Exemple #1
    def clean(self):
        cleaned_data = super(VolumeOptionsAction, self).clean()
        volume_opt = cleaned_data.get('volume_type', None)

        if volume_opt and not cleaned_data[volume_opt]:
            raise forms.ValidationError(
                _('Please choose a volume, or select '
                  '%s.') % self.VOLUME_CHOICES[0][1])
        return cleaned_data
Exemple #2
 def clean(self):
     cleaned_data = super(CreateApplicationCredentialForm, self).clean()
         cleaned_data['access_rules'] = yaml.safe_load(
     except yaml.YAMLError:
         msg = (_('Access rules must be a valid JSON or YAML list.'))
         raise forms.ValidationError(msg)
     return cleaned_data
Exemple #3
 def clean(self):
     cleaned_data = super(PolicyBaseInfoAction, self).clean()
     exists_policys = alarmpolicy.objects.all()
     for p in exists_policys:
         if p.name == cleaned_data.get('name'):
             raise forms.ValidationError(
                 _('The name "%s" is already used by another policy.') %
     return cleaned_data
Exemple #4
    def clean(self):
        cleaned_data = super(SetFlavorChoiceAction, self).clean()
        flavor = cleaned_data.get('flavor', None)

        if flavor is None or flavor == cleaned_data['old_flavor_id']:
            raise forms.ValidationError(
                _('Please  choose a new flavor that '
                  'can not be same as the old one.'))
        return cleaned_data
Exemple #5
 def clean(self):
     cleaned_data = super(UpdateSubnet, self).clean()
     ip_version = int(cleaned_data.get('ip_version'))
     gateway_ip = cleaned_data.get('gateway_ip')
     if gateway_ip:
         if netaddr.IPAddress(gateway_ip).version is not ip_version:
             msg = _('Gateway IP and IP version are inconsistent.')
             raise forms.ValidationError(msg)
     return cleaned_data
Exemple #6
 def _convert_ip_address(self, ip, field_name):
         return netaddr.IPAddress(ip)
     except (netaddr.AddrFormatError, ValueError):
         msg = (_('%(field_name)s: Invalid IP address (value=%(ip)s)') % {
             'field_name': field_name,
             'ip': ip
         raise forms.ValidationError(msg)
 def clean(self):
     cleaned_data = super(RebuildInstanceForm, self).clean()
     if 'password' in cleaned_data:
         passwd = cleaned_data.get('password')
         confirm = cleaned_data.get('confirm_password')
         if passwd is not None and confirm is not None:
             if passwd != confirm:
                 raise forms.ValidationError(_("Passwords do not match."))
     return cleaned_data
Exemple #8
 def clean(self):
     cleaned_data = super(IncreaseForm, self).clean()
     orig_size = cleaned_data.get('orig_size')
     if not orig_size:
         msg = _(
             "Fail to get the size of current volume storage, please check the cinder services or exclude other reasons."
         raise forms.ValidationError(msg)
     return cleaned_data
Exemple #9
    def clean_period(self):
        '''Check to make sure period is zero unless type is WEBHOOK.
        data = self.cleaned_data
        if data['type'] != constants.NotificationType.WEBHOOK and data[
                'period'] != 0:
            raise forms.ValidationError(
                _("Period must be zero except for type webhook."))

        return data['period']
 def _convert_ip_network(self, network, field_name):
         return netaddr.IPNetwork(network)
     except (netaddr.AddrFormatError, ValueError):
         msg = (
             _('%(field_name)s: Invalid IP address (value=%(network)s)') % {
                 'field_name': field_name,
                 'network': network
         raise forms.ValidationError(msg)
Exemple #11
    def clean(self):
        cleaned_data = super(AddVolumeTypesToGroupAction, self).clean()
        volume_types = cleaned_data.get('add_vtypes_to_group_role_member')
        if not volume_types:
            raise forms.ValidationError(
                _('At least one volume type must be assigned '
                  'to a group.')

        return cleaned_data
Exemple #12
    def clean_password2(self):
        if ("password1" in self.cleaned_data
                and "password2" in self.cleaned_data):

            if (self.cleaned_data["password1"] !=
                raise forms.ValidationError(
                    _("You must type the same password"
                      " each time."))
        return self.cleaned_data["password2"]
Exemple #13
 def clean(self):
     cleaned_data = super(CreateSubnetInfoAction, self).clean()
     with_subnet = cleaned_data.get('with_subnet')
     cidr = cleaned_data.get('cidr')
     ip_version = int(cleaned_data.get('ip_version'))
     gateway_ip = cleaned_data.get('gateway_ip')
     if with_subnet and not cidr:
         msg = _('Specify "Network Address" or '
                 'clear "Create Subnet" checkbox.')
         raise forms.ValidationError(msg)
     if cidr:
         if netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr).version is not ip_version:
             msg = _('Network Address and IP version are inconsistent.')
             raise forms.ValidationError(msg)
     if gateway_ip:
         if netaddr.IPAddress(gateway_ip).version is not ip_version:
             msg = _('Gateway IP and IP version are inconsistent.')
             raise forms.ValidationError(msg)
     return cleaned_data
Exemple #14
 def clean(self):
     cleaned_data = super(CreateForm, self).clean()
     import_type = cleaned_data.get('source')
     if import_type == 'app_file' and not cleaned_data.get('app_file'):
         msg = _('Please supply an app file')
         raise forms.ValidationError(msg)
     elif import_type == 'input':
         if not (cleaned_data.get('name')):
             msg = _('Please supply a name')
             raise forms.ValidationError(msg)
         elif not cleaned_data.get('languagepack'):
             msg = _('Please supply a languagepack')
             raise forms.ValidationError(msg)
         elif not cleaned_data.get('git_url'):
             msg = _('Please supply a github url')
             raise forms.ValidationError(msg)
         elif not cleaned_data.get('run_cmd'):
             msg = _('Please supply a run command')
             raise forms.ValidationError(msg)
     return cleaned_data
Exemple #15
    def clean_consumer_choice(self):
        # ensure that new consumer isn't the same as current consumer
        qos_spec = self.initial['qos_spec']
        cleaned_new_consumer = self.cleaned_data.get('consumer_choice')
        old_consumer = qos_spec.consumer

        if cleaned_new_consumer == old_consumer:
            raise forms.ValidationError(
                _('QoS Spec consumer value must be different than '
                  'the current consumer value.'))
        return cleaned_new_consumer
Exemple #16
    def clean(self):
        cleaned_data = super(UpdateForm, self).clean()

        values = cleaned_data.get('values')
            values = json.loads(values)
            cleaned_data['values'] = values
        except json.JSONDecodeError:
            raise forms.ValidationError(_('Values must be written in JSON'))

        return cleaned_data
Exemple #17
    def clean_email(self):
        email = self.cleaned_data["email"]

        self.users = get_user_model().objects \

        if not self.users.exists():
            raise forms.ValidationError(
                _("The e-mail address is not assigned"
                  " to any user account"))
        return self.cleaned_data["email"]
Exemple #18
    def clean(self):
        cleaned_data = super(UpdateForm, self).clean()

        values = cleaned_data.get('values')
            values = eval(values)
            cleaned_data['values'] = values
        except (SyntaxError, NameError):
            raise forms.ValidationError(_('Values must written in JSON'))

        return cleaned_data
Exemple #19
 def _check_count(self, cleaned_data):
     min_count = cleaned_data.get('min_count')
     if min_count:
         max_count = cleaned_data.get('count', 1)
         if max_count < min_count:
             error_message = ungettext_lazy(
                 'The requested instance cannot be launched as '
                 'the requested %(req)i instances is less than ',
                 'the requested minimum %(min)i instances. '
                 'The request instance cannot be launched.', max_count)
             params = {'req': max_count, 'min': min_count}
             raise forms.ValidationError(error_message % params)
Exemple #20
    def clean(self):
        cleaned_data = super(EditPortsAction, self).clean()
        public_protocol = cleaned_data.get('public_protocol', None)
        private_protocol = cleaned_data.get('private_protocol', None)

        if public_protocol and private_protocol:
            if public_protocol != private_protocol:
                raise forms.ValidationError(
                    "The source and destination Port Aliases "
                    "must use the same protocol.")

        return cleaned_data
Exemple #21
    def clean(self):
        cleaned_data = super(BaseFirewallRuleForm, self).clean()
        s_protocol = None
        d_protocol = None

        msg = u"This field is required."

        if cleaned_data.get('source_port_alias', None):
            if cleaned_data['source_port_alias'] == 'Custom':
                if cleaned_data['source_protocol'] is None:
                    self._errors['source_protocol'] = self.error_class([msg])
                    del cleaned_data["source_protocol"]
                    s_protocol = cleaned_data['source_protocol']

                if cleaned_data['source_public_port'] is None:
                    self._errors['source_public_port'] = self.error_class(
                    del cleaned_data["source_public_port"]
                port_alias = quantum_extensions_client.portalias_get(
                    self.request, cleaned_data['source_port_alias'])
                cleaned_data['source_protocol'] = port_alias['protocol']
                cleaned_data['source_public_port'] = port_alias['port']
                s_protocol = port_alias['protocol']

        if cleaned_data.get('destination_port_alias', None):
            if cleaned_data['destination_port_alias'] == 'Custom':
                if cleaned_data['destination_protocol'] is None:
                    self._errors['destination_protocol'] = self.error_class(
                    del cleaned_data["destination_protocol"]
                    d_protocol = cleaned_data["destination_protocol"]

                if cleaned_data['destination_public_port'] is None:
                    self._errors['destination_public_port'] = self.error_class(
                    del cleaned_data["destination_public_port"]
                port_alias = quantum_extensions_client.portalias_get(
                    self.request, cleaned_data['destination_port_alias'])
                cleaned_data['destination_protocol'] = port_alias['protocol']
                cleaned_data['destination_public_port'] = port_alias['port']
                d_protocol = port_alias['protocol']

        if s_protocol and d_protocol:
            if s_protocol != d_protocol:
                raise forms.ValidationError(
                    "The source and destination Port Aliases "
                    "must use the same protocol.")

        return cleaned_data
Exemple #22
    def clean(self):
        cleaned_data = super(EditFirewallRuleForm, self).clean()
        source_protocol = cleaned_data.get('source_protocol', None)
        destination_protocol = cleaned_data.get('destination_protocol', None)

        if source_protocol and destination_protocol:
            if source_protocol != destination_protocol:
                raise forms.ValidationError(
                    "The source and destination Port Aliases "
                    "must use the same protocol.")

        return cleaned_data
Exemple #23
 def clean(self):
     cleaned_data = super().clean()
     # access_rules field exists only when keystone API >= 3.13 and
     # the field is deleted above when a lower version of API is used.
     if 'access_rules' in cleaned_data:
             cleaned_data['access_rules'] = yaml.safe_load(
         except yaml.YAMLError:
             msg = (_('Access rules must be a valid JSON or YAML list.'))
             raise forms.ValidationError(msg)
     return cleaned_data
Exemple #24
 def clean(self):
     cleaned_data = super(RebuildInstanceForm, self).clean()
     is_allow_inject_passwd = False
     select_image_id = cleaned_data.get('image', None)
     if select_image_id != None:
         image = api.glance.image_get(self.request, select_image_id)
         is_allow_inject_passwd = getattr(image, 'is_allow_inject_passwd', False)
         cleaned_data['is_allow_inject_passwd'] = is_allow_inject_passwd
         cleaned_data['image_name'] = image.name
     if 'password' in cleaned_data:
         passwd = cleaned_data.get('password')
         confirm = cleaned_data.get('confirm_password')
         if passwd is not None and confirm is not None:
             if passwd != confirm:
                 raise forms.ValidationError(_("Passwords do not match."))
             if is_allow_inject_passwd:
                 if not validators.validate_password(passwd):
                     raise forms.ValidationError(_("The password must begin with a letter, "
                                               "and the length is between the 8-64 bits, "
                                               "and the number, the letter and the symbol are the same."))
     return cleaned_data
Exemple #25
 def clean(self):
     """Checks that no two articles have the same title."""
     if any(self.errors):
         # Don't bother validating the formset unless each form is valid on its own
     titles = []
     for form in self.forms:
         title = form.cleaned_data['produkt']
         if title in titles:
             raise forms.ValidationError(
                 "Articles in a set must have distinct titles.")
Exemple #26
 def handle(self, request, data):
         vim_name = data['vim_name']
         description = data['vim_description']
         password = data['password']
         username = data['username']
         project_name = data['project_name']
         is_default = data['is_default']
         auth_url = data['auth_url']
         domain_name = data['domain_name']
         cert_verify = data.get('cert_verify', api.tacker.CERT_TRUE_TYPE)
         if cert_verify not in [
                 api.tacker.CERT_TRUE_TYPE, api.tacker.CERT_FALSE_TYPE
             raise forms.ValidationError("cert_verify type not supported.")
         auth_cred = {
             'username': username,
             'password': password,
             'user_domain_name': domain_name,
             'cert_verify': cert_verify
         bearer_token = data['bearer_token'].replace('None', '')
         ssl_ca_cert = data['ssl_ca_cert'].replace('\r\n', ' ')
         vim_type = data['vim_type']
         if vim_type == 'kubernetes':
             auth_cred = {'username': username, 'password': password}
             # if bearer_token is provided, use it instead
             if bearer_token:
                 auth_cred = {'bearer_token': bearer_token}
             # only k8s vim needs ssl_ca_cert and it's optional
             if ssl_ca_cert:
                 auth_cred['ssl_ca_cert'] = ssl_ca_cert
         vim_arg = {
             'vim': {
                 'name': vim_name,
                 'description': description,
                 'type': vim_type,
                 'auth_url': auth_url,
                 'auth_cred': auth_cred,
                 'vim_project': {
                     'name': project_name,
                     'project_domain_name': domain_name
                 'is_default': is_default
         api.tacker.create_vim(request, vim_arg)
             _('VIM %s create operation initiated.') % vim_name)
         return True
     except Exception:
         exceptions.handle(request, _('Failed to register VIM.'))
 def _check_source_volume(self, cleaned_data):
     if not cleaned_data.get('volume_id'):
         msg = _("You must select a volume.")
         self._errors['volume_id'] = self.error_class([msg])
     # Prevent launching multiple instances with the same volume.
     # TODO(gabriel): is it safe to launch multiple instances with
     # a snapshot since it should be cloned to new volumes?
     count = cleaned_data.get('count', 1)
     if count > 1:
         msg = _('Launching multiple instances is only supported for '
                 'images and instance snapshots.')
         raise forms.ValidationError(msg)
Exemple #28
 def clean_backup(self):
     backup = self.cleaned_data['backup']
     if backup:
             # Make sure the user is not "hacking" the form
             # and that they have access to this backup_id
             LOG.debug("Obtaining backups")
             bkup = api.trove.backup_get(self.request, backup)
             self.cleaned_data['backup'] = bkup.id
         except Exception:
             raise forms.ValidationError(_("Unable to find backup!"))
     return backup
Exemple #29
    def clean(self):
        cleaned_data = super(SetInstanceDetailsAction, self).clean()

        # Validate our instance source.
        source = cleaned_data['source_type']
        # There should always be at least one image_id choice, telling the user
        # that there are "No Images Available" so we check for 2 here...
        volume_type = self.data.get('volume_type', None)
        if volume_type:  # Boot from volume
            if cleaned_data[source]:
                raise forms.ValidationError(
                    _("You can't select an instance "
                      "source when booting from a "
                      "Volume. The Volume is your "
                      "source and should contain "
                      "the operating system."))
        else:  # Boot from image / image_snapshot
            if source == 'image_id' and not \
                 filter(lambda x: x[0] != '', self.fields['image_id'].choices):
                raise forms.ValidationError(
                    _("There are no image sources "
                      "available; you must first "
                      "create an image before "
                      "attemtping to launch an "
            elif not cleaned_data[source]:
                raise forms.ValidationError(
                    _("Please select an option for the"
                      " instance source."))

        # Prevent launching multiple instances with the same volume.
        # TODO(gabriel): is it safe to launch multiple instances with
        # a snapshot since it should be cloned to new volumes?
        count = cleaned_data.get('count', 1)
        if volume_type and count > 1:
            msg = _('Launching multiple instances is only supported for '
                    'images and instance snapshots.')
            raise forms.ValidationError(msg)

        return cleaned_data
Exemple #30
    def clean(self):
        cleaned_data = super(AddInterface, self).clean()
        ifclass = cleaned_data.get('ifclass', 'none')

        if ifclass != 'platform':
            cleaned_data['networks'] = []

        if ifclass != 'data':
            cleaned_data.pop('ipv4_mode', None)
            cleaned_data.pop('ipv6_mode', None)

        if cleaned_data.get('ipv4_mode') != 'pool':
            cleaned_data.pop('ipv4_pool', None)

        if cleaned_data.get('ipv6_mode') != 'pool':
            cleaned_data.pop('ipv6_pool', None)

        if ifclass == 'data':
            datanetworks = [
                _f for _f in cleaned_data.get('datanetworks_data', []) if _f
        elif ifclass == 'pci-passthrough':
            datanetworks = [
                _f for _f in cleaned_data.get('datanetworks_pci', []) if _f
        elif ifclass == 'pci-sriov':
            datanetworks = [
                _f for _f in cleaned_data.get('datanetworks_sriov', []) if _f
            datanetworks = []

        # datanetwork selection is required for 'data', 'pci-passthrough'
        # and 'pci-sriov'. It is NOT required for any other interface class
        if not datanetworks:

            # Note that 1 of 3 different controls may be used to select
            # data network, make sure to set the error on the appropriate
            # control
            if ifclass in ['data', 'pci-passthrough', 'pci-sriov']:
                raise forms.ValidationError(
                    _("You must specify a Data Network"))

        cleaned_data['datanetworks'] = ",".join(datanetworks)
        if 'datanetworks_data' in cleaned_data:
            del cleaned_data['datanetworks_data']
        if 'datanetworks_pci' in cleaned_data:
            del cleaned_data['datanetworks_pci']
        if 'datanetworks_sriov' in cleaned_data:
            del cleaned_data['datanetworks_sriov']

        return cleaned_data