Exemple #1
def applyLocalOverrides(objnode):
    """ Promote all material parameters from the Material SHOP
        to the node.
    # Get the path to the material.
    material_path = objnode.evalParm("shop_materialpath")
    # Try to find the node.
    material_node = objnode.node(material_path)

    # The node type for the SHOP material node.
    material_type = hou.nodeType(hou.shopNodeTypeCategory(), "vopmaterial")

    # If the material node doesn't exist we need to throw an error.
    if not material_node:
        msg = "{0} is not a valid node.".format(material_path)
        raise hou.OperationFailed(msg)
    # If the material node is not actually a material we need to throw
    # an error.
    if material_node.type() != material_type:
        msg = "{0} is not a material.".format(material_path)
        raise hou.OperationFailed(msg)

    # Grab the parm template groups for the material and object.
    material_template_group = material_node.parmTemplateGroup()
    template_group = objnode.parmTemplateGroup()

    # We need to loop over every entry in the material group and apply the
    # 'material_spare' tag with a value of '1'.
    for template in material_template_group.entriesWithoutFolders():
        # Grab any existing tags.
        tags = template.tags()
        # Apply the tag to signify it is a material spare property.
        tags["material_spare"] = "1"
        # Set the tags back to the template.
        # Replace the original template with the modified one.
        material_template_group.replace(template.name(), template)

    # Find the folder to place the parameters into.

# DOESN'T WORK with appendToFolder for some reason #material_folder = template_group.findFolder("Material")
# For each entry in the template group, append it to the material
# folder.
    for template in material_template_group.entries():
    # Set the parm template group with the new parms to the object.
def displayError(msg, exception=None):
    """Pop up a message dialog to display the given error message.
    If the ui is unavailable, then it writes the message to the console.
    if hou.isUIAvailable():
        details = (str(exception) if exception is not None else None)
        if exception is not None:
            msg += "\n" + str(exception)
        raise hou.OperationFailed(msg)
Exemple #3
def buildViewPath(viewer_or_scriptargs):
    """ Get a string representing the current viewport. """

    if isinstance(viewer_or_scriptargs, dict):
        activepane = toolutils.activePane(viewer_or_scriptargs)
    elif isinstance(viewer_or_scriptargs, hou.SceneViewer):
        activepane = viewer_or_scriptargs

    desktop_name = hou.ui.curDesktop().name()

    if not isinstance(activepane, hou.SceneViewer):
        raise hou.OperationFailed("Pane is not a Scene Viewer.")

    # Get the name of the current viewer.
    pane_name = activepane.name()

    # Get the name of the current viewer's viewport.
    viewport_name = activepane.curViewport().name()

    return "%s.%s.world.%s" % (desktop_name, pane_name, viewport_name)
Exemple #4
    def __copy_inputs_to_node(self, node, target, ignore_missing=False):
        """ Copy all the input connections from this node to the
            target node.

            ignore_missing: If the target node does not have enough
                            inputs then skip this connection.
        input_connections = node.inputConnections()

        num_target_inputs = len(target.inputConnectors())
        if num_target_inputs is 0:
            raise hou.OperationFailed("Target node has no inputs.")

        for connection in input_connections:
            index = connection.inputIndex()
            if index > (num_target_inputs - 1):
                if ignore_missing:
                    raise hou.InvalidInput("Target node has too few inputs.")

            target.setInput(index, connection.inputNode())
Exemple #5
def computeWedge(ropnode, roptype):
    # check if this is a wedge rendering and compute the number of wedges
    numWedgeJobs = None
    if roptype == "wedge":
        if ropnode.parm("wedgemethod").eval() == 0:
            if ropnode.parm("random").eval() == 1:
                numWedgeJobs = ropnode.parm("numrandom").eval()
                numWedgeJobs = 1
                for parm in ropnode.parm("wedgeparams").multiParmInstances():
                    if parm.name().startswith("steps"):
                        if parm.eval() != 0:
                            numWedgeJobs *= parm.eval()
            parent = ropnode.parm("roottake").eval()
            parentTakes = hou.hscript("takels -iqp %s" % parent)[0].split("\n")
            takes = [takename for takename in parentTakes if takename]
            numWedgeJobs = len(takes)

        if not numWedgeJobs:
            raise hou.OperationFailed("The specified wedge node does not compute anyting.")
    return numWedgeJobs
Exemple #6
    def _get_manager_generator_style(self, node_type):
        """Look for a style match based on the node type being a manager or
        generator type.

        :param node_type: A manager/generator node type
        :type node_type: hou.NodeType
        :return: An applicable styling object.
        :rtype: StyleConstant or StyleRule

        categories = (node_type.category().name(), constants.ALL_CATEGORY_KEY)

        for category_name in categories:
            # Check if the category has any rules.
            if category_name in self.node_type_rules:
                category_rules = self.node_type_rules[category_name]

                # The node type is a manager.
                if node_type.isManager():
                    # Check for a manager rule under the category.
                    if constants.MANAGER_TYPE_KEY in category_rules:
                        return self._resolve_rule(

                # The node type is a generator.
                elif node_type.isGenerator():
                    # Check for a generator rule under the category.
                    if constants.GENERATOR_TYPE_KEY in category_rules:
                        return self._resolve_rule(

                    raise hou.OperationFailed(
                        "{} is not a manager or a generator type".format(

        return None
def promote_parameter_to_node(scriptargs):  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    """Promote a parameter to a target node.

    :param scriptargs: kwargs dict from PARMmenu entry.
    :type scriptargs: dict

    # Get the parms to act on.
    parms = scriptargs["parms"]

    # The start node for the node chooser prompt
    start_node = None

    parm_tuple = None
    parm_tuple_map = {}
    parm_tuple_nodes = []

    # Process all the selected parms, partitioning by parm tuple.
    for parm in parms:
        parm_tuple = parm.tuple()

        # Get or create a list of parms for this tuple.
        parms_for_tuple = parm_tuple_map.setdefault(parm_tuple, [])


        node = parm_tuple.node()

        # Update the start node to be the parent of this tuple's node.
        start_node = node.parent()

    # The number of parms in the tuple.
    num_components = len(parm_tuple)

    # Determine how many components of the tuple we will set.
    num_components_to_set = max([len(value) for value in parm_tuple_map.values()])

    # Prompt for a target node.  Start at the parent (the most logical choice?)
    result = hou.ui.selectNode(initial_node=start_node)

    # Try to find ths selected node.
    target_node = hou.node(result)

    if target_node is not None:
        # Can't promote to a selected node.
        if target_node in parm_tuple_nodes:
            raise hou.OperationFailed("Cannot promote to a source node.")

        # Should the target parm will be set to the source value?
        set_value = True

        # The target node already has a parm tuple with the desired name so we
        # should prompt to use it.
        if target_node.parmTuple(parm_tuple.name()) is not None:
            choice = hou.ui.displayMessage(
                "Parameter already exists on {}.  Link to existing parameter?".format(target_node.path()),
                buttons=("Yes and keep current value", "Yes and update value", "Cancel"),

            # Use parm but keep value, so don't set.
            if choice == 0:
                set_value = False

            # Use parm and update value.
            elif choice == 1:
                set_value = True

            # Bail out since we're cancelling.

        # No existing parameter so we'll have to create one.
            # Get the target node's parm interface.
            target_ptg = target_node.parmTemplateGroup()

            # The parameter definition for the parm we are trying to link.
            parm_template = parm_tuple.parmTemplate()

            # If we are trying to link a single parm inside a tuple then modify
            # the parm definition to represent that single parm.
            if num_components_to_set != num_components:

                # Since we're just setting a single component the parms should all
                # have the same name so just grab the first.

            # Add the parameter definition to the parm list.

            # Update the interface with the new definition.

        # Process each parm to set.
        for parm in parms:
            # Get the target parm.
            target_parm = target_node.parm(parm.name())

            # Set the target parm to the current value if required.
            if set_value:

            # Create the channel reference.
Exemple #8
 def raise_error(*args, **kwargs):
     raise hou.OperationFailed()
Exemple #9
def buildAttribMenu(
    kwargs,  # regular hou kwargs
    attribClass,  # string or tuple
    inputGeo=None,  # either a hou.Geometry or None means function will try its best
    filter=None,  # filter function, taking a hou.Attrib object
    showClass=None,  # None, True or False, to override default decision
    # if attribute class should be shown
    """Build an attribute popup menu based on various criteria.

    assert type(kwargs) is dict, "expected a valid kwargs dict"
    assert type(attribClass) in (
    ), "invalid attribClass argument"

    # auto-detect geometry input if necessary
    if not inputGeo and kwargs and kwargs.has_key("node"):
        i = kwargs["node"].inputs()
        if len(i):
            inputGeo = i[0].geometry()

    # process attribClass input
    if type(attribClass) is str:
        # support plain strings like "point primitive"
        attribClass = tuple(attribClass.split())

    if "all" in attribClass:
        attribClass = (

    if "comp" in attribClass or "component" in attribClass:
        attribClass = (

    if type(attribClass) is not tuple:
        # this is intended for lists
        attribClass = tuple(attribClass)

    attribClass = tuple(sorted(attribClass))

    # got inputGeo and attribClass (hopefully)

    if not inputGeo:
        raise hou.OperationFailed("Couldn't determine input geometry")

    # collect attributes, filter and sort them
    get_funcs = {
        "point": "pointAttribs",
        "primitive": "primAttribs",
        "prim": "primAttribs",
        "vertex": "vertexAttribs",
        "detail": "globalAttribs",
        "global": "globalAttribs"

    show_class = len(attribClass) > 1
    if showClass:
        show_class = showClass

    R = []
    add_sep = False
    for c in attribClass:

        # get them attributes
        attribs = ()
        if c in get_funcs:
            attribs = inputGeo.__getattribute__(get_funcs[c])()

        # filter them if required
        if filter:
            attribs = [a for a in attribs if filter(a)]

        # sort 'em alphabetically
        attribs = sorted(attribs, key=lambda a: a.name().lower())

        # add menu separator between classes
        if add_sep and len(attribs) > 0:

        for a in attribs:
            R.append(buildAttribLabel(a, showClass=show_class))

        add_sep = True

    return R