def plot(SBJ, WL_sec): # Load data # --------- ts_df, swc_df, run_seg_df, win_run_seg_df, run_df = load_data(SBJ, WL_sec) # Run segments plot # ----------------- # Color key for runs run_color_map = { 'SleepAscending': '#DE3163', 'SleepDescending': '#FF7F50', 'SleepRSER': '#FFBF00', 'WakeAscending': '#6495ED', 'WakeDescending': '#40E0D0', 'WakeRSER': '#CCCCFF', 'Inbetween Runs': 'black' } # Plot of run segements along the x axis run_seg = hv.Segments(run_seg_df, [ hv.Dimension('start'), hv.Dimension('start_event'), 'end', 'end_event' ], 'run').opts( color='run', cmap=run_color_map, line_width=10, show_legend=True, ) win_run_seg = hv.Segments(win_run_seg_df, [ hv.Dimension('start'), hv.Dimension('start_event'), 'end', 'end_event' ], 'run').opts( color='run', cmap=run_color_map, line_width=10, show_legend=True, ) # Time series plot # ---------------- ts_plot = (xr.DataArray(ts_df.values, dims=['Time [TRs]', 'ROIs' ]).hvplot.image(cmap='gray') * run_seg).opts(title='ROI Time Series Carpet Plot', height=300, width=1200, legend_position='right') # SWC plot with PCA # ----------------- swc_plot = ( xr.DataArray(swc_df.values.T, dims=['Time [Windows]', 'Connection' ]).hvplot.image(cmap='jet') * win_run_seg).opts(title='SWC Matrix with PCA', height=300, width=1200, legend_position='right') plots = pn.Column(ts_plot, swc_plot) return plots
def __init__(self, df, name): self.YMAX = df.Y.max() self.YMIN = df.Y.min() self.XMIN = df.X.min() + 1 self.XMAX = df.X.max() - 1 self.XDISTANCE = self.XMAX - self.XMIN self.AREA = self.XDISTANCE + (self.YMAX - self.YMIN) entrance = ENTRANCES_EXITS[name][0] exit = ENTRANCES_EXITS[name][1] self.limits = hv.Segments((-5,0,5,0)).opts(color='black', line_width=3) * hv.Segments((-5,5,5,5)).opts(color='black', line_width=3) * \ hv.Segments((-5,0,-5,5)).opts(color='black', line_width=3) * hv.Segments((5,0,5,5)).opts(color='black', line_width=3) * \ hv.Segments((-5,2.5-entrance/2, -5, 2.5 + entrance/2)).opts(color='blue',line_width=3) * hv.Segments((5,2.5-exit/2, 5, 2.5 + exit/2)).opts(color='blue',line_width=3)
def _interval_view(self): import panel as pn import holoviews as hv hv.extension("bokeh") df = self.tree.to_df(self.label) self.keys = list(self.tree.keys()) # self.values = list(self.tree.values()) plot = hv.Segments(df, kdims=["begin", "parameter", "end", "parameter"], vdims="data", ) defaults = dict(color="data", line_width=30, alpha=0.5, responsive=True, height=120, colorbar=True, toolbar="above", tools=["hover", "tap"], xlabel="index", nonselection_alpha=0.2, nonselection_color="grey", title=self.label) # defaults.update(opts) self.segments = segments = plot.opts(**defaults) labels = hv.Labels(df, kdims=["mid", "parameter"], vdims="label") plot = labels*segments self.selector = hv.streams.Selection1D(source=plot), ['index'], onlychanged=True) self.make_tree_view() return pn.Column(plot, sizing_mode="stretch_width", width=700)
def _plot_base_matrix(hv_point_data): """ Base function to plot record or hitlet matrix. """ matrix_plot = hv.Segments(, kdims=['time', 'channel', 'endtime', 'channel']).opts( tools=['hover'], aspect=4, responsive='width', ) return matrix_plot
def create_candle_stick(data: pd.DataFrame) -> hv.Layout: """Creates a candle stick plot Args: data (pd.DataFrame): A dataframe with columns time, open, high, low, close and volume Returns: hv.Layout: A candle stick plot """ data = data.copy(deep=True) t_delta = timedelta(hours=1) data["time_start"] = data.time - 9 * t_delta # rectangles start data["time_end"] = data.time + 9 * t_delta # rectangles end data["positive"] = ((data.close - > 0).astype(int) tooltips = [ ("Time", "@{time}{%F}"), ("Open", "@open"), ("High", "@high"), ("Low", "@{price}"), ("Close", "@close"), ("Volume", "@volume{0,0}"), ] hover = HoverTool(tooltips=tooltips, formatters={"@{time}": "datetime"}) candlestick = hv.Segments( data, kdims=["time", "low", "time", "high"]) * hv.Rectangles( data, kdims=["time_start", "open", "time_end", "close"], vdims=["positive", "high", "low", "time", "volume"], ) candlestick = candlestick.redim(low="price") candlestick.opts( hv.opts.Rectangles( color="positive", cmap=[RED, GREEN], responsive=True, tools=["box_zoom", "pan", "wheel_zoom", "save", "reset", hover], default_tools=[], active_tools=["box_zoom"], ), hv.opts.Segments( color=GRAY, height=400, responsive=True, tools=["box_zoom", "pan", "reset"], default_tools=[], active_tools=["box_zoom"], ), ) return candlestick
def plot_policy_gantt_chart( policies, effects=False, colors="categorical", fig_kwargs=None, ): """Plot a Gantt chart of the policies.""" if fig_kwargs is None: fig_kwargs = {} fig_kwargs = {**DEFAULT_FIGURE_KWARGS, **fig_kwargs} if isinstance(policies, dict): df = (pd.DataFrame(policies).T.reset_index().rename(columns={ "index": "name" }).astype({ "start": "datetime64", "end": "datetime64" }).drop(columns="policy")) elif isinstance(policies, pd.DataFrame): df = policies else: raise ValueError( "'policies' should be either a dict or pandas.DataFrame.") if effects: effect_kwargs = effects if isinstance(effects, dict) else {} effects = compute_pseudo_effect_sizes_of_policies(policies=policies, **effect_kwargs) effects_s = pd.DataFrame([{ "policy": name, "effect": effects[name]["mean"] } for name in effects]).set_index("policy")["effect"] df = df.merge(effects_s, left_on="name", right_index=True) df["alpha"] = (1 - df["effect"] + 0.1) / 1.1 else: df["alpha"] = 1 df = df.reset_index() df = _complete_dates(df) df = _add_color_to_gantt_groups(df, colors) df = _add_positions(df) hv.extension("bokeh", logo=False) segments = hv.Segments( df, [ hv.Dimension("start", label="Date"), hv.Dimension("position", label="Affected contact model"), "end", "position", ], ) y_ticks_and_labels = list(zip(*_create_y_ticks_and_labels(df))) tooltips = [("Name", "@name")] if effects: tooltips.append(("Effect", "@effect")) hover = HoverTool(tooltips=tooltips) gantt = segments.opts( color="color", alpha="alpha", tools=[hover], yticks=y_ticks_and_labels, **fig_kwargs, ) return gantt
def task_fMRI_plots(SBJ, PURE, WL_sec, corr_range): # Define segment data # ------------------- if WL_sec == 30: if PURE == 'pure': seg_df = WL30pure_taskseg_df else: seg_df = WL30_taskseg_df else: if PURE == 'pure': seg_df = WL45pure_taskseg_df else: seg_df = WL45_taskseg_df # Define PURE varaible based on widget # ------------------------------------ if PURE == 'not pure': PURE = '' # Load data with non pure windows # Load task fMRI data # ------------------- file_name = SBJ + '_CTask001_WL0' + str( WL_sec) + '_WS01' + PURE + '_NROI0200_dF.mat' # Data file name data_path = osp.join( '/data/SFIMJGC_HCP7T/PRJ_CognitiveStateDetection02/PrcsData_PNAS2015', SBJ, 'D02_CTask001', file_name) # Path to data data_df = loadmat(data_path)['CB']['snapshots'][0][0] # Read data num_samp = data_df.shape[0] # Save number of samples as a varable # Create sleep segments plots # --------------------------- task_color_map = { 'Rest': 'gray', 'Memory': 'blue', 'Video': 'yellow', 'Math': 'green', 'Inbetween': 'black' } # Color key for task segments seg_x = hv.Segments(seg_df, [ hv.Dimension('start', range=(-10, num_samp - 1.5)), hv.Dimension('start_event', range=(-5, num_samp - 1.5)), 'end', 'end_event' ], 'task').opts(color='task', cmap=task_color_map, line_width=7, show_legend=True) # x axis segments seg_y = hv.Segments(seg_df, [ hv.Dimension('start_event', range=(-10, num_samp - 1.5)), hv.Dimension('start', range=(-5, num_samp - 1.5)), 'end_event', 'end' ], 'task').opts(color='task', cmap=task_color_map, line_width=7, show_legend=False) # y axis segments seg_plot = (seg_x * seg_y).opts(xlabel=' ', ylabel=' ', show_legend=False) # All segments # Compute correlation and distance matrix # --------------------------------------- data_corr = np.corrcoef(data_df) # Correlation matrix data_dist = pairwise_distances(data_df, metric='euclidean') # Distance matrix # Compute distribution of correlation and distance matrix # ------------------------------------------------------- triangle = np.mask_indices(num_samp, np.triu, k=1) # Top triangle mask for matricies corr_freq, corr_edges = np.histogram( np.array(data_corr)[triangle], 100 ) # Compute histogram of top triangle of correlation matrix (100 bars) dist_freq, dist_edges = np.histogram( np.array(data_dist)[triangle], 100) # Compute histogram of top triangle of distance matrix (100 bars) # Create matrix and histogram plots # --------------------------------- corr_img = hv.Image( np.rot90(data_corr), bounds=(-0.5, -0.5, num_samp - 1.5, num_samp - 1.5)).opts( cmap='viridis', colorbar=True, height=300, width=400, title='Correlation Matrix').redim.range(z=corr_range) dist_img = hv.Image(np.rot90(data_dist), bounds=(-0.5, -0.5, num_samp - 1.5, num_samp - 1.5)).opts(cmap='viridis', colorbar=True, height=300, width=400, title='Distance Matrix') corr_his = hv.Histogram( (corr_edges, corr_freq)).opts(xlabel='Correlation', height=300, width=400, title='Correlation Histogram') dist_his = hv.Histogram( (dist_edges, dist_freq)).opts(xlabel='Distance', height=300, width=400, title='Distance Histogram') corr_img_wseg = (corr_img * seg_plot).opts( width=600, height=300, legend_position='right' ) # Overlay task segemnt plot with correlation matrix dist_img_wseg = (dist_img * seg_plot).opts( width=600, height=300, legend_position='right' ) # Overlay task segemnt plot with distance matrix dash = (corr_img_wseg + corr_his + dist_img_wseg + dist_his).opts( opts.Layout(shared_axes=False)).cols(2) # Dashboard of all plots return dash
def rs_fMRI_plots(SBJ, RUN, WL_sec, corr_range): # Load rs fMRI data # ----------------- file_name = SBJ + '_fanaticor_Craddock_T2Level_0200_wl' + str( WL_sec).zfill( 3) + 's_ws002s_' + RUN + '_PCA_vk97.5.swcorr.pkl' # Data file name data_path = osp.join('/data/SFIM_Vigilance/PRJ_Vigilance_Smk02/PrcsData', SBJ, 'D02_Preproc_fMRI', file_name) # Path to data data_df = pd.read_pickle(data_path).T # Read data into pandas data frame num_samp = data_df.shape[0] # Save number of samples as a varable # Load sleep segmenting data # -------------------------- seg_path = osp.join(PRJDIR, 'Data', 'Samika_DSet02', 'Sleep_Segments', SBJ + '_' + RUN + '_WL_' + str(WL_sec) + 'sec_Sleep_Segments.pkl') # Path to segment data seg_df = pd.read_pickle(seg_path) # Load segment data # Compute correlation and distance matrix # --------------------------------------- data_corr = np.corrcoef(data_df) # Correlation matrix data_dist = pairwise_distances(data_df, metric='euclidean') # Distance matrix # Compute distribution of correlation and distance matrix # ------------------------------------------------------- triangle = np.mask_indices(num_samp, np.triu, k=1) # Top triangle mask for matricies corr_freq, corr_edges = np.histogram( np.array(data_corr)[triangle], 100 ) # Compute histogram of top triangle of correlation matrix (100 bars) dist_freq, dist_edges = np.histogram( np.array(data_dist)[triangle], 100) # Compute histogram of top triangle of distance matrix (100 bars) # Create sleep segments plots # --------------------------- sleep_color_map = { 'Wake': 'orange', 'Stage 1': 'yellow', 'Stage 2': 'green', 'Stage 3': 'blue', 'Undetermined': 'gray' } # Color key for sleep staging seg_x = hv.Segments(seg_df, [ hv.Dimension('start', range=(-10, num_samp - 1.5)), hv.Dimension('start_event', range=(-5, num_samp - 1.5)), 'end', 'end_event' ], 'stage').opts(color='stage', cmap=sleep_color_map, line_width=7, show_legend=True) # x axis segments seg_y = hv.Segments(seg_df, [ hv.Dimension('start_event', range=(-10, num_samp - 1.5)), hv.Dimension('start', range=(-5, num_samp - 1.5)), 'end_event', 'end' ], 'stage').opts(color='stage', cmap=sleep_color_map, line_width=7, show_legend=False) # y axis segments seg_plot = (seg_x * seg_y).opts(xlabel=' ', ylabel=' ', show_legend=False) # All segments # Create matrix and histogram plots # --------------------------------- # raterize() fucntion used for big data set corr_img = rasterize( hv.Image(np.rot90(data_corr), bounds=(-0.5, -0.5, num_samp - 1.5, num_samp - 1.5)).opts( cmap='viridis', colorbar=True, title='Correlation Matrix')).redim.range(z=corr_range) dist_img = rasterize( hv.Image(np.rot90(data_dist), bounds=(-0.5, -0.5, num_samp - 1.5, num_samp - 1.5)).opts(cmap='viridis', colorbar=True, title='Distance Matrix')) corr_his = rasterize( hv.Histogram( (corr_edges, corr_freq)).opts(xlabel='Correlation', height=300, width=400, title='Correlation Histogram')) dist_his = rasterize( hv.Histogram((dist_edges, dist_freq)).opts(xlabel='Distance', height=300, width=400, title='Distance Histogram')) corr_img_wseg = (corr_img * seg_plot).opts( width=600, height=300, legend_position='right' ) # Overlay sleep segemnt plot with correlation matrix dist_img_wseg = (dist_img * seg_plot).opts( width=600, height=300, legend_position='right' ) # Overlay sleep segemnt plot with distance matrix dash = (corr_img_wseg + corr_his + dist_img_wseg + dist_his).opts( opts.Layout(shared_axes=False)).cols(2) # Dashboard of all plots return dash
def distance_matrix(SBJ, RUN, WL_sec, x_dim, y_dim, z_dim): """ This fuction plots a heat map of the distnaces of each window for a given run. The inputs for the fuction (subject, run, and window leght) allows the user to choose what run and window leghth they with to plot for a given subject. The distance between two windows (i.e. points on the 3D plot) is computed using numpys squareform(pdist()). The fuction plots the heat map using holoviews hv.Image(). The x and y axes of the plot are the two windows in which you are finding the distance. The z value is that distance. A plot of the sleep staging segments are ploted along the x and y axis of the image using hv.Segments(). If all runs are being displayed a plot of the run segments are ploted along the x and y axis of the image using hv.Segments(). """ LE3D_df = load_data(SBJ, RUN, WL_sec) # Load embedding data LE3D_df = LE3D_df.infer_objects( ) # Infer objects to be int, float, or string apropriatly LE3D_df = LE3D_df[[ 'x' + str(x_dim).zfill(2), 'x' + str(y_dim).zfill(2), 'x' + str(z_dim).zfill(2), 'x' + str(x_dim).zfill(2) + '_norm', 'x' + str(y_dim).zfill(2) + '_norm', 'x' + str(z_dim).zfill(2) + '_norm', 'Run', 'Sleep Value', 'Sleep Stage', 'mean FD', 'label' ]] LE3D_df.columns = [ 'x', 'y', 'z', 'x_norm', 'y_norm', 'z_norm', 'Run', 'Sleep Value', 'Sleep Stage', 'mean FD', 'label' ] data_path = osp.join(PRJDIR, 'PrcsData', SBJ, 'D02_Preproc_fMRI', SBJ + '_' + RUN + '_WL_' + str(WL_sec) + 'sec_Sleep_Segments.pkl') # path to segment data sleep_segments_df = pd.read_pickle(data_path) # Load segment data data_df = LE3D_df[[ 'x_norm', 'y_norm', 'z_norm', 'Sleep Stage' ]].copy() # New data frame of only x_norm, y_norm, and z_norm values num_win = data_df.shape[0] # Number of windwos in data data_array = data_df[['x_norm', 'y_norm', 'z_norm']].to_numpy() # Data as a numpy array dist_array = squareform(pdist( data_array, 'euclidean')) # Calculate distance matrix and rehape into one vecotr dist_array = xr.DataArray(dist_array, dims=['Time [Window ID]', 'Time [Window ID] Y' ]) # Distances as x_array data frame sleep_color_map = { 'Wake': 'orange', 'Stage 1': 'yellow', 'Stage 2': 'green', 'Stage 3': 'blue', 'Undetermined': 'gray' } # Color key for sleep staging # Plot of sleep staging segements along the x and y axis # Range is from (-10, num_win) so we have space to display segments sleep_seg_x = hv.Segments(sleep_segments_df, [ hv.Dimension('start', range=(-10, num_win)), hv.Dimension('start_event', range=(-5, num_win)), 'end', 'end_event' ], 'stage').opts(color='stage', cmap=sleep_color_map, line_width=10, show_legend=False) sleep_seg_y = hv.Segments(sleep_segments_df, [ hv.Dimension('start_event', range=(-10, num_win)), hv.Dimension('start', range=(-5, num_win)), 'end_event', 'end' ], 'stage').opts(color='stage', cmap=sleep_color_map, line_width=10, show_legend=False) # If plotting all runs add segent to x and y axis for coloring by run if RUN == 'All': run_list = [ SubDict[SBJ][i][0] for i in range(0, len(SubDict[SBJ]) - 1) ] # List of all runs time_list = [ SubDict[SBJ][i][1] for i in range(0, len(SubDict[SBJ]) - 1) ] # List of all run lenghts in TR's (in the same order as runs in list above) WL_trs = int(WL_sec / 2) # Window length in TR's (TR = 2.0 sec) run_segments_df = pd.DataFrame( columns=['run', 'start', 'end']) # Emptly data frame for segment legths of runs # For each run a row is appended into the data frame created above (run_segments_df) with the run name and the start and end window of the run # For the windows that overlap runs the run will be called 'Inbetween Runs' x = 0 # Starting at 0th window for i in range(len(run_list)): time = time_list[i] # Number of windows in run run = run_list[i] # Name of run end = x + time - WL_trs # Last window of run if i == len( run_list ) - 1: # If its the last run no need to append inbetween run run_segments_df = run_segments_df.append( { 'run': run, 'start': x, 'end': end }, ignore_index=True) # Append run info else: run_segments_df = run_segments_df.append( { 'run': run, 'start': x, 'end': end }, ignore_index=True) # Append run info x = end + 1 run_segments_df = run_segments_df.append( { 'run': 'Inbetween Runs', 'start': x, 'end': (x - 1) + (WL_trs - 1) }, ignore_index=True) # Append inbetween run info x = x + (WL_trs - 1) # Add 0.5 to each end of segment to span entire heat map run_segments_df['start'] = run_segments_df['start'] - 0.5 run_segments_df['end'] = run_segments_df['end'] + 0.5 # 'start_event' and 'end_event' represent the axis along which the segments will be (-50 so it is not on top of the heat map or sleep segments) run_segments_df['start_event'] = -50 run_segments_df['end_event'] = -50 # Color key for runs run_color_map = { 'SleepAscending': '#DE3163', 'SleepDescending': '#FF7F50', 'SleepRSER': '#FFBF00', 'WakeAscending': '#6495ED', 'WakeDescending': '#40E0D0', 'WakeRSER': '#CCCCFF', 'Inbetween Runs': 'gray' } # Plot of run segements along the x and y axis # Range is from (-80, num_win) so we have space to display both segments run_seg_x = hv.Segments(run_segments_df, [ hv.Dimension('start', range=(-80, num_win)), hv.Dimension('start_event', range=(-80, num_win)), 'end', 'end_event' ], 'run').opts(color='run', cmap=run_color_map, line_width=10, show_legend=False) run_seg_y = hv.Segments(run_segments_df, [ hv.Dimension('start_event', range=(-80, num_win)), hv.Dimension('start', range=(-80, num_win)), 'end_event', 'end' ], 'run').opts(color='run', cmap=run_color_map, line_width=10, show_legend=False) segment_plot = ( sleep_seg_x * sleep_seg_y * run_seg_x * run_seg_y).opts( xlabel=' ', ylabel=' ', show_legend=False) # All segments (run and sleep) overlayed else: segment_plot = (sleep_seg_x * sleep_seg_y).opts( xlabel=' ', ylabel=' ', show_legend=False) # All segments (not including runs)overlayed # Plot heat map using hv.Image # Set bounds to (-0.5,-0.5,num_win-0.5,num_win-0.5) to corespond with acurate windows plot = hv.Image(dist_array, bounds=(-0.5, -0.5, num_win - 0.5, num_win - 0.5)).opts(cmap='jet', colorbar=True, ylabel='Time [Window ID]') # Overlay segment plots and heat map output = (plot * segment_plot).opts(width=600, height=390) return output
# use datashader so we're not plotting tons of points plot = hv.operation.datashader.dynspread( hv.operation.datashader.datashade( points,'concentration', datashader.count()), color_key=colors, )) # make segments to show range of D D_segments = hv.NdOverlay({ concentration: hv.Segments(( df_mle.loc[(df_mle['concentration'] == concentration) & (df_mle['parameter'] == 'alpha'), 'conf_start'], df_mle.loc[(df_mle['concentration'] == concentration) & (df_mle['parameter'] == 'beta (1/s)'), 'mle'], df_mle.loc[(df_mle['concentration'] == concentration) & (df_mle['parameter'] == 'alpha'), 'conf_end'], df_mle.loc[(df_mle['concentration'] == concentration) & (df_mle['parameter'] == 'beta (1/s)'), 'mle'], ), ).opts(color=color, line_width=2) for concentration, color in zip(df_mle['concentration'].unique(), colors) }).opts(title="Alpha and Beta Confidence Regions for Different Concentrations") # make segments to show range of k_off k_off_segments = hv.NdOverlay({ concentration: hv.Segments(( df_mle.loc[(df_mle['concentration'] == concentration) & (df_mle['parameter'] == 'alpha'), 'mle'], df_mle.loc[(df_mle['concentration'] == concentration) & (df_mle['parameter'] == 'beta (1/s)'), 'conf_start'], df_mle.loc[(df_mle['concentration'] == concentration) &