def test_aperture_init():
    """Test the initialization of Aperture objects."""
    pts = (Point3D(0, 0, 0), Point3D(0, 0, 3), Point3D(5, 0,
                                                       3), Point3D(5, 0, 0))
    unique_id = str(py_uuid.uuid4())
    aperture = Aperture(unique_id, Face3D(pts))
    aperture.display_name = 'Test Window'
    str(aperture)  # test the string representation

    assert aperture.identifier == unique_id
    assert aperture.display_name == 'Test Window'
    assert isinstance(aperture.geometry, Face3D)
    assert len(aperture.vertices) == 4
    assert aperture.upper_left_vertices[0] == Point3D(5, 0, 3)
    assert len(aperture.triangulated_mesh3d.faces) == 2
    assert aperture.normal == Vector3D(0, 1, 0)
    assert == Point3D(2.5, 0, 1.5)
    assert aperture.area == 15
    assert aperture.perimeter == 16
    assert isinstance(aperture.boundary_condition, Outdoors)
    assert not aperture.is_operable
    assert not aperture.has_parent
    window_obj.glazing = glazing
    window_obj.installs = install
    window_obj.install_depth = install_depth
    window_obj.variant_type = aperture_params.get('VariantType', 'a')

    window_EP_material =
    window_EP_const =

    # Inset the Surface just a little bit to ensure it can be hosted properly
    inset_ap_geometry = LBT2PH.helpers_geometry.inset_LBT_Face3d(
        aperture.geometry, 0.0005)

    # Create a new Aperture object and modify it's properties
    # Package up the data onto the 'Aperture' objects' user_data

    new_ap = Aperture(aperture.identifier,
                      is_operable=aperture.is_operable) = window_EP_const
    new_name = aperture_params.get('Object Name', None)
    if new_name:
        new_ap.display_name = new_name

    new_ap = LBT2PH.helpers.add_to_HB_model(new_ap, 'phpp',
                                            window_obj.to_dict(), ghenv,

if all_required_inputs(ghenv.Component):
    apertures = []  # list of apertures that will be returned
    for j, geo in enumerate(_geo):
        if len(_name_) == 0:  # make a default Aperture name
            name = display_name = clean_and_id_string('Aperture')
            display_name = '{}_{}'.format(longest_list(_name_, j), j + 1) \
                if len(_name_) != len(_geo) else longest_list(_name_, j)
            name = clean_and_id_string(display_name)
        operable = longest_list(operable_, j) if len(operable_) != 0 else False

        lb_faces = to_face3d(geo)
        for i, lb_face in enumerate(lb_faces):
            ap_name = '{}_{}'.format(name, i) if len(lb_faces) > 1 else name
            hb_ap = Aperture(ap_name, lb_face, is_operable=operable)
            hb_ap.display_name = display_name

            # try to assign the energyplus construction
            if len(ep_constr_) != 0:
                ep_constr = longest_list(ep_constr_, j)
                if isinstance(ep_constr, str):
                    ep_constr = window_construction_by_identifier(ep_constr)
       = ep_constr

            # try to assign the radiance modifier
            if len(rad_mod_) != 0:
                rad_mod = longest_list(rad_mod_, j)
                if isinstance(rad_mod, str):
                    rad_mod = modifier_by_identifier(rad_mod)
       = rad_mod