Exemple #1
    def process_help( self, request ):
        """process 'help' command

        return rendered help via request object.
          | request (object): request object

        help = []
        help.append( "Known commands:" )
        # iterate over all commands defined in self.commands
        help.extend( hQUtils.renderHelp( sorted(self.commands.keys()), self.commands ) )
        request.send( '\n'.join( help ) )
Exemple #2
    def process(self, requestStr, request, logger, server):
        """parse requst string and process command

          | requestStr (string): request as string
          | request (object): request object
          | logger (hQLogger): logger instance.
          | server (hQBaseServer): server instance which got this request
        self.writeLog = logger
        self.server = server

        # parse request string. request string could be:
        #    help
        #    help COMMAND_STR
        #    COMMAND
        # where COMMAND_STR is either a full name of a command and an incomplete command string
        m = re.match( 'help ?(.*)', requestStr )
        if m:
            # request string is
            #   help
            #   help COMMAND_STR
            command = m.group(1)
            if command=="":
                # no command has been given
                # return all commands
                help = []
                help.append( "Known commands:" )

                # iterate over all commands defined in self.commands
                help.extend( hQUtils.renderHelp( sorted(self.commands.keys()), self.commands ) )

                request.send( '\n'.join( help ) )
                # check if COMMAND_STR is known by server, i.e. is present in self.commands
                # match COMMAND_STR against each hQCommand.name
                    # find first matching command
                    key = next( key for key,c in self.commands.iteritems() if command==c.name )

                    cmd = self.commands[ key ]

                    response = [ "help for '"+cmd.name+"':" ]
                    response.append( "--------------------" )
                    response.append( "full command: {c}".format(c=cmd.get_command_str() ) )
                    response.append( "" )
                    response.append( cmd.get_fullhelp() )

                    request.send( '\n'.join( response ) )
                except StopIteration:
                    # COMMAND_STR ist not known. find all commands which begin with COMMAND_STR
                    matching_commands = [ c.name for key,c in self.commands.iteritems() if c.name.startswith( command ) ]

                    if matching_commands:
                        response = []
                        response.append( "command '" + command + "' is unknown!" )
                        response.append( "" )
                        response.append( "similar commands:" )
                        for c in matching_commands:
                            response.append( "  "  + c )

                        request.send( '\n'.join( response ) )
                        request.send( 'no matching command.' )
            # request string does not beginn with 'help'
            # find matching command and execute associate function
                cmd = next( cmd for cmd_str,cmd in self.commands.iteritems() if cmd.match( requestStr ) )
                self.writeLog("unknown command.", logCategory='request_processing')

                request.send("what do you want?")

            # command was found. call associated function
                # call associated function (defined as method of hQBaseRequestProcessor or server
                # specific processor) with the function arguments
                self._call_fct( cmd, requestStr, request )
                self.writeLog("error while processing request.", logCategory='request_processing')
                print traceback.print_exc()

                request.send("Request could not be processed.")