Exemple #1
def link_irods_file_to_django(resource, filepath):
    Link a newly created irods file to Django resource model

    :param filepath: full path to file
    # link the newly created file (**filepath**) to Django resource model
    b_add_file = False
    # TODO: folder is an abstract concept... utilize short_path for whole API
    if resource:
        folder, base = ResourceFile.resource_path_is_acceptable(resource, filepath,
            ResourceFile.get(resource=resource, file=base, folder=folder)
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            # this does not copy the file from anywhere; it must exist already
            ResourceFile.create(resource=resource, file=base, folder=folder)
            b_add_file = True

        if b_add_file:
            file_format_type = get_file_mime_type(filepath)
            if file_format_type not in [mime.value for mime in resource.metadata.formats.all()]:
                resource.metadata.create_element('format', value=file_format_type)
            # this should assign a logical file object to this new file
            # if this resource supports logical file
Exemple #2
def copy_resource_files_and_AVUs(src_res_id, dest_res_id):
    Copy resource files and AVUs from source resource to target resource including both
    on iRODS storage and on Django database
    :param src_res_id: source resource uuid
    :param dest_res_id: target resource uuid
    avu_list = ['bag_modified', 'metadata_dirty', 'isPublic', 'resourceType']
    src_res = get_resource_by_shortkey(src_res_id)
    tgt_res = get_resource_by_shortkey(dest_res_id)

    # This makes the assumption that the destination is in the same exact zone.
    # Also, bags and similar attached files are not copied.
    istorage = src_res.get_irods_storage()

    # This makes an exact copy of all physical files.
    src_files = os.path.join(src_res.root_path, 'data')
    # This has to be one segment short of the source because it is a target directory.
    dest_files = tgt_res.root_path
    istorage.copyFiles(src_files, dest_files)

    src_coll = src_res.root_path
    tgt_coll = tgt_res.root_path
    for avu_name in avu_list:
        value = istorage.getAVU(src_coll, avu_name)

        # make formerly public things private
        if avu_name == 'isPublic':
            istorage.setAVU(tgt_coll, avu_name, 'false')

        # bag_modified AVU needs to be set to true for copied resource
        elif avu_name == 'bag_modified':
            istorage.setAVU(tgt_coll, avu_name, 'true')

        # everything else gets copied literally
            istorage.setAVU(tgt_coll, avu_name, value)

    # link copied resource files to Django resource model
    files = src_res.files.all()

    # if resource files are part of logical files, then logical files also need copying
    src_logical_files = list(
        set([f.logical_file for f in files if f.has_logical_file]))
    map_logical_files = {}
    for src_logical_file in src_logical_files:
        map_logical_files[src_logical_file] = src_logical_file.get_copy()

    for n, f in enumerate(files):
        folder, base = os.path.split(
            f.short_path)  # strips object information.
        new_resource_file = ResourceFile.create(tgt_res, base, folder=folder)

        # if the original file is part of a logical file, then
        # add the corresponding new resource file to the copy of that logical file
        if f.has_logical_file:
            tgt_logical_file = map_logical_files[f.logical_file]

    if src_res.resource_type.lower() == "collectionresource":
        # clone contained_res list of original collection and add to new collection
        # note that new collection resource will not contain "deleted resources"
        tgt_res.resources = src_res.resources.all()
Exemple #3
def add_file_to_resource(resource,
    Add a ResourceFile to a Resource.  Adds the 'format' metadata element to the resource.
    :param resource: Resource to which file should be added
    :param f: File-like object to add to a resource
    :param source_name: the logical file name of the resource content file for
                        federated iRODS resource or the federated zone name;
                        By default, it is empty. A non-empty value indicates
                        the file needs to be added into the federated zone, either
                        from local disk where f holds the uploaded file from local
                        disk, or from the federated zone directly where f is empty
                        but source_name has the whole data object
                        iRODS path in the federated zone
    :param source_size: the size of the reference file in source_name if is_file_reference is True; otherwise, it is
                        set to 0 and useless.
    :param move: indicate whether the file should be copied or moved from private user
                 account to proxy user account in federated zone; A value of False
                 indicates copy is needed, a value of True indicates no copy, but
                 the file will be moved from private user account to proxy user account.
                 The default value is False.
    :param is_file_reference: indicate whether the file being added is a reference to an external
                              file stored in an external zone or URL. source_name will hold
                              the reference file path or url
    :return: The identifier of the ResourceFile added.

    # importing here to avoid circular import
    from hs_file_types.models import GenericLogicalFile

    if f:

        openfile = File(f) if not isinstance(f, UploadedFile) else f
        ret = ResourceFile.create(resource,

        # add format metadata element if necessary
        file_format_type = get_file_mime_type(f.name)

    elif source_name:
            # create from existing iRODS file
            ret = ResourceFile.create(resource,
        except SessionException as ex:
            except Exception:
            # raise the exception for the calling function to inform the error on the page interface
            raise SessionException(ex.exitcode, ex.stdout, ex.stderr)

        # add format metadata element if necessary
        file_format_type = get_file_mime_type(source_name)

        raise ValueError(
            'Invalid input parameter is passed into this add_file_to_resource() '

    # TODO: generate this from data in ResourceFile rather than extension
    if file_format_type not in [
            mime.value for mime in resource.metadata.formats.all()
        resource.metadata.create_element('format', value=file_format_type)

    # if a file gets added successfully to composite resource, then better to set the generic
    # logical file here
    if resource.resource_type == "CompositeResource":
        logical_file = GenericLogicalFile.create()
        ret.logical_file_content_object = logical_file

    return ret
Exemple #4
def add_file_to_resource(resource,
    Add a ResourceFile to a Resource.  Adds the 'format' metadata element to the resource.
    :param  resource: Resource to which file should be added
    :param  f: File-like object to add to a resource
    :param  folder: folder at which the file will live
    :param  source_name: the logical file name of the resource content file for
                        federated iRODS resource or the federated zone name;
                        By default, it is empty. A non-empty value indicates
                        the file needs to be added into the federated zone, either
                        from local disk where f holds the uploaded file from local
                        disk, or from the federated zone directly where f is empty
                        but source_name has the whole data object
                        iRODS path in the federated zone
    :param  check_target_folder: if true and the resource is a composite resource then uploading
    a file to the specified folder will be validated before adding the file to the resource
    :param  add_to_aggregation: if true and the resource is a composite resource then the file
    being added to the resource also will be added to a fileset aggregation if such an aggregation
    exists in the file path
    :return: The identifier of the ResourceFile added.

    # validate parameters
    if check_target_folder and resource.resource_type != 'CompositeResource':
        raise ValidationError(
            "Resource must be a CompositeResource for validating target folder"

    if f:
        if check_target_folder and folder is not None:
            tgt_full_upload_path = os.path.join(resource.file_path, folder)
            if not resource.can_add_files(
                err_msg = "File can't be added to this folder which represents an aggregation"
                raise ValidationError(err_msg)
        openfile = File(f) if not isinstance(f, UploadedFile) else f
        ret = ResourceFile.create(resource,
        if add_to_aggregation:
            if folder is not None and resource.resource_type == 'CompositeResource':
                aggregation = resource.get_fileset_aggregation_in_path(folder)
                if aggregation is not None:
                    # make the added file part of the fileset aggregation

        # add format metadata element if necessary
        file_format_type = get_file_mime_type(f.name)

    elif source_name:
            # create from existing iRODS file
            ret = ResourceFile.create(resource,
        except SessionException as ex:
            except Exception:
            # raise the exception for the calling function to inform the error on the page interface
            raise SessionException(ex.exitcode, ex.stdout, ex.stderr)

        # add format metadata element if necessary
        file_format_type = get_file_mime_type(source_name)

        raise ValueError(
            'Invalid input parameter is passed into this add_file_to_resource() '

    # TODO: generate this from data in ResourceFile rather than extension
    if file_format_type not in [
            mime.value for mime in resource.metadata.formats.all()
        resource.metadata.create_element('format', value=file_format_type)

    return ret
Exemple #5
def add_file_to_resource(resource, f, folder=None, source_name='',
                         move=False, check_target_folder=False, add_to_aggregation=True):
    Add a ResourceFile to a Resource.  Adds the 'format' metadata element to the resource.
    :param  resource: Resource to which file should be added
    :param  f: File-like object to add to a resource
    :param  folder: folder at which the file will live
    :param  source_name: the logical file name of the resource content file for
                        federated iRODS resource or the federated zone name;
                        By default, it is empty. A non-empty value indicates
                        the file needs to be added into the federated zone, either
                        from local disk where f holds the uploaded file from local
                        disk, or from the federated zone directly where f is empty
                        but source_name has the whole data object
                        iRODS path in the federated zone
    :param  move: indicate whether the file should be copied or moved from private user
                 account to proxy user account in federated zone; A value of False
                 indicates copy is needed, a value of True indicates no copy, but
                 the file will be moved from private user account to proxy user account.
                 The default value is False.

    :param  check_target_folder: if true and the resource is a composite resource then uploading
    a file to the specified folder will be validated before adding the file to the resource
    :param  add_to_aggregation: if true and the resource is a composite resource then the file
    being added to the resource also will be added to a fileset aggregation if such an aggregation
    exists in the file path
    :return: The identifier of the ResourceFile added.

    # validate parameters
    if check_target_folder and resource.resource_type != 'CompositeResource':
        raise ValidationError("Resource must be a CompositeResource for validating target folder")

    if f:
        if check_target_folder and folder is not None:
                tgt_full_upload_path = os.path.join(resource.file_path, folder)
                if not resource.can_add_files(target_full_path=tgt_full_upload_path):
                    err_msg = "File can't be added to this folder which represents an aggregation"
                    raise ValidationError(err_msg)
        openfile = File(f) if not isinstance(f, UploadedFile) else f
        ret = ResourceFile.create(resource, openfile, folder=folder, source=None, move=False)
        if add_to_aggregation:
            if folder is not None and resource.resource_type == 'CompositeResource':
                aggregation = resource.get_fileset_aggregation_in_path(folder)
                if aggregation is not None:
                    # make the added file part of the fileset aggregation

        # add format metadata element if necessary
        file_format_type = get_file_mime_type(f.name)

    elif source_name:
            # create from existing iRODS file
            ret = ResourceFile.create(resource, None, folder=folder, source=source_name, move=move)
        except SessionException as ex:
            except Exception:
            # raise the exception for the calling function to inform the error on the page interface
            raise SessionException(ex.exitcode, ex.stdout, ex.stderr)

        # add format metadata element if necessary
        file_format_type = get_file_mime_type(source_name)

        raise ValueError('Invalid input parameter is passed into this add_file_to_resource() '

    # TODO: generate this from data in ResourceFile rather than extension
    if file_format_type not in [mime.value for mime in resource.metadata.formats.all()]:
        resource.metadata.create_element('format', value=file_format_type)

    return ret
Exemple #6
def copy_resource_files_and_AVUs(src_res_id, dest_res_id):
    Copy resource files and AVUs from source resource to target resource including both
    on iRODS storage and on Django database
    :param src_res_id: source resource uuid
    :param dest_res_id: target resource uuid
    avu_list = ['bag_modified', 'metadata_dirty', 'isPublic', 'resourceType']
    src_res = get_resource_by_shortkey(src_res_id)
    tgt_res = get_resource_by_shortkey(dest_res_id)

    # This makes the assumption that the destination is in the same exact zone.
    # Also, bags and similar attached files are not copied.
    istorage = src_res.get_irods_storage()

    # This makes an exact copy of all physical files.
    src_files = os.path.join(src_res.root_path, 'data')
    # This has to be one segment short of the source because it is a target directory.
    dest_files = tgt_res.root_path
    istorage.copyFiles(src_files, dest_files)

    src_coll = src_res.root_path
    tgt_coll = tgt_res.root_path
    for avu_name in avu_list:
        value = istorage.getAVU(src_coll, avu_name)

        # make formerly public things private
        if avu_name == 'isPublic':
            istorage.setAVU(tgt_coll, avu_name, 'false')

        # bag_modified AVU needs to be set to true for copied resource
        elif avu_name == 'bag_modified':
            istorage.setAVU(tgt_coll, avu_name, 'true')

        # everything else gets copied literally
            istorage.setAVU(tgt_coll, avu_name, value)

    # link copied resource files to Django resource model
    files = src_res.files.all()

    # if resource files are part of logical files, then logical files also need copying
    src_logical_files = list(set([f.logical_file for f in files if f.has_logical_file]))
    map_logical_files = {}
    for src_logical_file in src_logical_files:
        map_logical_files[src_logical_file] = src_logical_file.get_copy(tgt_res)

    for n, f in enumerate(files):
        folder, base = os.path.split(f.short_path)  # strips object information.
        new_resource_file = ResourceFile.create(tgt_res, base, folder=folder)

        # if the original file is part of a logical file, then
        # add the corresponding new resource file to the copy of that logical file
        if f.has_logical_file:
            tgt_logical_file = map_logical_files[f.logical_file]
            if f.logical_file.extra_data:
                tgt_logical_file.extra_data = copy.deepcopy(f.logical_file.extra_data)

    if src_res.resource_type.lower() == "collectionresource":
        # clone contained_res list of original collection and add to new collection
        # note that new collection resource will not contain "deleted resources"
        tgt_res.resources = src_res.resources.all()
Exemple #7
def add_file_to_resource(resource, f, folder=None, source_name='', move=False):
    Add a ResourceFile to a Resource.  Adds the 'format' metadata element to the resource.
    :param resource: Resource to which file should be added
    :param f: File-like object to add to a resource
    :param source_name: the logical file name of the resource content file for
                        federated iRODS resource or the federated zone name;
                        By default, it is empty. A non-empty value indicates
                        the file needs to be added into the federated zone, either
                        from local disk where f holds the uploaded file from local
                        disk, or from the federated zone directly where f is empty
                        but source_name has the whole data object
                        iRODS path in the federated zone
    :param move: indicate whether the file should be copied or moved from private user
                 account to proxy user account in federated zone; A value of False
                 indicates copy is needed, a value of True indicates no copy, but
                 the file will be moved from private user account to proxy user account.
                 The default value is False.

    :return: The identifier of the ResourceFile added.
    if f:

        openfile = File(f) if not isinstance(f, UploadedFile) else f
        ret = ResourceFile.create(resource,

        # add format metadata element if necessary
        file_format_type = get_file_mime_type(f.name)

    elif source_name:
            # create from existing iRODS file
            ret = ResourceFile.create(resource,
        except SessionException as ex:
            except Exception:
            # raise the exception for the calling function to inform the error on the page interface
            raise SessionException(ex.exitcode, ex.stdout, ex.stderr)

        # add format metadata element if necessary
        file_format_type = get_file_mime_type(source_name)

        raise ValueError(
            'Invalid input parameter is passed into this add_file_to_resource() '

    # TODO: generate this from data in ResourceFile rather than extension
    if file_format_type not in [
            mime.value for mime in resource.metadata.formats.all()
        resource.metadata.create_element('format', value=file_format_type)

    return ret