Exemple #1
 def cx2_rr(qm, qcx, qhs=None):
     hs   = qm.hs
     qhs  = hs if qhs is None else qhs
     rr = RawResults(qcx, hs, qhs)
     qm.rr = rr
     # Save in query database. 
     rr_dpath = qhs.iom.ensure_computed_directory('query_results')
     # Filename points to result database
     depends = ['chiprep', 'preproc', 'model', 'query']
     algo_suffix = hs.am.get_algo_suffix(depends)
     samp_suffix = hs.vm.get_samp_suffix()
     rr_suffix = algo_suffix + samp_suffix
     # Populate raw results
     force_recompute = False #TODO PREFERENCE
     if rr.has_result(rr_dpath, rr_suffix) and not force_recompute:
         logdbg('Loading query.')
         rr.load_result(rr_dpath, rr_suffix)
         logmsg('Recomputing query.')
         (qfpts, qfdsc) = qhs.cm.get_feats(qcx)
         rr.qfpts = qfpts
         rr.qfdsc = qfdsc
         rr.qchip_size = qhs.cm.cx2_chip_size(qcx)
         qm.repopulate_raw_results(rr, hs, qhs)
         rr.save_result(rr_dpath, rr_suffix)
     return rr
Exemple #2
 def cx2_rr(qm, qcx, qhs=None):
     hs = qm.hs
     qhs = hs if qhs is None else qhs
     rr = RawResults(qcx, hs, qhs)
     qm.rr = rr
     # Save in query database.
     rr_dpath = qhs.iom.ensure_computed_directory('query_results')
     # Filename points to result database
     depends = ['chiprep', 'preproc', 'model', 'query']
     algo_suffix = hs.am.get_algo_suffix(depends)
     samp_suffix = hs.vm.get_samp_suffix()
     rr_suffix = algo_suffix + samp_suffix
     # Populate raw results
     force_recompute = False  #TODO PREFERENCE
     if rr.has_result(rr_dpath, rr_suffix) and not force_recompute:
         logdbg('Loading query.')
         rr.load_result(rr_dpath, rr_suffix)
         logmsg('Recomputing query.')
         (qfpts, qfdsc) = qhs.cm.get_feats(qcx)
         rr.qfpts = qfpts
         rr.qfdsc = qfdsc
         rr.qchip_size = qhs.cm.cx2_chip_size(qcx)
         qm.repopulate_raw_results(rr, hs, qhs)
         rr.save_result(rr_dpath, rr_suffix)
     return rr
Exemple #3
 def load_image_table(iom):
     logmsg("Loading Image Table")
     img_table_fpath = iom.get_image_table_fpath()
     if not exists(img_table_fpath):
         img_table_fpath = iom._check_altfname(alt_names=["image_table.csv"])
     image_csv_func = lambda f, d: iom.__image_csv_func(f, d)
     return iom._load_table(img_table_fpath, "Image", iom.hs.gm.img_alloc, image_csv_func)
Exemple #4
 def select_images_on_disk(uim, start_path=None):
     dlg = QFileDialog()
     logmsg('Select one or more images to add.')
     image_list = dlg.getOpenFileNames(caption='Select one or more images to add.',\
     image_list = [str(fpath) for fpath in image_list]
     return image_list
Exemple #5
 def delete_computed_cid(cm, cid):
     iom = cm.hs.iom
     if np.iterable(cid):
         logerr('this function only works for a single cid')
     logmsg('Removing CID=%d\'s computed files' % cid)
     cid_fname_pattern = iom.get_chip_prefix(cid, []) + '*'
Exemple #6
 def load_chip_table(iom):
     logmsg("Loading Chip Table")
     chip_table_fpath = iom.get_chip_table_fpath()
     if not exists(chip_table_fpath):
         alt_names = ["chip_table.csv", "instance_table.csv", "animal_info_table.csv", "SightingData.csv"]
         chip_table_fpath = iom._check_altfname(alt_names=alt_names)
     return iom._load_table(chip_table_fpath, "Chip", iom.hs.cm.chip_alloc, iom.hs.cm.load_csv_line)
Exemple #7
 def select_images_on_disk(uim, start_path=None):
     dlg = QFileDialog()
     logmsg('Select one or more images to add.')
     image_list = dlg.getOpenFileNames(caption='Select one or more images to add.',\
     image_list = [str(fpath) for fpath in image_list]
     return image_list
Exemple #8
 def add_roi_to_all_images(hs):
     cm, gm, nm = hs.get_managers('cm','gm','nm')
     gx_list = gm.get_empty_gxs()
     logmsg('Adding '+str(len(gx_list))+' rois to empty images')
     for gx in gx_list:
         (gw, gh) = gm.gx2_img_size(gx)
         cm.add_chip(-1, nm.UNIDEN_NX(), gx, [0, 0, gw, gh], 0)
Exemple #9
 def  load_chip_table(iom):
     logmsg('Loading Chip Table')
     chip_table_fpath = iom.get_chip_table_fpath()
     if not exists(chip_table_fpath): 
         chip_table_fpath = iom._check_altfname(alt_names=alt_names)
     return iom._load_table(chip_table_fpath, 'Chip', iom.hs.cm.chip_alloc, iom.hs.cm.load_csv_line)
Exemple #10
 def  load_name_table(iom):
     logmsg('Loading Name Table')
     name_table_fpath = iom.get_name_table_fpath()
     if not exists(name_table_fpath): 
         name_table_fpath = iom._check_altfname(alt_names=['name_table.csv'])
     name_csv_func   = lambda f,d: iom.__name_csv_func(f,d)
     return iom._load_table(name_table_fpath, 'Name', iom.hs.nm.name_alloc, name_csv_func)
Exemple #11
 def  load_image_table(iom):
     logmsg('Loading Image Table')
     img_table_fpath = iom.get_image_table_fpath()
     if not exists(img_table_fpath): 
         img_table_fpath = iom._check_altfname(alt_names=['image_table.csv'])
     image_csv_func   = lambda f,d: iom.__image_csv_func(f,d)
     return iom._load_table(img_table_fpath, 'Image', iom.hs.gm.img_alloc, image_csv_func)
Exemple #12
 def rename_chip(cm, cx, new_name):
     nm = cm.hs.nm
     cid = cm.cid(cx)
     old_nx = cm.cx2_nx[cx]
     old_name = nm.nx2_name[old_nx]
     if old_name == new_name:
         logdbg('new_name == old_name')
     logmsg('Renaming cid=' + str(cid) + ' from ' + str(old_name) + ' to ' +
     if not new_name in nm.name2_nx.keys():
         nm.add_name(-1, new_name)
     old_nx = cm.cx2_nx[cx]
     new_nx = nm.name2_nx[new_name]
     old_nid = nm.nx2_nid[old_nx]
     new_nid = nm.nx2_nid[new_nx]
     logdbg('Old Name Info: cid=%d cx=%d,  nid=%d, nx=%d, name=%s' %
            (cid, cx, old_nid, old_nx, old_name))
     logdbg('New Name Info: cid=%d cx=%d,  nid=%d, nx=%d, name=%s' %
            (cid, cx, new_nid, new_nx, new_name))
     cm.cx2_nx[cx] = new_nx
Exemple #13
 def load_name_table(iom):
     logmsg("Loading Name Table")
     name_table_fpath = iom.get_name_table_fpath()
     if not exists(name_table_fpath):
         name_table_fpath = iom._check_altfname(alt_names=["name_table.csv"])
     name_csv_func = lambda f, d: iom.__name_csv_func(f, d)
     return iom._load_table(name_table_fpath, "Name", iom.hs.nm.name_alloc, name_csv_func)
Exemple #14
 def change_roi(cm, cx, new_roi):
     cid = cm.cx2_cid[cx]
     logmsg('Giving cid=%d new roi: %r' % (cid, new_roi))
     assert not new_roi is None
     if new_roi is None:
         logerr('The ROI is np.empty')
     cm.cx2_roi[cx] = new_roi
Exemple #15
 def change_roi(cm, cx, new_roi):
     cid = cm.cx2_cid[cx]
     logmsg('Giving cid=%d new roi: %r' % (cid, new_roi))
     assert not new_roi is None
     if new_roi is None:
         logerr('The ROI is np.empty')
     cm.cx2_roi[cx] = new_roi
Exemple #16
 def reset(vm):
     logmsg('Reseting the Visual Model')
     vm.isDirty  = True 
     vm.wx2_fdsc   = np.array([], dtype=np.uint8) 
     vm.wx2_axs    = []
     vm.wx2_idf    = np.array([], dtype=np.float32)
     vm.wx2_maxtf  = np.array([], dtype=np.float32)
     vm.ax2_cid    = np.array([], dtype=np.uint32)
     vm.ax2_fx     = np.array([], dtype=np.uint32)
Exemple #17
 def write(iom, fpath, to_write):
     logmsg('Writing to: %s' % fpath)
     print 'Writing String:\n%s' % to_write
         with open(fpath, 'w') as f:
         print 'Wrote to %s' % fpath
     except Exception as ex: 
         print 'Error: '+str(ex)
         print 'Failed to write to %s ' % fpath
Exemple #18
 def write(iom, fpath, to_write):
     logmsg("Writing to: %s" % fpath)
     print "Writing String:\n%s" % to_write
         with open(fpath, "w") as f:
         print "Wrote to %s" % fpath
     except Exception as ex:
         print "Error: " + str(ex)
         print "Failed to write to %s " % fpath
Exemple #19
 def unload_features(cm, cxs):
     if not np.iterable(cxs):
         cxs = [cxs]
     nRequest = len(cxs)
     nUnload  = nRequest - np.sum(cm.cx2_dirty_bit[cxs])
     # Print unloaded cxs unless there are more than 3
     logdbg('Unloading features: %r' % cxs)
     logmsg('Unloading %d/%d features: ' % (nUnload, nRequest))
     cm.cx2_fpts[cxs] = np.empty(nUnload,dtype=object)
     cm.cx2_fdsc[cxs] = np.empty(nUnload,dtype=object)
     cm.cx2_fdsc[cxs] = np.empty(nUnload,dtype=object)
     cm.cx2_dirty_bit[cxs] = True
Exemple #20
 def unload_features(cm, cxs):
     if not np.iterable(cxs):
         cxs = [cxs]
     nRequest = len(cxs)
     nUnload = nRequest - np.sum(cm.cx2_dirty_bit[cxs])
     # Print unloaded cxs unless there are more than 3
     logdbg('Unloading features: %r' % cxs)
     logmsg('Unloading %d/%d features: ' % (nUnload, nRequest))
     cm.cx2_fpts[cxs] = np.empty(nUnload, dtype=object)
     cm.cx2_fdsc[cxs] = np.empty(nUnload, dtype=object)
     cm.cx2_fdsc[cxs] = np.empty(nUnload, dtype=object)
     cm.cx2_dirty_bit[cxs] = True
Exemple #21
 def remove_files_with_pattern(iom, dpath, fname_pattern, recursive_bit=True):
     logdbg('Removing files in directory %r %s' % (dpath, ['', ', Recursively'][recursive_bit]))
     logdbg('Removing files with pattern: %r' % fname_pattern)
     num_removed = 0
     num_matched = 0
     for root, dname_list, fname_list in os.walk(dpath):
         for fname in fnmatch.filter(fname_list, fname_pattern):
             num_matched += 1
             num_removed += iom.remove_file(join(root, fname))
         if not recursive_bit:
     logmsg('Removed %d/%d files' % (num_removed, num_matched))
     return True
 def gui_log_wrapper(hsgui, *args, **kwargs):
         function_name = fn.func_name
         into_str = 'In  hsgui.'+function_name
         outo_str = 'Out hsgui.'+function_name+'\n'
         ret = fn(hsgui, *args, **kwargs)
         return ret
     except Exception as ex:
         import traceback
         logmsg('\n\n *!!* HotSpotter GUI Raised Exception: '+str(ex))
         logmsg('\n\n *!!* HotSpotter GUI Exception Traceback: \n\n'+traceback.format_exc())
Exemple #23
 def remove_files_with_pattern(iom, dpath, fname_pattern, recursive_bit=True):
     logdbg("Removing files in directory %r %s" % (dpath, ["", ", Recursively"][recursive_bit]))
     logdbg("Removing files with pattern: %r" % fname_pattern)
     num_removed = 0
     num_matched = 0
     for root, dname_list, fname_list in os.walk(dpath):
         for fname in fnmatch.filter(fname_list, fname_pattern):
             num_matched += 1
             num_removed += iom.remove_file(join(root, fname))
         if not recursive_bit:
     logmsg("Removed %d/%d files" % (num_removed, num_matched))
     return True
Exemple #24
 def batch_rename(hs, name1, name2):
     logmsg('Batch Renaming %s to %s' % (name1, name2))
     cm, nm = hs.get_managers('cm','nm')
     if name1 == nm.UNIDEN_NAME():
         logerr('Cannot batch rename '+str(name1)+'. It is UNIDENTIFIED and has special meaning')
     if name1 not in nm.name2_nx.keys():
         logerr('Cannot batch rename. '+str(name1)+' does not exist')
     cx_list = nm.name2_cx_list(name1)[:] # COPY BEFORE YOU CHANGE. Man, sneaky errors
     num_chips = len(cx_list)
     if num_chips == 0:
         logerr('Cannot batch rename. '+str(name1)+' has no chips')
     logmsg('Renaming '+str(num_chips)+' chips: '+str(cx_list))
     for cx in cx_list:
         logdbg('Batch Rename '+str(cx))
         cm.rename_chip(cx, name2)
     return True
Exemple #25
    def smartget_db_dpath(hs, db_dpath):
        ''' Performs a smart update of the db_dpath
        Trys a number of various  options to get it right

        None = Read from preferences
        ''   = Prompt the User For database
        if db_dpath is None: # If requested to read prefs
            db_dpath = str(hs.core_prefs.database_dpath)
        if db_dpath in [None, 'None'] or\
           not os.path.exists(db_dpath): # Check validity
            logwarn('db_dpath='+repr(db_dpath)+' is invalid')
            db_dpath = '' 
        if db_dpath == '': # Prompt The User. TODO Move this to Facade/UIManager
            logmsg('what database should I open?')
                db_dpath = hs.uim.select_database()
                logerr(' Was unable to prompt user with QT')
        return db_dpath
Exemple #26
 def load_model(vm):
     # See if the model is loadable
     if not vm.model_prefs.save_load_model:
         logdbg('Can NOT load the visual model')
         return False
     if not vm.flann is None: 
         raise Exception('Cannot load a model when FLANN already exists')
     logdbg('Trying to load visual model')
     # Check to see if new model on disk
     model_fpath = vm.hs.iom.get_model_fpath()
     if not os.path.exists(model_fpath):
         logdbg(' * A saved model data file was missing: '+
                model_fpath); return False
     flann_index_fpath = vm.hs.iom.get_flann_index_fpath()
     if not os.path.exists(flann_index_fpath):
         logdbg(' * A saved flann index file was missing: '+
                flann_index_fpath); return False
     # Model and Flann Exist on disk
     # Load the model data first
     # Read model into dictionary
     logmsg('Loading visual model data: ' + model_fpath)
     npz = np.load(model_fpath)
     for _key in npz.files:
         vm.__dict__[_key] = npz[_key]
     # Read FLANN index
     logmsg('Loading FLANN index: '+ flann_index_fpath)
     vm.flann = FLANN()
     vm.flann.load_index(flann_index_fpath, vm.wx2_fdsc)
     vm.isDirty = False
     logmsg('The model was sucessfully loaded')
     return True
Exemple #27
 def remove_chip(cm, cx):
     cx_list = [cx]
     if type(cx) == types.ListType:
         cx_list = cx
     logdbg('Removing CXs '+str(cx_list))
     for cx in cx_list:
         # Remove data saved on disk and memory
         cid = cm.cx2_cid[cx]
         logmsg('Removing cid=%d' % cid)
         # Remove cx from other.data managers
         gx = cm.cx2_gx[cx]
         nx = cm.cx2_nx[cx]
         # Remove data saved in memory            
         cm.cx2_cid[cx]   = 0
         cm.cx2_nx[cx]    = 0
         cm.cx2_gx[cx]    = 0
         cm.cx2_roi[cx]   = np.array([0,0,0,0],dtype=np.uint32)
         cm.cx2_theta[cx] = 0
         cm.cid2_cx[cid]  = 0
Exemple #28
 def rename_chip(cm, cx, new_name):
     nm = cm.hs.nm
     cid     = cm.cid(cx)
     old_nx  = cm.cx2_nx[cx]
     old_name = nm.nx2_name[old_nx]
     if old_name == new_name:
         logdbg('new_name == old_name')
     logmsg('Renaming cid='+str(cid)+' from '+str(old_name)+' to '+new_name)
     if not new_name in nm.name2_nx.keys():
     old_nx  = cm.cx2_nx[cx]
     new_nx  = nm.name2_nx[new_name]
     old_nid = nm.nx2_nid[old_nx]
     new_nid = nm.nx2_nid[new_nx]
     logdbg('Old Name Info: cid=%d cx=%d,  nid=%d, nx=%d, name=%s' % (cid, cx, old_nid, old_nx, old_name))
     logdbg('New Name Info: cid=%d cx=%d,  nid=%d, nx=%d, name=%s' % (cid, cx, new_nid, new_nx, new_name))
     cm.cx2_nx[cx] = new_nx
Exemple #29
 def remove_chip(cm, cx):
     cx_list = [cx]
     if type(cx) == types.ListType:
         cx_list = cx
     logdbg('Removing CXs ' + str(cx_list))
     for cx in cx_list:
         # Remove data saved on disk and memory
         cid = cm.cx2_cid[cx]
         logmsg('Removing cid=%d' % cid)
         # Remove cx from other.data managers
         gx = cm.cx2_gx[cx]
         nx = cm.cx2_nx[cx]
         # Remove data saved in memory
         cm.cx2_cid[cx] = 0
         cm.cx2_nx[cx] = 0
         cm.cx2_gx[cx] = 0
         cm.cx2_roi[cx] = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0], dtype=np.uint32)
         cm.cx2_theta[cx] = 0
         cm.cid2_cx[cid] = 0
Exemple #30
    def batch_query(em, force_recomp=False, test_cxs=None):
        '''Runs each test_cxs as a query. If test_cxs is None, then all queries
        are run'''
        'TODO: Fix up the VM dependencies'
        vm, iom, am, cm = em.hs.get_managers('vm', 'iom', 'am', 'cm')
        # Compute the matches
        qm = vm.hs.qm
        if test_cxs == None:
            test_cxs = vm.get_train_cx()
        logmsg('Building matching graph. This may take awhile')

        depends = ['chiprep', 'preproc', 'model', 'query']
        algo_suffix = am.get_algo_suffix(depends)
        samp_suffix = vm.get_samp_suffix()
        result_dpath = iom.ensure_directory(iom.get_temp_fpath('raw_results'))
        rr_fmtstr_cid = os.path.join(
            result_dpath, 'rr_cid%07d' + samp_suffix + algo_suffix + '.pkl')

        # Find the Queries which need to be run
        unsaved_cxs = []
        for cx in iter(test_cxs):
            cid = cm.cx2_cid[cx]
            rr_fpath = rr_fmtstr_cid % cid
            if not os.path.exists(rr_fpath):

        # Run Unsaved Query
        total = len(unsaved_cxs)
        for count, cx in enumerate(unsaved_cxs):
            logmsg('Query %d/%d' % (count, total))
            em.run_and_save_query(cx, rr_fmtstr_cid)

        # Read Each Query
        cx2_rr = alloc_lists(test_cxs.max() + 1)
        total = len(test_cxs)
        for count, cx in enumerate(test_cxs):
            logmsg('Loading Result %d/%d' % (count, total))
            cid = cm.cx2_cid[cx]
            rr_fpath = rr_fmtstr_cid % cid
            if not os.path.exists(rr_fpath):
                logwarn('Result does not exist for CID=%d' % cid)
            rr_file = open(rr_fpath, 'rb')
                rr = cPickle.load(rr_file)
            except EOFError:
                logwarn('Result was corrupted for CID=%d' % cid)

            rr.cx2_cscore_ = []
            rr.cx2_fs_ = []
            rr.qfdsc = []
            rr.qfpts = []
            cx2_rr[cx] = rr

        return cx2_rr
Exemple #31
    def batch_query(em, force_recomp=False, test_cxs=None):
        '''Runs each test_cxs as a query. If test_cxs is None, then all queries
        are run'''
        'TODO: Fix up the VM dependencies'
        vm, iom, am, cm = em.hs.get_managers('vm','iom','am', 'cm')
        # Compute the matches
        qm = vm.hs.qm
        if test_cxs == None:
            test_cxs = vm.get_train_cx()
        logmsg('Building matching graph. This may take awhile')

        depends = ['chiprep','preproc','model','query']
        algo_suffix = am.get_algo_suffix(depends)
        samp_suffix = vm.get_samp_suffix()
        result_dpath = iom.ensure_directory(iom.get_temp_fpath('raw_results'))
        rr_fmtstr_cid = os.path.join(result_dpath, 'rr_cid%07d'+samp_suffix+algo_suffix+'.pkl')

        # Find the Queries which need to be run
        unsaved_cxs = []
        for cx in iter(test_cxs):
            cid = cm.cx2_cid[cx]
            rr_fpath = rr_fmtstr_cid % cid
            if not os.path.exists(rr_fpath):
        # Run Unsaved Query
        total = len(unsaved_cxs)
        for count, cx in enumerate(unsaved_cxs):   
            logmsg('Query %d/%d' % (count, total))
            em.run_and_save_query(cx, rr_fmtstr_cid)

        # Read Each Query 
        cx2_rr = alloc_lists(test_cxs.max()+1)
        total = len(test_cxs)
        for count, cx in enumerate(test_cxs):
            logmsg('Loading Result %d/%d' % (count, total))
            cid = cm.cx2_cid[cx]
            rr_fpath = rr_fmtstr_cid % cid
            if not os.path.exists(rr_fpath):
                logwarn('Result does not exist for CID=%d' % cid)
            rr_file = open(rr_fpath,'rb')
                rr = cPickle.load(rr_file)
            except EOFError:
                logwarn('Result was corrupted for CID=%d' % cid)

            rr.cx2_cscore_ = []
            rr.cx2_fs_ = []
            rr.qfdsc = []
            rr.qfpts = []
            cx2_rr[cx] = rr

        return cx2_rr
Exemple #32
 def populate_result_table(uim):
     col_headers  = ['Rank', 'Chip ID', 'Chip Name', 'score']
     col_editable = [False ,   False  ,     True   ,  False ]
     # Check to see if results exist
     res = uim.sel_res
     if res is None:
         logdbg('Not populating. selected results are None.')
         return None
     gm, cm, am = uim.hs.get_managers('gm','cm','am')
     dynargs =\
     ('cid', 'name' )
     (qcid , qname  ) =  res.qcid2_(*dynargs)
     (tcid , tname , tscore ) = res.tcid2_(*dynargs+('score',))
     num_results = len(tcid)
     data_list = [None]*(num_results+1)
     row_list = range(num_results+1)
     data_list[0] = [0,  qcid, qname, 'Queried Chip']
     for (ix, (cid, name, score)) in enumerate(zip(tcid, tname, tscore)):
         rank   = ix+1 
         data_list[ix+1] = (rank, cid, name, score)
     uim.populateResultTblSignal.emit(col_headers, col_editable, row_list, data_list)
Exemple #33
    def populate_result_table(uim):
        col_headers = ['Rank', 'Chip ID', 'Chip Name', 'score']
        col_editable = [False, False, True, False]
        # Check to see if results exist
        res = uim.sel_res
        if res is None:
            logdbg('Not populating. selected results are None.')
            return None
        gm, cm, am = uim.hs.get_managers('gm', 'cm', 'am')
        dynargs =\
        ('cid', 'name' )
        (qcid, qname) = res.qcid2_(*dynargs)
        (tcid, tname, tscore) = res.tcid2_(*dynargs + ('score', ))
        num_results = len(tcid)

        data_list = [None] * (num_results + 1)
        row_list = range(num_results + 1)
        data_list[0] = [0, qcid, qname, 'Queried Chip']
        for (ix, (cid, name, score)) in enumerate(zip(tcid, tname, tscore)):
            rank = ix + 1
            data_list[ix + 1] = (rank, cid, name, score)
        uim.populateResultTblSignal.emit(col_headers, col_editable, row_list,
Exemple #34
 def  load_tables(iom):
     logmsg('Loading data tables in '+iom.hs.db_dpath)
     if not (exists(iom.get_image_table_fpath()) and\
             exists(iom.get_name_table_fpath()) and\
         if exists(iom.get_oxford_gt_dpath()):
             logmsg('You have selected an Oxford style groundtruth')
             logmsg('Succesfully Loaded Oxford style groundtruth')
         logwarn('Trying to load a Legacy Database')
     logmsg('Done loading data tables')
Exemple #35
 def load_tables(iom):
     logmsg("Loading data tables in " + iom.hs.db_dpath)
     if not (
         and exists(iom.get_name_table_fpath())
         and exists(iom.get_image_table_fpath())
         if exists(iom.get_oxford_gt_dpath()):
             logmsg("You have selected an Oxford style groundtruth")
             logmsg("Succesfully Loaded Oxford style groundtruth")
         logwarn("Trying to load a Legacy Database")
     logmsg("Done loading data tables")
Exemple #36
 def add_image_list(hs, image_list):
     num_add = len(image_list)
     logmsg('Selected '+str(num_add)+' images to import')
     prev_g = hs.gm.num_g
     logdbg('Prev #g=%d' % prev_g)
     for src_img in image_list:
         hs.gm.add_img(gid=None, gname=None, aif=False, src_img=src_img)
     post_g = hs.gm.num_g
     num_new = (post_g - prev_g)
     num_old = num_add - num_new
     logdbg('Post #g=%d' % post_g)
     logmsg('Imported '+str(num_new)+' new images')
     if num_old != 0:
         logmsg('%d Images had already been copied into the image directory' % num_old)
Exemple #37
 def annotate_orientation(dm):
     logmsg('Please select an orientation of the torso (Click Two Points on the Image)')
         # Compute an angle from user interaction
         fig = dm.get_figure()
         pts = np.array(fig.ginput(2))
         logdbg('GInput Points are: '+str(pts))
         # Get reference point to origin 
         refpt = pts[0] - pts[1] 
         #theta = np.math.atan2(refpt[1], refpt[0])
         theta = np.math.atan(refpt[1]/refpt[0])
         logmsg('The angle in radians is: '+str(theta))
         return theta
     except Exception as ex: 
         logmsg('Annotate Orientation Failed'+str(ex))
         return None
Exemple #38
 def annotate_orientation(dm):
     logmsg("Please select an orientation of the torso (Click Two Points on the Image)")
         # Compute an angle from user interaction
         fig = dm.get_figure()
         pts = np.array(fig.ginput(2))
         logdbg("GInput Points are: " + str(pts))
         # Get reference point to origin
         refpt = pts[0] - pts[1]
         # theta = np.math.atan2(refpt[1], refpt[0])
         theta = np.math.atan(refpt[1] / refpt[0])
         logmsg("The angle in radians is: " + str(theta))
         return theta
     except Exception as ex:
         logmsg("Annotate Orientation Failed" + str(ex))
         return None
Exemple #39
 def is_valid_db_dpath(hs, db_dpath):
     'Checks to see if database conforms to expected conventions'
     if not os.path.exists(db_dpath): 
         logwarn('db_dpath \"'+str(db_dpath)+'\" doesnt exist')
         return False
     db_dpath_files = os.listdir(db_dpath)
     if hs.iom.internal_dname in db_dpath_files:
         logmsg('Opening a HotSpotter database: '+db_dpath)
     elif 'images' in db_dpath_files or\
          'data'   in db_dpath_files:
         logmsg('Opening a StripSpotter database: '+db_dpath)
     elif len(db_dpath_files) == 0:
         logmsg('Creating a new database: '+db_dpath)
         logwarn('Unknown database type: '+db_dpath)
         logdbg('Files in dir: '+str(db_dpath_files))
         return False
     return True
Exemple #40
 def annotate_roi(dm):
     logmsg("Please Select a Rectangular Region of Interest (Click Two Points on the Image)")
         fig = dm.get_figure()
         pts = fig.ginput(2)
         logdbg("GInput Points are: " + str(pts))
         (x1, y1, x2, y2) = (pts[0][0], pts[0][1], pts[1][0], pts[1][1])
         xm = min(x1, x2)
         xM = max(x1, x2)
         ym = min(y1, y2)
         yM = max(y1, y2)
         (x, y, w, h) = (xm, ym, xM - xm, yM - ym)
         roi = array(round([x, y, w, h]), dtype=uint32)
         logmsg("The new ROI is: " + str(roi))
         return roi
     except Exception as ex:
         logmsg("Annotate ROI Failed" + str(ex))
         return None
Exemple #41
 def annotate_roi(dm):
     logmsg('Please Select a Rectangular Region of Interest (Click Two Points on the Image)')
         fig = dm.get_figure()
         pts = fig.ginput(2)
         logdbg('GInput Points are: '+str(pts))
         (x1, y1, x2, y2) = (pts[0][0], pts[0][1], pts[1][0], pts[1][1]) 
         xm = min(x1,x2)
         xM = max(x1,x2)
         ym = min(y1,y2)
         yM = max(y1,y2)
         (x, y, w, h) = (xm, ym, xM-xm, yM-ym) 
         roi = array(round([x,y,w,h]),dtype=uint32)
         logmsg('The new ROI is: '+str(roi))
         return roi
     except Exception as ex:
         logmsg('Annotate ROI Failed'+str(ex))
         return None
Exemple #42
 def build_model(vm, force_recomp=False):
     ''' Builds the model, if needed. Tries to reload if it can '''
     logmsg('\n\nRequested: Build Model')
     if not force_recomp and not vm.isDirty:
         logmsg('The model is clean and is not forced to recompute')
         return True
     cm = vm.hs.cm
     # Delete old index and resample chips to index
     # Try to load the correct model
     if not force_recomp and vm.load_model():
         logmsg('Loaded saved model from disk')
     logmsg('Building the model. This may take some time.')
     # Could not load old model. Do full rebuild
     # -----
     # STEP 1 - Loading
     logdbg('Step 1: Aggregate the model support (Load feature vectors) ---')
     tx2_cx   = vm.get_train_cx()
     tx2_cid  = vm.get_train_cid()
     assert len(tx2_cx) > 0, 'Training set cannot be  np.empty'
     logdbg('Building model with %d sample chips' % (vm.num_train()))
     tx2_nfpts = cm.cx2_nfpts(tx2_cx)
     num_train_keypoints = sum(tx2_nfpts)
     # -----
     # STEP 2 - Aggregating 
     logdbg('Step 2: Build the model Words')
     isTFIDF = False
     if vm.hs.am.algo_prefs.model.quantizer == 'naive_bayes':
         logdbg('No Quantization. Aggregating all fdscriptors for nearest neighbor search.')
         vm.wx2_fdsc = np.empty((num_train_keypoints,128),dtype=np.uint8)
         _p = 0
         for cx in tx2_cx:
             nfdsc = cm.cx2_nfpts(cx)
             vm.wx2_fdsc[_p:_p+nfdsc,:] = cm.cx2_fdsc[cx]
             _p += nfdsc
         ax2_wx = np.array(range(0,num_train_keypoints),dtype=np.uint32)
     if vm.hs.am.algo_prefs.model.quantizer == 'akmeans':
         raise NotImplementedError(':)')
     # -----
     # STEP 3 - Inverted Indexing
     logdbg('Step 3: Point the parts of the model back to their source')
     vm.wx2_axs = np.empty(vm.wx2_fdsc.shape[0], dtype=object) 
     for ax in xrange(0,num_train_keypoints):
         if vm.wx2_axs[ax] is None:
             vm.wx2_axs[ax] = []
         wx = ax2_wx[ax]
     vm.ax2_cid = -np.ones(num_train_keypoints,dtype=np.int32) 
     vm.ax2_fx  = -np.ones(num_train_keypoints,dtype=np.int32)
     ax2_tx     = -np.ones(num_train_keypoints,dtype=np.int32)
     curr_fx = 0; next_fx = 0
     for tx in xrange(vm.num_train()):
         nfpts    = tx2_nfpts[tx]
         next_fx  = next_fx + nfpts
         ax_range = range(curr_fx,next_fx)
         ax2_tx[ax_range] = tx
         vm.ax2_cid[ax_range] = tx2_cid[tx]    # Point to Inst
         vm.ax2_fx[ax_range]  = range(nfpts)   # Point to Kpts
         curr_fx = curr_fx + nfpts
     if isTFIDF: # Compute info for TF-IDF
         logdbg('Computing TF-IDF metadata')
         max_tx = len(tx2_cx)
         tx2_wtf_denom = np.float32(cm.cx2_nfpts(tx2_cx))
         vm.wx2_maxtf = map(lambda ax_of_wx:\
             max( np.float32(bincount(ax2_tx[ax_of_wx], minlength=max_tx)) / tx2_wtf_denom ), vm.wx2_axs)
         vm.wx2_idf = np.log2(map(lambda ax_of_wx:\
     logdbg('Built Model using %d feature vectors. Preparing to index.' % len(vm.ax2_cid))
     # -----
     # STEP 4 - Indexing
     logdbg('Step 4: Building FLANN Index: over '+str(len(vm.wx2_fdsc))+' words')
     assert vm.flann is None, 'Flann already exists'
     vm.flann = FLANN()
     flann_param_dict = vm.hs.am.algo_prefs.model.indexer.to_dict()
     flann_params = vm.flann.build_index(vm.wx2_fdsc, **flann_param_dict)
     vm.isDirty  = False
     logmsg('The model was built.')
Exemple #43
    def load_oxford_gt(iom):
        'loads oxford style groundtruth'
        gm,cm,nm = iom.hs.get_managers('gm','cm','nm')
        # Check for corrupted files (Looking at your Paris Buildings Dataset)
        oxford_gt_dpath = iom.get_oxford_gt_dpath()
        corrupted_gname_list = []
        corrupted_file_fname = 'corrupted_files.txt'
        corrupted_file_fpath = join(oxford_gt_dpath,corrupted_file_fname)
        if exists(corrupted_file_fpath):
            with open(corrupted_file_fpath) as f:
                corrupted_gname_list = f.read().splitlines()
        logmsg('Loading Oxford Style Images')
        #Recursively get relative path of all files in img_dpath
        img_dpath  = iom.get_img_dpath() #with a sexy list comprehension
        gname_list = [join(relpath(root, img_dpath), fname).replace('\\','/').replace('./','')\
                      for (root,dlist,flist) in os.walk(img_dpath)\
                      for fname in flist]
        #Roughly Prealloc
        gm.img_alloc( len(gname_list))
        #Add all images in images directory (allow nested directories (...paris))
        for gname in gname_list:
            if gname in corrupted_gname_list: continue
            gm.add_img(-1, gname, True)

        logmsg('Loading Oxford Style Names and Chips')
        # Add names and chips from ground truth
        gt_fname_list = os.listdir(oxford_gt_dpath)
        for gt_fname in gt_fname_list:
            if gt_fname == corrupted_file_fname: continue
            #Get gt_name, quality, and num from fname
            gt_name = gt_fname.replace('.txt','')
            _pos1 = gt_name.rfind('_')
            quality = gt_name[_pos1+1:]
            gt_name = gt_name[:_pos1]
            _pos2 = gt_name.rfind('_')
            num = gt_name[_pos2+1:]
            gt_name = gt_name[:_pos2]
            # Add Name (-2 suppresses warnings)
            nid = nm.add_name(-2, gt_name)
            nx  = nm.nid2_nx[nid]
            gt_fpath = join(oxford_gt_dpath, gt_fname)
            with open(gt_fpath,'r') as f:
                line_list = f.read().splitlines()
                for line in line_list:
                    if line == '': continue
                    fields = line.split(' ')
                    gname = fields[0].replace('oxc1_','')+'.jpg'
                    if gname.find('paris_') >= 0: 
                        # PARIS HACK >:(
                        #Because they just cant keep their paths consistent 
                        paris_hack = gname[6:gname.rfind('_')]
                        gname = paris_hack+'/'+gname

                    if gname in corrupted_gname_list: continue
                    gid = gm.gname2_gid[gname]
                    gx  = gm.gid2_gx[gid]
                    if len(fields) > 1: #quality == query
                        roi = map(lambda x: int(round(float(x))),fields[1:])
                    else: # quality in ['good','ok','junk']
                        (w,h) = gm.gx2_img_size(gx)
                        roi = [0,0,w,h]
                    cm.add_chip(-1, nx, gx, roi)
        # HACKISH Duplicate detection. Eventually this should actually be in the codebase
        logmsg('Detecting and Removing Duplicate Ground Truth')
        dup_cx_list = []
        for nx in nm.get_valid_nxs():
            cx_list = array(nm.nx2_cx_list[nx])
            gx_list = cm.cx2_gx[cx_list]
            (unique_gx, unique_x) = np.unique(gx_list, return_index=True)
            name = nm.nx2_name[nx]
            for gx in gx_list[unique_x]:
                bit = False
                gname = gm.gx2_gname[gx]
                x_list = pylab.find(gx_list == gx)
                cx_list2  = cx_list[x_list]
                roi_list2 = cm.cx2_roi[cx_list2]
                roi_hash = lambda roi: roi[0]+roi[1]*10000+roi[2]*100000000+roi[3]*1000000000000
                (_, unique_x2) = np.unique(map(roi_hash, roi_list2), return_index=True)
                non_unique_x2 = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(0,len(cx_list2)), unique_x2)
                for nux2 in non_unique_x2:
                    cx_  = cx_list2[nux2]
                    dup_cx_list += [cx_]
                    roi_ = roi_list2[nux2]
                    logmsg('Duplicate: cx=%4d, gx=%4d, nx=%4d roi=%r' % (cx_, gx, nx, roi_) )
                    logmsg('           Name:%s, Image:%s' % (name, gname) )
                    bit = True
                if bit:
        for cx in dup_cx_list:
Exemple #44
 def delete_preferences(hs):
     'Deletes the preference files in the ~/.hotspotter directory'
     logmsg('Deleting the ~/.hotspotter preference directory')
Exemple #45
 def delete_computed_directory(hs):
     'Unloads all features and models and deletes the computed directory'
     logmsg('Deleting the computed directory')
Exemple #46
 def delete_precomputed_results(hs):
     logmsg('Deleting precomputed results')
Exemple #47
 def change_orientation(cm, cx, new_theta):
     cid = cm.cx2_cid[cx]
     logmsg('Giving cid=%d new theta: %r' % (cid, new_theta))
     assert not new_theta is None
     cm.cx2_theta[cx] = new_theta
Exemple #48
    def run_matching_experiment(em,
        '''Quick experiment:
           Query each chip with a duplicate against whole database
           Do not remove anyone from ANN matching'''
        import os
        logmsg('Running Quick Experiment: ' + expt_name)
        hs = em.hs
        am, cm, vm, qm, iom, dm = hs.get_managers('am', 'cm', 'vm', 'qm',
                                                  'iom', 'dm')
        with_ellipses = True
        with_points = False
        with_full_results = False
        with_ellipse_and_points = False
        # Create an Experiment Directory in .hs_internals/computed
        timestamp = iom.get_timestamp()
        expt_dpath = iom.ensure_directory(
            iom.get_user_fpath('_'.join(['expt', expt_name, timestamp])))
        expt_img_dpath = iom.ensure_directory(
            os.path.join(expt_dpath, 'result_images'))
        expt_rr_dpath = iom.ensure_directory(
            os.path.join(expt_dpath, 'raw_results'))

        # Write Algorithm Settings to the file
        algo_prefs_text = am.get_algo_name('all')
        algo_prefs_fpath = os.path.join(expt_dpath, 'algo_prefs.txt')
        iom.write(algo_prefs_fpath, algo_prefs_text)

        vm.build_model()  # Defaults to building model of all

        prev_ell = dm.draw_prefs.ellipse_bit
        prev_pts = dm.draw_prefs.points_bit

        dm.fignum = 1

        # Create Matches File To Append to
        with open(os.path.join(expt_dpath, 'matches.txt'), 'a') as file:
            for cx in iter(cm.get_valid_cxs()):
                # Preform Query
                res = QueryResult(qm.hs, qm.cx2_rr(cx))
                # Get Query Info
                qcid, gname = cm.cx2_(res.rr.qcx, 'cid', 'gname')
                # Get Result Info
                (tcid, tgname, tscore) = res.tcid2_('cid', 'gname', 'score')
                # Print Query Info
                outstr = 'QUERY,    gname=%s, cid=%4d' % (gname, qcid)
                print outstr
                file.write(outstr + '\n')
                # Print Result Info
                if len(tscore) == 0:
                    maxsim = 0  # Best Score
                if len(tscore) > 0:
                    maxsim = tscore[0]  # Best Score
                for (rank, tup) in enumerate(
                        zip(*[x.tolist() for x in (tgname, tcid, tscore)])):
                    outstr = '  rank=%d, gname=%s, cid=%4d, score=%7.2f' % tuple(
                        [rank + 1] + list(tup))
                    print outstr
                    file.write(outstr + '\n')
                print ''
                # Output Images
                query_name = 'sim=%07.2f-qcid=%d.png' % (maxsim, qcid)
                if with_full_results:
                    #import shelve
                    #shelve.open(os.path.join(expt_rr_dpath, 'rr_'+query_name+'.shelf')
                    #import cPickle
                    #rr = res.rr
                    #cPickle.dump(, rr)
                if with_images:
                    dm.draw_prefs.ellipse_bit = False
                    dm.draw_prefs.points_bit = False
                    dm.draw_prefs.bbox_bit = False
                        os.path.join(expt_img_dpath, 'img_' + query_name))
                    if with_ellipses:
                        dm.draw_prefs.ellipse_bit = True
                        dm.draw_prefs.points_bit = False
                                         'ellipse_' + query_name))
                    if with_points:
                        dm.draw_prefs.ellipse_bit = False
                        dm.draw_prefs.points_bit = True
                                         'point_' + query_name))
                    if with_ellipse_and_points:
                        dm.draw_prefs.ellipse_bit = True
                        dm.draw_prefs.points_bit = True
                            os.path.join(expt_img_dpath, 'both_' + query_name))
        logmsg('Finished Matching Experiment: ' + expt_name)
        timestamp = iom.get_timestamp()
        iom.write(os.path.join(expt_dpath, 'Finished_' + str(timestamp)),
                  timestamp + '\n' + em.hs.get_database_stat_str())
        prev_ell = dm.draw_prefs.ellipse_bit
        prev_pts = dm.draw_prefs.points_bit
Exemple #49
    def _load_table(iom, csv_fpath, table_name, alloc_func, csv_func):
        Reads csv files. Must pass in a table name a memory allocation function 
        and a csv_func: function which parses the fields read by _load_table
        logio("Loading " + table_name + " Table: " + csv_fpath)
        if not exists(csv_fpath):
            logio('"' + csv_fpath + '" Does Not Exist')
            return False
        fid = file(csv_fpath, "r")
        csv_headers = None
        line = fid.readline()
        num_line_prefix = "# NumData"
        # Foreach line in the CSV file
        while line != "":
            line = line.strip()
            # NEW LINE: Skip
            if line == "":
            # COMMENT LINE: Check for metadata
            elif line[0] == "#":
                # CHECK Preallocation
                if line.find(num_line_prefix) > -1:
                    # Parse out the number of lines to allocate
                    # and use the given allocation function
                    num_lines = int(line.replace(num_line_prefix, "").replace(" ", ""))
                # CHECK Data Headers: StripeSpotter
                elif line.find("#imgindex") > -1:
                    logmsg("Loading a Legacy StripeSpotter File")
                    csv_headers = line[1:].split(",")
                # CHECK Data Headers: Legacy HotSpotter
                elif line.find("#01)") > -1:
                    logmsg("Loading a Legacy HotSpotter File")
                    csv_headers = []
                    while line != "":
                        line = line[:-1]
                        if len(line) < 4 or line[3] != ")":
                        parnstr = "#\\d\\d\\) "
                        head_field = re.sub(parnstr, "", line)
                        head_field = re.sub(" - .*", "", head_field)
                        csv_headers += [head_field]
                        line = fid.readline()
                # CHECK Data Headers: Hotspotter
                elif any([line.find(field) >= 0 for field in ["ChipID", "NameID", "ImageID"]]):
                    csv_headers = [field.strip() for field in line[1:].split(",")]
                    # HACK: Change the fields to the ones it actually expects
                    import hotspotter.other.AbstractPrintable

                    _lbl2_header = hotspotter.other.AbstractPrintable._lbl2_header
                    _header2_lbl = {v: k for k, v in _lbl2_header.iteritems()}
                    csv_headers = [
                        _header2_lbl[field] if field in _header2_lbl.keys() else field for field in csv_headers

            # DATA LINE: Read it
                csv_data = [data_field.strip() for data_field in line.split(",")]
                csv_func(csv_data, csv_headers)
            # Next Line
            line = fid.readline()
        # Finsh reading table
        logio("Loaded " + table_name + " Table")
        return True
Exemple #50
    def save_tables(iom):
        hs = iom.hs
        gm = hs.gm
        cm = hs.cm
        nm = hs.nm
        logmsg("Saving the Database. Give it a sec.")
        chip_table_fpath = iom.get_chip_table_fpath()
        name_table_fpath = iom.get_name_table_fpath()
        img_table_fpath = iom.get_image_table_fpath()
        flat_table_fpath = iom.get_flat_table_fpath()

        logmsg("Saving Image Table")
        img_file = open(img_table_fpath, "w")
        img_file.write(gm.gx2_info(lbls=["gid", "gname", "aif"]))

        logmsg("Saving Name Table")
        name_file = open(name_table_fpath, "w")
        name_file.write(nm.nx2_info(lbls=["nid", "name"]))

        logmsg("Saving Chip Table")
        chip_file = open(chip_table_fpath, "w")

        logmsg("Saving Flat Table")
        flat_file = open(flat_table_fpath, "w")
        flat_lbls = ["cid", "gname", "name", "roi", "theta"] + cm.user_props.keys()
        logmsg("The Database was Saved")
Exemple #51
 def change_orientation(cm, cx, new_theta):
     cid = cm.cx2_cid[cx]
     logmsg('Giving cid=%d new theta: %r' % (cid, new_theta))
     assert not new_theta is None
     cm.cx2_theta[cx] = new_theta
Exemple #52
    def load_oxford_gt(iom):
        "loads oxford style groundtruth"
        gm, cm, nm = iom.hs.get_managers("gm", "cm", "nm")
        # Check for corrupted files (Looking at your Paris Buildings Dataset)
        oxford_gt_dpath = iom.get_oxford_gt_dpath()
        corrupted_gname_list = []
        corrupted_file_fname = "corrupted_files.txt"
        corrupted_file_fpath = join(oxford_gt_dpath, corrupted_file_fname)
        if exists(corrupted_file_fpath):
            with open(corrupted_file_fpath) as f:
                corrupted_gname_list = f.read().splitlines()
        logmsg("Loading Oxford Style Images")
        # Recursively get relative path of all files in img_dpath
        img_dpath = iom.get_img_dpath()  # with a sexy list comprehension
        gname_list = [
            join(relpath(root, img_dpath), fname).replace("\\", "/").replace("./", "")
            for (root, dlist, flist) in os.walk(img_dpath)
            for fname in flist
        # Roughly Prealloc
        # Add all images in images directory (allow nested directories (...paris))
        for gname in gname_list:
            if gname in corrupted_gname_list:
            gm.add_img(-1, gname, True)

        logmsg("Loading Oxford Style Names and Chips")
        # Add names and chips from ground truth
        gt_fname_list = os.listdir(oxford_gt_dpath)
        iom.hs.nm.name_alloc(len(gt_fname_list) / 4)
        for gt_fname in gt_fname_list:
            if gt_fname == corrupted_file_fname:
            # Get gt_name, quality, and num from fname
            gt_name = gt_fname.replace(".txt", "")
            _pos1 = gt_name.rfind("_")
            quality = gt_name[_pos1 + 1 :]
            gt_name = gt_name[:_pos1]
            _pos2 = gt_name.rfind("_")
            num = gt_name[_pos2 + 1 :]
            gt_name = gt_name[:_pos2]
            # Add Name (-2 suppresses warnings)
            nid = nm.add_name(-2, gt_name)
            nx = nm.nid2_nx[nid]
            gt_fpath = join(oxford_gt_dpath, gt_fname)
            with open(gt_fpath, "r") as f:
                line_list = f.read().splitlines()
                for line in line_list:
                    if line == "":
                    fields = line.split(" ")
                    gname = fields[0].replace("oxc1_", "") + ".jpg"
                    if gname.find("paris_") >= 0:
                        # PARIS HACK >:(
                        # Because they just cant keep their paths consistent
                        paris_hack = gname[6 : gname.rfind("_")]
                        gname = paris_hack + "/" + gname

                    if gname in corrupted_gname_list:
                    gid = gm.gname2_gid[gname]
                    gx = gm.gid2_gx[gid]
                    if len(fields) > 1:  # quality == query
                        roi = map(lambda x: int(round(float(x))), fields[1:])
                    else:  # quality in ['good','ok','junk']
                        (w, h) = gm.gx2_img_size(gx)
                        roi = [0, 0, w, h]
                    cm.add_chip(-1, nx, gx, roi)
        # HACKISH Duplicate detection. Eventually this should actually be in the codebase
        logmsg("Detecting and Removing Duplicate Ground Truth")
        dup_cx_list = []
        for nx in nm.get_valid_nxs():
            cx_list = array(nm.nx2_cx_list[nx])
            gx_list = cm.cx2_gx[cx_list]
            (unique_gx, unique_x) = np.unique(gx_list, return_index=True)
            name = nm.nx2_name[nx]
            for gx in gx_list[unique_x]:
                bit = False
                gname = gm.gx2_gname[gx]
                x_list = pylab.find(gx_list == gx)
                cx_list2 = cx_list[x_list]
                roi_list2 = cm.cx2_roi[cx_list2]
                roi_hash = lambda roi: roi[0] + roi[1] * 10000 + roi[2] * 100000000 + roi[3] * 1000000000000
                (_, unique_x2) = np.unique(map(roi_hash, roi_list2), return_index=True)
                non_unique_x2 = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(0, len(cx_list2)), unique_x2)
                for nux2 in non_unique_x2:
                    cx_ = cx_list2[nux2]
                    dup_cx_list += [cx_]
                    roi_ = roi_list2[nux2]
                    logmsg("Duplicate: cx=%4d, gx=%4d, nx=%4d roi=%r" % (cx_, gx, nx, roi_))
                    logmsg("           Name:%s, Image:%s" % (name, gname))
                    bit = True
                if bit:
        for cx in dup_cx_list:
Exemple #53
 def delete_computed_cid(cm, cid):
     iom = cm.hs.iom
     if np.iterable(cid): logerr('this function only works for a single cid')
     logmsg('Removing CID=%d\'s computed files' % cid)
     cid_fname_pattern = iom.get_chip_prefix(cid, [])+'*'
Exemple #54
def print(*args):
    if len(args) == 1:
        logmsg(' '.join(args))