Exemple #1
def run_status_bits(efile, iname, hrc_n, date):
    create two types of bit statistics tables
    input:  efile   --- a full path to the evt1 file
            iname   --- a bit stat data file (cumulative)
            hrc_n   --- a bit stat data file of the evt1 file
            date    --- the date of the evt1 file
    output: iname and hrc_n
    #--- read fits file
    [cols, tbdata] = hcf.read_fits_file(efile)

    status = tbdata['status']
    #--- initialize status bit saver
    stat = []
    for i in range(0, 32):
#--- read status bits and counts them
    k = 0
    for ent in status:
        for i in range(0, 32):
            if ent[i] == True:
                stat[i] += 1

    dat_len = len(status)
    #--- print out two different files. one for indivisual output and other
    #--- for cumulative output from all data
    line = '\nChecking STATUS bits in file: {}'.format(efile)
    line = line + '\n\nChecked {} events'.format(len(status))
    line = line + '\n\nBit | Description                    | Number of Times Set (Fraction)'
    line = line + '\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n'

    line2 = date + '\t' + str(dat_len)

    for i in range(0, 32):
        line = line + ' {0:2d} | {1} | {2:12d} ({3:.3f})'.format(
            i + 1, descriptor[i], stat[i], 1.0 * stat[i] / dat_len)
        line = line + '\n'

        line2 = line2 + '\t' + str(stat[i])

    with open(iname, 'w') as fo:
#--- append the result to the data table
    with open(hrc_n, 'a') as fo:
        fo.write(line2 + '\n')
#--- clean up the file
Exemple #2
def extract_hrc_fits_files(time_list):
    extract hrc evt0, secondary sci, hrchk files for given time period
    input:  time_list   --- a list of lists of start and stop time
    output: hrc evt0 files
            hrc secondary science fits files
            hrck fits files
            evt0_list   --- a list of extracted hrc evt0 file names
            sci_list    --- a list of extracted secondary sci fits files
            hk_list     --- a list of extracted hrchk fits files
#--- extreact hrc evt0 files
    sci_list = []
    hk_list  = []
    evt0_list = extract_fits_files(time_list, 'hrc', '0', 'evt0')

    if len(evt0_list) == 0:
        return [[], [], []]
#--- make sure that the files extracted are in the given time periods
    evt0_cleaned = []
    for evt0_file in evt0_list:
        #tstart    = hcf.read_header_value(evt0_file, 'tstart')
        #tstop     = hcf.read_header_value(evt0_file, 'tstop')
        [cols, fdata] = hcf.read_fits_file(evt0_file)
        tdata = fdata['time']
        tstart = tdata.min()
        tstop  = tdata.max()

        chk = 0
        for k in range(0, len(time_list[0])):

            cstart = time_list[0][k]
            cstop  = time_list[1][k]

            if ((tstart >= cstart) and (tstop <= cstop)):
                chk = 1

        if chk == 0:
#--- extract corresponding ss and hk files
        atemp     = re.split('hrcf', evt0_file)
        btemp     = re.split('_', atemp[1])
        head      = 'hrcf' + btemp[0]

        [ss_name, hk_name] = extract_supple_fits_files([[cstart], [cstop]], head)

    return [evt0_cleaned, sci_list, hk_list]
Exemple #3
def find_evt_stat(efits, chip_id=''):
    find count rate, pha postion from hrc evt 1 file
    input   efits   --- hrc evt1 fits file name
            chip_id     --- chip_id for hrc_s_125 and hrc_s_90; default: 0
    output: date_obs    --- date of observation
            tstart      --- starting time in seconds from 1998.1.1
            tstop       --- stopping time in seconds from 1998.1.1
            avg         --- average of pha
            med         --- mediam of pha
            std         --- standard deviation of pha
            duration    --- duration of the evt1 data
            tcnt        --- the number of entries
            cnt_p_sec   --- counts per second
    #--- read values from header
    date_obs = hcf.read_header_value(efits, 'date-obs')
    tstart = hcf.read_header_value(efits, 'tstart')
    tstop = hcf.read_header_value(efits, 'tstop')
    #--- read data
    [cols, tbdata] = hcf.read_fits_file(efits)
    #--- if chip_id is given, select out the data for the chip_id
    if chip_id != '':
        tbdata = hcf.select_data_with_condition(tbdata, 'chip_id', '==',
#--- find stat of pha
    [avg, med, std, vmin, vmax, vcnt] = get_basic_stat(tbdata['pha'])
    #--- find time related quantities
    time = tbdata['time']
    [tavg, tmed, tstd, tmin, tmax, tcnt] = get_basic_stat(tbdata['time'])
    #--- compute duration etc
    duration = tmax - tmin
    if duration > 0:
        cnt_p_sec = tcnt / duration
        cnt_p_sec = 0

    return [date_obs, tstart, tstop, avg, med, std, duration, tcnt, cnt_p_sec]
Exemple #4
def create_data_period(start, stop, dlist, colname='', lgc='', val=''):
    create a pair of time lists which indicate when tscpos is in positive side
    input:  start       --- starting time in mm/dd/yy,hh:mm:ss or seconds from 1998.1.1
            stop        --- stopping time in mm/dd/yy,hh:mm:ss or seconds from 1998.1.1
            dlist       --- a list of fits file names
            colname     --- if given, the following two must be given. default: ''
            lgc         --- logical indicator such as "<=", "==". not effective unless colname is given
            val         --- value of the condition. not effective unless colname is given
    output: start_list  --- a list of starting time in format of seconds from 1998.1.1
            stop_list   --- a list of stopping tine in format of seconds from 1998.1.1
    #--- check time format
    if (not isinstance(start, float)) and (not isinstance(start, int)):
        start = hcf.convertto1998sec(start)
        stop = hcf.convertto1998sec(stop)

    time_list = []
    chk = 0
    for fits in dlist:
        #--- extract time and tscpos information from fits file
        [cols_in, hdata] = hcf.read_fits_file(fits)
        #--- if an extra condition is given, run the next
        if colname != '':
            hdata = hcf.select_data_with_condition(hdata, colname, lgc, val)

        tlist = list(hdata.field('TIME'))

        if chk == 0:
            time_list = tlist
            chk = 1
            time_list = time_list + tlist
#--- create two lists: starting time and ending time
    time_list = sort_and_clean(time_list)

    t_lists = find_time_span(time_list, start, stop)

    return t_lists
Exemple #5
    def test_run_hrc_process(self):

        infits  = house_keeping + '/Test_data/hrcf567231386N001_evt0.fits.gz'
        outfits = house_keeping + '/Test_data/hrcf567231386N001_evt1.fits.gz'
        inst    = 'hrc-i'
        rsrfalv = 116
        wdthast = 2

        run_hrc_process(infits, inst, rsrfalv, wdthast)

        [cols, tbdata] = hcf.read_fits_file(outfits)

        crsv = list(tbdata['crsv'])
        self.assertEquals(crsv[:10], [13, 18, 25, 22, 58, 4, 21, 41, 30, 57])

Exemple #6
    def test_extract_data_and_combine(self):

        time_list = [[553651195], [553694395]]
        detector = 'hrc'
        level = 0
        filetype = 'hrchk'
        name = 'test_hk.fits'
        comp = [43, 43, 43, 43, 43]

        extract_data_and_combine(time_list, detector, level, filetype, name)

        [cols, tbdata] = hcf.read_fits_file(name)
        tout = tbdata['SPTPAST']
        self.assertEquals(list(tout[:5]), comp)

Exemple #7
def find_start_and_end(fits):
    find start and stop time of the data table in the fits file
    input:  fits    --- the name of the fits file
    output: start   --- starting time in seconds from 1998.1.1
            stop    --- stopping time in seconds from 1998.1.1
    [cols, tbdata] = hcf.read_fits_file(fits)
    time = tbdata['time']
        start = numpy.min(time)
        stop = numpy.max(time)
        start = 0
        stop = 0

    return [start, stop]
Exemple #8
def find_hvlv(hk_file):
    find values of s2hvst and shvlv from hrc hk files
    input:  hk_file --- a hrc hk fits file name
    output: s2hvst_avg  --- average of s2hvst
            s2hvlv_avg  --- average of shvlv
    [cols, tbdata] = hcf.read_fits_file(hk_file)

    [s2hvst_avg, med, std, vmin, vmax, vcnt] = get_basic_stat(tbdata['s2hvst'])
    [s2hvlv_avg, med, std, vmin, vmax, vcnt] = get_basic_stat(tbdata['s2hvlv'])
    #--- make sure that the values are integer
    s2hvst_avg = int(s2hvst_avg + 0.5)
    s2hvlv_avg = int(s2hvlv_avg + 0.5)

    return [s2hvst_avg, s2hvlv_avg]
Exemple #9
def find_antico_rate(ss_file, tstart, tstop):
    find a ratio of valid/total of anti-co data
    input:  ss_file --- science fits file name
            tstart  --- starting time in seconds from 1998.1.1
            tstop   --- stopping tine in seconds from 1998.1.1
    output: tstat   --- statistics of tlevart column
            vstat   --- statistics of vlevart column
            sstat   --- statistics of shevart column
            astat   --- statistics of antico values
            see get_basic_stat for output (a list of statistics)
    [cols, tbdata] = hcf.read_fits_file(ss_file)

    tbdata = hcf.select_data_with_condition(tbdata, 'time', ">=", tstart)
    tbdata = hcf.select_data_with_condition(tbdata, 'time', "<=", tstop)
    #--- remove outlyers; the first several entries are not reliable
    tbdata = hcf.select_data_with_condition(tbdata, 'tlevart', ">", 0)
    tbdata = hcf.select_data_with_condition(tbdata, 'tlevart', "<", 500)
    tbdata = hcf.select_data_with_condition(tbdata, 'vlevart', ">", 0)
    tbdata = hcf.select_data_with_condition(tbdata, 'vlevart', "<", 300)

    tlevart = tbdata['tlevart']
    vlevart = tbdata['vlevart']
    shevart = tbdata['shevart']
    #--- compute antico values
    antico = vlevart / tlevart  #--- array / array gives array
    #--- compute basic statistics for each column
    tstat = get_basic_stat(tlevart)
    vstat = get_basic_stat(vlevart)
    sstat = get_basic_stat(shevart)
    astat = get_basic_stat(antico)
    #--- output are in a list: [avg, med, std, min, max, cnt]
    return [tstat, vstat, sstat, astat]
Exemple #10
def find_scint(tstart, tstop):
    find integrated EPHIN flux
    input: tstart   --- starting time in seconds from 1998.1.1
           tstop    --- stopping time in seconds from 1998.1.1
    output; avg     --- average of ephin flux
            std     --- standard deviation of flux
    #--- extract ephin data
    hcf.run_arc5gl('retrieve', tstart, tstop, dataset='flight',detector='ephin',\
    #--- create extracted fits file list
    ldir = exc_dir + 'Temp_dir/'
    flist = hcf.get_file_list(ldir, 'lc1.fits.gz')
    #--- combine all fits files into one
    hcf.combine_fits_files(flist, 'ztemp.fits', azip=0)
    [cols, tbdata] = hcf.read_fits_file('ztemp.fits')
    #--- limit data to between tstart and tstop
    tbdata = hcf.select_data_with_condition(tbdata, 'time', ">=", tstart)
    tbdata = hcf.select_data_with_condition(tbdata, 'time', "<=", tstop)
    #--- compute the basic stat
    [avg, med, std, vmin, vmax, vcnt] = get_basic_stat(tbdata['scint'])

    cmd = 'rm ztemp.fits' + '*'

    if hcf.check_file_in_dir(ldir):
        cmd = 'rm  ' + ldir + '*'

    return [avg, std]
Exemple #11
def get_dead_period(obsid):
    extract time periods which is dtf <= 0.98
    input: obsid    --- obsid
    output: pstart  --- starting time
            pstop   --- stoppping time
                          these are +/- 2 of the center value listed on dtf fits file
    #--- get hrc dtf fits file
    dtf = hcf.run_arc5gl(start='',
    #--- read out time and dtf column from the fits file
    tdata = hscf.read_fits_file(dtf)
    tout = hscf.extract_col_data(tdata[1], ['time', 'dtf'])

    #--- find the period which match the condition (dtf<=0.98)
    pstart = []
    pstop = []
    for k in range(0, len(tout)):
        if tout[k][1] <= 0.98:
            time = int(float(tout[k][0]))
            #--- take the period to be +/- 2 of the center value listed
            pstart.append(time - 2)
            pstop.append(time + 2)

    return [pstart, pstop]
Exemple #12
def estimate_rsrfalv_wdthast(fname):
    estimate RSRFALV and WDTHAST value from a hk fits file
    input:  fname   --- hk fits file
    output: rval    --- estimated RSRFALV
            wval    --- esimtated WDTHAST
    [cols, tbdata] = hcf.read_fits_file(fname)

    rdata = tbdata['rsrfalv']
    if len(rdata) > 0:
        ravg = rdata.mean()
        rval = int(2.0 * (ravg - 127) + 0.5)
        rval = 116

    wdata = tbdata['wdthast']
    if len(wdata) > 0:
        wval = int(wdata.mean())
        wval = 2

    return [rval, wval]