def camTlaser(res=np.zeros(7)): # @ Duke, res = np.array([0.8, 0.9, -1.7, 3.1, 0.061, 0.032, -0.035 ]) rot = tr.Ry(math.radians(0.0 + res[0])) * tr.Rz( math.radians(0.0 + res[1])) * tr.Rx( math.radians(-90.0 + res[2])) * tr.Rz(math.radians(-90.0 + res[3])) disp = np.matrix([res[4], res[5], res[6]]).T + np.matrix([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]).T return tr.composeHomogeneousTransform(rot, disp)
def residualXform( residuals ): ''' residuals are np.array([ Rz2, Rx, Rz1, dx, dy, dz ]) returns rotResid, dispResid ''' rotResid = tr.Rz( residuals[0] ) * tr.Rx( residuals[1] ) * tr.Rz( residuals[2] ) dispResid = np.matrix([ residuals[3], residuals[4], residuals[5] ]).T return rotResid, dispResid
def get_wrist_force(self, arm): if arm == 'right_arm' and self.ftclient_r != None: return self.get_wrist_force_netft('r') if arm == 'left_arm' and self.ftclient_l != None: return self.get_wrist_force_netft('l') m = [] lc = self.fts[arm] m.append(lc.get_Fx_mN() / 1000.) m.append(lc.get_Fy_mN() / 1000.) m.append(-lc.get_Fz_mN() / 1000.) m.append(lc.get_Tx_mNm() / 1000.) m.append(lc.get_Ty_mNm() / 1000.) m.append(-lc.get_Tz_mNm() / 1000.) m = np.matrix(m).T r = tr.Rz(math.radians(-30.0)) m1 = r * m[0:3, :] m1[1, 0] = -m1[1, 0] m1[2, 0] = -m1[2, 0] m2 = r * m[3:, :] m2[1, 0] = -m2[1, 0] m2[2, 0] = -m2[2, 0] return np.row_stack((m1, m2))
def get_wrist_torque(self, arm): m = [] lc = self.fts[arm] m = tr.Rz(math.radians(-30.0)) * np.matrix(m).T m[1, 0] = -m[1, 0] m[2, 0] = -m[2, 0] return m
def search_and_hook(self, arm, hook_angle, hook_loc, angle, hooking_force_threshold = 5.): #rot_mat = tr.Rz(hook_angle) * tr.Rx(angle) * tr.Ry(math.radians(-90)) rot_mat = rot_mat_from_angles(hook_angle, angle) if arm == 'right_arm': hook_dir = np.matrix([0.,1.,0.]).T # hook direc in home position elif arm == 'left_arm': hook_dir = np.matrix([0.,-1.,0.]).T # hook direc in home position else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown arm: %s', arm) start_loc = hook_loc + rot_mat.T * hook_dir * -0.03 # 3cm direc opposite to hook. # vector normal to surface and pointing into the surface. normal_tl = tr.Rz(-angle) * np.matrix([1.0,0.,0.]).T pt1 = start_loc - normal_tl * 0.1 pt1[2,0] -= 0.02 # funny error in meka control code? or is it gravity comp? self.firenze.go_cartesian(arm, pt1, rot_mat, speed=0.2) vec = normal_tl * 0.2 s, jep = self.firenze.move_till_hit(arm, vec=vec, force_threshold=2.0, rot=rot_mat, speed=0.07) self.eq_pt_cartesian = self.firenze.FK(arm, jep) self.eq_pt_cartesian_ts = self.firenze.FK(arm, jep) self.start_pos = copy.copy(self.eq_pt_cartesian) self.q_guess = jep move_dir = rot_mat.T * hook_dir arg_list = [arm, move_dir, rot_mat, hooking_force_threshold] s, jep = self.compliant_motion(self.equi_generator_surface_follow, 0.05, arm, arg_list) return s, jep
def setup_gripper_palm_taxels_transforms(self): self.link_name_gripper_palm = '/%s_gripper_palm_link'%(self.arm) n_taxels = 2 = [None for i in range(n_taxels)] idx_list = [0, 1] x_disp = [0.06, 0.06] y_disp = [-0.02, 0.02] z_disp = [0., 0.] x_ang = [-math.pi/2, math.pi/2] y_ang = [0, 0] z_ang = [math.pi/4, -math.pi/4] for i in range(n_taxels): t = Transform() t.translation.x = x_disp[i] t.translation.y = y_disp[i] t.translation.z = z_disp[i] rot_mat = tr.Rz(z_ang[i])*tr.Ry(y_ang[i])*tr.Rx(x_ang[i]) quat = tr.matrix_to_quaternion(rot_mat) t.rotation.x = quat[0] t.rotation.y = quat[1] t.rotation.z = quat[2] t.rotation.w = quat[3][idx_list[i]] = t
def fill_grid(self, pts, ignore_z=False): if ignore_z: idx = np.where( np.min( np.multiply(pts[0:2, :] > self.brf[0:2, :], pts[0:2, :] < self.tlb[0:2, :]), 0))[1] else: idx = np.where( np.min( np.multiply(pts[0:3, :] > self.brf, pts[0:3, :] < self.tlb), 0))[1] if idx.shape[1] == 0: print 'aha!' return pts = pts[:, idx.A1.tolist()] # Find coordinates p_all = np.round((pts[0:3, :] - self.brf) / self.resolution) # Rotate points pts[0:3, :] = tr.Rz(self.rotation_z).T * pts[0:3, :] for i, p in enumerate(p_all.astype('int').T): if ignore_z: p[0, 2] = 0 if np.any(p < 0) or np.any(p >= self.grid_shape.T): continue tup = tuple(p.A1) self.grid_points_list[tup[0] + self.grid_shape[0, 0] * tup[1] + self.grid_shape[0, 0] * self.grid_shape[1, 0] * tup[2]].append( pts[:, i]) self.grid[tuple(p.A1)] += 1
def setup_forearm_taxels_transforms(self): n_circum = 4 n_axis = 3 self.link_name_forearm = '/wrist_LEFT' rad = 0.04 dist_along_axis = 0.065 angle_along_circum = 2 * math.pi / n_circum offset_along_axis = 0.02 offset_along_circum = math.radians(-45) n_taxels = n_circum * n_axis = [None for i in range(n_taxels)] # mapping the taxels to the raw ADC list. idx_list = [6, 9, 0, 3, 7, 10, 1, 4, 8, 11, 2, 5] for i in range(n_axis): for j in range(n_circum): t = Transform() ang = j * angle_along_circum + offset_along_circum t.translation.x = rad * math.cos(ang) t.translation.y = rad * math.sin(ang) t.translation.z = offset_along_axis + i * dist_along_axis rot_mat = tr.Rz(-ang) * tr.Ry(math.radians(-90)) quat = tr.matrix_to_quaternion(rot_mat) t.rotation.x = quat[0] t.rotation.y = quat[1] t.rotation.z = quat[2] t.rotation.w = quat[3][idx_list[i * n_circum + j]] = t
def setup_pps_left_taxels_transforms(self): self.link_name_left_pps = '/%s_gripper_l_finger_tip_link'%(self.arm) n_taxels = 3 = [None for i in range(n_taxels)] idx_list = [0, 1, 2] x_disp = [0.03, 0.012, 0.012] y_disp = [-0.01, -0.01, -0.01] z_disp = [0.0, -0.011, 0.011] x_ang = [0., math.pi, 0.] y_ang = [-math.pi/2., 0., 0.] z_ang = [0., 0., 0.] for i in range(n_taxels): t = Transform() t.translation.x = x_disp[i] t.translation.y = y_disp[i] t.translation.z = z_disp[i] rot_mat = tr.Rz(z_ang[i])*tr.Ry(y_ang[i])*tr.Rx(x_ang[i]) quat = tr.matrix_to_quaternion(rot_mat) t.rotation.x = quat[0] t.rotation.y = quat[1] t.rotation.z = quat[2] t.rotation.w = quat[3][idx_list[i]] = t
def ft_to_camera_3(force_tool, moment_tool, hand_rot_matrix, number, return_moment_cam = False): # hc == hand checkerboard hc_rot_tool = tr.Rx(math.radians(90)) * tr.Ry(math.radians(180.)) * tr.Rz(math.radians(30.)) while number != 1: hc_rot_tool = tr.Ry(math.radians(90.)) * hc_rot_tool number = number-1 force_hc = hc_rot_tool * force_tool moment_hc = hc_rot_tool * moment_tool p_ft_hooktip = np.matrix([0.0, -0.08, 0.00]).T # vector from FT sensor to the tip of the hook in hook checker coordinates. # p_ft_hooktip = np.matrix([0.0, -0.08 - 0.034, 0.00]).T # vector from FT sensor to the tip of the hook in hook checker coordinates. p_ft_hooktip = hand_rot_matrix * p_ft_hooktip force_cam = hand_rot_matrix * force_hc # force at hook base in camera coordinates moment_cam = hand_rot_matrix * moment_hc force_at_hook_tip = force_cam moment_at_hook_tip = moment_cam + np.matrix(np.cross(-p_ft_hooktip.A1, force_cam.A1)).T # if np.linalg.norm(moment_at_hook_tip) > 0.7: # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if return_moment_cam: return force_at_hook_tip, moment_at_hook_tip, moment_cam else: return force_at_hook_tip, moment_at_hook_tip
def setup_forearm_twenty_two_taxels_transforms(self): self.link_name_forearm = '/%s_forearm_link'%(self.arm) n_taxels = 22 = [Transform()] * n_taxels # [Transform() for i in range(n_taxels)] #[None for i in range(n_taxels)] idx_list = [14, 10, 16, 8, 9, 12, 0, 1, 4, 19, 21, 15, 7, 13, 2, 3, 6, 5, 20, 17, 11, 18] x_disp = [.16, .23, .3, .16, .23, .3, .16, .23, .3, .16, .23, .3, .17, .28, .17, .28, .17, .28, .17, .28, .34, .34] y_disp = [0., 0., 0., -0.06, -0.06, -0.06, 0., 0., 0., 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, -0.05, -0.05, -0.05, -0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05 ,-0.05, 0.05] z_disp = [0.04, 0.02, 0.03, 0., 0., 0., -0.05, -0.05, -0.05, 0., 0., 0., 0.04, 0.02, -0.04, -0.04, -0.04, -0.04, 0.04, 0.02, 0., 0.] x_ang = [0, 0, 0, -math.pi/2, -math.pi/2, -math.pi/2, math.pi, math.pi, math.pi, math.pi/2, math.pi/2, math.pi/2, -math.pi/4, -math.pi/4, -3*math.pi/4, -3*math.pi/4, 3*math.pi/4, 3*math.pi/4, math.pi/4, math.pi/4, math.radians(-30), math.radians(30)] y_ang = [-math.pi/4, math.radians(-15), math.radians(20), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, math.radians(-60), math.radians(-60)] z_ang = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] for i in range(n_taxels): t = Transform() t.translation.x = x_disp[i] t.translation.y = y_disp[i] t.translation.z = z_disp[i] rot_mat = tr.Rz(z_ang[i])*tr.Ry(y_ang[i])*tr.Rx(x_ang[i]) quat = tr.matrix_to_quaternion(rot_mat) t.rotation.x = quat[0] t.rotation.y = quat[1] t.rotation.z = quat[2] t.rotation.w = quat[3][idx_list[i]] = t
def setup_gripper_right_link_taxels_transforms(self): self.link_name_gripper_right_link = '/%s_gripper_r_finger_link'%(self.arm) n_taxels = 4 = [None for i in range(n_taxels)] idx_list = [0, 1, 2, 3] x_disp = [.03, .04, .03, 0.1] y_disp = [-0.02, -0.04, -0.02, -0.02] z_disp = [0.03, 0., -0.03, 0.] x_ang = [0, -math.pi/2, math.pi, -math.pi/2] y_ang = [math.radians(-5), 0, math.radians(5), 0] z_ang = [0, math.radians(-10), 0, -math.pi/4] for i in range(n_taxels): t = Transform() t.translation.x = x_disp[i] t.translation.y = y_disp[i] t.translation.z = z_disp[i] rot_mat = tr.Rz(z_ang[i])*tr.Ry(y_ang[i])*tr.Rx(x_ang[i]) quat = tr.matrix_to_quaternion(rot_mat) t.rotation.x = quat[0] t.rotation.y = quat[1] t.rotation.z = quat[2] t.rotation.w = quat[3][idx_list[i]] = t
def reposition_robot(self,hook_location,turn_angle,hook_angle,position_number=2): h = self.workspace_dict[hook_angle]['height'] max_z_height = 1.3 min_z_height = 0.5 h_desired = self.z.get_position_meters()+hook_location[2,0]-h print 'h_desired:',h_desired print 'h:',h h_achieve = ut.bound(h_desired,max_z_height,min_z_height) h_err = h_desired-h_achieve h = h+h_err print 'h_achieve:',h_achieve wkd = self.workspace_dict[hook_angle]['pts'] k = wkd.keys() k_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(np.array(k)-h)) wrkspc_pts = wkd[k[k_idx]] # good_location = np.matrix([0.45,-0.35,h]).T good_location = wrkspc_pts.mean(1) good_location = np.matrix(good_location.A1.tolist()+[h]).T if position_number == 1: good_location[0,0] += 0.0 good_location[1,0] -= 0.1 elif position_number == 2: good_location[0,0] += 0.0 good_location[1,0] -= 0.0 elif position_number == 3: good_location[0,0] += 0.0 good_location[1,0] += 0.1 else: good_location[0,0] -= 0.1 good_location[1,0] -= 0.0 good_location = mcf.mecanumTglobal(mcf.globalTtorso(good_location)) hook_location = mcf.mecanumTglobal(mcf.globalTtorso(hook_location)) v = tr.Rz(-turn_angle)*good_location move_vector = hook_location - v pose1 = self.segway_pose.get_pose() self.segway_command_node.go_xya_pos_local(move_vector[0,0],move_vector[1,0], turn_angle,blocking=False) self.z.torque_move_position(h_achieve) print 'before waiting for segway to stop moving.' self.segway_command_node.wait_for_tolerance_pos(0.03,0.03,math.radians(4)) print 'after segway has stopped moving.' pose2 = self.segway_pose.get_pose() hl_new = vop.transform_pts_local(hook_location[0:2,:],pose1,pose2) h_err = h_desired-self.z.get_position_meters() g = np.matrix(hl_new.A1.tolist()+[good_location[2,0]+h_err]).T g = mcf.torsoTglobal(mcf.globalTmecanum(g)) angle_turned = pose2[2]-pose1[2] angle_error = tr.angle_within_mod180(turn_angle-angle_turned) self.segway_pose.set_origin() # re-origining for the manipulation behaviors return g, angle_error
def get_wrist_force(self, arm): m = [] lc = self.fts[arm] m.append(lc.get_Fx_mN() / 1000.) m.append(lc.get_Fy_mN() / 1000.) m.append(-lc.get_Fz_mN() / 1000.) m = tr.Rz(math.radians(-30.0)) * np.matrix(m).T m[1, 0] = -m[1, 0] m[2, 0] = -m[2, 0] return m
def ft_to_camera(force_tool, hand_rot_matrix, number): # hc == hand checkerboard hc_rot_tool = tr.Rx(math.radians(90)) * tr.Ry(math.radians(180.)) * tr.Rz( math.radians(30.)) while number != 1: hc_rot_tool = tr.Ry(math.radians(90.)) * hc_rot_tool number = number - 1 force_hc = hc_rot_tool * force_tool return hand_rot_matrix * force_hc
def get_wrist_force_netft(self, arm): if arm == 'r': w = elif arm == 'l': w = r = tr.Rz(math.radians(30.)) f = r * w[0:3] t = r * w[0:3] f[1, 0] = f[1, 0] * -1 t[1, 0] = t[1, 0] * -1 return np.row_stack((f, t))
def error_function(params): mx, my, ma = params[0], params[1], params[2] mx, my, ma = mx / scale_x, my / scale_y, ma / scale_a #x,y = params[0],params[1] pts_in = point_contained(mx, my, ma, cx, cy, rad, pts, start_angle, end_angle, buffer) p = tr.Rz(ma) * curr_pos - np.matrix([mx, my, 0.]).T p_eq = tr.Rz(ma) * eq_pos - np.matrix([mx, my, 0.]).T dist_moved = math.sqrt(mx * mx + my * my) + abs(ma) * 0.2 dist_bndry = dist_from_boundary(p_eq, bndry, pts) alpha = math.pi - (start_angle - ma) if alpha < min_alpha: alpha_cost = min_alpha - alpha elif alpha > max_alpha: alpha_cost = alpha - max_alpha else: alpha_cost = 0. alpha_cost = alpha_cost * alpha_weight move_cost = dist_moved * dist_moved_weight bndry_cost = dist_bndry * bndry_weight pts_in_cost = pts_in.shape[1] / 1000. * pts_in_weight # print '---------------------------------' # print 'alpha:',math.degrees(alpha) # print 'alpha_cost:',alpha_cost # print 'mx,my:',mx,my # print 'dist_moved:',dist_moved # print 'dist_bndry:',dist_bndry # print 'pts_in.shape[1]:',pts_in.shape[1] # print 'move_cost:', move_cost # print 'bndry_cost:',bndry_cost # print 'pts_in_cost:',pts_in_cost # return -pts_in.shape[1]+dist_moved - bndry_cost err = -pts_in_cost - bndry_cost + move_cost + alpha_cost # print 'error function value:',err return err
def utmcam0Tglobal_mat(ang): thok0Tglobal_mat = tr.invertHomogeneousTransform(_globalT['thok0']) # servo angle. disp = np.matrix([0.,0.,0.]).T tmat = tr.composeHomogeneousTransform(tr.Ry(ang),disp)*thok0Tglobal_mat # cameraTlaser from x = 0.012 y = -0.056 z = 0.035 r1 = 0. r2 = 0. r3 = -0.7 disp = np.matrix([-x,-y,-z]).T r = tr.Rz(math.radians(-90))*tr.Ry(math.radians(90.)) disp = r*disp r = r*tr.Rx(math.radians(r1)) r = r*tr.Ry(math.radians(r2)) r = r*tr.Rz(math.radians(r3)) t = tr.composeHomogeneousTransform(r, disp) tmat = t*tmat return tmat
def make_darci_ee_marker(ps, color, orientation=None, marker_array=None, control=None, mesh_id_start=0, ns="darci_ee", offset=-0.14): mesh_id = mesh_id_start # this is the palm piece mesh = Marker() mesh.ns = ns #mesh.mesh_use_embedded_materials = True mesh.scale = Vector3(1., 1., 1.) mesh.color = ColorRGBA(*color) # stub_end_effector.dae # stub_end_effector_mini45.dae # tube_with_ati_collisions.dae # wedge_blender.dae # mesh.mesh_resource = "package://hrl_dynamic_mpc/meshes/tube_with_ati_collisions.dae" mesh.mesh_resource = "package://hrl_dynamic_mpc/meshes/Darci_Flipper.stl" mesh.type = Marker.MESH_RESOURCE #rot_default = tr.Ry(np.radians(-90))*tr.Rz(np.radians(90)) rot_default = tr.Ry(np.radians(0)) * tr.Rz(np.radians(90)) if orientation == None: orientation = [0, 0, 0, 1] rot_buf = tr.quaternion_to_matrix(orientation) orientation = tr.matrix_to_quaternion(rot_buf * rot_default) mesh.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*orientation) mesh.pose.position.x = offset if control != None: control.markers.append(mesh) elif marker_array != None: mesh.pose.position = ps.pose.position mesh.header.frame_id = ps.header.frame_id = mesh_id marker_array.markers.append(mesh) if control != None: control.interaction_mode = InteractiveMarkerControl.BUTTON return control elif marker_array != None: return marker_array
def test_elbow_angle(): firenze = hr.M3HrlRobot(connect=False) rot_mat = tr.Rz(math.radians(-90.))*tr.Ry(math.radians(-90)) x_list = [0.55,0.45,0.35] y = -0.2 z = -0.23 for x in x_list: p0 = np.matrix([x,y,z]).T q = firenze.IK('right_arm',p0,rot_mat) # q[1] = math.radians(15) # q = firenze.IK('right_arm',p0,rot_mat,q_guess = q) elbow_angle = firenze.elbow_plane_angle('right_arm',q) print '---------------------------------------' print 'ee position:', p0.A1 # print 'joint angles:', q print 'elbow_angle:', math.degrees(elbow_angle)
def create_grid(brf, tlb, resolution, pos_list, scan_list, l1, l2, display_flag=False, show_pts=True, rotation_angle=0., occupancy_threshold=1): ''' rotation angle - about the Z axis. ''' max_dist = np.linalg.norm(tlb) + 0.2 min_dist = brf[0, 0] min_angle, max_angle = math.radians(-60), math.radians(60) all_pts = generate_pointcloud(pos_list, scan_list, min_angle, max_angle, l1, l2, max_dist=max_dist, min_dist=min_dist) rot_mat = tr.Rz(rotation_angle) all_pts_rot = rot_mat * all_pts gr = og3d.occupancy_grid_3d(brf, tlb, resolution, rotation_z=rotation_angle) gr.fill_grid(all_pts_rot) gr.to_binary(occupancy_threshold) if display_flag == True: if show_pts: d3m.plot_points(all_pts, color=(0., 0., 0.)) cube_tups = gr.grid_lines(rotation_angle=rotation_angle) d3m.plot_cuboid(cube_tups) return gr
def create_overhead_grasp_choice_grid(pt, pos_list, scan_list, l1, l2, far_dist, display_list=None): # y_pos = max(pt[1,0]+0.1,0.1) # y_neg = min(pt[1,0]-0.1,-0.1) # # brf = np.matrix([0.2,y_neg,0.0]).T # tlb = np.matrix([pt[0,0]+far_dist,y_pos,pt[2,0]+0.75]).T # # resolution = np.matrix([0.02,0.02,0.02]).T y_pos = 0.1 y_neg = -0.1 r = np.linalg.norm(pt[0:2, 0]) brf = np.matrix([0.25, y_neg, 0.0]).T tlb = np.matrix([r + far_dist, y_pos, pt[2, 0] + 0.75]).T resolution = np.matrix([0.02, 0.02, 0.02]).T rotation_angle = math.atan2(pt[1, 0], pt[0, 0]) print 'rotation_angle:', math.degrees(rotation_angle) gr = create_grid(brf, tlb, resolution, pos_list, scan_list, l1, l2, display_list, rotation_angle=rotation_angle) if display_list != None: collide_pts = gr.grid_to_points() if collide_pts.shape[1] > 0: collide_pts = tr.Rz(rotation_angle).T * gr.grid_to_points() display_list.insert(0, pu.PointCloud(collide_pts, color=(0, 0, 0))) return gr
def point_contained(mx, my, ma, cx, cy, rad, pts, start_angle, end_angle, buffer): if abs(mx) > 0.2 or abs(my) > 0.2 or abs(ma) > math.radians(40): # print 'too large a motion for point_contained' return np.array([[]]) pts_t = pts + np.matrix([mx, my]).T pts_t = tr.Rz(-ma)[0:2, 0:2] * pts_t r, t = cartesian_to_polar(pts_t - np.matrix([cx, cy]).T) t = np.mod(t, math.pi * 2) # I want theta to be b/w 0 and 2pi if start_angle < end_angle: f = np.row_stack((r < rad + buffer, r > rad - buffer / 2., t < end_angle, t > start_angle)) else: f = np.row_stack((r < rad + buffer, r > rad - buffer / 2., t < start_angle, t > end_angle)) idxs = np.where(np.all(f, 0)) r_filt = r[idxs] t_filt = t[idxs] return polar_to_cartesian(r_filt, t_filt) + np.matrix([cx, cy]).T
def ft_to_camera(force_tool, hand_rot_matrix, hand_pos_matrix, mech_pos_matrix, number): # hc == hand checkerboard hc_rot_tool = tr.Rx(math.radians(90)) * tr.Ry(math.radians(180.)) * tr.Rz(math.radians(30.)) while number != 1: hc_rot_tool = tr.Ry(math.radians(90.)) * hc_rot_tool number = number-1 force_hc = hc_rot_tool * force_tool p_hc_ft = np.matrix([0.04, 0.01, 0.09]).T # vector from hook checkerboard origin to the base of the FT sensor in hook checker coordinates. # vec from FT sensor to mechanism checker origin in camera coordinates. p_ft_mech = -hand_pos_matrix + mech_pos_matrix - hand_rot_matrix * p_hc_ft force_cam = hand_rot_matrix * force_hc # force at hook base in camera coordinates moment_cam = hand_rot_matrix * moment_hc force_at_mech_origin = force_cam moment_at_mech_origin = moment_cam + np.matrix(np.cross(-p_ft_mech.A1, force_cam.A1)).T return hand_rot_matrix * force_hc
def create_vertical_plane_grid(pt, pos_list, scan_list, l1, l2, rotation_angle, display_list=None): rot_mat = tr.Rz(rotation_angle) t_pt = rot_mat * pt brf = t_pt + np.matrix([-0.2, -0.3, -0.2]).T tlb = t_pt + np.matrix([0.2, 0.3, 0.2]).T resolution = np.matrix([0.005, 0.02, 0.02]).T return create_grid(brf, tlb, resolution, pos_list, scan_list, l1, l2, display_list, rotation_angle=rotation_angle, occupancy_threshold=1)
def get_firm_hook(self, hook_angle): rot_mat = tr.Rz(hook_angle - hook_3dprint_angle) * tr.Ry( math.radians(-90)) # move in the +x until contact. vec = np.matrix([0.08, 0., 0.]).T self.firenze.move_till_hit('right_arm', vec=vec, force_threshold=2.0, rot=rot_mat, speed=0.05) # now move in direction of hook. vec = tr.rotX(-hook_angle) * np.matrix([0., 0.05, 0.]).T self.firenze.move_till_hit('right_arm', vec=vec, force_threshold=5.0, rot=rot_mat, speed=0.05, bias_FT=False) self.firenze.set_arm_settings(self.settings_r, None) self.firenze.step()
def setup_upperarm_taxels_transforms(self): n_circum = 4 n_axis = 1 self.link_name_upperarm = '/%s_upper_arm_link'%(self.arm) angle_along_circum = 2*math.pi / n_circum offset_along_circum = math.radians(0) n_taxels = n_circum * n_axis = [None for i in range(n_taxels)] # mapping the taxels to the raw ADC list. # 0 - top; 1 - left; 2 - bottom; 3 - right idx_list = [3, 1, 2, 0] x_disp = [.3, .3, .3, 0] y_disp = [0.06, 0, -0.06, 0] z_disp = [-0.03, -0.09, -0.03, 0] x_ang = [0, 0, 3*math.pi/2, 0] y_ang = [math.pi/2, math.pi, 0, 0] z_ang = [math.pi/2, 0, 0, 0] for i in range(n_axis): for j in range(n_circum): t = Transform() t.translation.x = x_disp[j] t.translation.y = y_disp[j] t.translation.z = z_disp[j] rot_mat = tr.Rz(z_ang[j])*tr.Ry(y_ang[j])*tr.Rx(x_ang[j]) quat = tr.matrix_to_quaternion(rot_mat) t.rotation.x = quat[0] t.rotation.y = quat[1] t.rotation.z = quat[2] t.rotation.w = quat[3][idx_list[i*n_circum+j]] = t
def pose_arm(self, hook_angle): print 'press ENTER to pose the robot.' k = m3t.get_keystroke() if k != '\r': print 'You did not press ENTER.' return # settings_r_orig = copy.copy(self.firenze.arm_settings['right_arm']) settings_torque_gc = hr.MekaArmSettings( stiffness_list=[0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], control_mode='torque_gc') self.firenze.set_arm_settings(settings_torque_gc, None) self.firenze.step() print 'hit ENTER to end posing, something else to exit' k = m3t.get_keystroke() p = self.firenze.end_effector_pos('right_arm') q = self.firenze.get_joint_angles('right_arm') # self.firenze.set_arm_settings(settings_r_orig,None) self.firenze.set_arm_settings(self.settings_stiff, None) self.firenze.set_joint_angles('right_arm', q) self.firenze.step() self.firenze.set_joint_angles('right_arm', q) self.firenze.step() rot_mat = tr.Rz(hook_angle - hook_3dprint_angle) * tr.Ry( math.radians(-90)) self.firenze.go_cartesian('right_arm', p, rot_mat, speed=0.1) print 'hit ENTER after making finer adjustment, something else to exit' k = m3t.get_keystroke() p = self.firenze.end_effector_pos('right_arm') q = self.firenze.get_joint_angles('right_arm') self.firenze.set_joint_angles('right_arm', q) self.firenze.step()
def tiltTpan(panAng, residuals = np.zeros(6) ): rotResid, dispResid = residualXform( residuals ) rot = rotResid * tr.Rz( -1.0 * panAng ) disp = dispResid + np.matrix([ 0.07124, 0.0, 0.02243 ]).T return tr.composeHomogeneousTransform(rot, disp)
def rollTtool_pointer( residuals = np.zeros(6) ): rotResid, dispResid = residualXform( residuals ) rot = rotResid * tr.Rz( math.radians( -10.0 )) disp = dispResid + np.matrix([ 0.008, 0.0, 0.0 ]).T return tr.composeHomogeneousTransform(rot, disp)