Exemple #1
class TestUnitHypervisor(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.services_helper = ServicesHelper()
        self.hv = None
        self.agent_config_dir = mkdtemp(delete=True)
        self.agent_config = AgentConfig(
            ["--config-path", self.agent_config_dir])

    def tearDown(self):
        if self.hv:
            # Need to explicitly stop the thread and join it. Otherwise if it
            # runs beyond its own context, other test case could mocks some
            # function the thread relies on, and it could lead to bad
            # behaviors.

    def _retrieve_content(self):
        about_mock = PropertyMock(name="about_mock")
        about_mock.version = "5.5.99"
        about_mock.build = "999"
        content_mock = MagicMock(name="content")
        return content_mock

    @patch.object(VimClient, "_acquire_local_credentials")
    @patch.object(VimCache, "poll_updates")
    def test_config(self, connect_mock, update_mock, creds_mock, monitor_mock):

        si_mock = MagicMock(name="si_mock")
        si_mock.RetrieveContent = self._retrieve_content
        connect_mock.return_value = si_mock

        creds_mock.return_value = ["user", "pass"]

        # Simulate exception thrown during construction of the
        # Hypervisor and verify that no keep alive thread is started
        creds_mock.side_effect = AcquireCredentialsException()
        self.assertRaises(AcquireCredentialsException, Hypervisor,
        assert_that(update_mock.called, is_(False))

        creds_mock.side_effect = None

        self.hv = Hypervisor(self.agent_config)

        assert_that(update_mock.called, is_(True))

    @patch.object(VimClient, "_acquire_local_credentials")
    @patch.object(VimCache, "poll_updates")
    def test_listener(self, connect_mock, update_mock, creds_mock,
        """Test update listeners"""
        class MyUpdateListener(UpdateListener):
            def __init__(self):
                self.ds_updated = False

            def datastores_updated(self):
                self.ds_updated = True

        creds_mock.return_value = ["user", "pass"]
        si_mock = MagicMock(name="si_mock")
        si_mock.RetrieveContent = self._retrieve_content
        connect_mock.return_value = si_mock

        # Create 10 listeners each.
        listeners = []
        for i in xrange(10):

        # Add listeners to the hypervisor and verify that the listeners get
        # notified immediately.
        self.hv = Hypervisor(self.agent_config)
        for listener in listeners:
            assert_that(listener.ds_updated, is_(True))

        # Remove listeners.
        for listener in listeners:
        # 1 for datastore manager
        assert_that(len(self.hv.host_client.update_listeners), is_(1))
class TestUnitHypervisor(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.services_helper = ServicesHelper()
        self.hv = None
        self.agent_config_dir = mkdtemp(delete=True)
        self.agent_config = AgentConfig(["--config-path",

    def tearDown(self):
        if self.hv:
            # Need to explicitly stop the thread and join it. Otherwise if it
            # runs beyond its own context, other test case could mocks some
            # function the thread relies on, and it could lead to bad
            # behaviors.

    def _retrieve_content(self):
        about_mock = PropertyMock(name="about_mock")
        about_mock.version = "5.5.99"
        about_mock.build = "999"
        content_mock = MagicMock(name="content")
        return content_mock

    @patch.object(Hypervisor, "create_host_client")
    @patch.object(VimClient, "_acquire_local_credentials")
    @patch.object(VimCache, "poll_updates")
    def test_config(self, connect_mock, update_mock, creds_mock, monitor_mock, create_host_client_mock):

        create_host_client_mock.return_value = VimClient()
        si_mock = MagicMock(name="si_mock")
        si_mock.RetrieveContent = self._retrieve_content
        connect_mock.return_value = si_mock

        creds_mock.return_value = ["user", "pass"]

        # Simulate exception thrown during construction of the
        # Hypervisor and verify that no keep alive thread is started
        creds_mock.side_effect = AcquireCredentialsException()
                          Hypervisor, self.agent_config)
        assert_that(update_mock.called, is_(False))

        creds_mock.side_effect = None

        self.hv = Hypervisor(self.agent_config)

        assert_that(update_mock.called, is_(True))

    @patch.object(Hypervisor, "create_host_client")
    @patch.object(VimClient, "_acquire_local_credentials")
    @patch.object(VimCache, "poll_updates")
    def test_listener(self, connect_mock, update_mock, creds_mock, monitor_mock, create_host_client_mock):
        """Test update listeners"""
        class MyUpdateListener(UpdateListener):
            def __init__(self):
                self.ds_updated = False

            def datastores_updated(self):
                self.ds_updated = True

        create_host_client_mock.return_value = VimClient()
        creds_mock.return_value = ["user", "pass"]
        si_mock = MagicMock(name="si_mock")
        si_mock.RetrieveContent = self._retrieve_content
        connect_mock.return_value = si_mock

        # Create 10 listeners each.
        listeners = []
        for i in xrange(10):

        # Add listeners to the hypervisor and verify that the listeners get
        # notified immediately.
        self.hv = Hypervisor(self.agent_config)
        for listener in listeners:
            assert_that(listener.ds_updated, is_(True))

        # Remove listeners.
        for listener in listeners:
        # 1 for datastore manager
        assert_that(len(self.hv.host_client.update_listeners), is_(1))