Exemple #1
	def calculate_ship_dispersion(cls, ship_group):
		There are many solutions to solve the problem of caculating ship_group dispersion efficiently.
		We generally care about computing that in linear time, rather than having accurate numbers in O(n^2).
		We settle for a diagonal of a bounding box for the whole group.
		@return: dispersion factor
		@rtype: float
		positions = [ship.position for ship in ship_group]
		bottom_left = Point(min(positions, key=lambda position: position.x).x, min(positions, key=lambda position: position.y).y)
		top_right = Point(max(positions, key=lambda position: position.x).x, max(positions, key=lambda position: position.y).y)
		diagonal = bottom_left.distance_to_point(top_right)
		return diagonal
Exemple #2
 def __create_unit(self):
     """Create the produced unit now."""
     productions = self._productions.values()
     for production in productions:
         assert isinstance(production, UnitProduction)
         for unit, amount in production.get_produced_units().iteritems():
             for i in xrange(0, amount):
                 radius = 1
                 found_tile = False
                 # search for free water tile, and increase search radius if none is found
                 while not found_tile:
                     for coord in Circle(self.position.center(),
                         point = Point(coord[0], coord[1])
                         if self.island.get_tile(point) is None:
                             tile = self.session.world.get_tile(point)
                             if tile is not None and tile.is_water and coord not in self.session.world.ship_map:
                                 CreateUnit(self.owner.worldid, unit,
                                 found_tile = True
                     radius += 1
    def __init__(self, radius, coords_list, random):
		Create a BuildingIndexer
		@param radius: int, maximum required radius of the buildings
		@param coords_list: list of tuples, the coordinates of the island
		@param random: the rng of the session
        self._offsets = Circle(Point(0, 0), radius).get_coordinates()
        self._map = {}
        for coords in coords_list:
            self._map[coords] = BuildingIndex(coords, random)
        self._add_set = set()
        self._remove_set = set()
        self._changed = False
Exemple #4
	def __iter__(self):
		"""Return all coordinates in the shape as points."""
		for x, y in self.tuple_iter():
			yield Point(x, y)