = decimate(scatter, max_samples=int(adata.n_obs * keep_frac), streams=[hv.streams.RangeXY(transient=True)], random_seed=seed) plot = (hm + highlight + scatter).cols(1) if save is not None: hv.rendered('bokeh').save(plot, save) return plot
def _scatter(adata, x, y, condition, by=None, subsample='datashade', steps=40, keep_frac=0.2, seed=None, legend_loc='top_right', size=4, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, title=None, use_raw=True, hover=None, hover_width=10, hover_height=10, kde=None, density=None, density_size=150, jitter=None, perc=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, cmap=None, show_legend=True, plot_height=400, plot_width=400): _sentinel = object() def create_density_plots(df, density, kdims, cmap): cm = {} if density == 'all': dfs = {_sentinel: df} elif density == 'group': if 'z' not in df.columns: warnings.warn( f'`density=\'groups\' was specified, but no group found. Did you specify `color=...`?' ) dfs = {_sentinel: df} elif not is_categorical(df['z']): warnings.warn( f'`density=\'groups\' was specified, but column `{condition}` is not categorical.' ) dfs = {_sentinel: df} else: dfs = {k: v for k, v in df.groupby('z')} cm = cmap else: raise ValueError( f'Invalid `density` type: \'`{density}`\'. Possible values are `\'all\'`, `\'group\'`.' ) # assumes x, y order in kdims return [ hv.Overlay([ hv.Distribution(df, kdims=dim).opts(color=cm.get(k, 'black'), framewise=True) for k, df in dfs.items() ]) for dim in kdims ] assert keep_frac >= 0 and keep_frac <= 1, f'`keep_perc` must be in interval `[0, 1]`, got `{keep_frac}`.' adata_mraw = get_mraw(adata, use_raw) if subsample == 'uniform': cb_kwargs = {'steps': steps} elif subsample == 'density': cb_kwargs = {'size': int(keep_frac * adata.n_obs), 'seed': seed} else: cb_kwargs = {} categorical = False if condition is None: cmap = ['black'] * len(x) if subsample == 'datashade' else 'black' elif is_categorical(condition): categorical = True cmap = Sets1to3 if cmap is None else cmap cmap = odict( zip(, adata.uns.get(f'{by}_colors', cmap))) else: cmap = Viridis256 if cmap is None else cmap jitter_x, jitter_y = None, None if isinstance(jitter, (tuple, list)): assert len( jitter ) == 2, f'`jitter` must be of length `2`, found `{len(jitter)}`.' jitter_x, jitter_y = jitter elif jitter is not None: jitter_x, jitter_y = jitter, jitter if jitter_x is not None: x += np.random.normal(0, jitter_x, size=x.shape) if jitter_y is not None: y += np.random.normal(0, jitter_y, size=y.shape) data = {'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': condition} vdims = ['z'] hovertool = None if hover is not None: for k, dt in hover.items(): vdims.append(k) data[k] = dt hovertool = HoverTool( tooltips=[(key.capitalize(), f'@{key}') for key in ( ['index'] if subsample == 'datashade' else hover.keys())]) data = pd.DataFrame(data) if categorical: data['z'] = data['z'].astype('category') if not vdims: vdims = None if xlim is None: xlim = pad(*minmax(x)) if ylim is None: ylim = pad(*minmax(y)) kdims = [('x', 'x' if xlabel is None else xlabel), ('y', 'y' if ylabel is None else ylabel)] scatter = hv.Scatter(data, kdims=kdims, vdims=vdims).sort('z') scatter = scatter.opts(size=size, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) kde_plot= None if kde is None else \ hv.Bivariate(scatter).opts(bandwidth=kde, show_legend=False, line_width=2) xdist, ydist = (None, None) if density is None else create_density_plots( data, density, kdims, cmap) if categorical: scatter = scatter.opts(cmap=cmap, color='z', show_legend=show_legend, legend_position=legend_loc) elif 'z' in data: scatter = scatter.opts(cmap=cmap, color='z', clim=tuple(map(float, minmax(data['z'], perc))), colorbar=True, colorbar_opts={'width': 20}) else: scatter = scatter.opts(color='black') legend = None if subsample == 'datashade': subsampled = dynspread(datashade( scatter, aggregator=(ds.count_cat('z') if categorical else ds.mean('z')) if vdims is not None else None, color_key=cmap, cmap=cmap, streams=[hv.streams.RangeXY(transient=True), hv.streams.PlotSize], min_alpha=255).opts(axiswise=True, framewise=True), threshold=0.8, max_px=5) if show_legend and categorical: legend = hv.NdOverlay({ k: hv.Points([0, 0], label=str(k)).opts(size=0, color=v) for k, v in cmap.items() }) if hover is not None: t = hv.util.Dynamic(rasterize(scatter, width=hover_width, height=hover_height, streams=[hv.streams.RangeXY], aggregator=ds.reductions.min('index')), operation=hv.QuadMesh)\ .opts(tools=[hovertool], axiswise=True, framewise=True, alpha=0, hover_alpha=0.25, height=plot_height, width=plot_width) scatter = t * subsampled else: scatter = subsampled elif subsample == 'decimate': scatter = decimate(scatter, max_samples=int(adata.n_obs * keep_frac), streams=[hv.streams.RangeXY(transient=True)], random_seed=seed) if legend is not None: scatter = (scatter * legend).opts(legend_position=legend_loc) if kde_plot is not None: scatter *= kde_plot scatter = scatter.opts(height=plot_height, width=plot_width) scatter = scatter.opts(hv.opts.Scatter( tools=[hovertool])) if hovertool is not None else scatter if xdist is not None and ydist is not None: scatter = (scatter << ydist.opts(width=density_size)) << xdist.opts( height=density_size) return scatter.opts(title=title if title is not None else '')
def load_raster(self): nr_units = get_number_of_units_for_patient(self.patient_id) neural_rec_time = get_neural_rectime_of_patient( self.patient_id, self.session_nr) / 1000 data_array = [] for i in range(nr_units): spikes = get_spiking_activity(self.patient_id, self.session_nr, i) # delete downloaded file from working directory if os.path.exists("neural_rec_time.npy"): os.remove("neural_rec_time.npy") data_array.append(list(np.array(spikes) - neural_rec_time[0])) ret = [] for i in range(len(data_array)): # i is unit ID for j in data_array[i]: # j is spike time ret.append((j, i)) scatter = hv.Scatter(ret) # Toggle variable decimate_plot to specify whether you'd like to use decimate # Decimate only plots a maximum number of elements at each zoom step, this way the plot is much faster # If decimate is not activated, the plot is clean, but very slow decimate_plot = True if decimate_plot: scatter = scatter.opts( color='blue', marker='dash', size=12, alpha=1, line_width=0.6, angle=90, xlabel='Time from beginning of recording in milliseconds', ylabel='Unit ID') # adjust the max_samples parameter if the plot is too slow or if you think it can handle even more spikes raster = decimate(scatter, max_samples=40000).opts( width=1500, height=800) * boxes else: scatter = scatter.opts(color='blue', marker='dash', size=12, alpha=1, line_width=0.2, angle=90) raster = scatter.opts( width=1500, height=800, xlabel='Time from beginning of recording in milliseconds', ylabel='Unit ID') * boxes # extracting necessary information from the database start_times_pauses = \ (MoviePauses() & "patient_id={}".format(self.patient_id) & "session_nr={}".format(self.session_nr)).fetch( "start_times")[0] stop_times_pauses = \ (MoviePauses() & "patient_id={}".format(self.patient_id) & "session_nr={}".format(self.session_nr)).fetch( "stop_times")[0] start_times_pauses = start_times_pauses - neural_rec_time[0] stop_times_pauses = stop_times_pauses - neural_rec_time[0] start_times_skips = \ (MovieSkips() & "patient_id={}".format(self.patient_id) & "session_nr={}".format(self.session_nr)).fetch("start_times")[0] stop_times_skips = \ (MovieSkips() & "patient_id={}".format(self.patient_id) & "session_nr={}".format(self.session_nr)).fetch("stop_times")[0] start_times_skips = start_times_skips - neural_rec_time[0] stop_times_skips = stop_times_skips - neural_rec_time[0] # The user can select a region which should be highlighted on top of the raster plot. # Here every option of the highlights variable from above has to be implemented if self.highlight == "Pauses": ov = hv.NdOverlay({ i: hv.VSpan(start_times_pauses[i], stop_times_pauses[i]).opts(color='orange', alpha=0.4) for i in range(len(start_times_pauses)) }) if self.highlight == "Skips": ov = hv.NdOverlay({ i: hv.VSpan(start_times_skips[i], stop_times_skips[i]).opts(color='green', alpha=0.4) for i in range(len(start_times_skips)) }) if self.highlight == 'None': ov = hv.NdOverlay({ i: hv.VSpan(0, 0).opts(color='white', alpha=0) for i in range(1) }) return raster * ov.opts(framewise=True)
def produce_timehistory(self, context, doc): """ Create timetool data timehistory Parameters ---------- context = zmq.Context() Creates zmq socket to receive data doc: bokeh.document (I think) Bokeh document to be displayed on webpage """ # Port to connect to master port = 5000 socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ) # MUST BE FROM SAME MACHINE, CHANGE IF NECESSARY!!! socket.connect("tcp://localhost:%d" % port) # Dynamic Maps plot_peak_b = hv.DynamicMap(partial(hv.Curve, kdims=['index', 'peak']), streams=[self.b_th_peak]).options( width=1000, finalize_hooks=[ apply_formatter ]).redim.label(index='Time in UTC') plot_peak_std_low = hv.DynamicMap( partial(hv.Curve, kdims=['index', 'lowerbound']), streams=[self.b_th_peak]).options( line_alpha=0.5, width=1000, line_color='gray', finalize_hooks=[apply_formatter ]).redim.label(index='Time in UTC') plot_peak_std_high = hv.DynamicMap( partial(hv.Curve, kdims=['index', 'higherbound']), streams=[self.b_th_peak]).options( line_alpha=0.5, width=1000, line_color='gray').redim.label(index='Time in UTC') # Decimate and datashade pointTest = decimate(plot_peak_b, streams=[hv.streams.PlotSize]) test1 = datashade(plot_peak_std_low, streams=[hv.streams.PlotSize], normalization='linear').options( width=1000, finalize_hooks=[apply_formatter]) test2 = datashade(plot_peak_std_high, streams=[hv.streams.PlotSize], normalization='linear') plot = (test1 * test2 * pointTest) # Use bokeh to render plot hvplot = renderer.get_plot(plot, doc) def push_data(stream): """ Push data to timetool time history graph """ median = pd.DataFrame({'peak': []}) lowerbound = pd.DataFrame({'peak': []}) higherbound = pd.DataFrame({'peak': []}) # Request socket.send_string("Hello") print("Oof") data_dict = socket.recv_pyobj() peakDict = data_dict['peakDict'] peakTSDict = data_dict['peakTSDict'] TS_key = self.switch_key + '_TS' data = list(peakDict[self.switch_key]) timestamp = list(peakTSDict[TS_key]) times = [1000 * time for time in timestamp] dataSeries = pd.Series(data, index=times) zipped = basic_event_builder(peak=dataSeries) median = zipped.rolling(120, min_periods=1).median() std = zipped.rolling(120, min_periods=1).std() lowerbound = median - std higherbound = median + std df = pd.DataFrame({ 'peak': median['peak'], 'lowerbound': lowerbound['peak'], 'higherbound': higherbound['peak'] }) stream.send(df) def switch(attr, old, new): """ Update drop down menu value """ self.switch_key = select.value self.clear_buffer() print("Yes!") def play_graph(): """ Provide play and pause functionality to the graph """ if startButton.label == '► Play': startButton.label = '❚❚ Pause' self.callback_id_th_b = doc.add_periodic_callback( partial(push_data, stream=self.b_th_peak), 1000) else: startButton.label = '► Play' doc.remove_periodic_callback(self.callback_id_th_b) peak_list = [ 'peak_8', 'peak_9', 'peak_10', 'peak_11', 'peak_12', 'peak_13', 'peak_14', 'peak_15' ] select = Select(title='Peak:', value='peak_8', options=peak_list) select.on_change('value', switch) startButton = Button(label='❚❚ Pause') startButton.on_click(play_graph) self.callback_id_th_b = doc.add_periodic_callback( partial(push_data, stream=self.b_th_peak), 1000) plot = column(select, startButton, hvplot.state) doc.title = "Time History Graphs" doc.add_root(plot)
if front: #we want "seq" to be in the front #so append current column to the end of the list cols.append(x) else: #we want "seq" to be last, so insert this #column in the front of the new column list #"cols" we are building: cols.insert(0, x) return dataframe[cols] pd_nodes = pd.read_pickle('nodes.pkl') pd_edges = pd.read_pickle('edges-bundled.pkl') r_nodes = hv.Points(set_column_sequence(pd_nodes, ['x', 'y']), label='Nodes') r_edges = hv.Curve(pd_edges, label='Bundled') hv_layout=datashade(r_edges, **sz) * \ decimate(hv.Points(r_nodes),max_samples=1000) # Opts hv.opts( 'RGB [xaxis=None yaxis=None show_grid=False bgcolor="black" width={width} height={height}]' .format(**sz)) hv.opts('Points [tools=["hover"]] (color="cyan", size=3)') hv_plot = renderer.get_plot(hv_layout, curdoc()) bk_layout = layout([[hv_plot.state]], sizing_mode='fixed') curdoc().add_root(bk_layout)