Exemple #1
def test_window_shade_equivalency():
    """Test the equality of a WindowConstructionShade construction to another."""
    clear_glass = EnergyWindowMaterialGlazing(
        'Clear Glass', 0.005715, 0.770675, 0.07, 0.8836, 0.0804,
        0, 0.84, 0.84, 1.0)
    gap = EnergyWindowMaterialGas('air gap', thickness=0.0127)
    double_clear = WindowConstruction(
        'Double Clear Window', [clear_glass, gap, clear_glass])
    shade_mat = EnergyWindowMaterialShade(
        'Low-e Diffusing Shade', 0.005, 0.15, 0.5, 0.25, 0.5, 0, 0.4,
        0.2, 0.1, 0.75, 0.25)
    sched = ScheduleRuleset.from_daily_values(
        'NighSched', [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                      0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1])
    double_low_e_ec = WindowConstructionShade(
        'Double Low-E Inside EC', double_clear, shade_mat, 'Exterior',
        'OnIfHighSolarOnWindow', 200, sched)
    double_low_e_ec_2 = double_low_e_ec.duplicate()
    double_low_e_ec_3 = WindowConstructionShade(
        'Double Low-E Inside EC', double_clear, shade_mat, 'Exterior',
        'AlwaysOn', None, sched)

    collection = [double_low_e_ec, double_low_e_ec, double_low_e_ec_2, double_low_e_ec_3]
    assert len(set(collection)) == 2
    assert double_low_e_ec == double_low_e_ec_2
    assert double_low_e_ec != double_low_e_ec_3
    assert double_low_e_ec_2 != double_low_e_ec_3

    double_low_e_ec_2.identifier = 'Cool Window'
    assert double_low_e_ec != double_low_e_ec_2
Exemple #2
def test_window_shade_lockability():
    """Test the lockability of the WindowConstructionShade construction."""
    clear_glass = EnergyWindowMaterialGlazing(
        'Clear Glass', 0.005715, 0.770675, 0.07, 0.8836, 0.0804,
        0, 0.84, 0.84, 1.0)
    gap = EnergyWindowMaterialGas('air gap', thickness=0.0127)
    double_clear = WindowConstruction(
        'Double Clear Window', [clear_glass, gap, clear_glass])
    shade_mat = EnergyWindowMaterialShade(
        'Low-e Diffusing Shade', 0.005, 0.15, 0.5, 0.25, 0.5, 0, 0.4,
        0.2, 0.1, 0.75, 0.25)
    sched = ScheduleRuleset.from_daily_values(
        'NighSched', [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                      0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1])
    double_low_e_ec = WindowConstructionShade(
        'Double Low-E Inside EC', double_clear, shade_mat, 'Exterior',
        'OnIfHighSolarOnWindow', 200, sched)

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        double_low_e_ec.window_construction.materials = \
            [clear_glass, gap, clear_glass, gap, clear_glass]
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        double_low_e_ec.window_construction.schedule.identifier = 'ScheduleName'
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        double_low_e_ec.shade_location = 'Interior'

    double_low_e_ec.control_type = 'AlwaysOn'
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        double_low_e_ec.control_type = 'OnIfHighSolarOnWindow'
    double_low_e_ec.control_type = 'OnIfHighSolarOnWindow'
Exemple #3
def test_window_construction_ec_init():
    """Test the initialization of WindowConstructionShade objects with electrochromic."""
    lowe_glass = EnergyWindowMaterialGlazing(
        'Low-e Glass', 0.00318, 0.4517, 0.359, 0.714, 0.207,
        0, 0.84, 0.046578, 1.0)
    clear_glass = EnergyWindowMaterialGlazing(
        'Clear Glass', 0.005715, 0.770675, 0.07, 0.8836, 0.0804,
        0, 0.84, 0.84, 1.0)
    gap = EnergyWindowMaterialGas('air gap', thickness=0.03)
    tint_glass = EnergyWindowMaterialGlazing(
        'Tinted Low-e Glass', 0.00318, 0.09, 0.359, 0.16, 0.207,
        0, 0.84, 0.046578, 1.0)
    window_constr = WindowConstruction('Double Low-E', [lowe_glass, gap, clear_glass])
    sched = ScheduleRuleset.from_daily_values(
        'NighSched', [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                      0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1])
    double_low_e_ec = WindowConstructionShade(
        'Double Low-E Inside EC', window_constr, tint_glass, 'Exterior',
        'OnIfHighSolarOnWindow', 200, sched)
    double_low_e_between_ec = WindowConstructionShade(
        'Double Low-E Between EC', window_constr, tint_glass, 'Between')
    double_low_e_ext_ec = WindowConstructionShade(
        'Double Low-E Outside EC', window_constr, tint_glass, 'Interior')
    double_low_e_ec_dup = double_low_e_ec.duplicate()

    assert double_low_e_ec.identifier == 'Double Low-E Inside EC'
    assert double_low_e_ec.window_construction == \
    assert double_low_e_ec.shade_material == double_low_e_ec_dup.shade_material
    assert double_low_e_ec.shade_location == \
        double_low_e_ec_dup.shade_location == 'Exterior'
    assert double_low_e_ec.control_type == \
        double_low_e_ec_dup.control_type == 'OnIfHighSolarOnWindow'
    assert double_low_e_ec.setpoint == double_low_e_ec_dup.setpoint == 200
    assert double_low_e_ec.schedule == double_low_e_ec_dup.schedule == sched
    assert len(double_low_e_ec.materials) == 3
    assert len(double_low_e_ec.layers) == 3
    assert len(double_low_e_ec.unique_materials) == 4
    assert not double_low_e_ec.is_symmetric
    assert double_low_e_ec.is_switchable_glazing
    assert double_low_e_ec.has_shade
    assert double_low_e_ec.thickness == \
    assert double_low_e_ec.glazing_count == 2
    assert double_low_e_ec.gap_count == 1

    assert double_low_e_between_ec.identifier == 'Double Low-E Between EC'
    assert double_low_e_between_ec.shade_location == 'Between'
    assert double_low_e_between_ec.control_type == 'AlwaysOn'
    assert double_low_e_between_ec.setpoint is None
    assert double_low_e_between_ec.schedule is None
    assert len(double_low_e_between_ec.materials) == 3
    assert len(double_low_e_between_ec.unique_materials) == 4
    assert not double_low_e_between_ec.is_symmetric
    assert double_low_e_between_ec.gap_count == 1

    assert double_low_e_ext_ec.identifier == 'Double Low-E Outside EC'
    assert len(double_low_e_ext_ec.materials) == 3
Exemple #4
def construction_window_blinds(directory):
    shade_mat = EnergyWindowMaterialBlind(
        'Plastic Blind', 'Vertical', 0.025, 0.01875, 0.003, 90, 0.2, 0.05, 0.4,
        0.05, 0.45, 0, 0.95, 0.1, 1)
    window_constr = WindowConstruction('Double Low-E', [lowe_glass, argon_gap, clear_glass])
    window_with_blinds = WindowConstructionShade(
        'Double Low-E Outside Shade', window_constr, shade_mat, 'Interior')
    dest_file = os.path.join(directory, 'construction_window_blinds.json')
    with open(dest_file, 'w') as fp:
        json.dump(window_with_blinds.to_dict(abridged=True), fp, indent=4)
Exemple #5
def construction_window_shade(directory):
    """Test the initialization of WindowConstructionShade objects with shades."""
    shade_mat = EnergyWindowMaterialShade(
        'Low-e Diffusing Shade', 0.025, 0.15, 0.5, 0.25, 0.5, 0, 0.4,
        0.2, 0.1, 0.75, 0.25)
    window_constr = WindowConstruction('Double Low-E', [lowe_glass, argon_gap, clear_glass])
    window_with_shade = WindowConstructionShade(
        'Double Low-E Outside Shade', window_constr, shade_mat, 'Interior')
    dest_file = os.path.join(directory, 'construction_window_shade.json')
    with open(dest_file, 'w') as fp:
        json.dump(window_with_shade.to_dict(abridged=True), fp, indent=4)
Exemple #6
def dict_to_construction(constr_dict, raise_exception=True):
    """Get a Python object of any Construction from a dictionary.

        constr_dict: A dictionary of any Honeybee energy construction. Note
            that this should be a non-abridged dictionary to be valid.
        raise_exception: Boolean to note whether an excpetion should be raised
            if the object is not identified as a construction. Default: True.

        A Python object derived from the input constr_dict.
    try:  # get the type key from the dictionary
        constr_type = constr_dict['type']
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError('Construction dictionary lacks required "type" key.')

    if constr_type == 'OpaqueConstruction':
        return OpaqueConstruction.from_dict(constr_dict)
    elif constr_type == 'WindowConstruction':
        return WindowConstruction.from_dict(constr_dict)
    elif constr_type == 'WindowConstructionShade':
        return WindowConstructionShade.from_dict(constr_dict)
    elif constr_type == 'ShadeConstruction':
        return ShadeConstruction.from_dict(constr_dict)
    elif constr_type == 'AirBoundaryConstruction':
        return AirBoundaryConstruction.from_dict(constr_dict)
    elif raise_exception:
        raise ValueError(
            '{} is not a recognized energy Construction type'.format(
Exemple #7
def window_construction_by_identifier(construction_identifier):
    """Get an window construction from the library given the construction identifier.

        construction_identifier: A text string for the identifier of the construction.
        return _window_constructions[construction_identifier]
    except KeyError:
        try:  # search the extension data
            constr_dict = _window_constr_standards_dict[
            if constr_dict['type'] == 'WindowConstructionAbridged':
                mats = {}
                for mat in constr_dict['layers']:
                    mats[mat] = _m.window_material_by_identifier(mat)
                return WindowConstruction.from_dict_abridged(constr_dict, mats)
            else:  # WindowConstructionShade
                mats = {}
                for mat in constr_dict['window_construction']['layers']:
                    mats[mat] = _m.window_material_by_identifier(mat)
                shd_mat = constr_dict['shade_material']
                mats[shd_mat] = _m.window_material_by_identifier(shd_mat)
                    sch_id = constr_dict['schedule']
                    schs = {sch_id: _s.schedule_by_identifier(sch_id)}
                except KeyError:  # no schedule key provided
                    schs = {}
                return WindowConstructionShade.from_dict_abridged(
                    constr_dict, mats, schs)
        except KeyError:  # construction is nowhere to be found; raise an error
            raise ValueError(
                '"{}" was not found in the window energy construction library.'
Exemple #8
def test_run_idf_window_shade():
    """Test the Model.to.idf and run_idf method with a model that has a window shade."""
    # Get input Model
    room = Room.from_box('TinyHouseZone', 5, 10, 3)
    room.properties.energy.program_type = office_program

    double_clear = WindowConstruction('Double Pane Clear',
                                      [clear_glass, air_gap, clear_glass])
    shade_mat = EnergyWindowMaterialShade('Low-e Diffusing Shade', 0.005, 0.15,
                                          0.5, 0.25, 0.5, 0, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1,
                                          0.75, 0.25)
    sched = ScheduleRuleset.from_daily_values('NighSched', [
        1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1
    double_ec = WindowConstructionShade('Double Low-E Inside EC', double_clear,
                                        shade_mat, 'Interior',
                                        'OnIfHighSolarOnWindow', 200, sched)

    south_face = room[3]
    south_face.apertures_by_ratio(0.4, 0.01)
    south_face.apertures[0].properties.energy.construction = double_ec
    north_face = room[1]
    north_face.apertures_by_ratio(0.4, 0.01)

    model = Model('TinyHouse', [room])

    # Get the input SimulationParameter
    sim_par = SimulationParameter()
    ddy_file = './tests/ddy/chicago.ddy'
    sim_par.run_period.end_date = Date(1, 7)

    # create the IDF string for simulation paramters and model
    idf_str = '\n\n'.join((sim_par.to_idf(), model.to.idf(model)))

    # write the final string into an IDF
    idf = os.path.join(folders.default_simulation_folder, 'test_file_shd',
    write_to_file(idf, idf_str, True)

    # prepare the IDF for simulation
    epw_file = './tests/simulation/chicago.epw'
    prepare_idf_for_simulation(idf, epw_file)

    # run the IDF through EnergyPlus
    sql, zsz, rdd, html, err = run_idf(idf, epw_file)

    assert os.path.isfile(sql)
    assert os.path.isfile(err)
    err_obj = Err(err)
    assert 'EnergyPlus Completed Successfully' in err_obj.file_contents
Exemple #9
def test_window_shade_dict_methods():
    """Test the to/from dict methods."""
    clear_glass = EnergyWindowMaterialGlazing(
        'Clear Glass', 0.005715, 0.770675, 0.07, 0.8836, 0.0804,
        0, 0.84, 0.84, 1.0)
    gap = EnergyWindowMaterialGas('air gap', thickness=0.0127)
    double_clear = WindowConstruction(
        'Double Clear Window', [clear_glass, gap, clear_glass])
    shade_mat = EnergyWindowMaterialShade(
        'Low-e Diffusing Shade', 0.005, 0.15, 0.5, 0.25, 0.5, 0, 0.4,
        0.2, 0.1, 0.75, 0.25)
    sched = ScheduleRuleset.from_daily_values(
        'NighSched', [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                      0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1])
    double_low_e_ec = WindowConstructionShade(
        'Double Low-E Inside EC', double_clear, shade_mat, 'Exterior',
        'OnIfHighSolarOnWindow', 200, sched)

    constr_dict = double_low_e_ec.to_dict()
    new_constr = WindowConstructionShade.from_dict(constr_dict)
    assert double_low_e_ec == new_constr
    assert constr_dict == new_constr.to_dict()
Exemple #10
def dict_abridged_to_construction(constr_dict,
    """Get a Python object of any Construction from an abridged dictionary.

        constr_dict: An abridged dictionary of any Honeybee energy construction.
        materials: Dictionary of all material objects that might be used in the
            construction with the material identifiers as the keys.
        schedules: Dictionary of all schedule objects that might be used in the
            construction with the schedule identifiers as the keys.
        raise_exception: Boolean to note whether an excpetion should be raised
            if the object is not identified as a construction. Default: True.

        A Python object derived from the input constr_dict.
    try:  # get the type key from the dictionary
        constr_type = constr_dict['type']
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError('Construction dictionary lacks required "type" key.')

    if constr_type == 'OpaqueConstructionAbridged':
        return OpaqueConstruction.from_dict_abridged(constr_dict, materials)
    elif constr_type == 'WindowConstructionAbridged':
        return WindowConstruction.from_dict_abridged(constr_dict, materials)
    elif constr_type == 'WindowConstructionShade':
        return WindowConstructionShade.from_dict_abridged(
            constr_dict, materials, schedules)
    elif constr_type == 'ShadeConstruction':
        return ShadeConstruction.from_dict(constr_dict)
    elif constr_type == 'AirBoundaryConstructionAbridged':
        return AirBoundaryConstruction.from_dict_abridged(
            constr_dict, schedules)
    elif constr_type == 'AirBoundaryConstruction':  # special case for ConstructionSet
        return AirBoundaryConstruction.from_dict(constr_dict)
    elif raise_exception:
        raise ValueError(
            '{} is not a recognized energy Construction type'.format(
Exemple #11
def test_window_construction_blind_init():
    """Test the initialization of WindowConstructionShade objects with blinds."""
    lowe_glass = EnergyWindowMaterialGlazing(
        'Low-e Glass', 0.00318, 0.4517, 0.359, 0.714, 0.207,
        0, 0.84, 0.046578, 1.0)
    clear_glass = EnergyWindowMaterialGlazing(
        'Clear Glass', 0.005715, 0.770675, 0.07, 0.8836, 0.0804,
        0, 0.84, 0.84, 1.0)
    gap = EnergyWindowMaterialGas('air gap', thickness=0.03)
    shade_mat = EnergyWindowMaterialBlind(
        'Plastic Blind', 'Vertical', 0.025, 0.01875, 0.003, 90, 0.2, 0.05, 0.4,
        0.05, 0.45, 0, 0.95, 0.1, 1)
    window_constr = WindowConstruction('Double Low-E', [lowe_glass, gap, clear_glass])
    window_clear = WindowConstruction('Double Low-E', [clear_glass, gap, clear_glass])
    sched = ScheduleRuleset.from_daily_values(
        'NighSched', [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                      0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1])
    double_low_e_shade = WindowConstructionShade(
        'Double Low-E with Blind', window_constr, shade_mat, 'Exterior',
        'OnIfHighSolarOnWindow', 200, sched)
    double_low_e_between_shade = WindowConstructionShade(
        'Double Low-E Between Blind', window_clear, shade_mat, 'Between')
    double_low_e_ext_shade = WindowConstructionShade(
        'Double Low-E Outside Blind', window_constr, shade_mat, 'Interior')
    double_low_e_shade_dup = double_low_e_shade.duplicate()

    assert double_low_e_shade.identifier == 'Double Low-E with Blind'
    assert double_low_e_shade.window_construction == \
    assert double_low_e_shade.shade_material == double_low_e_shade_dup.shade_material
    assert double_low_e_shade.shade_location == \
        double_low_e_shade_dup.shade_location == 'Exterior'
    assert double_low_e_shade.control_type == \
        double_low_e_shade_dup.control_type == 'OnIfHighSolarOnWindow'
    assert double_low_e_shade.setpoint == double_low_e_shade_dup.setpoint == 200
    assert double_low_e_shade.schedule == double_low_e_shade_dup.schedule == sched
    assert len(double_low_e_shade.materials) == 4
    assert len(double_low_e_shade.layers) == 4
    assert len(double_low_e_shade.unique_materials) == 4
    assert not double_low_e_shade.is_symmetric
    assert not double_low_e_shade.is_switchable_glazing
    assert double_low_e_shade.has_shade
    assert double_low_e_shade.inside_emissivity == \
        double_low_e_shade.inside_emissivity == 0.84
    assert double_low_e_shade.outside_emissivity == \
        double_low_e_shade.outside_emissivity == 0.95
    assert double_low_e_shade.thickness == \
    assert double_low_e_shade.glazing_count == 2
    assert double_low_e_shade.gap_count == 1

    assert double_low_e_between_shade.identifier == 'Double Low-E Between Blind'
    assert double_low_e_between_shade.shade_location == 'Between'
    assert double_low_e_between_shade.control_type == 'AlwaysOn'
    assert double_low_e_between_shade.setpoint is None
    assert double_low_e_between_shade.schedule is None
    assert len(double_low_e_between_shade.materials) == 5
    assert len(double_low_e_between_shade.unique_materials) == 3
    assert double_low_e_between_shade.is_symmetric
    assert double_low_e_between_shade.gap_count == 2

    assert double_low_e_ext_shade.identifier == 'Double Low-E Outside Blind'
    assert len(double_low_e_ext_shade.materials) == 4
Exemple #12
def test_window_construction_shade_init():
    """Test the initialization of WindowConstructionShade objects with shades."""
    lowe_glass = EnergyWindowMaterialGlazing(
        'Low-e Glass', 0.00318, 0.4517, 0.359, 0.714, 0.207,
        0, 0.84, 0.046578, 1.0)
    clear_glass = EnergyWindowMaterialGlazing(
        'Clear Glass', 0.005715, 0.770675, 0.07, 0.8836, 0.0804,
        0, 0.84, 0.84, 1.0)
    gap = EnergyWindowMaterialGas('air gap', thickness=0.0127)
    shade_mat = EnergyWindowMaterialShade(
        'Low-e Diffusing Shade', 0.005, 0.15, 0.5, 0.25, 0.5, 0, 0.4,
        0.2, 0.1, 0.75, 0.25)
    shade_thick = EnergyWindowMaterialShade(
        'Low-e Diffusing Shade', 0.025, 0.15, 0.5, 0.25, 0.5, 0, 0.4,
        0.2, 0.1, 0.75, 0.25)
    window_constr = WindowConstruction('Double Low-E', [lowe_glass, gap, clear_glass])
    window_clear = WindowConstruction('Double Low-E', [clear_glass, gap, clear_glass])
    sched = ScheduleRuleset.from_daily_values(
        'NighSched', [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                      0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1])

    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        double_low_e_between_shade = WindowConstructionShade(
            'Double Low-E Between Shade', window_constr, shade_thick, 'Between')

    double_low_e_shade = WindowConstructionShade(
        'Double Low-E with Shade', window_constr, shade_mat, 'Exterior',
        'OnIfHighSolarOnWindow', 200, sched)
    double_low_e_between_shade = WindowConstructionShade(
        'Double Low-E Between Shade', window_clear, shade_mat, 'Between')
    double_ext_shade = WindowConstructionShade(
        'Double Outside Shade', window_clear, shade_mat, 'Interior')

    double_low_e_shade_dup = double_low_e_shade.duplicate()

    assert double_low_e_shade.identifier == 'Double Low-E with Shade'
    assert double_low_e_shade.window_construction == \
    assert double_low_e_shade.shade_material == double_low_e_shade_dup.shade_material
    assert double_low_e_shade.shade_location == \
        double_low_e_shade_dup.shade_location == 'Exterior'
    assert double_low_e_shade.control_type == \
        double_low_e_shade_dup.control_type == 'OnIfHighSolarOnWindow'
    assert double_low_e_shade.setpoint == double_low_e_shade_dup.setpoint == 200
    assert double_low_e_shade.schedule == double_low_e_shade_dup.schedule == sched
    assert len(double_low_e_shade.materials) == 4
    assert len(double_low_e_shade.layers) == 4
    assert len(double_low_e_shade.unique_materials) == 4
    assert double_low_e_shade.r_value == double_low_e_shade.r_value == \
        pytest.approx(0.41984, rel=1e-2)
    assert double_low_e_shade.u_value == double_low_e_shade.u_value == \
        pytest.approx(2.3818, rel=1e-2)
    assert double_low_e_shade.u_factor == double_low_e_shade.u_factor == \
        pytest.approx(1.69802, rel=1e-2)
    assert double_low_e_shade.r_factor == double_low_e_shade.r_factor == \
        pytest.approx(0.588919, rel=1e-2)
    assert not double_low_e_shade.is_symmetric
    assert not double_low_e_shade.is_switchable_glazing
    assert double_low_e_shade.has_shade
    assert double_low_e_shade.inside_emissivity == \
        double_low_e_shade.inside_emissivity == 0.84
    assert double_low_e_shade.outside_emissivity == \
        double_low_e_shade.outside_emissivity == 0.4
    assert double_low_e_shade.thickness == \
    assert double_low_e_shade.glazing_count == 2
    assert double_low_e_shade.gap_count == 1

    assert double_low_e_between_shade.identifier == 'Double Low-E Between Shade'
    assert double_low_e_between_shade.shade_location == 'Between'
    assert double_low_e_between_shade.control_type == 'AlwaysOn'
    assert double_low_e_between_shade.setpoint is None
    assert double_low_e_between_shade.schedule is None
    assert len(double_low_e_between_shade.materials) == 5
    assert len(double_low_e_between_shade.unique_materials) == 3
    assert double_low_e_between_shade.is_symmetric
    assert double_low_e_between_shade.gap_count == 2

    assert double_ext_shade.identifier == 'Double Outside Shade'
    assert len(double_ext_shade.materials) == 4
    assert len(double_ext_shade.unique_materials) == 3
    'OnNightIfLowInsideTempAndOffDay': 'OnNightIfLowInsideTempAndOffDay',
    'OnNightIfHeatingAndOffDay': 'OnNightIfHeatingAndOffDay'

if all_required_inputs(ghenv.Component):
    # set default values
    constr_id = clean_and_id_ep_string('ShadedWindowConstruction') if _name_ is None else \
    _shd_location_ = 'Interior' if _shd_location_ is None else _shd_location_.title(
    _control_type_ = 'AlwaysOn' if _control_type_ is None \
        else CONTROL_TYPES[_control_type_]

    # get objects from the library if they are strings
    if isinstance(_win_constr, str):
        win_con = window_construction_by_identifier(_win_constr)
        # duplicate and rename to avoid having the same construction name in one model
        _win_constr = win_con.duplicate()
        _win_constr.identifier = '{}_Unshaded'.format(constr_id)
    if isinstance(_shd_material, str):
        _shd_material = window_material_by_identifier(_shd_material)
    if isinstance(schedule_, str):
        schedule_ = schedule_by_identifier(schedule_)

    # create the construction object
    constr = WindowConstructionShade(constr_id, _win_constr, _shd_material,
                                     _shd_location_, _control_type_, setpoint_,
    if _name_ is not None:
        constr.display_name = _name_